Immortal’s APP Store



Lu Fanfeng took the pill, but in his heart, he was extremely happy. "These two Yellow Turban Hercules will be coming soon, and they actually know how to present me with gifts, not bad not bad not bad!"    


Lu Fanfeng was still a mortal at the moment, so he naturally could not do things too cruelly.    


Especially when over ten thousand of his own workers were handed over to the Yellow Turban Hercules. If they were to deliberately cause trouble and kill a few of them, Lu Fanfeng would not be able to reason with them.    


Immediately, Lu Fanfeng brought out the things he prepared, "I hope the two of you do not dislike items that come from the mortal world!"    


"What is this?" Yellow Turban Hercules looked at the square metal box in Lu Fanfeng's hand, his eyes filled with doubt.    


Lu Fanfeng immediately pulled the ring on the box and opened it. In that moment, the smell of fish meat rushed into his nose.    


This object was none other than a Divine level dark food from Middle Earth World. It was the only food that was on par with Old Sun's mother, the soy sauce fish.    


"I know that the food in the Heavenly Court is light. I'm guessing it's been a long time since the two of you have eaten meat. Why don't you try it?" Lu Fanfeng took out the chopsticks that he had prepared beforehand.    


"We can't do this! We can't do this! We're from the Dao Gate! We can't do this!" The two Yellow Turban Hercules s shook their hands.    


"Why not? Come, have a taste. It's very delicious!" Lu Fanfeng picked up a piece of fish and showed it to the two great gods.    


"No, we can't eat it!" The two Yellow Turban Hercules s shook their heads at the same time, their gaze fixated on the fish on the chopsticks.    


"Aiya!" The chopsticks in Lu Fanfeng's hand loosened, and the delicious fish fell onto the ground, covered in dust.    


"What a pity, what a pity!" One of the Yellow Turban Hercules s could not help but exclaim.    


As for the other Yellow Turban Hercules, he directly pounced towards Lu Fanfeng's feet and picked up the piece of fish meat. He ignored the soil on top of it and directly stuffed it into his mouth.    


The fish was covered in soil and it did not taste good, but the Yellow Turban Hercules had an intoxicated expression on her face.    


Seeing that, the other Yellow Turban Hercules could not hold it in anymore. Taking a step forward, she grabbed the canned soy sauce fish from Lu Fanfeng's hands, while using her other hand to grab the chopsticks and gulp down her food.    


"Save some for me!" Yellow Turban Hercules stood up quickly, and acted as if she wanted to fight.    


Lu Fanfeng hurriedly took out another box of soy sauce fish. "There's more here!"    


With just a move, they could destroy the heavens and the earth. If they were to accidentally destroy the Earth for the sake of a box of soy sauce fish, Lu Fanfeng would truly have a tragic end.    


Fortunately, he managed to make a move in time. The Yellow Turban Hercules each had a can of soy sauce fish and started to eat heartily.    


Just a box of cans was not even enough for them to eat, and Lu Fanfeng immediately brought out another box, "Don't worry, today we will eat with our stomachs open. There are enough canned food!"    


Even though Lu Fanfeng said that, the Yellow Turban Hercules was still very disciplined. After each of them ate five boxes of canned food, they stopped eating, "No, this thing's smell is too strong, if the Second Princess smells it, it'll be troublesome!"    


However, Lu Fanfeng was very considerate, "Since that's the case, why don't you two take some back with you!"    


With that, Lu Fanfeng pointed to a truck in the distance, "I'll give this can to you two as a gift!"    


The two Yellow Turban Hercules s immediately rejected, "Master Zhang Tian Cheng, how can you be so embarrassed!"    


"It's just a little bit of local specialties, please don't take it to heart!" Lu Fanfeng laughed.    


Yellow Turban Hercules was a person from over a hundred years ago after all, and there were many red tape in her words.    


