Soldier King's Love Affairs In City

C350 Rampage

C350 Rampage

Count Belo looked at Qin Yun fiercely and said, "Chinese! "You even dare to send yourself to my doorstep. This time, I won't …"    


Before Count Belo could finish his words, he saw a golden light flash before his eyes. He was pulled by a powerful force and instantly appeared in front of Qin Yun.    


Qin Yun grabbed the back of Count Belo's neck and said coldly, "Where's Dai Li!?"    


Count Belo had arrogantly challenged Qin Yun to a duel just now. Now, when he looked into Qin Yun's eyes, he suddenly felt as though his life was in Qin Yun's hands.    


"You, you, you …" Count Belo was so frightened that he couldn't even speak.    


"Nether what!" Qin Yun's golden eyes turned cold as he stared coldly at Count Belo.    


"Ghost Valley." Having been glared at by Qin Yun, Count Belo's tongue suddenly worked again. He blurted out the location where Deli was being held.    


Hearing this name, it didn't seem like a good place, "Where's the Ghost Valley!" Qin Yun asked solemnly.    


"I don't know." Count Belo hurriedly replied.    


"Aren't you the Count? There are also things that you don't know." Qin Yun continued speaking.    


"Only the blood of the Duke and above know of Specter Valley. I am the Count." Count Belo said weakly.    


"Do you know anything?" Qin Yun, who was holding Count Belo in one hand, looked at the Strigoi and werewolves that were surrounding him and asked.    


With this one glance, everyone felt a chill down their spines. Even when they were facing the Duke of the Bloody Clan, they did not feel this way. They were all frightened and retreated far away.    


These castles were all occupied by low-ranked werewolves and Strigoi. Count Belo was already rather high-ranked, and he had no idea where the Ghost Valley was.    


They could only stare at Qin Yun with trembling eyes. They were afraid that Qin Yun would kill them if he got annoyed.    


No matter what, Qin Yun had stayed in the castle for a week. He had used his dragon soul to roughly investigate the situation in the castle. Looking at their fearful eyes, he knew that they knew nothing at all.    


"Duke, who knows where Duke is?" Qin Yun shouted to the Strigoi in his surroundings.    


The Strigoi looked at each other. Even if they knew where the Duke was, they would never dare to tell Qin Yun.    


"Bam!" With a 'boom', four huge silver bodies broke through the glass of the castle and charged in.    


They were nearly two and a half meters tall, had silver fur, strong bodies, sharp claws and fangs, and a powerful and wild aura.    


"Silver Wolf Man." Upon seeing this, everyone exclaimed in surprise. The Silver Wolf Man was not a common sight amongst the Strigoi. His strength was not something that Count Belo, who was in Qin Yun's hands, could compare to.    


The four of them were werewolves roaming around the nearby mountains. They had rushed over the moment they had received the news of an invasion.    


Qin Yun had previously witnessed the strength of the Silver Wolf Man. However, after seeing the four of them, a smile suffused across his lips. Who knew? Perhaps they knew the location of the Ghost Valley.    


"A mere human actually dares to barge into this blood clan ancient castle, he's simply courting death!" A strong looking werewolf in the lead bellowed at Qin Yun.    


"Do you know where Ghost Valley is?" Qin Yun said lightly to the four Silverwolves.    


"Hmph, you actually dare to ask about the Blood Clan's forbidden area. You're courting death!" The leading silver werewolf roared angrily and took the lead to pounce in Qin Yun's direction. The remaining three silver werewolves followed closely behind.    


Qin Yun looked at the four Silverwolves pouncing at him. His gaze turned cold as he said, "It looks like the four of you will not cooperate obediently if you do not use force."    


As he said that, Qin Yun grabbed Count Belo's hand and flung it. "Bang!" With a thud, Count Belo was thrown like a toy in Qin Yun's hands. He slammed heavily into the wall.    


And at this moment, the four werewolves were less than five meters away from Qin Yun. They raised their dagger-like sharp claws and slashed at Qin Yun. They wanted to tear the prey apart with a single strike.    


A dazzling golden light suddenly erupted from Qin Yun's body. His eyes suffused a golden red glow as his aura instantly soared.    


The four werewolves felt the changes in Qin Yun's body and were alarmed. However, their speed did not decrease as they continued attacking Qin Yun.    


"Dragon Cry Fist!" Qin Yun roared as a golden dragon appeared on his right arm. His right fist began to emit a powerful glow.    


"Roar!" With another high-pitched dragon's roar, the golden dragon on Qin Yun's right arm flew out along his right arm and struck the four werewolves that were charging at him.    


"This is bad!" They looked at the incoming golden dragon and cried out in alarm at the same time. However, it was too late for them to retract their attacks, much less dodge them.    


Boom!" With an explosive sound, the golden dragon ruthlessly crashed into the bodies of the four Silver Wolf Man.    


A dazzling light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and then the four Silverwolves were like kites with their strings cut, flying out of the window and falling into the rose bushes outside the castle.    


The Strigoi present were all shocked. Four Silver Wolf Men had been defeated in a single strike. What kind of strength was this? Even a Duke would not necessarily be able to accomplish this.    


Count Belo, who was sitting limply in the corner, was even more dumbfounded. A single Silver Wolf Man could beat him up and Qin Yun had sent four of them flying with a single punch. It was naive to think that he wanted revenge.    


"Swish!" With a sound, Qin Yun transformed into a golden beam of light and charged in the direction in which the four Silverwolves had flown.    


Qin Yun did not kill them with his Dragon Cry Fist. In addition, the four werewolves had fallen into the soft rose bushes. They did not suffer too much damage.    


However, this attack had greatly reduced the Silver Wolf Man's strength. Just as they struggled to stand up, they saw a golden light rushing out from the ancient castle.    


In the next second, that golden light appeared in front of them and coldly said, "I'll ask again, where is Ghost Valley?"    


The four werewolves knew that they were no match for Qin Yun. Furthermore, Qin Yun had clearly held back in his strike earlier. He had no intention of killing them.    


"What are you looking for in Specter Valley? "This is the land of our blood clan's death." The lead silver werewolf said as he stared at Qin Yun.    


"I want to leave with Terri!" Qin Yun said firmly.    


The matter of Princess Dali being locked up in the Ghost Valley by Prince Nikolai was not a secret among the high-ranking members of the Strigoi.    


"Are you trying to force the princess to leave?" The lead silver werewolf said to Qin Yun with a deep voice.    


"If you won't release her, I'll have to force her to leave."    


The Silver Wolf Man looked at each other with firm eyes. It meant that they would rather die than allow Qin Yun to charge into the Ghost Valley.    


"We can't tell you where the valley is." They looked at Qin Yun and said with determination.    


Qin Yun took a good look at the information in the werewolf's eyes. It looked like they were prepared to rather die than submit.    


"Since you chose not to be friends, then you are my enemy!"    


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