Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



As there were people from the Dragon Clan staying by Long Tianhao's side, no one dared to come over. Even Tianqing and the others nodded at Long Tianhao from afar and did not come over.    


Since they were separated by a distance, they didn't know what was going on. However, they had seen Long Lie and the others kneel down and greet them. This was something worth pondering about, so they didn't dare to look at them brazenly.    


They were all thinking about their own plans and plans, and also thought about how to deal with Long Tianhao. Some of them also wanted to curry favor with Long Tianhao; anyway, they all had their own plans.    


Long Tianhao ignored all of this. What he cared about was the situation in front of him, safety was the most important thing.    


"Everyone, sit down. There's still some time. Long Lie, tell us about the situation we're about to encounter."    


Hearing that, everyone sat down, and Long Lie sat down and said: "We'll be arriving at the shrine area after the front, that's also the place Upper Bound has told us to go. Let's talk about what we're about to go through first.    


Ahead of us is a trial called the Azure Cloud Road. Once you pass it, you will be able to reach the divine hall.    


"The Azure Cloud Road, step onto the Azure Cloud Road, and ascend to the Ninth Heaven alone." Long Tianhao couldn't help but to mutter.    


Hearing Long Lie talk about the Azure Cloud Road, Long Tianhao couldn't help but think of the words on Earth. On Earth, there was a saying, "even if one could walk on the clouds".    


That was the description of the official road of the secret realm, why was this name used for the secret realm's road of trials? Could he become a government official after passing through this trial? Long Tianhao couldn't help but shake his head. What the hell did he think? This place definitely wasn't what he thought it was.    


"What's so special about this Azure Cloud Road?"    


"As I said before, this road is a trial, and there isn't just one of them. Rumor has it that there are endless traps and illusions that can confuse one's mind, attack one's soul, and leave one's soul behind in the Nine Serenities Purgatory.    


"They can't extricate themselves and are eternally lost. No one knows how many people have died before coming to this place. The scariest thing is that this place is full of variables that only people who entered would know."    


Long Lie's face was full of seriousness. Although they were people of Upper Bound, they were famous for the strangeness of this Azure Cloud Road. Even they were a bit afraid.    


"Is it a strange illusion? Interesting, but it's not enough to block my path. Since I've already come here, then I will have to go in and take a look no matter what.    


Long Tianhao appeared to be very interested. In fact, at this moment, Long Tianhao was calculating in his heart. The various illusions on the Azure Cloud Road were obviously a test of the state of mind of a cultivator.    


This was a great place to train the mind and soul. This made Long Tianhao more determined to challenge the Azure Cloud Continent. Originally, Long Tianhao was just taking a casual look, but if there was any danger, he didn't want to enter.    


However, Long Tianhao couldn't wait to enter and give it a try. As long as it had something to do with soul cultivation, Long Tianhao would show great interest.    


"Big Brother Long, are we really going in?" We feel like this Azure Cloud Road is very dangerous, there's no need for us to take this risk. "    


In his heart, he was very worried. After all, this kind of place where even people of Upper Bound were afraid of, was definitely not some kind of good land. If something were to happen to him, he would not even know what to do then.    


Seeing the worry on Tian Ye's face, Long Tianhao couldn't feel it. He was worried for himself. A warm current flowed all over his body. Long Tianhao's eyes were filled with gentleness as he caressed the hair in front of Tian Ye's forehead.    


"Don't worry. With me here, you won't get hurt. You know how I cultivate, this is indeed a good place to cultivate. Besides, we are already here, it would be a pity if we don't get to see it."    


"Don't worry, we aren't here to snatch some divine tool. We should act according to the circumstances, cultivators are supposed to be a heaven defying action, if we retreat and avoid everything, it will leave a flaw in our cultivation. How can we become an unparalleled expert?"    


"Mhmm, Big Brother Long, I understand. I'll listen to you." Tian Ye smiled. Everything Long Tianhao said was reasonable, so she didn't have any concerns.    


In his heart, he muttered, "Big Brother Long, Tian Ye will definitely protect you. Even with my life, I will still protect you. You still have too many missions, so nothing must happen to you."    


"Brother, we want to go as well."    


"Of course, how could I forget about the two of you? When the time comes, you should have no problem staying by my side, plus Long Lie and the others."    


"Don't worry, even if we lose our lives, we will still protect King." Long Lie promised very seriously.    


"And the Jin Ling, you have to protect the Jin Ling, otherwise I will ignore you. Besides, I have a brother, that's not something you need to care about."    


The fact that the Sky Spirit did not buy into the hands of Long Lie and the rest made Wu Tie and the rest very depressed. However, the Sky Spirit was King, who was in the Dragon Clan, so they could not say anything.    


"Alright, we will also protect King of the Kirin Clan. I hope that King will not make things difficult for us."    


Just as the Sky Spirit was about to say something, Long Tianhao spoke first, "Alright, Sky Spirit, stop messing around. Long Lie and the rest are your people after all. Don't be too rude."    


Since Long Tianhao had already said so, the Sky Spirit could only shut her mouth and retract her thoughts. However, she did pout her lips as if she had suffered some grievance. On the contrary, Long Lie and the others did look at Long Tianhao gratefully.    


His impression of Long Tianhao had also improved greatly. If it wasn't for Long Tianhao, who knows what kind of weird requests the Sky Spirit would make.    


At that time, it wouldn't be good for them to listen, nor would it be good for them to not listen. However, it wouldn't be good for them to do it.    


Actually, Long Tianhao also understood that the Sky Spirit had a child's temper, so he didn't really want to make things difficult for Long Lie and the others. Therefore, Long Tianhao didn't blame him, even though he didn't understand the situation back then.    


