Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



Long Tianhao looked at the simple signboard and read out the words in an extremely deep voice. That's right, the four big words were indeed the 'Annihilation Temple'.    


He didn't know why, but when he saw the four words, Long Tianhao felt as if something touched his soul. He just stood there blankly without moving as he stared at the signboard.    


"Big Brother Long, what happened to you?"    


Long Tianhao's abnormal behavior attracted everyone's attention. Ye Tian Ye even shook Long Tianhao's hand, but Long Tianhao did not change at all.    


"Sister Tian Ye, don't be anxious. Brother Long seems to have some sort of opportunity. Let's not disturb him for now. If Brother Long has any chance, it won't be good if he gets disturbed by us."    


Long Lie had been training for thousands of years. Seeing Long Tianhao like this and seeing so many things, he seemed very calm at this moment.    


"Alright, I understand."    


Tianyue nodded and let go of Long Tianhao's hand. She was too worried just now.    


At this moment, Long Tianhao was completely unaware of what was happening outside. When he saw the plaque on top of the shrine, he entered a strange state. The four words' destroy the shrine 'stirred up the deepest part of Long Tianhao's soul.    


It made him feel that the Annihilation Temple was very familiar with him, even to the point of giving him a sense of familiarity. This feeling was very mysterious, Long Tianhao didn't know why.    


At this moment, Long Tianhao's consciousness had already left his body and came to the signboard. This wasn't Long Tianhao's own actions.    


It was the plaque that emitted a special attraction that brought him to the tablet, causing Long Tianhao's consciousness to enter a very fuzzy state.    


The signboard of the Apocalypse Temple was very mysterious, as if it contained a world of its own. Long Tianhao's consciousness was currently pulled into the space of the signboard. It was a world of destruction with no signs of life.    


Long Tianhao's consciousness appeared in a tunnel. A dark tunnel appeared. It was very gloomy. The tunnel kept on appearing and Long Tianhao didn't know where it led to. At that moment, he was completely confused.    


However, there was a voice calling out to him in the endless tunnel, making him unable to resist as he continued forward.    


When Long Tianhao's body of consciousness started to move forward, the originally dark tunnel instantly lit up with colorful lights.    


An unknown image appeared on the walls on both sides of the passage. Long Tianhao, who was in a daze, didn't look at the images on both sides and just kept moving forward.    


The scenes continued to change. There were scenes of battles, scenes of cultivation, countless pieces of gold and silver jade, buildings, forests, and the Immortal Realm.    


Occasionally, he would switch to the Underworld of Nine Hells. It was as if he were narrating the cycle of reincarnation, both the lives of ordinary people and the battles between Immortals, Demons and Fiendgods. It was impossible to tell how many lives had passed in the cycle of reincarnation.    


Finally, after walking for an unknown amount of time, Long Tianhao finally reached the end of the world. There was a small, ancient mirror, an oval mirror, and around the mirror, there were many ancient carvings of flowers.    


At this moment, the scene on the mirror was constantly changing. These scenes were the same as the ones that appeared on the walls of the passage when Long Tianhao walked over, flashing with the life experiences of one person after another, wanting the people to tell the story of what happened to those people.    


Long Tianhao stopped. He looked up and saw the plain mirror in front of him. Long Tianhao's eyes were dull at the moment, without a trace of emotion. Long Tianhao looked at everything that appeared on the mirror in a daze and raised his hand.    


As he held the mirror, a colorful spiritual light shot out from the plain looking mirror and entered Long Tianhao's forehead. At the same time, the mirror, which was constantly flashing, dimmed down.    


Long Tianhao turned the mirror over. On the back of the mirror, there were countless hollow patterns, and in the middle of the mirror, there were three simple and twisted words. Looking at these three words, Long Tianhao's lifeless eyes flashed, and then he muttered.    


"Mirror of Samsara, eternally reincarnated, true spirit returns!"    


Although these words came out of Long Tianhao's mouth, it did not have the slightest bit of emotion. The mirror in Long Tianhao's hand, the Mirror of Samsara, also directly turned into a stream of light and entered between Long Tianhao's eyebrows …    


"Yes." At this moment, the space in the passageway seemed to have lost its support and it shattered with a loud bang. Long Tianhao's body of consciousness was also blown out of this strange space and returned to his original body.    


