Eternal Sovereign



Just as Taoist Scholar Qiyuan finished speaking, Green Spirit Sect Wu steel-like lips moved, and no sound was emitted. Surprisingly, he used a sound transmission method to transmit what he wanted to say to Taoist Scholar Qiyuan.    


Taoist Scholar Qiyuan was stunned, he immediately put his fist to his mouth and coughed lightly, saying: "I almost forgot, this year's rules have changed, it is this old man's fault."    


There were already people who were prepared to step up. Seeing this, they were stunned. The rules for this year had changed?    


Taoist Scholar Qiyuan's voice spread throughout the Green Spirit Plaza, "The previous rule was that anyone can challenge someone on stage. As long as you can win ten times, you will be able to pass the preliminaries. You only have eighty spots."    


"Then it will be the finals. There will be eighty people who will decide on forty, and forty people will decide on twenty. The twenty people will be able to obtain the Blue Spirit Fruit."    


"But this year, there are only forty-eight contestants in the preliminaries. In the end, twelve people get Blue Spirit Fruit."    


"What?" Only twelve people? " Many powers were in an uproar. Weren't there twenty of them in the past? Why were there eight less today?    


Of course, there were also many other powers who remained calm, partly because they did not have the Blue Spirit Fruit, but twenty or twelve of them would be of no difference to them.    


The other part was naturally to know why the number of people had decreased this time around.    


Because there was a problem with the Green Spirit Sect's cyan Spirit Fruit tree.    


This year, the Cyan Spirit Fruit Tree had been delayed by a year before it gave birth to 20 Blue Spirit Fruit.    


Next time, God knows how many more.    


In previous years, of the thirty Spirit Fruit, Green Spirit Sect had monopolized ten.    


This year, when it came to twenty Cyan Spirit Fruit, Green Spirit Sect s actually still wanted to monopolize ten, but it was too little for the other forces to share ten, it was simply not enough. The Inquisition Way, the Heavenly Capital Sect, and the Flowing Sand Pavilion s all protested, and when the three sects combined forces, they had to be extremely afraid of Green Spirit Sect s as well.    


Furthermore, if not for the aid of the Wen Yin Sect, the Heavenly Capital Sect, Flowing Sand Pavilion and the other first-rate sects, Green Spirit Sect would not have been able to save the Cyan Spirit Fruit Tree at all.    


So, even if the Cyan Spirit Fruit tree was Green Spirit Sect, Green Spirit Sect still could not be arbitrary and dictatorial. Otherwise, if this matter spread out, Green Spirit Sect would become an ungrateful person.    


At the time, there weren't any of the three major sects, but now, there weren't even ten of them in Green Spirit Sect.    


So Green Spirit Sect made a compromise, and gave two slots.    


Even still, there were very few spots in the top twelve. Therefore, the competition this year would only get more intense.    


"There are only forty-eight slots left. That's too little." Many of the Acquired Stage Heavenly Pride s also had heavy expressions.    


To be able to and to dare to participate in the Cyan Spirit Fruit Conference, he was definitely an outstanding individual under the age of twenty-five. This was a feast for the Heavenly Pride.    


To be able to stand out in this feast, one's name was destined to rise to the top of the world, and it was also what many Heavenly Pride had the qualifications to step into the higher levels of cultivation.    


There were too many sects and clans to participate in the Blue Spirit Fruit Competition, so the Green Spirit Sect had to be restricted to the number of people participating from each force, with a maximum of five people!    


For example, the three great sects, namely the Love Sect, Sky Capital Sect, and Flowing Sand Pavilion, was there only five people qualified to participate in the competition?    


No, there were many. It was just the quota.    


The three sects had already conducted a selection exercise long ago in order to obtain five slots.    


The same was true for the other sects and clans.    


The better his performance in the Green Spirit Fruit Competition, the greater the prestige he would bring to the sects and clans. Naturally, he would be valued more by the sects and clans.    


To be able to stand out in the Green Spirit Fruit Competition and become the champion of the finals was already a contribution to their own sects and clans.    


These eighty people represented the top figures of the Yunlan County young generation, and as sects and clans that nurtured these top figures, their fame would naturally rise as well, attracting even more talents.    


