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C910 Liberating Hands

C910 Liberating Hands

Three friend requests made Lu Fanfeng a little overjoyed.    


Lu Fanfeng hurried to add the three as friends. However, reality proved that he was happy too early.    


Immortal Ling Wei: I was wondering what it was. It turns out to be a low-level civilization item, so it's boring.    


Taoist Fanfeng: It's very interesting. Try it if you don't believe me! Immortal Spirit Might has activated the friend verification. You are still not his (her) friend. Please send a friend verification request first. You can't chat until the other party has passed the verification.)    


When Immortal Mighty heard that Lu Fanfeng wanted to sell items of a low level civilization, he immediately deleted him.    


"There are two more. Don't be discouraged!" Lu Fanfeng muttered to himself.    


Who would have thought that Master Lu, who oppressed the great powers of this world and looked down on all living things on Earth, would actually become a micromerchant?    


In comparison to the Spirit Might Immortal, the Five Thunder Immortal did not delete Lu Fanfeng, but he was also unable to understand mortal items.    


Lu Fanfeng explained for half an hour, but this guy also did not understand.    


In the end, the Five Thunder Immortal did not agree to Lu Fanfeng's request.    


Only the last one was left, the white-rainbow boy.    


Although he was not interested in mortal items, he still helped Lu Fanfeng to send them over.    


After the Rainbow Child forwarded it, Lu Fanfeng very quickly received five friend requests.    


After that, of the five people, Lu Fanfeng had successfully convinced two of them to transfer twice the number.    


The benefits of forwarding and promotion were obvious. Lu Fanfeng only needed to pay a small price to obtain enormous benefits.    


Although the progress of the early stage was slow, it would increase several times every time after the transmission.    


Very quickly, after forwarding over a dozen times, Lu Fanfeng was no longer able to process the friend request information.    


"This won't do. I need to find a new method. Otherwise, I'll die of exhaustion before the transmission is over!" Lu Fanfeng thought to himself.    


In the early stages, Lu Fanfeng could relax a lot.    


But with the increase in the number of forwards, with thousands of people simultaneously requesting to add him as a friend, Lu Fanfeng could only continue to be exhausted.    


As time passed, this number would also increase. At that time, the human force would not be able to reach that number.    


Even if Lu Fanfeng had Middle God Stage and a reaction speed that far exceeded that of an ordinary person, he would eventually be drowned by his countless good friends.    


Just then, Lu Fanfeng saw a message from the Second Princess.    


Second Princess: Sky Fortress, did you send this?    


Second Princess directly sent a discount card, which Lu Fanfeng had just given to him.    


Taoist Fanfeng: That's right!    


Second Princess: Damn it, you actually tricked me.    


Taoist Fanfeng: Why would Second Princess say that? How would I dare to deceive your highness?    


Second Princess: The discount card you gave me was also 10%, the discount card you gave others was also 10%. However, they only need to forward it to you. But I, I have to send Yellow Turban Hercules to do all the work for you.    


Taoist Fanfeng: Reporting to Your Highness, although they are both discount cards, the two are fundamentally different. Princess, your discount card is limited to one year and it is for the entire Heaven Realm Economic Zone. As long as you are in there, no matter how much you spend, you will get a 10% discount. But the discount card I just gave only had one use, and it's only for supermarkets. In comparison, your discount card is still better.    


Second Princess: At least you know the rules. You didn't waste my help.    


Taoist Fanfeng: That's because I, Fan Feng, will never forget the kindness Second Princess has given me.    


Second Princess: It's just that, why did you use such a clumsy method? Actually, you can have an even simpler method.    


Taoist Fanfeng: What method?    


Second Princess: Do you know the public name of the Heavenly Court Wechat?    


Taoist Fanfeng: (Embarrassed) I don't know.    


Lu Fanfeng naturally knew of the WeChat official account. It was just that he did not know that the Heavenly Court Wechat also had a official account.    


Second Princess: The Heavenly Court Wechat official account is a new function that has only recently been released. Many people do not know how to use it. However, I happen to know the principle behind this.    


Taoist Fanfeng: Since that's the case, please help me, Second Princess.    


Second Princess: I can help you, but how are you going to repay me?    


Taoist Fanfeng: Could it be that Second Princess is interested in the discount coupons at the supermarket?    


Second Princess: I wonder how many discount vouchers you have?    


Taoist Fanfeng: Currently, you can only use two of them at a time. You already have one, which means, you can use one more.    


Second Princess: Since that's the case, then I will help you design the Heavenly Court Wechat's official account. However, after this is done, for every ten people that are forwarded, you need to give me a discount ticket at the supermarket.    


Taoist Fanfeng: If that's really good, then I will have to trouble Second Princess.    


However, a few discount vouchers were enough to allow Lu Fanfeng to escape from his heavy workload.    


Furthermore, Second Princess could only use one pellet at a time. Even if he gave her ten thousand, it wouldn't affect his own income.    


After freeing his hands, Lu Fanfeng was not idle either.    


As the first shop to open Bash Mall, a supermarket was definitely the most important.    


In order to find a stable source of goods, Si Lijing negotiated and cooperated with over a hundred factories in half a year.    


At the same time, she had also received funding from Shi Mann to purchase 15 factories, forming a stable supply chain.    


Sixty percent of the sales and ninety percent of the branded shops all came from the Central Plains, and the distance from the Tiksi Port of the Central Plains Road was between four thousand and eight thousand kilometers.    


The Central Plains had a huge network of highways and railways. Naturally, there was no need to worry about transportation.    


However, the matter of going from the Central Plains to Tiksi Port was a very thorny one.    


The Central Plains's railways could only connect to Moscow, Russia, and perfectly bypassed the Saha Federation during this period. After all, the Saha Federation was a cold and harsh place, so if they invested and built railways, they would only end up losing everything.    


As for roads, the transport costs were too high to be considered.    


In the end, Lu Fanfeng locked his gaze onto Hai Yang.    


No matter if it was Philippines, or Korea, or island Mitsui Consortium, they all possessed a large number of merchant ships.    


These ships could completely meet the transportation requirements.    


One had to know that the largest vehicles on land could only transport several hundred tons of goods, and there were many restrictions.    


But at sea, 100,000 tons of transport ships could be seen everywhere.    


In just half a year, Tiksi Port had accumulated a large amount of goods for future use.    


Finally, the decorations of the Bash Mall were completed and it was time to transport it to the First Layer of Heaven Realm.    


Lu Fanfeng chose to conduct it during the night to avoid unnecessary trouble.    


"A person with such low manpower can actually create such a magnificent building. This is truly unbelievable!" Yellow Turban Hercules could not help but exclaim as she looked at the vast and majestic Bash Mall in front of him.    


How could there be such a great building in the world he lived in?    


"The surrounding coloured walls are less than two meters away from the main building of the mall. Can you move away safely?" Lu Fanfeng asked.    


In order to hide things from others, Lu Fanfeng had constructed colorful walls around the Bash Mall.    


According to the plan, three years after the mall was moved, the colorful walls would still exist.    


Once everyone had forgotten about this matter, the colored curtain wall would be removed.    


At that time, even if someone suspected the location of the Bash Mall, Lu Fanfeng could explain that it had already been removed.    


After all, many things could happen in the span of three years.    


"Don't worry Heaven Expansion Office, this distance is enough!" While speaking, Yellow Turban Hercules stepped forward and directly soared into the sky, standing in mid air.    


After that, he extended his big hand, and an endless suction force exploded from his palm, directly pulling in the Bash Mall.    


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