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C549 Friends of Shen Xu

C549 Friends of Shen Xu

Some people are born with privileges, while others are born with something on their shoulders.    


Han Muxue was one of them. Just after the full moon, she was selected by Sir Zheng Wenan to be his wife when she grows up.    


This mission brought her countless honor and glory, so she knew very little that Han Muxue had been proud of it. After all, the title of Young Master Zheng Wenan's fiancee allowed many people to treat her with respect.    


But as she grew older, as the romance began, the marriage became her nightmare.    


In order to ensure Han Muxue's innocence, since she was fourteen years old, she had had an expert sent by the Zheng Family protect her from the start.    


Once Han Muxue had a good impression of someone from the opposite sex, the experts of Zheng Family would become furious.    


Moreover, the opposite sex that Han Muxue was interested in would also quickly disappear.    


In order to protect the friends around him, Han Muxue could only try to hide her feelings.    


Until last month, when Han Muxue found out from her uncle about something that made her crumble.    


Sir Zheng Wenan had actually agreed to New Country's engagement, and obtained a new fiancee.    


Just when Han Muxue thought that she had been liberated, another piece of news came from the Zheng Family.    


After knowing about it, Han Muxue was defeated.    


How can the women of the Central Plains of modern society accept this.    


In order to take revenge on Zheng Family, in order to take revenge on Zheng Wenan, this caused her to have a relationship with Shen Xu.    


How much of it is true can be seen by the discerning eye.    


The thought that had been instilled into Han Muxue from her clan made her not dare to do anything out of line.    


But now that he had a boyfriend, regardless of whether it was Zheng Family or Zheng Family, he had to step out and solve this issue.    


"Han Xuanming, how do you plan to resolve this!" Zheng Wentai asked.    


"Please tell young master Zheng that our Han Family will settle this matter properly, and there won't be a next time!" Han Muxue's uncle Han Xuanming said.    


If one did not have Zheng Family, the Han Family would probably still be a small clan with an unknown origin.    


Han Xuanming was naturally clear about the consequences of offending the Zheng Family.    


"Han Xuanming, as long as you solve this problem, I can help you hide it!" Zheng Wentai said casually.    


"Many thanks! In the future, when Han Muxue becomes Young Noble Zheng Wenan's wife, our Han Family will never forget about you!" Han Xuanming laughed.    


"Uncle, nothing happened between Shen Xu and I, can you please …" Han Muxue pleaded in a begging tone.    


However, Han Xuanming didn't listen to him at all, "Enough, if I knew earlier, I wouldn't have done what I did before today!"    


"Not only Shen Xu, there are also the people by Shen Xu's side. I do not want to see him again!" Zheng Wentai said with an unfriendly tone.    


"Rest assured, I will take care of this matter!" Han Xuanming said, and turned to look at Han Muxue, "Muxue, what was the name of Shen Xu's friend just now?"    


"He said, his name is …" As Han Muxue spoke up to here, she stopped. She couldn't easily say that name out loud.    


"What are you shouting for, quickly say it, so as not to anger the Zheng Family!" Han Xuanming's face darkened as he asked sternly.    


"Lu Fanfeng!" Han Muxue helplessly said this name. From her point of view, it was very likely that Lu Fanfeng was not that person's real name.    


After all, there were celebrity effects everywhere. A few years ago, there was a child who looked very much like Ma Ba.    


Many people wanted to win the popularity of famous people. Since Hua Dong had come from Master Lu, there would naturally be people who would change their surname, hoping to attract the attention of others.    


"Lu Fanfeng!"    


Sure enough, when Han Xuanming and Zheng Wentai heard this, they were shocked.    


Who was Lu Fanfeng? He was the most famous Martial Cultivator in the past few years.    


From the Eastern Ocean, after killing Hong Sect Great Elder Xuanyuan Hao, Lu Fanfeng's fame had spread throughout the entire nation.    


What bloodshed in Jinling, massacre in eastern China, and the destruction of Capital Jia Family?    


It was as if in Lu Fanfeng's eyes, there was nothing that he did not dare to do.    


In recent years, there were even rumors saying that he had entered the island alone, annihilated the six divine societies, killed Yamamoto Ryuichi and destroyed half of Tokyo City. He had to go against the army, force the island to bow before him, and force the Prime Minister to step down.    


Although these matters had not been verified, they were still widespread in the outside world.    


For such people, not to mention him, even if it was Zheng Wenan or the Hong Kong Island Arts Master, they would still have to submit to him.    


"Uncle, don't be nervous, he's just someone with the same name as Master Lu, he's not a real Master Lu!" Han Muxue hurriedly explained.    


"Is that so?" Zheng Wentai asked.    


"It should be fake. If it's a real Master Lu, he definitely won't leave so easily!" Han Muxue explained.    


"That would be for the best!" Han Xuanming finally let out a sigh of relief.    


Regardless of whether it was the Hong Kong Zheng Family or the Huadong Master Lu, none of them were existences he could afford to offend.    


But, right at that moment, Zheng Wentai suddenly thought of something, "Who was the person that stood beside Lu Fanfeng just now, why do I look so familiar?"    


"Oh …" Are you talking about Weii? " Han Muxue naturally recognized Weii, "He is the business manager of Immortal Cloud Spirit Water's Shenzhen branch, he used to come to our unit to deliver water often, so you think him familiar?"    


"Immortal Cloud Spirit Water!" When Zheng Wentai heard this name, the hairs on his back immediately stood on end.    


Others may not know the background of the Immortal Cloud Spirit Water, but it was not like Zheng Wentai did not know it.    


"Bad, bad!" Zheng Wentai immediately collapsed onto the chair, his face was full of despair, "We messed with someone we shouldn't have!"    


"What do you mean?" Han Xuanming and Han Muxue did not react as they asked anxiously.    


"The CEO of the Immortal Cloud Spirit Water is called Cao Yun, he's the Cao Yun that you all know, a big star!" Zheng Wentai said.    


"Is she related to Lu Fanfeng?" Han Muxue did not understand.    


"Of course there is. Back then, Cao Yun was an artiste under the Starlight Entertainment, so the history of Starlight Entertainment is actually not glorious. They would let artists, especially female artists, drink and eat with their big bosses, or even spend the night with them. Back then, Chairman Jiang from Starlight Entertainment saw that Cao Yun had a noble identity and arranged for her to accompany the big boss. Since Cao Yun refused to listen, Chairman Jiang spread the rumours about Cao Yun in the newspaper. And because of this, it caused the Huadong Master Lu to become so angry that they directly entered Jinling and washed their Jiang Family with blood! " Zheng Wentai, however, knew all of these secrets like the back of his hand.    


"And because of this, Lu Fanfeng was able to smoothly control the Starlight Entertainment, causing his to jump from a female artiste to the number one artist in Starlight Entertainment!"    


"It was also at that time that Immortal Cloud Spirit Water gradually became known by the people, and in a short period of time, it quickly became popular!"    


"In other words, the real owner of the Immortal Cloud Spirit Water is Lu Fanfeng?" When Han Xuanming said this answer, even he himself was shocked.    


"To be able to be personally escorted by the people from the Immortal Cloud Spirit Water's Shenzhen branch, Shen Xu's friend must be a high ranking Immortal Cloud Spirit Water!" Zheng Wentai's gaze swept across the Han duo, and the answer was already obvious. "Do you really need the higher ups of the Immortal Cloud Spirit Water to pretend to be the big boss behind the scenes?"    


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