Eternal Sovereign



Starting from the thirtieth level of the [Earth Fiend Scripture], it was the level of the Innate Earth Fiend Body. Currently, if Chen Yi wanted to break through, it was impossible for him to do so in a short period of time.    


Without Earth Evil Spirit's help, even if he was at the core of the Earth Fiend Pulse, he could easily absorb large amounts of the Qi of Earth Evil without worry. It would at least take a year or more.    


The cultivation of a quasi-Innate Body was equivalent to the cultivation of Qi Refinement Cultivator's Quasi-innate, how could it be that easy?    


To break through the 30th level, even with Earth Evil Spirit's help, Chen Yi would probably need a long time.    


Of course, if Earth Evil Spirit was willing to contribute more source energy, this time could be shortened. Just like that, it really would harm Earth Evil Spirit's source of energy. Earth Evil Spirit himself was only a Genuine Returning Stage and not a Yuan Combination Stage, so if Chen Yi wanted to help him break through the Innate Earth Fiend Body and reach the same realm as him, the source of energy that would be consumed would not be the same one as before.    


Chen Yi naturally wouldn't let Earth Evil Spirit do that. That was too much. If Earth Evil Spirit was pushed too far, he would rather self-destruct than continue to submit. What good would come of it?    


In addition, it had already been two months since he came here to cultivate. It was time for him to leave.    


If he didn't leave now, Lao Jin, who stopped in the small town, would probably get anxious.    


Before leaving the Ancestral Land, Fool Uncle had said that he would immediately come out to look for it if he did not return for half a year. Now that it had almost been half a year, could it be that he would really ask Fool Uncle to look for him if he did not return?    


"It's time to leave." Chen Yi thought.    


Thinking about this, Chen Yi ended his training.    


Seeing this, Earth Evil Spirit was surprised, "You don't want to continue cultivating? With my help, he can transform a Lesser Heaven stage Earth Fiend Body in at most one or two years. "    


"I don't have that much time, the elders in the family won't allow me to leave for too long, I'm worried that something might happen to me outside." Chen Yi said.    


Earth Evil Spirit had a strange expression on his face.    


Even if he hadn't left the Sizhen Mountain since he took form, he knew that the Innates outside were extremely rare, and average town Large Circulation s and even Quasi-innate s were considered as top experts.    


Even in some small cities, there might only be a few or a dozen Xiantian experts. Most of them were cultivating.    


If an ordinary person wanted to encounter an Upper Sky Realm warrior, it would not be that easy.    


This master of his, who had submitted to him, had strength that far surpassed his Quasi-innate, much less a secret skill that could threaten an innate expert like him.    


With this kind of strength, unless he was seeking death, it would not be so easy to get into trouble.    


However, since Chen Yi already planned to leave, Earth Evil Spirit didn't say anything.    


Chen Yi looked at Earth Evil Spirit's expression and suddenly smiled, "What? You are unwilling for me to leave? "    


Earth Evil Spirit's expression stiffened and he smiled awkwardly. Even though he had submitted to Chen Yi, he was still an Upper Sky user after all. As long as Chen Yi was still in front of him, he would remind him that he had submitted to a mere Acquired Stage brat.    


Chen Yi no longer teased Earth Evil Spirit, and instead asked: "With your current strength, you still can't bring the Earth Fiend Pulse away right?"    


Speaking of serious matters, Earth Evil Spirit also said seriously: "Yes, my current strength is too weak, I am still unable to bring the Earth Fiend Pulse with me."    


"To take away the Earth Fiend Pulse, I need to at least reach the Yuan Combination Stage, and then use a secret technique to separate the entire Earth Fiend Pulse from the Sizhen Mountain."    


This was also the reason why Earth Evil Spirit did not leave after transforming. Whether he could bring away the Earth Fiend Pulse or not, it was still a hidden danger. If he offended someone and was found out and the Earth Fiend Pulse was destroyed, he would be finished.    


He would be able to carry the Earth Fiend Pulse with him at any time, so he wouldn't need to worry about that.    


Chen Yi nodded, and said: "Mn, then before that, you can stay here for now. After you advance to Yuan Combination Stage, inform me, I'll bring you away, or you can directly go to Yongde Town …"    


Chen Yi told Earth Evil Spirit the general location and general situation of Yongde Town and Chen Mansion.    


After a moment, Earth Evil Spirit sent Chen Yi out of the Earth Fiend Pulse. Before separating, Earth Evil Spirit suddenly felt a little awkward.    


"What's wrong?" Chen Yi asked curiously.    


