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C1061 Wuhu Sihai Bottle

C1061 Wuhu Sihai Bottle

Lu Fanfeng did not hesitate and immediately used a spatial technique to go from the cloning lab that was 40,000 meters underground to the surface of Venus.    


In order to complete the plan on the wandering planet, the ancient Venus civilization had transformed the entire planet.    


Although the wandering planet plan could maximize the preservation of civilization, when it came to actual implementation, it required time and place, not the possession of powerful technology.    


Firstly, the composition of Venus's power was extremely advantageous. An iron curtain was hard enough to support the huge force produced by the Planetary Engine.    


Secondly, the ancient Venus civilization built a large amount of underground Venus, creating a giant skeleton that went straight to the core to ensure the stability of the entire planet.    


Finally, the underground city was built on the basis of the planet's bones to protect the living creatures.    


Lu Fanfeng came directly to the surface of the earth and took out the new bottle that he had bought.    


Unlike the low quality products such as Langya Power Plant, this time the bottle in Lu Fanfeng's hand was only the size of a palm.    


He conjured a spell and directly raised the bottle up. The bottle was about the size of a palm and flew up into the air. It instantly grew in size and became a thousand-meter-wide bottle with a diameter of over a hundred meters.    


Along with a loud startling sound, countless amounts of seawater poured down, as if the Milky Way had burst into the nine heavens.    


Lu Fanfeng immediately flew into the air and admired the beautiful scenery in front of him.    


Under the high temperature of more than 400 degrees on the surface of Venus, the liquid water instantly evaporated. Even with the ability of a bottle, it was unable to send a drop of liquid water to the ground.    


Within seconds, the entire sky was covered in steam.    


The water vapor that entered the high altitude carried the heat to the endless void, and then when one's body became cold, it would condense into water vapor.    


The water vapor condensed, forming thick clouds. Clouds gathered, turning into dark clouds. Soon after, heavy rain began to pour down.    


As the rain fell in midair, it was once again vaporized by the high temperature, causing it to rise into the air.    


Lu Fanfeng understood that with the constant vaporization and liquefaction, the temperature of the surface layer of Venus would spread into space and eventually drop to a level suitable for living beings.    


If Venus is allowed to cool naturally, the whole process will last for hundreds of years.    


It was naturally impossible for Lu Fanfeng to wait that long, and it was also impossible for Ounesta to wait that long.    


After a few minutes, the area above Lu Fanfeng's head was completely covered by black clouds, spreading for tens of thousands of miles. Looking down from the sky, the black clouds covered only a small corner of Venus, not even ten percent of it.    


Lu Fanfeng once again used a technique to order the Five Lakes and Four Seas Bottles to turn upside down and absorb the high temperature steam in the sky into the bottle.    


At this moment, there was enough water in the bottles to support the ecology of dozens of planets, but he had only used a little bit of it.    


After that, Lu Fanfeng once again poured out the water from the Four Seas Bottle, and it started to quickly vaporize under the high temperature of Venus.    


So many times, the temperature of Venus has dropped to less than a hundred degrees Celsius.    


Liquid water can also be collected on the surface, forming rivers, lakes and seas, spectacular.    


However, after a few twists and turns, the water in the bottle was extremely hot, and when held in hand, it felt a little hot.    


Lu Fanfeng didn't care about the Five Lakes and Four Seas Bottle, he immediately put it away and let it cool down.    


After that, Lu Fanfeng took out a few more seeds and planted them on the surface of Venus.    


These seeds were all plants brought by the ancient Venus civilization and possessed extremely strong survivability. Even though the surface temperature of Venus was still around 70 to 80 degrees Celsius, they could still survive normally.    


At the same time as sowing the seeds, Lu Fanfeng was not stingy at all. He threw a thousand Spirit Qi Pill s away at the same time.    


Under the influence of the rain, they will flow through every inch of Venus and nourish Venus for many years to come.    


When Lu Fanfeng finished spreading the information on Venus, some of the plants had already sprouted.    


Because the rotation speed of Venus was still very slow, the sun would continue to shine for the next year, which would benefit the growth of the plants.    


Only three hours had passed since he finished his work.    


If the residents of Venus were to complete this mission, they would probably need tens of millions of people to complete it. The whole process would take at least a few years.    


After that, Lu Fanfeng returned to the clone lab, and the following matters were handed to the residents of Venus, they were the true future of Venus.    


At this point, the temperature of the surface of Venus had dropped below 80 degrees Celsius. Ordinary humans only needed to wear simple protective gear to be able to move about on the surface.    


As for the Venusians, they could be exposed on the surface of Venus.    


Sea Clan beings were troublesome, after all, the temperature of the sea was very high right now. They would need about another month before they could take off their protective clothing and move about freely.    


Lu Fanfeng did not continue to stay in Venus. He chose to return to Earth.    


At this time, following the return of the Master Lu, many changes had occurred on Earth.    


Jiangnan Tang Family Manor. This place was no longer the original Tang Family Manor.    


Five years ago, the power of Jiangnan Tang Family had reached its peak. They oversaw the whole world, and under the influence of Lu Fanfeng's fame, their Jiangnan Tang Family had already become one of the top two great clans in the entire world.    


At that time, the Patriarch of Tang Family, Tang Jiye, was already an old man and had chosen to be the second in line.    


Although Tang Jiye had not asked about his family's affairs for a long time now, he was still unwilling to give up his position of Patriarch.    


Only, on the choice of the next Patriarch, Tang Jiye had exceeded everyone's expectations. He did not choose his eldest son Tang Yujiang, nor did he choose his beloved daughter Tang Yuyan.    


But soon, everyone could see the trick behind it. Tang Yuxuan was indeed not as capable as his brother and sister, but he had an innate advantage, and that was his relationship with the Master Lu was extremely good.    


If they could understand this, the Tang Yujiang siblings could only accept it helplessly.    


Although at that time, Master Lu had already disappeared for five years, the reputation of the strong still remained, and no one dared to not give Master Lu face.    


However, even now, ten years had passed and the Master Lu still had not appeared. The power of his Tang Family, which looked down on all the heroes, had disappeared.    


"Country M has detained us for five billion dollars worth of goods. The reason is that the aquatic products we are selling contain unknown viruses!" Tang Yujiang said in a serious tone.    


Aquatic products were different from other products. Their shelf life was especially short. If they were detained at the dock for more than three days, the goods would no longer have any value for sale.    


"In addition, we, the EU, have also increased the tariffs on aquatic products. If we continue to export to Europe, we will suffer huge losses!" Tang Yuyan said.    


Europe has always been an exporter of seafood, but with the rise of Jiangnan Tang Family, mystical Frozen Carp quickly took over the European and American markets, squeezing European fisheries.    


In the past decade, who knew how many fishing grounds had gone bankrupt in Europe? They all dared not to speak out in anger.    


Everyone in the Tang Family knew that it wasn't because his Tang Family was strong, but because of that man.    


However, in recent years, Europe and the United States have been gradually launching economic policies to attack the East Asian economy.    


Jiangnan Tang Family was only a microcosm, and the losses they suffered were not the greatest. Compared to the Heavenly Court Finance, their losses were really nothing.    


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