Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



In a lush forest, a very handsome man with a silver-blue hair was lying quietly under a large tree.    


He didn't know whether he was unconscious or asleep, but there were many other strange creatures around the man, such as a three-eyed tiger, a two-headed wolf, and a fire-breathing rabbit. They surrounded Long Tianhao, but no one dared to go near him.    


This forest was extremely famous in the entire Bluefire Continent because this was the world of Devil Beast, and it was also known as the Devil Beast Forest. There were countless Devil Beast here, and there were even small-scale Devil Beast s as small as mice.    


There were also colossus that caused people to be afraid. In the Devil Beast forest, there were dangers everywhere, and ordinary people rarely dared to enter the deeper parts of the forest, because there were existences which caused people to be afraid.    


Of course, Magician was the most respected because they were powerful, and they had a lot of unimaginable abilities, but it was not easy to become a Magician.    


This required one's physique to be born, which was why Magician was so rare.    


In Bluefire Continent, there were clear levels of difference between cultivating magic and fighting spirit. From low to high, Magician was: Magic Apprentice, Magic Scholar, Beginner Magician, Intermediate Magician, Advanced Magician, Magic Scholar, Magister, Great Magister, Saint Magister, and Mage.    


They are divided into ten stages. Above them is heaven, while the training of battle qi is divided into the following stages: apprentice warrior, warrior, warrior, Dou Shi, intermediate Dou Shi, Da Dou Shi, Saint Warrior, Saint Dou Shi, Da Dou Shi, Dou Shen, and Dou Shen. These stages are also ten stages.    


Every stage is meant to correspond to each other, but compared to Magician's attack, it was a little stronger.    


The Devil Beast were divided into one to ten ranks, but when they reached the ninth rank, they would be called Saint Beasts.    


And the tenth stage was known as the Divine Beast. Devil Beast of this level were extremely rare in the entire Bluefire Continent, if not this continent would have long been the world of Devil Beast.    


Of course, there were also some strange races such as Elves Clan, Dwarves, Beastmen, Dragon Clan, and other such species. These were all unique life forms that were rarely seen.    


However, they were not on good terms with the humans. After all, the humans had taken over a large portion of the land, which affected their living space. Moreover, there were many humans who had taken them as a commodity and seized them for auction.    


In terms of Bluefire Continent, there were many professions, such as thieves, adventurers, mercenaries, alchemists, smiths, etc., each profession had its advantages, of which alchemy and smithing were the most popular ones.    


After all, who wouldn't want to have pills and high-grade weapons to increase their strength? On the continent, there was a group that was very famous for being a mercenary group. They were made up of mercenaries, but their strengths were different.    


On the continent, their silhouettes could be seen everywhere. They were people who lived their lives by the edge of a blade and could face death at any time. They could be said to be a group of truly desperate criminals, so ordinary people would not go back to provoke them.    


Because that would be endless trouble. After all, if someone were to be chased down by a mercenary group, who would be able to handle it?    


At this time, the man lying under the big tree finally opened his eyes faintly and woke up. However, the moment he woke up, he found out the environment he was in and was startled. He jumped onto the tree and looked down at the large group of Devil Beast s below with a bit of fear.    


"I XXXX, why are there so many terrifying things? Why am I here? "Who am I?"    


The man cursed loudly. He was very confused as to why he was here, and who he was. He didn't even have the slightest impression of any of this.    


F * ck, let's not think about this for now. It's better to think of a way to leave this place. Big bosses, I didn't provoke you guys, look, I'm not fat and I don't have much meat.    


The man begged the Devil Beast surrounding the tree, hoping that it would leave quickly so he could dodge.    


It was as if the Devil Beast could understand the man's words. As the man pleaded, the surrounding Devil Beast slowly dispersed and in a short while, all of them disappeared. They entered the forest. It was a very magical sight.    


"Really?" That's fine, I'm not too lucky, but at least I'm safe for the time being, so let's leave this place first. "    


Looking at the Devil Beast leaving with disbelief, the man mumbled to himself and quickly descended from the tree. Afterwards, he quickly escaped from the scene, running wildly for who knows how far before finally stopping by a small lake.    


"Phew, it should be fine now, right? "I'm so tired."    


The man let out a long breath and sat down on the ground. After looking around and seeing that there were no Devil Beast around him, he let out a sigh of relief and began to rest.    


As he relaxed, the man began to think about what he had thought of before, but nothing came of it.    


"Who exactly am I? And why am I here? Where is this place? "    


The man kept asking himself.    


Just as the man was deep in thought, a lot of information suddenly appeared in his mind. This information wasn't much, but it basically answered the man's question.    


"My name is Long Tianhao?" This is the True Elemental Record, I don't know what it's used for. I want to learn the things on top of the True Elemental Record, do I know everything? It was strange, but it was also good, at least knowing what to do in the future.    


Forget it, since I'm here, I'll just take it one step at a time. But this world is really strange. Magic, warrior power, and so many strange Devil Beast.    


It's just that I don't know what stage they are at, if only they can catch a high level Devil Beast as a mount, it would be the best one that can fly. But I think it's best to think of a way to leave this place right now.    