Earth Evil Spirit said shyly, "I still don't have a name when I take human form."    


Chen Yi suddenly understood and laughed: "You want me to give you a name?"    


Earth Evil Spirit nodded.    


Chen Yi thought for a moment and said: "Since you are a Earth Fiend Pulse, then let's call you Evil Spirit."    


This name was simple and crude, but Earth Evil Spirit was very satisfied. With the inheritance, it was still very easy for Earth Evil Spirit to give him a name. Before this, Earth Evil Spirit had already given himself several candidate names, but he had been hesitant over which one to choose.    


Now that his life and death was in Chen Yi's hands, to put it bluntly, becoming Chen Yi's servant, letting the master give him a name was also a way to get closer to the relationship between the two. Earth Evil Spirit, no, Earth Evil Spirit, who should be called Ghost now, was not stupid.    


The vengeful spirit sent Chen Yi out of the Sizhen Mountain, and watched Chen Yi disappear from his sight before turning around to leave.    


"Master is still young, not only is he about to be promoted to an Innate, the Genuine Qi has no time to cultivate, and his future is limitless. I submit to Master, and I hope I have made the right bet." The vengeful spirit muttered.    




Leaving the Sizhen Mountain, Chen Yi calmly walked towards the small town.    


However, Chen Yi was currently a Pure Yang Large Circulation, and the Earth Fiend Body had long been refined to the limit. Even if he did not rush, it was likely that his speed would only become an afterimage in the eyes of ordinary people.    


So, very quickly, Chen Yi arrived at the small town and arrived at the tavern.    


From a distance, a waiter ran over to Chen Yi in tears when he saw him.    


"This lord, you've finally returned. If you don't, our inn will be destroyed by your horse!" The waiter wailed.    


"What's going on?" Chen Yi was a bit puzzled when he saw the waiter. Then, his expression changed. Could it be that something happened to Lao Jin?    


Chen Yi remembered this waiter. Before he left, he asked this waiter to take care of Lao Jin. Could it be that the waiter and the inn did not take good care of Lao Jin, causing Lao Jin to be angry?    


As the waiter complained, Chen Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


It turned out that it wasn't that the waiter and the inn hadn't taken good care of him, but rather that the waiter and the inn had taken good care of him. Because he had taken good care of him, the money he had left behind was quickly used up.    


Probably the waiter and the inn didn't expect that he would leave for two months.    


Lao Jin used up all the money he had left behind in half a month, which made it easier to be frugal than extravagant. Lao Jin ate well in the first half month, but was unwilling to enjoy less in the next one and a half months, so he made a ruckus in the tavern.    


The money left by Chen Yi had already been used up. The tavern didn't have much money, so why would it be willing to give Lao Jin the best and the best?    


However, Lao Jin's strength was equivalent to that of the Quasi-innate. After being beaten up by Lao Jin in the inn, and after Lao Jin almost tore the inn down, the innkeeper and waiters could only bitterly continue to provide the best service to Lao Jin.    


After half a month, the inn almost went bankrupt.    


If Chen Yi didn't come soon, the inn would really be destroyed by Lao Jin.    


Knowing the ins and outs of the situation, Chen Yi could only give some gold to the waiter: "Consider these compensation."    


Receiving the compensation, the waiter immediately stopped crying. He followed behind Chen Yi and took a bite of the gold. After confirming that the gold was real, he immediately smiled.    


Not long after, Chen Yi held Lao Jin's hand and was escorted away by the inn owner and waiter.    


On the way, Lao Jin muttered, "You've given me too much compensation, how could I have used so much in the past two months?"    


Chen Yi narrowed his eyes and looked at Lao Jin: "You almost tore down the other party's inn, you still have the nerve to say that."    


Lao Jin said in embarrassment, "You can't blame me for that. Who asked you to leave for so long? You can't possibly let me eat like those ordinary horses for the next half a month, right?"    


As Purplish Gold Cloud Horse, Lao Jin looked down on those ordinary horses, and thought that they were on a completely different level.    


The treatment of both sides naturally couldn't be the same.    


Chen Yi said snappily: "You're still blaming me."    


"It's all your fault!" Lao Jin beeped softly.    


Chen Yi: "..."    


Well, it was all his fault.    


Leaving the town, Chen Yi stood up, sat on Lao Jin, and shouted: "Return to Ancestral Land."    


"Alright." When he mentioned Ancestral Land, Lao Jin also became spirited. He lifted his horse's hooves and started running.    


Not long after, Chen Yi and Lao Jin's figures could no longer be seen from the town entrance.    


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