Long Tianhao, who was originally standing still, suddenly felt his brain explode. He had regained his senses, but at the same time, he felt pain in his brain. It felt like there was something more, but no matter how Long Tianhao searched, he couldn't find it.    


Just as Long Tianhao was having a headache, a voice that seemed to come from ancient times boomed in his soul, "Eternal reincarnation, true spirit return, Nine Souls Refinement, source of energy, Nine Slaughter Soul Transformation, Annihilation and Rebirth!"    


This voice was like a thunderclap that exploded inside Long Tianhao's soul. Then a large amount of information emerged from the depths of his soul, making Long Tianhao confused and confused. He couldn't figure out what had just happened to his soul.    


Long Tianhao could only try his best to digest this information, and read it carefully after sorting it out. Soon, no more information appeared in the depths of his soul, and Long Tianhao was relieved. This was even more of a headache than accepting Thunder Monarch's inheritance.    


Long Tianhao still didn't wake up. At this moment, he was busy sorting out the information that just appeared in his soul. It took him 4 hours to sort out the horrifying information flow. The amount of information was indeed huge.    


However, what Zhang Xu was helpless about was that this information seemed to be suppressed and he couldn't even find out what was going on. Long Tianhao was puzzled as to why so much information suddenly appeared in his soul.    


At the same time, what had happened to him just now? With just a glance at the signboard, he actually didn't know. However, he could feel that there was something in his soul, but he couldn't clearly know what it was.    


Just when Long Tianhao was unable to see the information, an ancient aura abruptly appeared in his mind. Long Tianhao was stunned for a moment before he strangely discovered that this was actually a technique called the "Nine Transformations of Slaughter Spirits".    


When Long Tianhao took a look, he immediately understood the use of the "Nine Transformations of the Slaughter Spirit". It was actually a set of soul attack techniques that matched the "Nine Souls Refinement".    


"'Nine Slaughtering Spirit Shift'?" How did it suddenly appear in my mind, and how did it come with Nine Souls Refinement? Is this just a coincidence? Or was this all meticulously planned out by someone? The truesoul returned after a long cycle of reincarnation.    


Nine Souls Refinement, source of energy, Spirit Slaughtering Nine Transformations, Destruction and Rebirth. What did this mean? Was it all arranged? But who arranged all this? "    


At this moment, Long Tianhao looked confused. Everything seemed to be connected, and Long Tianhao felt like it was all a trap set up by someone.    


He was the pawn of this scheme. Long Tianhao was annoyed by the feeling of being tricked, but Long Tianhao did not know the truth behind it all.    


"Everything depends on strength. I don't have strength today, so I can't see through the essence of everything. But one day, I will definitely have terrifying strength.    


At that time, if there is anyone who dares to plot against me, I shall see who has plotted against me. No matter what, I will not let this matter rest. "    


Long Tianhao knew it was because he wasn't strong enough that he was tricked. After thinking all of this through, Long Tianhao was also very determined. When he had the strength in the future, he would definitely find the person who plotted against him and scheme against them.    


Since he had already thought it through, Long Tianhao no longer thought it through. After firmly memorizing the "Nine Transformations of the Slaughter Spirit," he returned his consciousness to his body. After all, there was still a group of people waiting for him outside.    




Long Tianhao regained control of his body and let out a long breath. What happened just now made him sigh.    


"Big Brother Long, you're finally awake. We're all worried to death."    


"Eh, what is it? Have I been in meditation for a long time? "    


Actually, Long Tianhao himself did not know how long he had been meditating for. After all, he had been in a daze just now and did not know anything that happened in the outside world.    


"It wasn't long before you entered a meditative state for a whole day. Now, only the rest of us are left here, the rest of you can't even see our shadows. Big Brother Long, what happened to you just now? Are you alright?" "Why are you suddenly motionless?"    


"Luckily, it's only been a day and there's still time. Haha, I've been waiting for a while now, but I was fine. I just came to a realization when I saw the majesty of the shrine and involuntarily fell into deep thought.    


I didn't think that just like that, a day would have passed. I'm really sorry everyone, but let's go in now. Otherwise, it'll be too late. "    


After hearing that it was only a day, Long Tianhao felt relieved. If ten days to a half month had passed, then he would feel sorry for Long Lie and the others.    


