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C913 Global Plan

C913 Global Plan

Previously, Lu Fanfeng had already predicted that the Heavenly Court's supermarket would be very popular, so he had started to stock up on goods half a year earlier.    


However, what he did not expect was that the Heavenly Court's supermarket was far more popular than he had imagined. In just a few hours, he had already consumed more than half of his stock.    


Thus, Lu Fanfeng's team held an emergency meeting to discuss the future work.    


"Based on the current situation, we've underestimated the Heavenly Court's market. From the looks of it, we're no longer able to support such a huge market!" Lee Mengyao said somewhat helplessly.    


The Heavenly Court did indeed have a huge market, but the size of this market far exceeded his expectations. Even with Lu Fanfeng's current abilities, he might not be able to support such a terrifying market.    


"It seems like we need to adjust our strategy and redeploy!" Lu Fanfeng said.    


After decades of development, the Central Plains has become the world's largest country, with many aspects of production capacity ranked first in the world.    


However, even with the Central Plains' production capability, it would still be difficult to maintain it.    


"We need to work together with other countries to mobilize the world's forces to maintain the Heavenly Court's market!" Lee Mengyao said.    


"Global power? "Isn't this the same as promoting the development of other countries? It's not good for us at all!" Lee Yunyao did not understand.    


"Yunyao, you should relax your horizon!" Lee Mengyao laughed.    


"How can we relax? If we want to buy things from other countries, we will naturally have to pay the price." In this case, other countries will naturally accelerate the development of their own economies if they receive funds! " Lee Yunyao said.    


"Cash is extremely precious to ordinary people. However, at the national level, cash is just paper. As long as we open the money printing machine, we will be able to get endless amounts of cash. Before this, I have already completed the negotiations with the Central Plains and bought 2,000 money printing machines from the Central Plains. Lee Mengyao said.    


"But the problem is, if the other countries do not admit the money we print, it will still be like waste paper!" Lee Yunyao said.    


"They won't deny it!" Lu Fanfeng suddenly laughed, "We have the items that they need!"    


As they spoke, Lu Fanfeng looked towards Ann Xia. The current Ann Xia and her had already settled in Venus for half a year.    


In this half a year, with the technology mastered by the Interstellar Refugee, the Venus settlement had already been built to accommodate half a million people.    


500,000 people, to the Central Plains, was at most a county level. Moreover, it could only be considered a small county level city.    


However, to humans, the establishment of a settlement with a population of over 500,000 on Venus was no small matter.    


Compared to the construction of the settlement, the establishment of the extremely subordinate facilities of the Nuclear Cell factory had changed the status of the Interstellar Refugee.    


After obtaining the technology to mass produce Nuclear Cell s, Ann Xia and the Interstellar Refugee she represented would face Earth with a completely new attitude.    


"The current Nuclear Cell factory we have established can produce one million Nuclear Cell every year. Within the next five years, the size of the Nuclear Cell factory will increase a hundredfold. At that time, the Nuclear Cell will also enter the common people's house and change the human world!" Ann Xia said.    


"How many Nuclear Cell have you grasped so far?" Lee Mengyao asked.    


"There are over 300,000 pieces, and there are all kinds of models, and some of them were even made using technology from the fort!" Ann Xia said.    


The interstellar stronghold contained all the technology of the Interstellar Refugee, so in theory, it could produce anything.    


However, the cost to use the interstellar stronghold was very high. If used to make Nuclear Cell s, it would be equivalent to shooting at flies.    


"300,000 yuan is enough for us to carry out our next plan!" Lu Fanfeng laughed.    


"What plan?" Lee Yunyao did not understand.    


"A plan to have European and American countries voluntarily deliver the best products in the country!" Lu Fanfeng laughed and turned to look at Lee Mengyao, who ordered, "Send out the information to all countries of the world now, announce the specific technical parameters of the Nuclear Cell, three days later, Yakutsk will hold an auction, and auction this kind of product!"    


"Is the Central Plains going to send it too?" Lee Mengyao asked.    


Previously, Lu Fanfeng had already reached an agreement with the Central Plains and agreed to sell the Nuclear Cell to the Central Plains.    


Logically speaking, the Central Plains side did not need to participate in such an auction, but Lu Fanfeng had decided to inform the Central Plains.    


"They have to come! All auctions need a request!" Lu Fanfeng laughed.    


An emergency European Union military conference is held in the Belgian capital, Brussels.    


"We must master the Nuclear Cell. If we have the Nuclear Cell, then our Death God Armor will be able to enter combat!" The Chief of Staff of the French Air Force, Jim Hyman, said.    


The Death God Armor developed jointly by 25 countries of the European Union, led by France and Germany, was nearing completion. The only thing missing was the energy problem.    


If this problem was solved, the Death God Armor would be able to fight in real combat in the future.    


Today, the EU has a total of 27 members. However, when the Death God Armor set up the project, two more countries refused to contribute.    


With the protection of Black Blood Clan, there was naturally no need to spend too much time and effort researching Death God Armor. The reason for that was also the same in Italy: no armor was more reliable than Vatican. Although Vatican had already declined, Vatican basically did not recognize that they belonged to Italy.    


"No, no, no. We don't need any Nuclear Cell at all. Death God Armor is just a joke. Rather than spending a huge sum of money to buy it, we might as well spend this money on something else." Rodman, the commander in chief of the Royal Navy, laughed.    


"Compared to Nuclear Cell, I'm more concerned about the Milan civil war next week!" Italian Army Staff Officer, Major General Bruce said.    


"Nuclear Cell are not only related to the safety of the entire EU, but also to the safety of the entire EU. If this technology were to fall into the hands of other countries, the future security of the EU would also be challenged. "Think about it, if this technology is in the hands of those terrorists in the Middle East, how can we prevent terrorist attacks?" The German Defense Minister Nettesheim asked.    


His gaze swept the crowd, and no one could respond. Even the representatives of the United Kingdom and Italy were at a loss for words.    




"Preventing the Nuclear Cell technology from falling into the hands of other countries is our top priority. We want to maintain our dominance in the field of nuclear energy, and we will absolutely not allow other countries to have access to this technology! " Trump said passionately.    


Central Plains Capital City, "Perhaps, we should help Master Lu!"    


In the mountains of the northern region of the Middle East, Babylon, "We must acquire this technology. This is a Nuclear Cell, every single one of them is equivalent to a miniature nuclear bomb, and after mastering it, we will be able to negotiate with the European and American countries.    


In Africa, in South America, in South Asia, countless forces once again focused their attention on Saha Federation, focusing their attention on Yakutsk.    


Different from Immortal Cloud Spirit Water, Nuclear Cell s were the things that could truly change the fate of nations. Countless countries drooled over it.    


In just three short days, without any sort of publicity, the news of the Nuclear Cell had already spread across all the countries and powers around the world.    


The Yakutsk once again welcomed the attention of countless foreign delegations, and the entire world began to pay attention to this place with extremely cold Siberia.    


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