Therefore, there were not many stubborn ancient clans and sects. Most sects and clans needed to attract more talents in order to continue their sustainable development.    


In the end, there were only forty-eight people who were selected to participate in the finals this time. In other words, from today onwards, these forty-eight people would be considered as peak Heavenly Pride s of Yunlan County.    


From eighty to forty-eight, there were almost half of the slots left. For Heavenly Pride who wanted to make their name known in this competition, it was naturally extremely stressful.    


Which one of these Heavenly Pride s didn't have enemies in their own sects and clans? If they didn't make a name for themselves, they would be caught by their enemies and slandered everywhere.    


They were not afraid of slander, but they were very afraid that the higher ups of their sects and clans would change their attitudes towards them because of this. For example, they would support their former enemies.    


As for the higher-ups, they did not care about the objective factors, nor about the process. They only cared about the results.    


As a result, all the Heavenly Pride looked extremely grim.    


They didn't want to go back without making a name for themselves.    


After a long while, someone finally jumped onto the field, cupped his hands and said, "I am Hao Haoyun from the Green Plains, please enlighten me!"    


In terms of strength, the Cyan Origin Sect was much weaker than the Profound Imagery Sect. After all, the Profound Imagery Sect had a set of Yuan Combination Stage overseeing it, and the strongest in the Cyan Origin Sect was merely a set of Half-step Yuan Combination Stage.    


This Hao Haoyun was only at the level of Eighth Meridian Circulation Stage, and basically didn't have the qualifications to obtain the Cyan Spirit Fruit, nor was it possible for him to enter the finals.    


It was probably because of this that Hao Haoyun was able to go on stage and ask for advice without any fear.    


For those with strength, the earlier one appeared, the more unfavorable it would be.    


No one would easily allow the first person to obtain a ten win streak and obtain a spot in the finals. "Entering the arena too early was most likely to fail, resulting in a waste of energy and Genuine Qi.    


The next time he made it to the finals, he would not be able to maintain his strength at his peak.    


The last few slots were also the hardest ones. In order to win the last few slots, everyone would have to go all out.    


On the contrary, the pressure in the middle wasn't that great.    


Following Hao Haoyun's entrance, a Heavenly Pride took on the challenge very quickly. This person was even in Ninth Meridian Circulation Stage and had a cultivation level higher than Hao Haoyun. He probably wanted to suppress Hao Haoyun with just his cultivation.    


However, to Heavenly Pride, a difference of one realm was nothing. A mere difference of one realm could not have a decisive impact.    


After a hundred moves, Hao Haoyun had won with great difficulty. This battle had made many secretly nod their heads in approval.    


They were both in the Heavenly Pride and were both able to fight at a higher cultivation level, yet Hao Haoyun was still able to win against his opponent at a lower cultivation level. This showed that Hao Haoyun's cultivation base was much higher than his opponent's.    


He was Hao Haoyun's uncle, and Hao Haoyun's performance was outstanding. Only after returning to the sect, would he be able to get more resources for Hao Haoyun to cultivate.    


It was a pity that Hao Haoyun had probably lost the second battle after expending too much energy in the previous one. This time, his opponent was Tenth Meridian Circulation Stage!    


This person's Tenth Meridian Circulation Stage had won three consecutive rounds, and in the end, lost to someone of the same realm as him.    


One Heavenly Pride after another entered the stage, and each of them either won or lost.    


No Heavenly Pride could win more than three matches, they could only win three rounds in a row and they would lose.    


On the south side of the plaza, many innate experts used this opportunity to guide their juniors.    


However, the people on the west, east and even the north were indifferent.    


Especially Green Spirit Sect, Heaven Seeking Sect, Heavenly Capital Sect and Flowing Sand Pavilion, they were all somewhat disdainful of the battle between these Heavenly Pride s.    


In the Four Major Sects, only Large Circulation had the qualifications to participate. In regards to these battles which consisted mostly of eight meridians, nine meridians, and Tenth Meridian Circulation Stage, they were truly not interested.    


It was only when a Heavenly Pride from the Jadestone Sect appeared on stage that the Heavenly Pride s of the Four Major Sects finally became a little more serious and threw a few of their gazes towards this Heavenly Pride.    


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