Eternal Sovereign



This Shiwu Beast should not be living alone, so after it let out its excited roar, three more Shiwu Beast came one after another to the vicinity.    


Seeing that the barrier seemed to have cracked, one of the Shiwu Beast twisted its body happily in the air.    


This incomparably happy Shiwu Beast's strength had already reached the late stage of Circulation Stage and was nearing the peak of perfection.    


This kind of Shiwu Beast had already become enlightened.    


Maybe its intelligence was not high, but it was much stronger than the early and middle stage Circulation Stage Shiwu Beast.    


At the very least, this Shiwu Beast held a grudge. It was very clear that the humans had imprisoned them here and had sent people to hunt them from time to time.    


Even now, it could still remember how it trembled when it was young.    


Today, it seems to have come to the region where human cubs operate.    


Thinking about it, the Shiwu Beast released a strong killing intent. It wanted to kill all these human puppies!    


Furthermore, he was dominating this place!    


This Shiwu Beast was very clear, in the place it previously lived, it was not considered strong, but in this place, it was definitely the strongest.    


The four Shiwu Beast that had mistakenly entered the low leveled area slowly revealed their fangs.    


Many of the Heavenly Pride s still did not know that in the lower level region of the Shiwu Island, they had already mixed in four Shiwu Beast from the higher level region. The weakest was still at the early middle level of the Circulation Stage, while the strongest was already close to the perfection-stage of the Circulation Stage.    


The first to enter the middle stage of the Circulation Stage was at the fourth level.    


Even though it was close to perfection of the Circulation Stage, it was still at the level of nine meridians, which meant that there was a difference of five small realms between the front and the back.    


After the four Shiwu Beast left, the opening slowly closed up.    


This was the sign that the barrier was about to collapse. From time to time, some areas would collapse, but very quickly, the power of the other parts of the barrier would come over and reform the region that had collapsed.    


It won't be long, only a few minutes at most.    


Usually, only a few Shiwu Beast would take advantage of this opportunity to leave. Firstly, the Shiwu Beast had opened their brains late, so not many people in the entire clan had high intelligence.    


Secondly, these areas of collapse were not fixed, so even if the intelligent Shiwu Beast wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, it would not be feasible for it to stay at a fixed location and wait.    


This time, the four Shiwu Beast were purely lucky and coincidentally had their territory.    




When the four Shiwu Beast had accidentally entered the low level area.    


The green fog that enveloped Chen Haoyan and Chen Feiming also gradually dissipated.    


The two Heavenly Pride s who normally paid close attention to their appearances, were currently lying on the ground spitting out blood until their faces were green.    


Chen Haoyan's expression was twisted, the anger in his chest was about to burst out of his body.    


"Chen Yi!" I won't let you off! " Chen Haoyan let out a furious roar, his expression was extremely scary, like a demon.    


This was the first time Chen Haoyan was attacked like this. It felt like he was inhaling endless stench, probably because he had inhaled too much of it and had hallucinated for a long time.    


Chen Haoyan felt like he was soaking in a fecal drain and there were terrifying mosaics everywhere. What was even more terrifying was that he was forced to swallow these mosaics.    


Chen Feiming wasn't any better. He would rather be killed by Chen Yi than suffer such an attack. It was too humiliating.    




"It's the Shiwu Herb!"    


"Hurry, hurry, hurry. Pick the Shiwu Herb off."    


In a certain location in the low-level Shiwu Island region, two youths had difficulty killing a Shiwu Beast of the early stage Circulation Stage. They found the Shiwu Herb near the Shiwu Beast and immediately became excited as they commanded the third youth to pick the Shiwu Herb.    


The three youths were among the numerous Heavenly Pride that were participating in the examination.    


Of course, among the Heavenly Pride, these three were considered Heavenly Pride s of their families, and had now fallen to the lower middle class.    


The three of them were all at the eighth meridian stage, but the highest among them was only at the late eighth meridian, not a single one was at the peak of the eighth meridian.    


Although the martial arts he had mastered were all top grade Human Level Superior Grade, not a single person had managed to cultivate them to perfection. At most, they would be at their peak condition.    


Although the background was deep, the quality of Genuine Qi was still Quasi-superior Grade.    


There was no special bloodline, no Pre-Sky Realm Battle Body, and no comprehension of Sword Force.    


