Legend Of Chaos Thunder God



Under Wang Kai and Sherry's guidance, Long Tianhao visited the company, and heard Wang Kai and Sherry's introductions about the company, which gave Long Tianhao a general understanding of dragon jewelry.    


At the same time, they also found some problems. Finally, the three of them finished visiting the company and became very familiar with each other. Thus, as Mr. Wang had intended, they were going to have lunch, which was not too far away from the company.    


At the nearby hotel of the Milky Way Dynasty, a few people were sitting in a black Mercedes that Long Tianhao had never seen before.    


It should be a high-end one. Soon, the car stopped in front of the hotel and they entered a luxurious room. As soon as they sat down, Grandpa Wang said to Long Tianhao with a smile, "Tianhao, come and order.    


You can order whatever you want. " As he said that, he handed the menu over to Long Tianhao. This troubled Long Tianhao. Long Tianhao had been to such a high-end place before, so he didn't really like the dishes.    


Thus, he smiled and returned the menu back to Wang Lu, "Grandpa Wang, you can order some, I'm fine with anything." The Wang family's old patriarch seemed to see through Long Tianhao's difficulties, so he took the menu and ordered a luxurious set meal. Everything was ready like this.    


It was clear that old man Wang didn't like doing these kind of things either, which was true. With old man Wang's status, how could he let him do such small things like ordering dishes!    


While the dishes had yet to be served, Grandpa Wang opened up a conversation with Long Tianhao, "Tianhao, what do you think about our company?"    


"Grandpa Wang, I feel that the company is very good, but I've discovered that the company is not just a small jewelry company. Judging from the size and management of the company, it should be even bigger." Long Tianhao voiced out his doubts when he saw Wang Shouchuan's question.    


"Kai'er, look. I'll just say that Tianhao's eyes are sharp. Ha ha, it's better if you tell Tianhao." Old man Wang smiled happily. Hearing that, Long Tianhao knew it was just as he thought. The Wang family was really not that simple.    


"This jewelry shop is called Sky Dragon Jewelry Store, and one of the top 10 companies in the world is called Sky Dragon Group. Could there be a connection between the two?" Long Tianhao was shocked by his own guess.    


This was too unbelievable. Hearing his grandfather's words, Wang Kai also smiled and said to Long Tianhao, "Brother Long is indeed smart. Our Wang family does not only deal in jewelry business, you should have heard of the Sky Dragon Group.    


Over there is the property of our Wang family. " Wang Kai then looked towards Long Tianhao, wanting to see the shocked expression on his face. However, he was disappointed as Long Tianhao's face only changed but did not as he wished.    


"Indeed, it seems that my guess is correct." Long Tianhao showed an 'sure' expression, which made Wang Kai a little depressed, "Brother Long, you are so smart. So you already thought of it, and I wanted to see your surprised expression.    


I've let you watch me make a joke out of it. " Wang Kai said helplessly. I just thought of it. Actually, I'm quite surprised about it. " After which, he intentionally put on a surprised expression, causing the other two to laugh.    


Old man Wang kept looking at Long Tianhao's performance and couldn't help but nod, "This kid is always calm. He really is a talent. Not bad, not bad at all." It could be seen that Grandpa Wang was very satisfied with Long Tianhao.    


Seeing his own grandson humiliated, Elder Wang couldn't help but laugh, "Kai'er, now you know about Tianhao's ability right? Tianhao, now you know about our Wang family too, so I really want to thank you for yesterday.    


That would be a huge blow to our Wang family. Oh right, Kai Er, what position did you arrange for Tianhao? If not, let me arrange it. " When Wang Kai heard that, he immediately said, "Grandpa, I haven't had the time to arrange a position for Brother Long.    


"I'll leave it to you." Old man Wang looked towards Long Tianhao again when he heard his grandson say that he didn't have any arrangements.    


"Tianhao, you know, our Sky Dragon Group covers a lot of industries, whether it's real estate, tobacco, military, space, medicine, jewelry, etc. What do you like?"    


