Eternal Sovereign



Chen Yi instantly felt the pressure. With Chen Haoyan and Chen Feiming frantically using their full strength, even the [Burning Fire], which had greatly increased in power, was unable to withstand the pressure.    


The [Burning Fire] 's power was indeed terrifying, and Chen Feiming and Chen Haoyan had many cards in their hands.    


For example, Chen Feiming's secret technique, [Seal of Treasure Elephant].    


[Seal of Treasure Elephant] could continuously heal Chen Feiming's injuries. Although Chen Feiming was constantly burnt by the [Burning Fire], his injuries could quickly be healed by the [Seal of Treasure Elephant].    


Of course, there was a limit to the [Seal of Treasure Elephant] 's recovery. If one was seriously injured, it would be impossible for them to recover anywhere from 80 to 90% in a short period of time.    


However, Chen Feiming had defensive Godly Armor and Martial Force, which were both enough to weaken the [Burning Fire] 's power. In the end, only a small part of the complete [Burning Fire] was able to touch Chen Feiming's body, and its power was not even one-third of the normal [Burning Fire]' s power.    


That was why Chen Feiming was able to withstand the attack with his body's strength at the 22nd level of the [Black Fury Skill].    


Back then, when Chen Yi's [Burning Devils Arts] had just broken through the Peak of First Round and awakened the Bloodline Magical Power [Burning Fire], in order to test the power of the [Burning Fire], he had killed a third-ranked Inferior Grade Demonic Beast, a Three-tailed Poison Scorpion.    


Three stages, was already Circulation Stage.    


However, the Demonic Beast was instantly killed by the [Burning Fire] because of its inadequate defense.    


Demonic Beast's defensive power was generally stronger than humans, but this did not mean that their defensive power was equal to their cultivation. After all, the majority of human warriors were Qi Refining, and their defense was just average.    


An existence like Chen Feiming was able to instantly kill the three-tailed scorpion that was killed by Chen Yi's [Burning Fire].    


Similarly, Chen Haoyan's Bloodline Magical Power [Spider Kill] could also easily pierce through the body of a three-tailed poisonous scorpion.    


After all, other than poison, the Three Tailed Poison Scorpion was the most ordinary Demonic Beast in all other aspects. Without poison, the Three Tailed Poison Scorpion did not have the ability to fight those above its level.    


The specific strength of Chen Haoyan and Chen Feiming couldn't be described with Invigorated Meridian Stage anymore.    


Chen Feiming had a secret technique, so of course Chen Haoyan had one as well.    


It was because of these secret techniques that the two of them were able to resist the [Burning Fire] for a short while and continue to approach each other.    


Chen Yi backed off. Right now, Chen Yi did not plan to engage the two of them in close combat.    


Although the quality of the Genuine Qi was stronger than the two of them, Chen Yi's [Cirrus Thunder Method] cultivation technique was only at the quasi-Earth level.    


Chen Feiming and Chen Haoyan were both training in low-rank Earth Realm martial arts.    


Even if it was the most ordinary low-grade earth-step profound energy, it was still a Earth Level Cultivation Method, far surpassing that of the quasi-Earth Level Cultivation Method.    


In terms of the Genuine Qi's recovery ability, Chen Yi was temporarily not as good as the two of them.    


In this situation, where the consumption was huge, close combat would only result in a loss.    


Fortunately, the [Burning Fire] was powerful enough. The two of them were not able to reach Chen Yi at the moment, so they were focused on dealing with the [Burning Fire].    


Chen Yi only needed to be careful when dealing with the spider webs that were shooting through the sea of fire.    


It was only when Chen Hongfei had run far away that Chen Yi finally spat out the [Weasel Gas Shot] in his hand.    


Instantly, large amounts of green mist sprayed out.    


Taking advantage of this, Chen Yi no longer controlled the [Burning Fire] and allowed it to burn. Meanwhile, Chen Yi quickly escaped.    


Not long after, Chen Yi caught up with Chen Hongfei. Chen Hongfei looked at the rapidly spreading green fog behind him and could not help but be shocked. "Chen Yi, what is this thing?"    


Before the green mist got close, Chen Hongfei could smell a stench that made him nauseous. His face turned pale and he almost fell to the ground.    


He couldn't believe that this green fog was created by Chen Yi.    


It completely overturned the image of Chen Yi in his heart.    


Chen Yi didn't care about his image in Chen Hongfei's heart as he grabbed Chen Hongfei and ran quickly.    


