Eternal Sovereign



Since Commander Qi was the leader, Eldest Prince turned his gaze to Commander Qi. Commander Qi smiled slightly and said, "I don't dare to make my lord wait any longer. Your Highness JingKai, let's go."    


The sound of his name surprised Chen Yi. Who was this?    


Only then did he realize that he was calling Eldest Prince.    


Eldest Prince's full name was Liang Jingkai.    


In the past, he had always called Eldest Prince that way, to the point that Chen Yi almost forgot Eldest Prince's name.    


"It seems like Eldest Prince can't be called in the next few days when His Highness is here." Chen Yi whispered.    


What was Eldest Prince called in front of His Highness? This was clearly stepping on his face.    


To Prince King Jing, King Jing's eldest son, his elder brother, was Eldest Prince.    


For the same reason, Second Prince's name would also become His Highness Jing Cheng. Second Prince's full name would also be Liang Jingcheng.    


As expected, the rest of the Red Dragon Guard s all changed their way of addressing Eldest Prince, and when they opened their mouths again, they all became His Highness Jing Kai.    


The group of people prepared to head to the inner city.    


However, before he left, His Highness King Jing ordered the Dragon Turtle to wait outside the city.    


With the massive body of the Dragon Turtle, it would be hard to find a place to settle down after entering the city. After all, this was not King Jing City, and if such a huge creature were to suddenly enter the city, it would definitely cause a huge commotion.    


"Little Turtle, listen up." The Dragon Turtle's humming sound could be heard, seemingly carrying some grievance with it.    


But there was no other way. After all, the Dragon Turtle couldn't take form.    


The process of Demonic Beast reaching the first to third stage was a process of gradual enlightenment.    


From the sixth stage of the Fourth Rank, one's strength would constantly change, but in order to transform, one needed to reach the seventh stage.    


The seventh stage, was equivalent to the first stage of All-power Stage, a grandmaster.    


Only stage seven Demonic Beast could take form, but it would not be very complete. It would eventually have some of the characteristics of a primal beast's body, and only at stage nine, would a beast's body look similar.    


To completely transform into a human, one would have to be at least at the level of human king level 9 and above.    




His Highness Jing Kai, Commander Qi, and His Highness King Jing were walking at the front. If you looked carefully, you could see that His Highness King Jing's body was slower than Commander Qi's.    


It was true that His Highness King Jing IV had a high status, but Commander Qi's position was also not low.    


If it wasn't for the fact that Prince King Jing wanted to act high and mighty with him at the center, he had to show off, show off that he was above Commander Qi, and even intervene in the Flood Dragon Warfare this time. Commander Qi would certainly not say anything, but he would definitely be dissatisfied.    


Before His Highness King Jing became the crown prince and King Jing, Commander Qi, as the vice commander of Azure Dragon Guard, secretly had the ability to cause trouble for His Highness King Jing's Fourth Prince.    


In Azure Dragon Guard, Commander Qi would find trouble with whoever was close to the Fourth Prince. As time passed, when the Fourth Prince tried to rope him in, Commander Qi would have to think about it a lot.    


The county magistrate might as well be in charge now. No matter how noble the fourth prince's bloodline was, their boss was still Commander Qi.    


How could the 4th Prince contend with King Jing, Second Prince, and the 8th Prince without anyone to join?    


Therefore, at this time, the 4th Prince was showing his weakness. As the heir to King Jing, he was mainly taking Commander Qi as his leader. It was a very smart move and he might even secretly get a good impression from Commander Qi.    


On the surface, it was useless to get the favor of Commander Qi. After all, Commander Qi was a loyal subordinate of King Jing and would not join the Fourth Prince.    


But in fact, Commander Qi's good impression of the Fourth Prince might play a crucial role in certain critical moments.    


The group of people were all Upper Sky Realm warriors. They immediately transformed into streaks of light and flew towards the inner city.    


After Chen Yi and the rest disappeared, the large number of soldiers left on the spot gradually dispersed, leaving only the normal number of soldiers to maintain order.    


On both sides of the street, the residents of the outer city slowly appeared. They looked towards the inner city and began to chat.    


After all, the Flood Dragon Warfare was held once every ten years, with each of the eight counties holding their own. In other words, the Yunlan County would be held once every eighty years, and that meant that the Yunlan County would be held once in person.    


Yunlan County had been passed down for many years, and it was no longer a secret.    


As normal citizens, they did not have the qualifications to see the Flood Dragon Warfare, but this did not stop them from giving their own opinions.    


