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The starlight that filled the sky was incomparably brilliant, especially in the dark sea, where the starlight seemed even more resplendent.    


Just that, Lu Fanfeng knew that behind the resplendent light, it was destruction.    


"Hippocampus Knights, the cavalry of our Sea Clan, they are the only ones who can rely on our Atlantis to sweep through the four seas. Today, let us allow the Hippopotamus Knights to end Lu Fanfeng's sin!" In the aircraft carrier Ford, the Atlantis Queen said excitedly.    


To show the strength of their Atlantis to the terrestrial humans, they would have to submit to the master of the seas. From now on, the Queen's name would forever be recorded in history, and she would become the true ruler of the earth.    


Almost at the same time, countless Knights of the Hippopotamus pulled the triggers at the same time. The pride of their Sea Clan, the terrifying particle cannons unleashed brilliant rays of light, illuminating the entire ocean.    


Looking down from the surface of the sea, one could see the rays of light from the sea. Under the refraction of the sea waves, the colors changed, becoming as gorgeous as a Resurrection Lily blooming in hell.    


Civilization was always astonishingly similar. When the human world just touched the threshold of particle weapons, Sea Clan of the same civilization had already equipped such a terrifying weapon in the army.    


It had to be said that in a certain sense, the technology of Sea Clan had already surpassed that of humans.    


In the next second, the terrifying particle cannons formed a net that covered the entire ocean, even Lu Fanfeng found it hard to dodge them.    


"That's good enough!" Lu Fanfeng did not get angry, but instead laughed. With a dragon's roar, it resounded through the entire ocean, causing countless Sea Clan creatures to tremble. From this moment onwards, the true king of Sea Clan returned in glory.    


When Dragon Clan was born, after going through such hardships, at this moment, it was just a trial for the Dragon King to ascend to the throne.    


Facing the terrifying might of the Particle Cannon, Lu Fanfeng rushed forward. Countless of Particle Cannons struck the Thunder Battle Dragon's body, instantly destroying its scales and causing dragon blood to fly everywhere.    


But Lu Fanfeng did not dodge, and used his own body to withstand the terrifying attack.    


A distance of several tens of kilometers whizzed by. Before the Hippopotamus Knight could even react, Lu Fanfeng had already rushed forward.    


The Berserk Thunder Battle Dragon instantly shrank in size and a mysterious energy appeared, enveloping its entire body.    


In the next moment, in the midst of meditation, sixteen black dragon heads appeared.    


He breathed in and out, drowning the dozens of seahorse warriors in front of him.    


The pride of Atlantis was instantly devoured, and in the blink of an eye, all of the fresh lives were immediately turned into a pile of dried up bones, as if they were a thousand years old dried up corpse.    


Even the snow-hoofed seahorse they were sitting on was only a shell, and the organs beneath it had long since been melted by the nether breath.    


any one of these Knights would be able to annihilate a mid-ranked nation on land with the addition of the Mighty Snow Jade Hippopotamus which was comparable to Middle God Stage and the Particle Cannon which was able to insta-kill a Peak of God Stage.    


However, when facing Lu Fanfeng, they did not have any chance to retaliate at all.    


As if a tiger had charged into a flock of sheep, the warriors of Atlantis were unable to retaliate at all.    


With the technology of Atlantis, the particle cannons equipped by the seahorse riders only required five seconds to recharge before they could be continued.    


However, to a true expert, five seconds was more than enough time to finish him off.    


Ever since Lu Fanfeng took the first round of attacks from the Particle Cannon, the Hippopotamus Knight had been defeated.    


The massacre continued, but there was no trace of blood in the sea. Only the helpless wails of the Atlantis Warriors spread to every corner.    


"He can actually defeat a Hippopotamus Knight!" Through the Ford Aircraft Carrier's monitoring system, Atlantis Queen had already understood the situation of the battle at the bottom of the sea.    


It was indeed out of their imagination, but looking at Atlantis Queen's confident smile, the European and American officials knew that the situation was still not out of control.    


"Look, what's that?" The German Defense Minister Nettesheim pointed at a dot of light on the screen and shouted.    


The unmanned underwater aircraft clearly transmitted back the situation at the bottom of the sea. Through the image, Nettesheim discovered a dot of light.    


Just as he was speaking, the number of light spots increased rapidly. There were already ten.    


"That's the crystallization of our Atlantis, the Sea God Armor!" Atlantis Queen said proudly.    


The screen quickly enlarged, and only then was everyone able to see that the so-called dot of light was actually a fully armed soldier.    


However, they were different from the warriors on the ground. These Atlantis Warriors had extremely tall statures.    


The so-called Sea God Armor s were different from the European and American armors. Their armors were closer to a Battle Mecha.    


Although their performance was more mature, the human scientists quickly discovered that the Sea God Battle Mechas with Atlantis were still unable to solve the problem of energy sources.    


These devices had restricted the flexibility of Sea God Armor to a certain extent. From this, it could be seen how powerful the skills and skills of the Nuclear Cell that Lu Fanfeng had provided were.    


The horsemen of the seahorse were slaughtered, and only a few dozen of them escaped into the sky.    


Those aggressive seahorse riders who numbered more than a thousand never thought that their time would be so short.    


Lu Fanfeng did not continue to chase after the remaining seahorse riders.    


"Sea Clan Armor?" Lu Fanfeng was not unfamiliar with Sea Clan Armor. Last time, Selina had used her Sea Clan Armor, but her Sea Clan Armor was more like the human spacesuit today.    


It could only save her from the threat of the land environment, her true combat power was not strong, it was not even comparable to the Death God Armor s that were equipped with Nuclear Cell.    


However, Atlantis Queen had long seen how powerful Lu Fanfeng was. The Sea Clan armors she had sent out definitely exceeded Death God Armor s in terms of performance.    


As expected, under the sea, the Sea God Armor began to attack from hundreds of miles away.    


Although Lu Fanfeng was strong, Hellsword was able to restrain his attributes in the water and could not unleash his full strength.    


Especially his spiritual will, since its range had been greatly restricted and now it was less than a hundred kilometers.    


Only after the Sea God Armor attacked did Lu Fanfeng notice it.    


Fortunately, the terrain of this sea area was complicated. There were many underwater mountains that could help Lu Fanfeng avoid them.    


The particle cannons that the Sea God Armor s had equipped were much more powerful than the ones used by the Knights of the Hippopotamus.    


If Lu Fanfeng wanted to use the Hell's Abyss Dragon's physique to forcefully resist the attack of the particle cannons, it would simply be suicide.    


Fortunately, Lu Fanfeng still had the spatial ability.    


Lu Fanfeng immediately opened a dimensional door at the bottom of the sea and arrived in front of the Sea God Armor. A jet of nether energy engulfed a warrior who was carrying a Sea God Armor.    


However, in the next second, in the darkness, the Sea God Armor's weapon system was still functioning normally. The terrifying particle cannons emitted a bright light.    


Lu Fanfeng dodged hurriedly, barely dodging the fatal strike.    


Sea God Armor s were created to control the entire continent with their Sea Clan. They possessed extraordinary combat abilities, and at the same time, they could withstand the threat of hostile environments.    


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