Not long after, the defensive rune inside the [Weasel Aura Jet Spear] was depleted and the green mist stopped spreading.    


The green fog covered a large area and during this period, it covered the territory of a Shiwu Beast. This Shiwu Beast only had the strength of eight veins.    


He couldn't stay still either. Sometimes, he would even twitch and spit out white foam.    


When Chen Hongfei saw this scene, his mouth opened wide. He never thought that the green fog would be so terrifying. If he were to inhale it …    


Thinking about this, the image of Chen Hongfei eating sh * t appeared in his mind, and he felt so disgusted that he wanted to vomit.    


Chen Hongfei was extremely glad that he was caught by Chen Yi and considered it to be within the protection of the defensive talisman. Otherwise …    


Chen Hongfei turned his head towards Chen Yi helplessly. "Chen Yi, where did you get this disgusting Ares-class weapon from?"    


Chen Yi said, "I picked it up."    


"Picked it up?" Chen Hongfei squinted at Chen Yi, he didn't believe Chen Yi.    


Chen Yi shrugged: "Then tell me, where did I get it from? Could it be that those Innate Deacons gave it to me?"    


Before entering the lower level Shiwu Island area for the exam, everyone's spatial equipment had already been taken away, and the spatial equipment on their bodies were all given to them by the Innate Deacon.    


Other than some essential pills and food, there was nothing else.    


The divine weapons that they had were also stored in the spatial equipment under the supervision of the Xiantian deacons.    


Every Divine Weapon Innate deacon would check that, and those special Divine Weapons were not allowed to be brought into the Assessment Area.    


A special weapon was the [Weasel Aura Jet Spear], which could unleash a powerful attack once in a while.    


Different from normal Divine Weapons, Divine Weapons require warriors to pour in Genuine Qi in order to unleash its power. He only needed warriors to inject a certain amount of Genuine Qi to activate it to be able to unleash a very strong attack.    


This type of Divine Weapon was extremely rare and difficult to forge, but it wasn't something that couldn't be found.    


During the assessment, no one was allowed to take advantage of these divine weapons.    


When Chen Hongfei heard Chen Yi's words, he began to recall. He remembered that he indeed never saw Chen Yi load in such a strange godly weapon before.    


In other words, did Chen Yi really pick this up here?    


What the hell? Wasn't this too lucky? Why didn't he pick it up?    


If he had picked it up, he wouldn't have been caught by Chen Haoyan not long after he entered the lower level area of Shiwu Island.    


However, Chen Hongfei showed a look of schadenfreude as he shifted his gaze.    


Judging from the performance of the Shiwu Beast from before, Chen Haoyan and Chen Feiming probably would not end up well either.    


Even if they died, they would not die. However, they would definitely feel extremely disgusted. They would probably become a shadow that they would never be able to let go of for the rest of their lives.    


"Chen Yi, you must be careful. These two will definitely hate you in the future." Chen Hongfei held back his laughter.    


Chen Yi shrugged his shoulders, "It doesn't matter. Right now, I am on par with those two. After some time, even if these two join forces, they won't be able to beat me."    


Chen Yi believed that when his cultivation reached the Great Circle of Eight Veins, these two people would not be able to defeat him.    


As for levelling up the Circulation Stage, unless he failed to enter the top three and did not undergo the baptism of Yuan Spring, it was unlikely for Chen Haoyan and his sister to catch up to him.    


After a while, the two of them turned around and left. They did not know how long the green mist would take to dissipate. They did not wish to wait here for too long.    


To be honest, it was disgusting.    




There was a golden barrier erected at the boundary between the lower level and higher level areas of the Shiwu Island, separating the lower and higher level areas.    


It had been almost ten years since the last stable enchantment and the enchantment here was starting to become unstable.    


He estimated that in a month or two, there would be people from his family that would come to stabilize the barrier.    


Somewhere in the golden Spirit Formation, probably because it was too unstable, many cracks started to appear.    


A nearby Shiwu Beast saw this and could not help but crawl over. It was a Shiwu Beast with the strength of mid Circulation Stage, its intelligence was not much higher than that of early stage Circulation Stage Shiwu Beast.    


When it sprayed out the cracked golden Spirit Formation, the golden Spirit Formation in that area suddenly shattered.    


The gold barrier that was blocking the low and high level regions had actually cracked open.    


The Shiwu Beast let out an excited sound, it was a signal to gather its comrades.    


Immediately after, the Shiwu Beast climbed out from the high leveled area, and arrived at the low leveled area.    


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