Hearing the conversation of the residents, the soldiers rolled their eyes. A group of commoners, and even Master Red Dragon Guard couldn't recognize them, how could they have the nerve to talk so much?    


Also, Flood Dragon Warfare received additional quotas, not quota for Azure Dragon Guard.    


However, it was just a bunch of civilians. The soldiers were too lazy to explain, and since they were standing guard right now, it was impossible for them to interrupt them with words. Thus, they could only listen to the citizens' excited arguments with painful faces.    


Only after the civilians dispersed did the group of soldiers let out sighs of relief.    




In the inner city, streaks of rainbow light fell down, revealing the figures of Commander Qi, the Fourth Prince, and Jing Kai.    


On the other side, the higher ups of Yunlan County City, led by the duke, all came forward to welcome them.    


Usually, these Astral Deities Worship Stage were rarely seen. But now, because of the Flood Dragon Warfare, or perhaps because of the arrival of King Jing's fourth prince, they were all gathered here.    


Chen Yi wasn't surprised that the duke knew of the arrival of King Jing's fourth prince. The moment King Jing's fourth prince arrived, Jing Kai and Jing Cheng must have communicated the fourth prince's arrival to the duke through some form of communication.    


"Haha, welcome to Commander Qi and Fourth Prince. This king truly feels honored by your presence." Commandery Prince of Yunlan laughed heartily.    


The Astral Deities Worship Stage experts behind him all bowed.    


The cultivation level of the Fourth Prince and Commander Qi were Astral Deities Worship Stage, and their status and position were also above theirs.    


Commandery Prince of Yunlan also had the bloodline of a dynasty, and he was also a duke. This was why he was able to greet them directly without having to bow.    


"This time, Your Highness has come uninvited. Sorry to bother Your Highness." The fourth prince cupped his hands in return.    


Commandery Prince of Yunlan quickly waved his hand.    


Commander Qi also had a smile on his face: "Your Royal Highness, it's been a while. Are you in good health?"    


Commandery Prince of Yunlan nodded with a smile: "This time Flood Dragon Warfare, sorry to trouble you, Commander Qi."    


After the two sides exchanged greetings, Commandery Prince of Yunlan looked towards the various Red Dragon Guard leaders and the Red Dragon Guard participants.    


Don't look at how these Red Dragon Guard commanders felt disdain for the Yunlan County in their hearts. However, in front of Commandery Prince of Yunlan, they still had to respectfully greet him.    


After waiting for the Red Dragon Guard leaders and participants to all greet him, Commandery Prince of Yunlan invited them and said: "This king has already prepared some dishes and wine. Everyone, please."    


Thus, after Commandery Prince of Yunlan and Commander Qi humbly accepted each other, Commandery Prince of Yunlan finally walked at the front and led the crowd.    


Commander Qi was a step too late for the king, and the fourth prince was a step too late for Commander Qi.    


In fact, in terms of status, the 4th Prince was bigger than Commandery Prince of Yunlan, and Commandery Prince of Yunlan was bigger than Commander Qi.    


Moreover, Commander Qi was only a Vice Commander, so his position was even more impossible to compare with a Duke.    


However, Commander Qi represented the City of King Jing this time, King Jing had a lot of face, and it meant a lot, which was why Commandery Prince of Yunlan put Commander Qi as the leader.    


However, for Commander Qi to be able to take the position of Azure Dragon Guard's vice commander, aside from his strength and connections, his own EQ wasn't low either.    


No matter what, Commandery Prince of Yunlan was still a duke, a descendant of the royal family. He had his own background in the royal family, so how could Commander Qi rely on his own ability to come from King Jing City to put on a high front?    


In the future, Commandery Prince of Yunlan wouldn't even have the position of a duke and he didn't have the status of Azure Dragon Guard Vice Commander. It might be difficult for him to even meet Commandery Prince of Yunlan once.    


In the end, Commander Qi took a step back.    


As for the 4th Prince taking the third spot, he had said before the truth. Since he couldn't be in front of Commander Qi and Commander Qi didn't want to be in front of Commandery Prince of Yunlan, he naturally had to be in third place.    


In actuality, if the Fourth Prince were to arrive on a daily basis, he would be the first to arrive.    


Soon, everyone arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.    


Commandery Prince of Yunlan had Commandery Prince Mansion in the inner city, which was the true home of a duke.    


The City Lord's Mansion was Commandery Prince of Yunlan's office, and was the place to receive the distinguished guests. Now that the Fourth Prince, Commander Qi, and the rest of the Red Dragon Guard had come, they naturally had to receive these people in the City Lord's Mansion.    


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