"If the two of you don't mind, how about we add a WeChat?" Lu Fanfeng said as he took out his phone, but he deliberately hid the character seven behind it.    


The other party was from the Heavenly Court. If they knew that Lu Fanfeng was using the seven phones from the Heavenly Court, they would probably get into a lot of trouble.    


When the Yellow Turban Hercules heard this, she was immediately overjoyed and quickly added a friend request with her phone.    


It was only now that Lu Fanfeng realized that these two Yellow Turban Hercules s actually had names as well.    


"Wang Lang, Song Rong, it's my pleasure to meet you!" Lu Fanfeng said politely, but he took a glance at their phones, the two of them were actually the cheapest phone in the Heavenly Court.    


"Master Zhang Tian Cheng, we have matters to attend to, we cannot stay any longer, we have to return to the Heavenly Court to report to the Second Princess!" Wang Lang replied respectfully.    


"Take care, you two. When I finish my business in the mortal realm and return to the Heavenly Court, I'll invite you two for a drink!" Lu Fanfeng cupped his hands and said his goodbyes.    


When Wang Lang, Song Rong heard this, his face revealed a happy expression.    


When the two of them turned around, they retrieved a cloth bag from their waists and opened it. With a flick of the sleeve, the cloth bag flew into the air, turning into a gigantic object with a diameter of a hundred meters.    


Then, a strong wind rose up from his pocket, directly sucking in all the mechanical equipment and people there.    


The entire process took less than ten seconds, and the two Yellow Turban Hercules s had already put their pockets back and hung them around their waists.    


"Brothers, what treasure is this?" Lu Fanfeng asked with a face full of envy.    


"Master Zhang Tian Cheng, this is the Cosmic Bag given by the Heavenly Court. Every Yellow Turban Hercules has one, it is a very common one. If you like it, I will get one for you later!" Song Rong laughed.    


From the looks of it, this sort of treasure wasn't that rare in the Heavenly Court.    


Just as Lu Fanfeng was about to thank him, Wang Lang suddenly spoke up, "Master Chen Tian Yun is a Divine Officer after all, he has the treasures exclusive to Divine Officers that belong to the Heavenly Court. How could he have his eyes on ordinary people like us?"    


When Song Rong heard this, he scratched his head in embarrassment, "That's true, Lord Lu's treasures are even better!"    


Lu Fanfeng could only laugh dryly to cover up his embarrassment.    


After sending off the Yellow Turban Hercules, Lu Fanfeng sat on the ground with his butt, but his back was already drenched in sweat.    


Facing the God of Heaven, although Lu Fanfeng had the protection of the Jade Emperor's imperial decree, he could barely resist. But the burden on his body was also extremely large, in just a few minutes, Lu Fanfeng was already on the verge of collapsing.    


Seeing that the Yellow Turban Hercules had disappeared, Wang Zhaodi and the rest rushed over. Their cultivation were lower, and they did not have the protection of the imperial edict, so how could they face a true God?    


"Fan Feng, are you alright?" Wang Zhaodi was the first to rush over and grabbed Lu Fanfeng's arm, asking with concern.    


Lu Fanfeng shook his head with difficulty, but his face was extremely ugly.    


"Fan Feng, let's give up. This is too dangerous!" Wang Zhaodi's face was filled with worry.    


"Impossible, since it has begun, I will not give up!" Lu Fanfeng shook his head helplessly.    


To him, the Heavenly Court's Fairy Application Store and mobile phone were both opportunities and challenges.    


Lu Fanfeng had obtained the opportunity that others admired, and he had to bear a danger that ordinary people could not imagine. This was his path.    


However, even though Lu Fanfeng knew that the road ahead was bumpy, he still wasn't willing to give up.    


The reason was simple. A dull life made people feel helpless.    


"This matter is over. As long as we follow the rules, we will be able to reap some rewards!" Lu Fanfeng said calmly. After being busy for so long, he could finally take a break.    


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