It turned out that this person was Long Tianhao. At this moment, he was completely sealed by the mysterious person, which was why he had so many doubts after waking up. However, the information that the mysterious person left in Long Tianhao's head was soon released.    


Thus, Long Tianhao now knew his name and what he should do in the future. That was to train with this set of Elemental True Understanding. However, these things were all imprinted in Long Tianhao's mind.    


After all, the Devil Beast forest was full of danger, it was better to wait for them to leave this place and reach the human world.    


"Gu gu!"    


Just as Long Tianhao stood up, he heard a series of sounds coming from his stomach.    


"No way. I'm so hungry. If I'm going to leave, I have to find something to eat first. Otherwise, I won't have the strength to leave."    


Long Tianhao touched his belly and underestimated it a few times. Then, he searched along the lake to see if he could find anything to eat.    


"Wa, rabbit, now there's something to eat. Hehe, I'll be slow, I can't let it get away."    


Long Tianhao didn't walk too far before he found a cute rabbit eating young grass by the lake. He immediately had an idea about the rabbit. He slowly crept closer to the rabbit and wanted to make a surprise attack.    


"Haha, little rabbit, please cook my lunch obediently."    


When Long Tianhao was very close to the rabbit, he suddenly jumped out and jumped towards it while laughing wantonly.    


Unfortunately, something Long Tianhao didn't expect happened. The moment Long Tianhao jumped out, the rabbit that was eating the grass turned its head and opened its mouth to shoot a fireball at Long Tianhao.    


Due to Long Tianhao charging too fast and not knowing that B.Rabbit had this move, the fireball landed directly on Long Tianhao's face. Suddenly, Long Tianhao's face darkened, it was the result of being burnt by the fireball.    


But luckily, Long Tianhao's power was sealed, but his physical body was still incomparably strong. So, the ball of fire only blackened Long Tianhao's hair, and even Long Tianhao's hair was not harmed. However, smoke was coming out and it looked a bit funny.    


"F * ck, you only know how to spit fire, do you want to ruin my looks? Today, I will skin you alive and roast you."    


Suddenly suffering such a loss made Long Tianhao lose a lot of face. He flew into a rage and shot at the rabbit that was trying to escape. Now, he really wanted to eat the rabbit.    


The rabbit saw that the human in front of it was fine after he was hit by its fireball, so it continued to rush towards him. In a panic, the rabbit shot out two more fireballs at Long Tianhao.    


"Hmph, still trying. What do you think I am?"    


Long Tianhao coldly snorted and he dodged the attack of the fireball. The fireball hit the tree behind and it ignited some sparks. Taking advantage of that moment, Long Tianhao flew up and his hands were as fast as lightning.    


The rabbit tried to struggle free, but Long Tianhao caught it. How could it escape so easily? As a result, the rabbit wanted to shoot another fireball at Long Tianhao, but Long Tianhao was faster than it.    


He directly stuffed the rabbit's mouth shut. The result was obvious. Before the rabbit could shoot out the fireball, it exploded in his mouth. In the end, the rabbit was killed by his fireball and became motionless in Long Tianhao's hand.    


"Damn rabbit, come again. Hmph, you still haven't become my food. Eh, this is bad. I don't have a fire. How am I going to roast a rabbit?"    


Long Tianhao felt very proud just now, but his face immediately turned bitter because he realized that he wasn't angry.    


However, Long Tianhao smelled the scent of burning flames. He turned around immediately and saw a small fire burning behind him. Long Tianhao ran over with the rabbit in his hand.    


"Haha, that's great! There's a fire, dead rabbits, thank you! Not only did you make my food, you even provided me with a fire, added some firewood, heated up the fire, and skinned your skin. I'll roast the rabbit for you."    


Long Tianhao immediately laughed out loud and added some firewood to the fire. He didn't want the fire to go out, so he took the rabbit and went to the river bank to skin it.    


"Hmm, it smells really good. The Devil Beast's meat is really different. Although it's only at the first stage, it's still very fragrant."    


Looking at the golden roasted rabbit that was continuously emitting an enticing fragrance, Long Tianhao unconsciously salivated and was surprised by the meat of the Devil Beast.    


Long Tianhao quickly cleaned up the rabbits in the lake. He picked up a stick and tied it together, then roasted it over the fire. While cleaning the rabbits, Long Tianhao also found a ball the size of a pigeon egg in his head.    


Long Tianhao looked at the information in his head and knew that the item in his hand was the energy crystal of the Devil Beast — the Magic Cores was very useful in this world. It could be exchanged for money or used to embed magic tools.    


As a result, Long Tianhao happily put it on him. Although it was just a Rank 1 Magic Cores, it could still be exchanged for some gold coins. Right now, it could be said that he was penniless, so money was still very important to him.    


Magic Cores s were the crystallization of the Devil Beast's energy and were the energy source of the Devil Beast. They had a large amount of magic essence and had an extremely wide range of uses in terms of Bluefire Continent.    


However, not every Devil Beast had the existence of a Magic Cores, which depended on luck. Perhaps you spent a lot of effort to kill a Devil Beast, but in the end, no one had the presence of a Magic Cores, which was really depressing.    




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