Soldier King's Love Affairs In City

C88 Shark Gang Crash

C88 Shark Gang Crash

After the waiter explained the situation to the manager, the manager instructed, "Go and get me a new pair of chopsticks."    


The waiter immediately took out a pair of new chopsticks. The manager took a bite of the dish and said, "Sir, this dish tastes just right. If you have the menu, I can serve you another dish."    


Qin Yun nodded. He was very satisfied with the manager's attitude and the way he handled things.    


The men exchanged glances, then picked up their chopsticks and tasted another dish before spitting it out, "Pei, this dish clearly doesn't have any salt in it."    


The manager continued to greet him with a smile. He picked up his chopsticks and took a sip, "Sir, this dish is alright."    


"No problem, then you mean we have a problem!" As he spoke, a man grabbed the manager by the neck.    


"Teacher, you misunderstood, that's not what you meant." The manager quickly explained.    


"Then what do you think is the problem?" Several men stood up at the same time and surrounded the manager.    


The long-eyed man could tell that these people were not here to eat. They were obviously here to cause trouble.    


"Everyone, let's talk properly." the manager urged.    


"Do you mean we won't talk properly? Beat him up!" One of them coldly snorted.    


Then his fists rained down on the manager, who protected his head with all his might.    


He shouted, "Don't you know whose territory this is?"    


"I know, it's the Flying Worm Gang, haha …" The few of them laughed as they fought.    


Qin Yun narrowed his eyes as he looked at everything. He knew that the few of them must have come prepared. He wanted to see who dared to mess with him.    


The waiter hurried to the side and called for someone.    


After beating up the manager for a while, they felt tired and sat at the dining table, waiting for the arrival of the Flying Dragon Gang.    


Not long after, the sixth brother of the Flying Dragon Gang rushed over with more than a dozen men. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted, "Who is so blind as to dare to come here and cause trouble!"    


Seeing this, the others immediately stood up and brought the half-dead Manager Liu up to greet him.    


This Old Sixth was a brute under Tian An's command. His mind was simple and his limbs were well-developed. Furthermore, Manager Liu was a good friend of his. Seeing his friend beaten up like this …    


He shouted, "Fight to the death! We'll teach these bastards how to be a good person if we touch the people of our Flying Dragon Sect! " Then he took the lead and rushed forward.    


These people were just ordinary people, how could they be a match for the Flying Dragon Gang? They were knocked to the ground by the Flying Dragon Gang in a single move, and miserable screams continuously sounded.    


A few minutes later, those who had made a ruckus were beaten black and blue.    


The Sixth Brother stepped forward and grabbed one of them by the neck. "Speak!" Who gave you the heart of a bear leopard the guts to come. "    


Before Ol 'Six could finish his sentence, more than a hundred people walked in from outside and blocked the entrance of the restaurant.    


The leader of the group had a disdainful smile on his face as he walked over with a dagger in his hand.    


He was a small leader of the Shark Gang, nicknamed Mad Dog.    


Mad Dog looked at the few people on the ground and said, "Sixth Brother, who gave you the courage to make a move on our Shark Gang members?"    


"Mad Dog, I'm sure you're the one that supported them. They were sent here by you, right?" The sixth brother said in a deep voice.    


"What are you saying? How could our Shark Gang do such a dirty thing? I was just passing by." The mad dog laughed.    


"Bring more than a hundred men to the Flying Dragon Sect headquarters. What are you planning to do?!" The sixth brother said coldly.    


"Can't we drink tea? Now that my Shark Gang's brother has been beaten up, there should at least be an explanation. "    


Mad Dog waved his hand, and all the brothers of the Shark Gang squeezed in from the outside. The entire restaurant was filled with members of the Shark Gang.    


The sixth brother looked coldly at the mad dog in front of him. Tian An was currently leading his brothers to manage the territory of the Soaring Sky and True Sun Gang. He never expected that the Shark Gang would take advantage of the situation and enter.    


More than a dozen of his subordinates were clearly no match for Mad Dog and the others.    


"You need us to explain why you're causing trouble here. What a boastful tone." Qin Yun's voice came from behind the sixth brother.    


The six brothers looked back and saw that it was their new Sect Master. Each one of them was extremely excited and was about to call for Sect Master.    


Qin Yun waved his hand gently. The six of them understood and quickly opened up a path in the middle. With Qin Yun leading the way, the sixth brother felt a lot more at ease.    


The people from the Flying Dragon Sect knew Qin Yun, but they did not know about Mad Dog. However, they knew that Qin Yun's status was not low so they asked with a smile, "This is …"    


"Qin Yun."    


"So this is the new Sect Leader of the Flying Dragon Gang." Even though the mad dog said so, it did not seem disrespectful at all.    


He even asked his subordinates to bring him a chair and sit across from Qin Yun with his legs crossed.    


"These people have come here to cause trouble and injured my manager. How can this be counted?" Qin Yun said with a smile.    


"Sect Master Qin, please clear this up. If you injure one, I will injure a few. No matter what, we will suffer a loss." Mad Dog said arrogantly as he waved the dagger in front of his eyes.    


"Mad dog, don't go too far!" The sixth brother shouted.    


"Haha, what a coincidence, I like to bully others too much!" The mad dog laughed.    


"They deserved it! "Also, put away the dagger. My hands itch every time I see it!" Qin Yun narrowed his eyes as he said coldly to the mad dog.    


"Heh heh, what a coincidence. My hands are itchy too." Not only did the mad dog not put away its dagger, it even slashed at Qin Yun with its knife.    


Then, he gently threw the dagger up into the air, and it rapidly rotated in the air.    


"Swish." Mad Dog quickly caught the dagger with two fingers.    


The members of the Shark Gang applauded and applauded the mad dog. Immediately, the mad dog was delighted as it looked at Qin Yun with a provocative look.    


The people of the Flying Dragon Gang gritted their teeth and clenched their fists.    


A sneer suffused across Qin Yun's lips. When the mad dog brandished the dagger once again and the dagger spun rapidly in the air, Qin Yun moved.    


Qin Yun struck out like lightning and instantly grabbed the dagger in mid-air.    


All of this happened too fast. Before anyone could react, "Pu ci!" With a sound, the dagger pierced the mad dog's thigh.    


Ah!" The mad dog let out a heart-wrenching scream.    


Qin Yun said coldly, "I told you to keep your dagger, but you refused to listen!"    


With that said, Qin Yun pulled out his dagger. A bloody arrow came out of the mad dog's thigh. He immediately slid off the chair and slumped to the ground.    


"Charge!" The useless dog clutched its thigh as it roared while gnashing its teeth.    


The members of the Shark Gang swarmed over and pounced at Qin Yun.    


Qin Yun held the dagger in his hand and gave a bloodthirsty smile. Just as he was about to attack.    


A loud shout came from outside, "Who do I think it is? It's a mad dog. Why, did you bring your brothers here for tea?"    


The Shark Gang members turned around and saw Tian An leading over a hundred men over.    


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