"Nothing, Brother Long, you are truly blessed by the heavens. To be able to gain enlightenment like this, we are extremely envious of you."    


"Senior Long is right. Brother, your luck is just too good. How come I never encountered such a good thing?"    


He was very envious that Long Tianhao had such a chance. Of course, it was because he was happy for Long Tianhao, but he deliberately showed a depressed look which made everyone laugh out loud.    


"Haha, old brother, you've already said that it's luck. What's there to be envious of? Let's just go in. It's too late, the treasures were stolen by others."    


"That's right, that's right. Let's hurry up and go in there to find a few good treasures. I'm really envious of you. I must get you some more treasures so that you'll be envious of me as well."    


Everyone began to laugh at Tianqing's words. For a moment, they all looked much more relaxed. For these old monsters who had cultivated for so many years, laughter was a rare sight. The group increased their speed as they walked towards the shrine's entrance.    


The Annihilation Temple was huge, reaching up to three thousand meters. One could imagine what kind of concept it was, and as a result, the gate to the Annihilation Temple was also extremely huge. There were even two sculptures on both sides of the gate, belonging to two Divine Beast.    


It had a qilin's body, but it had a divine dragon's head and tail. At the same time, there weren't two dragon horns on the head, but rather a single horn in the middle of its head.    


At the same time, there was a pair of wings on his back that glowed with a golden silver light. It was extremely beautiful, and the two Divine Beast statues looked extremely lifelike.    


Coupled with their gigantic bodies, everyone felt a huge shock in their hearts. They did not know what kind of strange beast had such a mind-blowing deterring force.    


Other people did not know, but Long Tianhao recognized the two Divine Beast statues. Not only him, but Xue Yu, Tian Ye, Mu Tian, and Lv Bing recognized them. Why?    


This was because the two statues looked exactly the same as Long Tianhao when he turned into the Chaos Thunder Beast. Other than the unexpected pair of wings on his back, the rest of the statues were exactly the same.    


Long Tianhao knew that this was exactly the Chaos Thunder Beast's appearance. When he revealed his true form, although he did not have those wings, that was because he was still in his infancy. The wings had not fully grown yet, but if you looked carefully, you could see it clearly.    


Actually, Long Tianhao's main body already had a pair of small wings. Looking at the two statues, Long Tianhao was extremely shocked. This place was guarded by the Chaos Thunder Beast. Who was the owner here? Wasn't he afraid of Tian Rou's revenge?    


"Big Brother Long, this is?"    


At this moment, Tian Ye suddenly asked Long Tianhao. From her voice, he could feel that she was extremely shocked.    


"En, that's right, this is a Chaos Thunder Beast, I never thought that there would be a sculpture here."    


Long Tianhao suppressed the shock in his heart and calmly transmitted his voice to Tian Ye. At the same time, he nodded at Xue Yu, who was so smart that she didn't ask anything. What kind of strange beast was this? How shocking! Last time I came, I didn't have these two statues. "    


Long Lie and the rest were also shocked by the statue in front of them. Although it was just a statue, the feeling it gave him was that the statue was alive, and that it was causing them to feel pressured.    


"What?" Didn't you come last time? "Are you sure?"    


Long Tianhao was shocked when he heard this. He couldn't help but ask Long Lie loudly.    


"Yeah, we didn't even get one last time, what's wrong?" Is there something wrong with Brother Long? "    


"Oh, it's nothing. I was just a bit confused. Why did he appear last time when he wasn't around?"    


"Oh, I thought you found something!"    


"Hehe, what can I find? Alright, this is only a statue, there's nothing much to look at. Let's hurry up and go in."    


Long Tianhao didn't want to stay there any longer. Looking at the two statues, Long Tianhao always felt that the two statues were alive and had been staring at him the whole time, but he didn't notice any anger from the two statues so he urged everyone to enter the shrine.    


The crowd did not have any objections. In fact, they had already been waiting anxiously for a while. If it wasn't for Long Tianhao, they would have already entered. Thus, unlike the others, they directly entered the door, and after Long Tianhao and the others entered, the door of the shrine closed with a loud bang.    


No one noticed that after Long Tianhao and the rest entered the shrine, the eyes of the two Chaos Thunder Beast statues that were originally standing quietly moved.    


At the same time, a hint of playfulness flashed across his eyes. These two Chaos Thunder Beast were actually not statues, but alive.    




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