Long Tianhao had always treated him like his own child and never thought of treating him as his own servant. Especially after Long Tianhao had transformed into a Chaos Thunder Beast, he liked the little guys even more.    


This was because he was the same as them. If he didn't love them, then who would love them? Since he brought them into the world, then he must be responsible for them.    


"Right, Elder Lin, Elder Yuan, what thoughts do you two have?"    


"Pavilion Master, Old Yuan and I have already discussed this and we don't want to retreat. Since so many people dare to charge in, why wouldn't we dare? We definitely cannot weaken our Demon Clan.    


Our last Body Building Heavenly Tribulation is about to arrive, there has never been a person who could survive the last Heavenly Tribulation. This is a curse that permeates all of Scattered Immortal San's Enchantments, although we are very confident in ourselves.    


Maybe in a hundred years time, we will also dissipate into nothingness from the divine tribulation. Since that's the case, I might as well take this opportunity to experience the Small Clear Sky's most mysterious state, and it would be worth it even if I die. "    


Although Lin Feng's words were plain, Long Tianhao could feel the faint sadness in his words. Sigh, this was the sorrow of the Scattered Immortal Demoness. Perhaps one day, she would die under the heavenly tribulation, and even at the last moment, she would be able to build her body and face the heavenly tribulation.    


As a result, there was a consensus even in the Cultivation Realm. The final result of Scattered Immortal and the loose demoness died under the heavenly tribulation, because the successful completion of the heavenly tribulation made the Daluo Golden Immortal a legend.    


In their eyes, it was impossible. They were actually waiting for death. However, Long Tianhao knew that it was not a fabled legend. Scattered Immortal could indeed use his real body to survive the tenth Heavenly Tribulation.    


It was because on Earth, Long Tianhao had entered the cultivation grounds of the Ghost Valley before. There, he found out that the Ghost Valley had succeeded, and he also found out the secrets of the last heavenly tribulation, that was after the Ghost Valley had passed the heavenly tribulation.    


Long Tianhao had remembered what he left behind before he flew up. Even after Long Tianhao reincarnated, the information was still imprinted on his soul. Therefore, Long Tianhao knew how to survive the last heavenly tribulation.    


"I understand your intentions, but you don't have to worry. You'll definitely be able to overcome the final heavenly tribulation. Don't doubt that it isn't a legend. As long as you listen to my arrangements, passing the heavenly tribulation won't be a problem."    


"What?" "Pavilion Master, are you saying that you can help us?"    


"That's right, I have my own ways. As long as no accidents happens, I can definitely allow you all to fly up with Demon Realm." Long Tianhao said in a relaxed manner. Don't say that he didn't have the information about the final heavenly tribulation that the Ghost Valley had left behind.    


With Long Tianhao's ability to control lightning, it wouldn't be a problem even if he helped Yuan Xiao and the others withstand all the heavenly tribulations. Long Tianhao never thought that the heavenly tribulation would be able to stop him, as he was the controller of all the lightning in the world.    


Long Tianhao was very confident. He didn't look like he was lying, nor was he trying to comfort them. For a moment, everyone, regardless of whether they were the Demonic Dispersal Scattered Immortal or the Demonic Dispersal, was filled with excitement. After all, they only needed to keep going.    


Everyone was going to face the final tribulation. Yuan Xiao and Lin Feng, who were originally in despair, were immediately excited. After all, they were very close to the final tribulation, even though they were ready to disappear under the heavenly tribulation.    


But with the possibility of peacefully surviving the ascension, who would be willing to give up? At this moment, Long Tianhao gave them hope to persevere.    


At the same time, they also became more determined to follow Long Tianhao. This was the most correct decision they had made in their lives. They would be completely loyal to Long Tianhao and would not have any second thoughts.    


"We thank Pavilion Master for the grace he has given us. We are willing to follow him for all eternity, whether we betray him or not. Otherwise, we will never be able to return." Although Long Tianhao had only made a promise and did not immediately fulfill it, they had completely believed Long Tianhao's words.    


"Everyone, get up. You are all the pillars of my Lightning Pavilion, so Lightning Pavilion can only flourish with you all. I hope you all can continue to protect Lightning Pavilion."    


"We will follow Pavilion Master's orders. We vow to be loyal to Lightning Pavilion, and we vow to be loyal to Pavilion Master." Their roars resounded throughout the sky. Yuan Xiao and the rest were like dragons and tigers at the moment. Their momentum was overwhelming.    


Faced with this scene, even Long Lie and the other experienced people were stunned. Just what kind of power was this? With such a group of people, why would the sect not be worried? It was simply enough to make one's heart tremble.    


At that moment, Long Lie couldn't help but admire Long Tianhao. To make his subordinates be this loyal, that was definitely not something an ordinary person could do. Especially those who were even stronger than him.    


At this moment, Long Lie had already determined that Long Tianhao was not someone to be trifled with. Against such a person, there would definitely be no good ending for them. Fortunately, King and Long Tianhao had a good relationship, so Long Tianhao and Dragon Clan were not a problem.    


This aura not only shocked Long Lie and the others, everyone in the distance, whether they were evil, humans, demons, or ghosts, were all intimidated by this aura. They did not understand why a mere dozens of people would emit such a shocking aura.    


Especially Long Tianhao, who was so loyal. At that moment, almost everyone was thinking, "What kind of person is Long Tianhao, how does he have this kind of ability?"    


However, just from this action, it had let them know of Long Tianhao and Lightning Pavilion's existence. This could also be considered as the prelude to Lightning Pavilion entering the Cultivation Realm.    


How would they know that the source of that atmosphere was a belief? Long Tianhao's words almost gave them a new life.    


The light of this hope had broken through all the darkness in their hearts. It was the cry of a life, the trembling of their souls.    




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