Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



After receiving the emperor's agreement, Qi Ya's face was glowing with happiness and no longer showed any signs of worry. Her heart was filled with sweetness as she knew that she did not choose the wrong person.    


She also wanted to be together with him. This was proof of Long Tianhao's love for her. It was proof of how important she was in Long Tianhao's heart. To be able to have such a man who loved her wholeheartedly, no matter how much pain he suffered, it was worth it.    


"Let's go in during the night. Why are you still afraid to go in when you're at your own home?"    


The group of people stopped in front of the Marshal Mansion, but Qi Ya seemed a little shy, afraid to meet her parents.    


"Brother Tianhao, I'm afraid that my parents will blame me. After all, this time, we are going to go behind their backs to find His Majesty to end the engagement. If they find out about this, they will definitely be very angry."    


Qi Ya nestled into Long Tianhao's arms timidly as she said to Long Tianhao.    


"Hehe, don't be afraid. If there is anything you need me to do, I will take care of it myself."    


Long Tianhao kissed Qi Ya's forehead and comforted her gently.    


Little sister, Big brother will help you. I think Mom and Dad is reasonable and won't blame us. Let's go in. We can't just let everyone stand outside the door with you.    


Qi Ya felt a bit embarrassed. After all, she was the one who made so many friends stand outside the door. What did that matter? At that moment, Qi Ya's face turned red.    


"Let's go, Qi Ya's house is quite fun."    


Jia Si, who was at the side, let out a weird cry and was the first to enter. The others followed after him. Long Tianhao and Qi Ya, on the other hand, were the last to enter.    


"Hehe, let's go, they all went in. "You're the master, right? I was waiting for you to introduce your parents to me."    


Long Tianhao smiled at Qi Ya before walking into the Marshal Mansion with Qi Ya in his arms.    


Jia Si and the rest came to Qi Ya's house frequently, so they were very familiar with the place. Once they entered the Marshal Mansion, they immediately brought everyone to the garden in the mansion.    


The Marshal's Mansion took up a huge amount of space. There were many houses, some for living, some for storage, and some for miscellaneous items. There were also some forbidden areas that no ordinary person was allowed to enter, and there was even a large garden.    


Flowers bloomed all year round. It was a great place to rest and have fun. There was a large pavilion in the garden for the master to rest and enjoy the flowers. Of course, this was not the highlight of the garden.    


In the center of the garden, there was a large lake. It was man-made, and the water was crystal clear. There were also some fishes swimming in the lake, and a row of weeping willow trees on the lake's shore.    


It looked to be around thirty years old. Although they were already past their prime, they had a unique charm to them and appeared to be very gentle. They were leisurely drinking tea in the pavilion.    


While they were talking, Jia Si barged in with his men. The two of them immediately looked over. Jia Si was shocked and his body shrunk back to the back of Qi Nuo.    


"Jia Si, what are you hiding for? Do you think I didn't see you? "    


One of the women saw Jia Si dodge and immediately called out.    


"Ah, Ma, why are you here?"    


Jia Si knew he couldn't hide anymore, so he stood up. He didn't expect his mother to be here, which gave him a fright.    


"Stinky brat, your mom and I can't be here. But you, why did you come back instead of teaching properly?" To be honest, did you skip school again? "    


The woman was Jia Si's mother. No wonder she was the first to see Jia Si. However, the other party was clearly unhappy at this moment. If Jia Si gave a wrong answer, it would be bad luck.    


"Hehe, Mom, how would I dare? It was the academy that let us go home, so I just returned. If not, you can ask Qi Nuo, Mo Lin, and the others. They can testify."    


"Is that so? Mo Lin, Qi Nuo. "    


"That's right, that's right. Jia Si is right, we came back during the holidays."    


Mo Lin said on the side. If he's just joking, his mother will definitely make him suffer.    


"Hmm, since that's the case, come over and take a seat."    


Long Tianhao and the others immediately walked over. Fortunately, the pavilion was big enough, so Long Tianhao and the others didn't feel crowded when they sat down.    


"Mom, Auntie."    


"My good girl, I've been gone for so long. Mom missed you so much. How are you doing in school?"    


"Hmm, I've been doing well. I'm already intermediate level Magician now. I'll reach advanced level Magician soon."    


Qi Ya excitedly told her mother like a child.    


"Oh ~!" "My precious daughter is so amazing. Fine, I'll definitely get your dad to reward you tonight. Oh yeah, Qi Nuo, what about you?"    


"Mom, you finally remembered me. I thought you knew about my sister."    


"Child, could it be that you want to woo your sister? "Tell me, how are you doing?"    


"Hehe, mom, listen carefully, I'm stronger than my sister right now. I'm an intermediate level Dou Shi, first in the entire year."    


Qi Nuo said to his mother proudly.    


"Really? That's great, your father would be very happy if he knew. "    


"What is it that makes me so happy?"    


