Soldier King's Love Affairs In City

C116 Qin Yun's Strength

C116 Qin Yun's Strength

On the other side, Duan Xu and Gray were nearing the end of their battle. After the two of them exchanged blows, Duan Xu took the opportunity to grab Gray's wrist.    


"Kacha!" He exerted force and broke Gray's wrist. Gray's other arm hacked down on all kinds of arms. Gray let out a blood-curdling screech and fainted.    


Of the three S assassins, one was dead and the other was injured. They were no longer a threat.    


"There are still two East Island warriors, get rid of them and our mission will be completed." Qin Yun stared at the two Ghostly Warrior who were being suppressed by Blue Flame Hall.    


Just as the three of them were about to join forces to attack the two demonic warriors, they saw that they were unable to withstand the attack. With a cry, they put on their ghost heads and masks.    


Suddenly, a strange aura began to spread in the air, and the aura of the two Ghostrats surged, full of the aura of death.    


Within a few breaths time, three Xiantian masters of Qingyan Hall had been killed by them. The situation on the battlefield slowly reversed.    


"It seems that the title of Demon Warrior isn't for nothing." Duan Xu said in a low voice as he looked at the imposing figures of the two Ghostrats.    


"You have to make them pay the price for killing my Chinese!" Qin Yun roared as his eyes turned golden. In a blink of an eye, he had charged into the battle, blocking the attack in front of the blue-clothed ghost warrior.    


"Qin Yun, since you dared to come throw your life away, I'll grant your wish!" "Ghost Sword Slash!" The blue-robed ghost warrior screamed at Qin Yun as the katana in his hand shimmered with a strange red glow. It slashed at Qin Yun.    


"Perfect timing, perfect for testing my Dragoncry Sword." Qin Yun touched the Golden Dragon Ruyi Bracelet on his wrist as he said with a hint of excitement.    


Following that, Qin Yun infused the power of the Dragon God into the golden dragon ruyi bracelet.    


The Golden Dragon's Ruyi Bracelet instantly lit up. With a resounding dragon roar, an ancient golden long sword appeared in Qin Yun's hand.    


The sword contained the aura of the Dragon God. Instantly, it suppressed the strange aura the Ghost Warrior's body exuded. With the Dragoncry Sword in his hand, Qin Yun seemed to be the ruler of the entire battlefield.    


"Dragon God Slaughter!" Qin Yun bellowed as the blade of the Dragoncry Sword exploded with a powerful force. A golden light burst out from the blade of the sword.    


The Dragoncry Sword let out a resounding dragon roar as it clashed with the ghost sword of the blue-clothed ghost warrior.    


Boom!" With a sound, the power of the Dragon God on the Dragoncry Sword collided with the strange red light on the katana.    


All he saw was the strange red glow on the katana dissipating, disappearing without a trace.    


"Die!" Qin Yun bellowed. "Clang!" With a sound, the Dragoncry Sword cut the katana in half, leaving a golden line on the ghost mask of the blue-clothed ghost warrior.    


"How could this be, how could this be …" After a few grunts, the blue-robed ghost warrior fell to the ground with a thud, losing all signs of life.    


"Whap." With a "peng", the ghost head mask worn on his face turned into dust.    


From his forehead to his neck, there was a sword mark that was continuously leaking out dark red blood.    


"Eight!" When the remaining purple-clothed ghost warriors saw that their companion had been killed, they shouted loudly. The katana that was glowing with a strange red glow raised it above their heads and charged at Qin Yun.    


Before he could rush in front of Qin Yun, a golden beam flashed at his neck with a "shua". Qin Yun instantly appeared behind the purple-robed ghost warrior.    


The purple-robed ghost warrior widened his eyes as he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. Just as he was about to turn around to look at Qin Yun, a head rolled down.    


His body was still in a position where he could lift the katana high in the air. Then, with a loud bang, he fell down, and his ghost-mask wearing head rolled far away …    


All of the blue and purple armored ghost warriors from East Island's seven Ghostly Warriors died in an instant!    


Qin Yun's strength had deeply shocked everyone. Yun Shan had already scolded his son Yun Lei more than a hundred times in his heart!    


Everyone from the Yun family looked at Qin Yun with reverence. A true expert would be respected wherever they went.    


Duan Xu and Wu Qing Lan's mouths were wide open. They didn't expect that a newcomer from Dragon Shadow would have such abnormal strength.    


And in front of the window on the second floor of the Yun family villa, Yun Fei was watching Qin Yun's majestic figure.    


Qin Yun took a deep breath and his eyes instantly returned to normal. The Dragoncry Sword lost the infusion of Dragon God's power as it transformed into a golden dragon ruyi bracelet that he wore on his wrist.    


"This kind of battle method is simply too draining on spiritual energy." Qin Yun immediately summarized his battle experience and muttered to himself.    


He turned his head and saw that everyone was looking at him with a strange look of admiration and surprise.    


Qin Yun smiled slightly and slowly walked in front of the purple-robed ghost warrior's corpse. He took off the ghost mask and handed it to Duan Xu. "Take this back and study it. There might be some clues."    


"Alright." Duan Xu extended his hand to receive the ghost mask.    


At this moment, Yun Shan brought Yun Yi to stand in front of Qin Yun and the other two. He said gratefully, "Before, my Yun Family treated the three of you like that, but the three of you still have not left my Yun Family. This old man will never forget this favor.    


"Patriarch is thinking too much. We are not here to save you. This is just our mission." Wu Qing Lan replied plainly.    


Yun Shan knew that the three people in front of him were still angry at the Yun Family. He quickly said to Wu Qinglan, "This is all because of my disappointing unfilial son. On behalf of him, I apologize."    


With that, Yun Shan bowed deeply towards Qin Yun and company. On one hand, he expressed his thanks, and on the other, he expressed his apology.    


"There's no need to apologize, just return the things to me." Duan Xu stretched out his right hand as he spoke to Yun Shan.    


"Oh, right." Yun Shan hurriedly took out the Dragon Shadow Badge and gave it to Duan Xu.    


Duan Xu kept the Dragon Shadow Badge and said to Qin Yun, "Now that the mission has been completed, it's time to leave with the two that survived."    


After Yun Shan heard what Duan Xu said, he hurriedly said to the other members of the Yun Family, "Hurry up and help."    


Afterward, the Yun family carried the heavy Gray over.    


At this moment, a member of the Yun Family rushed over and said to Yun Shan, "It's bad, Lord Patriarch. That black man has disappeared!"    


"What? He's gone!" Yun Shan said with a frown.    


After Duan Xu heard this, he hurriedly ran over to check on the situation.    


It turned out that the black man had been severely injured by Qin Yun from the very beginning. No one had paid him any attention. He had awoken just as Qin Yun was fighting the two ghost warriors and escaped without anyone noticing.    


"This isn't good, how can we let him escape!" Duan Xu looked around at the empty night sky and said bitterly.    


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