The eighteen year old eight meridians each held more than one top Human Level Superior Grade martial art. Although they did not comprehend sword force, they had their own clan's secret arts that could temporarily increase their strength.    


Overall, the strength of these three people were all very close to the Profound Imagery Sect that Miao Boguang had back then.    


Who is Miao Boguang? He was a direct disciple of the Profound Imagery Sect, and although he was average amongst the direct disciples, he was still a direct disciple.    


But here, the three of them were as ordinary as they could possibly be.    


From this, it could be seen how terrifying the total power of Chen Family and its many branches were.    


Geniuses and freaks were far too many.    


The three of them formed a group during the second round of the assessment and were lucky to be promoted to the third round.    


Now, in the third round of the examination, the only way the three of them could kill Shiwu Beast with early stage Circulation Stage was to join hands.    


Before this, two of them had jointly killed an early stage Circulation Stage Shiwu Beast, while the third was in charge of supporting from afar.    


The third young man heard the other two shouting and immediately ran to pick the [Shiwu Herb].    


However, just as he was about to pluck the [Shiwu Herb], the ground suddenly shook as if something was about to break out from the ground.    


"Another Shiwu Beast?" The young man was shocked, but he did not pay much attention to it.    


Judging from the length of the Shiwu Beast that had been killed before, even if there were two or three of them that had gathered here, they should be of a similar class. With his strength, he should be able to dodge them.    


Thinking of this, the young man subconsciously used his movement technique to dodge.    


But at this moment, the ground suddenly exploded, and a huge figure suddenly appeared. The figure was extremely fast, so fast that the youth had no time to react at all.    


In less than half a breath's time, this youth had already been swallowed into the stomach of the Shiwu Beast that rushed out.    


The other two young Heavenly Pride s all saw this scene, and their faces were filled with fear.    


"How is this possible!?" This Shiwu Beast was already ten meters long just by coming out from the hole? "Then how long would it take to get out completely?"    


"Twenty meters?"    


"This is already a late stage Circulation Stage level Shiwu Beast, how can there be a Shiwu Beast of this level in this low level region!"    


The two youths roared in disbelief. Shiwu Beast of this level should clearly exist in the high leveled area, why would they appear in the low leveled area?    


However, this was not the time to be thinking about these things. The two young men immediately turned around and ran.    


They were not outstanding among the Heavenly Pride, so it was possible for them to kill the Shiwu Beast at the early stage of Circulation Stage together.    


Demonic Beast that were close to the great perfection of Circulation Stage was not something they could contend against at all, and the two sides were completely on a different level.    


But the two young men were not slow, the Shiwu Beast s were even faster, when the Shiwu Beast completely crawled out from the ground, with a length of 24 meters close to 25 meters, the two young men despaired.    


Not long after, the two youths were swallowed by the Shiwu Beast.    




Three days passed in the blink of an eye.    


The four Shiwu Beast started a massacre in the lower regions, and more and more died.    


One or two might not even be enough to attract the attention of the rest of the Heavenly Pride, but several tens, twenty some even dozens would be different.    


Especially for the Heavenly Pride, they could always escape danger easily. For example, if they had a secret technique on speed, or a secret technique to protect their lives, they would naturally spread the news out.    


Many proud Heavenly Pride had no choice but to join hands.    


No matter how much of a monster they were, to go beyond their cultivation levels to fight against Shiwu Beast of the middle or late stages of Circulation Stage, it was just too difficult.    


Chen Haoyan and Chen Feiming, the two Heavenly Pride s, could only contend against some middle stage Circulation Stage Shiwu Beast s.    


If he wanted to kill them, he would have to pay a great price.    


Facing the Shiwu Beast which was at the late stage of the Circulation Stage, Chen Haoyan and Chen Feiming could not do anything, even if the two of them worked together.    


In a short while, the atmosphere in the lower regions changed.    


In the past, whenever they met, they would attack without any hesitation. If they could snatch it, they could kill it.    


In any case, only fifteen people would be able to advance. If less than fifteen people survived, then no one needed to be judged by their points.    


However, when the Heavenly Pride s met with each other, other than the ones with exceptional strength and confidence in their own strength, most of them would temporarily form a team.    


Chen Yi and Chen Hongfei ran into a group of six people. Furthermore, these six people were inviting Chen Yi and Chen Hongfei to join them.    


It was only at this moment that Chen Yi and Chen Hongfei received such a terrifying piece of information.    


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