Soldier King's Love Affairs In City

C802 Lingyun Palace Qiu Bai

C802 Lingyun Palace Qiu Bai

Qin Yun bowed once again before walking to the stone bed. He picked up one of the books and blew away the dust on it.    


"Ling Yun Arts!" It was written on the book.    


"This should have been a cultivation technique." Qin Yun thought to himself as he flipped open the Lingyun Scripture.    


Indeed, there were some cultivation methods involved and the Lingyun Art was probably no ordinary cultivation technique. However, Qin Yun already possessed the Dragon God's Art so the Lingyun Art was basically useless to him.    


Qin Yun put down the Lingyun Incantation and picked up another book. There were no words on the cover, but it was heavy when he held it in his hand. It was made of an unknown material.    


When he flipped it open, the first thing he said was: "I, palace master Qiu Bai of Cloudsoaring Palace. I know that it will be difficult to take revenge for this Cultivation. When I go into seclusion this time, either I will successfully break through to the Divine level, or I will die in this Floating Cloud Palace! "    


Qin Yun was slightly taken aback when he saw the book. Cloudsoaring Palace? Break through to the Divine level?    


"Lingyun Palace should be one of the powers in the Great Thousand World. It seems like this power no longer exists. However, Senior Qiu Bai must be an extraordinary existence to have managed to break through to the Divine level." Qin Yun thought to himself.    


Although he had many doubts in his heart, that was because his understanding of the boundless universe was simply too little.    


Then, Qin Yun continued reading the book. The rest of the book was more complicated. It roughly described the life story of the Lord of Cloudsoaring Palace, Qiu Bai.    


From the books, Qin Yun knew that the Cloudsoaring Palace's location was extremely special. It was located in an independent space. The space would close after he died and only reappear ten thousand years later.    


If this was true, then when the Endless Storm existed, it would be ten thousand years after his death. It seemed that all of this happened countless years ago.    


"Boundless Universe. Abyss. Iceheart Divine Palace. Small world …" Qin Yun looked at Qiu Bai's memoirs and spied on a few parts of the Great Thousand World.    


Soon, Qin Yun reached the very back of the book.    


The book also mentioned that the reason Cloudsoaring Palace caused such misery was because they had offended a great power in the boundless universe, causing the destruction of Cloudsoaring Palace. Only he, the Palace Master, was left in this world.    


Because of this, he swore to break through the Cultivation to avenge his subordinates. However, the book did not mention which power destroyed the Lingyun Palace, and it seemed like he did not want his hatred to continue to be passed on.    


"Although I haven't done much in my life, being able to obtain the Heart of the Sky Sea is already an extremely fortunate thing. If you are a late comedian, if you were lucky enough to come in, the inner armor that I left behind might be of some use to you. The Ling Yun Art is a cultivation mental cultivation method of our Lingyun Palace, if it is useful to you, you can cultivate in it for a while, but if it is useless, please bring it out with you to find a successor and let it continue to be passed on. "    


"If you are able to defeat the guardian of the Cloudsoaring Palace, then it means that the inner armor is not worth mentioning to you. Only the 'Heart of the Sky Sea' will be able to match up to your eyes." The book was gone.    


"Where is the heart of the Sky Sea?" How come I didn't see it, and how do I get out of here? " Qin Yun looked at the completed book as a wry smile suffused across his face. It looked like the senior had yet to write it clearly.    


"Whatever. Let's first find the 'Heart of the Sky Sea' before we speak of anything else." As such, Qin Yun slowly closed the book and returned it to its original position.    


Qin Yun did not touch the inner armor. After all, it was something the senior had used before he died. Since the senior said it was useless to him, he would not take it away.    


Qin Yun only kept the 'Lingyun Technique'. After all, he had to fulfill the wishes of this senior and pass on the cultivation technique to him.    


After finishing everything in front of him, Qin Yun began searching for the 'Heart of the Sky Sea' Qiu Bai mentioned.    


However, after searching for a few rounds, Qin Yun failed to find the location of the 'Heart of the Sky Sea'. Could it be that someone had taken it away?    


"No, it's definitely nearby. We should look around more carefully." Qin Yun was somewhat indignant. He released his Perception Force and continued searching.    


When Qin Yun came to the side of the pool, a quiet wave of spiritual force emanated from the pool. The spiritual force was extremely immense, different from the mist that emanated from the pool.    


"It should be here." Qin Yun said as he looked at the lake shrouded in mist.    


Although the liquid in the pool was translucent and clear, the mist still blocked part of the view. However, after careful searching and probing with his spiritual energy, Qin Yun was able to discover a clue.    


He saw a rock at the bottom of the pool.    


The pool was not deep and was less than half a meter deep. Qin Yun's figure flashed as he probed the pool.    


When Qin Yun's hand came into contact with the liquid in the pool, a piercing chill entered every corner of his body. It was so cold that Qin Yun shivered.    


Qin Yun had no time to hesitate as he fished out the rock. With a flash, he returned to the edge of the pool.    


This piece of jade was a sea blue color, about the size of a palm. It was irregular in shape, and a faint sea blue halo circulated on its surface.    


"This rock is very magical. It's clear that the pool of water is bone-chilling cold, but this rock is incomparably warm. Presumably, it should be the 'Heart of the Sky Sea' that Senior wrote in his book." Qin Yun studied the stone in his hand and said.    


Qin Yun had just read the expert's memoirs and knew that the Heart of the Sky Sea was a rare treasure. It was the core item produced in a small world and was also the best strange treasure Qiu Bai had obtained in his lifetime.    


The purpose of this' Heart of the Sky Sea 'was not to fight, but to assist in cultivation. It would be of great help in breaking through the Cultivation realm, and such a treasure that could assist in cultivation would be considered precious in the eyes of the experts of the boundless universe.    


Moreover, the liquid in this pool was the spirit energy contained within the 'Heart of the Sky Sea'. It was a spirit liquid that had been condensed over an unknown period of time. It was extremely beneficial for assisting in cultivation.    


Qin Yun thought for a moment as a light flashed in his hand. He used the power of the Dragon God to envelop a portion of the liquid in the lake and waved his hand.    


"Swish." With a 'bang', a small part of the spiritual liquid was absorbed into the space of the Bracelet.    


The space here was independent, and inside was a vacuum. Moreover, there was no gravity, so once the spirit liquid was moved into the space, it wouldn't move anymore. They were all suspended in the space of the Golden Dragon's Ruyi Bracelet.    


There wasn't much spirit liquid in the pool. It was about ten cubic meters or so. Qin Yun had only taken about a tenth of it, equivalent to about a cubic meter.    


"Since I've taken away the heart of the Sky Sea, then I'll leave the rest to accompany Senior." Qin Yun looked at the remaining liquid spirit in the pool of water.    


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