Just as everyone was discussing, a vigorous male voice rang out, and an extremely domineering middle-aged man appeared in front of them.    




"Hmm, I just heard that you guys came back, so I came to take a look. What are you guys talking about?" So happy. "    


This man was Qi Ya and Qi Nuo's father, the number one powerhouse of the Ice Blue Empire. He controlled an army of a million men and was known as the guardian god of the empire.    


He was also a Saint Dou Shi and his martial prowess was strong. He was also adept at using the sword and was one of the four Sword Saints on the continent. Without him protecting them, the Ice Blue Empire would not be so peaceful.    


"Hehe, we were talking about your son and daughter. Right now, one of them is an intermediate stage Magician and the other one is an intermediate stage Dou Shi. I was just about to say that I would reward them well tonight."    


"Oh, you are worthy of being my, Cassius', son and daughter. But don't be proud of such a small achievement. Don't embarrass me, understand?"    


"Look at you, how can you praise a child like this? Hehe, right, your friends haven't been introduced to us yet, so putting your friends aside isn't good."    


Qi Ya's mother, Alia, was very easygoing. At this moment, she looked at Long Tianhao and Feng Baiyu.    


"Haha, uncle, aunty, hello. Brat, Long Tianhao, this is my good brother Feng Baiyu. This is Riley and Elena. We are classmates with Qi Nuo."    


Long Tianhao stepped forward and politely introduced Qi Ya's parents.    


"Uncle, Aunt, how do you do?"    


Feng Baiyu and a few others smiled as they wanted to greet the two of them.    


"So it's Qi Nuo and Qi Ya's classmates. Hur Hur, welcome to play."    


Alia looked warm.    


"Haha, Uncle, Aunt, this is my first visit. I was in a hurry and did not prepare any good gifts. These are just some small gifts, please do not mind them."    


Long Tianhao smiled as he took out two small items that he refined. One was a magic necklace and the other was a magic ring. Both were of decent quality.    


They were all newly crafted by him and could be considered Long Tianhao's masterpieces. He had drawn a level 7 magic array in them. Although Long Tianhao said it was a small gift, it was specially made by him for Qi Ya's parents.    


"A magical accessory with a rank 7 spell sealed?" This is no ordinary item. If you were to spend money to buy it, each item would cost at least a hundred thousand gold coins.    


As Karsi picked up the magic accessory Long Tianhao gave him, his eyes were filled with shock. He never thought that Long Tianhao would actually give him such a precious item.    


"It's just a small thing. It was made by me when I had nothing better to do. Right, you are Jia Si's mother right? Hehe, I don't have anything good for you. Please have a small gift for this Magic Necklace."    


Long Tianhao took out another magic necklace and gave it to Jia Si's mother, Silsa. After all, she was Jia Si's mother.    


Mom, this is what I told you before. My boss, Long Tianhao, he helped me a lot.    


"Oh ~! So you're Long Tianhao who was mentioned by Jia Si. Thank you for your help. Since it's a gift from you, I will accept it. Come and play at my house when you have time."    


"Hur hur, definitely."    


"If you say that this was made by you, then wouldn't you be at least at the Magister level?"    


Cassius asked Long Tianhao in shock.    


"Hehe, I've just reached the level of a Magister's Cultivation Level not too long ago, hehe, it's not that big of a deal."    


"You are a Magister at such a young age, what's the big deal? Then aren't we going to commit suicide? Ai, the youngsters these days are truly not so simple. "    


"Dad, you're really amazing. Brother Tianhao, you're just an exception. Plus, he's the dean's student, so of course he's better."    


Qi Ya hurriedly said to her father coquettishly.    


"Kid, you only know how to speak nice. Your dad isn't that jealous of young people. Now is the time of the young, so we have long retreated."    


He seemed very magnanimous, but he didn't have any superfluous thoughts.    


"Master, an imperial edict is coming."    


At this moment, the butler hastily ran over and informed everyone that an imperial edict was coming.    


Hearing this news, Long Tianhao and the rest knew what the imperial edict was for. As a result, everyone's expression changed. Especially Qi Ya, whose face changed drastically as her body unconsciously trembled.    


"Let's go receive the imperial edict."    


When he heard the imperial edict, he immediately turned around and rushed to the main hall of the Marshal Mansion, while the rest of the people followed.    


"Brother Tianhao."    


"Don't be afraid. What should be here, cannot be avoided. Let's go receive the imperial edict."    


In the main hall, a imperial guard was waiting with an imperial edict in his hand, waiting for it to be announced.    


"Marshal, please come and receive the imperial edict."    


"Chosen to receive the decree."    


However, Long Tianhao and Feng Baiyu did not kneel down, but had faint smiles on their faces. The guard seemed to know Long Tianhao, so seeing that Long Tianhao and Feng Baiyu did not kneel down, he began to announce the order.    