Although he knew about the Sky Dragon Corporation, he didn't know much about their industry. Hearing the introduction of Mr. Wang, Long Tianhao was surprised, it's really worthy of being a super large corporation, even being involved in spaceflight and military industry, it's really something.    


One must know, in China's aerospace, military industry is in the hands of the state, enterprises are not possible to contact.    


Long Tianhao didn't expect the Sky Dragon Group to be so powerful. What he was thinking about now was how to help with his own cultivation. Although these industries were amazing, it wasn't helpful for his cultivation.    


After thinking for a moment, he said, "Grandpa Wang, I think I'll just do the Heavenly Dragon Jewelry." Hearing Long Tianhao's answer, Grandpa Wang seemed to be satisfied, "Good, Tianhao, our Sky Dragon Jewelry Company has many branches.    


Do you want to stay in Chengdu or do you want to go somewhere else? " Long Tianhao thought for a while and decided not to stay in Chengdu anymore. Chengdu was good, but for Long Tianhao, it was a sad place.    


It was a place where all his relatives left him, so there was nothing left for him to linger on anymore. Therefore, Long Tianhao took a deep breath.    


As if he had made up his mind, he said, "Grandpa Wang, I want to go to Yunnan, I wonder if it's possible?" Yunnan, okay, that is indeed a good place, we also have a branch there, even without me, we can open a branch immediately. "    


"This is true, with the Wang family's strength, opening a jewelry store in Yunnan is too easy." "Yah, since you're going to Yunnan, then be the manager there. Since the manager there is already old, it's time for you to retire and take over his position."    


When Wang Shouchuan heard Long Tianhao's decision, he readily agreed. Furthermore, he was the manager as well. This showed how much he valued Long Tianhao.    


Long Tianhao wasn't unreasonable. He understood that this really meant nothing to the Wang family, so he happily accepted it, "Then, thank you, Grandpa Wang."    


After talking about Long Tianhao, Grandpa Wang seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Long Tianhao with a smile, "Tianhao, I feel that we're on good terms. I want to take you in as my grandson. What do you think?"    


Hearing Old Man Wang's sudden words, Long Tianhao was stunned, then said, "Thank you for your love, Grandpa Wang, but I'm afraid Tianhao can't take it. Tianhao is just an ordinary person, and Grandpa Wang gave me such a good job.    


"I am already satisfied, how could I dare to hope for anything else." "Don't say anything extravagant or not. Just say if you are willing or not." "Of course Tianhao is willing. Tianhao greets Grandfather." Long Tianhao immediately bowed to Old Master Wang.    


This made old man Wang extremely happy. He quickly helped Long Tianhao up and kept saying "good grandson". He was grinning from ear to ear. Wang Kai also stood up from the side.    


"Congratulations grandpa for taking a good grandson. Big Brother Long, you will be my big brother from now on. I hope big brother will take care of me in the future."    


Xiaoli still hasn't come to see big brother. " As she spoke, she pulled Xue Li over. Xue Li also happily called out, "Big Brother Long." Long Tianhao hurriedly called his younger brother and sister. The family could be said to be enjoying themselves. At this time, the dishes were served, so the family happily ate and drank.    


Actually, the reason Mr. Wang wanted Long Tianhao as his grandson was because Long Tianhao's performance made him very satisfied. He could tell that Long Tianhao was young and everything seemed so natural.    


There was absolutely nothing wrong with him. He had also saved his precious grandson. Plus, he liked Long Tianhao a lot, so all of this led to him taking Long Tianhao in as his foster grandson.    


Similarly, Long Tianhao had never thought of coveting the Wang family. He also felt that Old Master Wang was very kind.    


There was nothing bad about recognizing him as a foster grandfather. More importantly, Long Tianhao had lost both his parents since he was young, and the grandmother who brought him up also left him a few years ago. Therefore, Long Tianhao longed for kinship.    




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