"His Majesty the Emperor has ordered me to cancel the engagement between the Grand Marshal's daughter and the Ninth Prince. The marriage in the future will have nothing to do with it."    


"What?" "What's going on?"    


He could not understand why his Majesty would cancel the engagement. Could it be that he was dissatisfied with his family?    


"Marshal, don't worry, the imperial edict is not over yet."    


"Okay, please continue."    


"Today, I will marry the Grand Marshal's daughter, Qi Ya, to Long Tianhao, the most outstanding academy in the Ice Blue Imperial Family's Magic Martial School. One year later, we will get married."    


"What?" "What's going on?"    


Cassius was getting more and more confused.    


"As for the Grand Marshal, His Majesty has decreed that Princess Angel should be married to the Grand Marshal's eldest son, Qi Nuo. The wedding is on a different day, and the marriage is over."    


That guard finally finished reading the imperial edict. He put away the imperial edict and handed it over to Cassius. At the same time, he stood up and received the imperial edict.    


"Congratulations to the Grand Marshal for obtaining such a good son-in-law. Furthermore, His Majesty has bestowed the most beloved Princess Angel to your son. This is truly a cause for celebration. I shall take my leave now."    


"Thank you, please take care."    


Although he was still somewhat confused, he still smiled as he sent away the person who had issued the decree.    


"Tell me what's going on? Don't say that you don't know anything? "    


As soon as he sat down, he said to everyone in a rather solemn voice.    


Long Tianhao already knew this would happen, so he told Cassius about them going to the Imperial City to end the engagement, so that he wouldn't have too many questions.    


After listening to Long Tianhao's story, Caesars, Alia and Silvia also understood the whole story. They felt that it was inconceivable that the Emperor would agree to such a thing, and not only would he not blame them.    


He even bestowed his most beloved daughter to Qi Nuo, which was too confusing. This was also because Long Tianhao didn't tell them Feng Baiyu's identity, nor how he forced the emperor to agree, so they were so confused.    


"Dad, Mom, Brother Tianhao and I are truly in love. I hope you don't make things difficult for him."    


Qi Ya saw that her parents were silent and immediately became anxious, thinking that they had something against Long Tianhao.    


Since you've settled the matter, we have nothing to say. Tianhao, you don't mind me calling you that, I don't care what sort of status you have, but I hope you remember that you must take good care of my daughter. Otherwise, I won't let you go.    


"Uncle, aunt, don't worry. I'll definitely treat Qi Ya well. You can rest assured."    


"Hmm, I hope you remember what you said. Qi Nuo, you got lucky this time. Go and build a good relationship with Princess Angel. Otherwise, I won't forgive you."    


"Got it, Dad."    


"Yes," Qi Nuo replied helplessly. He knew about the princess, but he wasn't very familiar with her. Now that she had become his fiancee, he really wasn't used to it.    


"Yet you guys have all fallen for me. I'm still the only one left. Boss, you have to help me."    


Jia Si saw that everyone already had a half. Originally, Qi Nuo didn't have one, but now that everyone else had a princess, he was the only one left. He couldn't help but speak with a bitter face towards everyone.    


"You still have the nerve to say that? You have no future, but look at Mo Lin. Didn't he already find such a good girlfriend? You are useless, so it must be because of your poor performance in the academy."    


"Mom, how can you belittle your son like that? I just haven't found the right person to do so yet. Just wait a bit. I'll bring the best one back another day to make them admire me too."    


"We don't envy you. No matter how good the search is, it has nothing to do with us. In any case, the things we've found are the best. Haha."    


The group of people started to tease Jia Si, making him want to find a hole to hide in.    


"Alright, let's have lunch tonight. Let's gather properly. Qi Nuo, bring Princess Angel back to me immediately. Hurry up, if you can't bring her back, then don't come back for lunch."    


However, Cassius gave Qi Nuo a difficult problem. Qi Nuo was helpless and had no choice but to leave to find Princess Angel. Otherwise, with his father's personality, he might not even have any food to eat.    


Seeing Qi Nuo leave, Long Tianhao also followed and caught up to him at the door.    


"Qi Nuo, are you planning on going empty-handed?" Take it and give it to the Princess Angel. She'll be willing to come to your house. "    


Long Tianhao gave a beautiful magic necklace to Qi Nuo. At the same time, he also took out a magic scepter and handed it to Qi Nuo, telling him to take it to please the princess.    


Qi Nuo, who was originally not confident, took the magic item from Long Tianhao. He suddenly became confident and a smile appeared on his face.    


"Thank you boss, just wait for my good news."    


With that, Qi Nuo left on his Dragon Horse, heading to the Imperial City to look for Princess Angel.    


Long Tianhao watched Qi Nuo leave and smiled. Then he turned around and walked towards the hall to prepare the dinner party with everyone else.    




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