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C509 Special Ability Teaching

C509 Special Ability Teaching

Adept teachers had to be chosen, or they would destroy these talented girls.    


In the end, Lu Fanfeng's gaze fell on Blue Slave.    


Seeing Lu Fanfeng staring at him, the Blue Slave felt goosebumps all over his body, "Master, what are you doing?"    


"Nothing, Blue Slave, I want to give you an important mission!" Lu Fanfeng said with a smile.    


"Important mission?" Blue Slave seemed to have thought of something, and her face immediately filled with worry.    


"Ten years old, a hundred years old, teaching and educating is a good thing for you. If you do well, you can wash away the sins of the past!" Lu Fanfeng laughed.    


In fact, Lu Fanfeng was not the least bit exaggerated. From the Shining World Devil Eye, one could see that the Blue Slave's contribution points were actually negative.    


According to the rules of the Heavenly Court, if one's merits were too low, they would suffer misfortune.    


Previously, Blue Slave didn't believe in the Heavenly Court, and the Heavenly Court couldn't punish him. But now, when he became Lu Fanfeng's slave, he would naturally be punished by the Heavenly Court.    


If they did not clear the deficit immediately, this guy would probably be killed by Sky Law very quickly.    


"No, I don't want it. I have never come into contact with such a low-level method of education!" Blue Slave said with a sullen face. He did not believe that there was any bad luck at all.    


"Blue Slave, you have to believe me. If you don't do good deeds, you will become very unlucky!" Lu Fanfeng said.    


"Tsk, I don't believe it, how bad is it?" The Blue Slave laughed.    


But in the next second, the light cover on top of the safe suddenly fell down and directly smashed into Blue Slave's head.    


Blue Slave was about to curse when she saw that the lamp was crumbling.    


Hurriedly dodging backwards, he accidentally stepped on something and his whole body slipped.    


When he fell down, he bumped into the shelf that held the gold.    


A kilogram of golden bricks all fell down, and one of them accurately smashed onto Blue Slave's head.    


The sad Blue Slave struggled to sit up, her originally ugly face had now completely twisted.    


"Master, I was wrong, I'm willing to be their teacher, don't torture me!" Blue Slave said with a sullen face.    


Lu Fanfeng was also wondering, he didn't know if these things were the Sky Law.    


But at this time, even if it wasn't, you still had to remember, "Blue Slave, you have to remember, in the future, you have to do good deeds, or else you will be punished!"    


Blue Slave sullenly asked, "Master, why do I have to receive retribution?"    


"Because you have always been involved in the trafficking of human beings. This is evil, and evil will be punished!" Lu Fanfeng acted as if he was a God.    


"Master, why haven't I received retribution before?" Blue Slave asked, still unwilling to give up.    


"It's not that I don't want to report, it's just that the time has not yet come. The Heavenly Dao circulates, and I have to report back. I may be late, but I will never be absent." The world is vast and the world is vast. If you do something wrong, the heaven's law will punish you. If you want to avoid Sky Law, you can only do good deeds! " Lu Fanfeng said in all seriousness.    


With the vast and profound culture of the Central Plains, it was easy to fool a mere alien.    


Sure enough, Blue Slave was baptized in deep thought by Lu Fanfeng's words.    


"Master is so great. He can actually say so many philosophical things. Is he a philosopher?" Blue Slave thought.    


Lu Fanfeng couldn't help but reveal a smile. After planting the Life and Death Curse, Lu Fanfeng could feel what the Blue Slave was thinking in his heart.    


Knowing that the Blue Slave who had successfully coaxed him could be considered as having successfully solved the problem of educating the Adepts.    


However, the Blue Slave alone was not enough to handle all these Adepts. Lu Fanfeng still needed to find more teachers.    


This matter was extremely simple to Lu Fanfeng.    


Lu Fanfeng was previously a teacher of Star Sea High School, it was not difficult to dig out a portion of the teachers from the Star Sea High School.    


In the next few days, Lu Fanfeng started to regain control of his Jingsheng Coal Mine, but the experts invited by Bald Liu, were not able to find Lu Fanfeng.    


Returning to the Jingsheng Coal Mine, Lu Fanfeng did not make any personnel changes, but waited quietly for three days, waiting for the enemy to take the initiative and appear.    


Finally, on the third night, the vice president of Jingsheng Coal Mine found Lu Fanfeng and asked him to participate in the high-level meeting that would be held tomorrow.    


As the true boss of Jingsheng Coal Mine, once Lu Fanfeng appeared, many of the higher ups were extremely fearful.    


Although they were people that the Bald Liu had brought up, they knew about the affairs of the Master Lu.    


Especially the fact that the Bald Liu and the Gu family had disappeared for no reason, which made many guess that it was Lu Fanfeng who had used his thunder technique again.    


"A while ago, I was very busy, and did not manage the Jingsheng Coal Mine. But from now on, the Jingsheng Coal Mine will once again return to my hands!" Lu Fanfeng swept everyone with his sharp eyes, "Which one of you is unconvinced?"    


Everyone kept quiet, but in their hearts, they did not recognize Lu Fanfeng's position.    


Many of those present were all Bald Liu's trusted aides. They had already known that Bald Liu had requested for Hong Sect Branch Lord Ling Qianchou to make a move.    


The second day after Bald Liu went missing, Ling Qianchou had arrived at the Taihang City and contacted many people present.    


As long as Ling Qianchou killed Lu Fanfeng, his future Jingsheng Coal Mine would be theirs.    


"Master Lu!" In the corner of the meeting room, a person stood up slowly with his hands behind his back. "I refuse to accept this!"    


"Who are you?" Lu Fanfeng asked coldly.    


"I am Ling Qianchou!" The man answered proudly.    


The moment he said this, everyone's faces lit up.    


"Ling Qianchou, he is Ling Qianchou, the Hong Sect Ranker that Director Liu contacted that day!"    


"Vice President Wang has already told me, that Ling Qianchou is the hall master of Hong Sect, and a man who can endure till today while being surrounded by American Army, his strength can be imagined!"    


"The Jingsheng Coal Mine is ours, even if Boss Liu is not here, it cannot fall into Lu Fanfeng's hands!"    


Many of the people present became excited. Following Bald Liu meant that they had obtained a lot of benefits.    


Now that Lu Fanfeng had regained control, it would definitely offend many people, how could they agree.    


"Ling Qianchou!" Lu Fanfeng's mouth revealed a look of disdain, "Bring out the experts you brought with you!"    


With Lu Fanfeng's spiritual will, he had already scouted the inside and outside of the meeting room thoroughly. Other than Ling Qianchou, there were five other people present, all of them possessing Peak of Transformation Stage.    


The office door suddenly opened and five white people filed in.    


"Master Lu, we finally meet!" The leader of the group said proudly.    


"You should be Thunder God!" Lu Fanfeng instantly recognized the other party's powerful lightning attribute talent. This was the only person in the world with such talent.    


"That's right, I am the Thunder God Zeus!" Zeus said proudly.    


"Oh, aren't you scared out of your wits by the American Army?" Lu Fanfeng mocked.    


"Master Lu, I have seen your power. I feel ashamed that I have been able to shake the world with the battle in Tokyo!" "However, you have violated the rules of the Underground World, we must punish you!"    


"Hehe, why do you need to find so many reasons to attack me?" Lu Fanfeng said in disdain. These fellows were obviously invited by the Bald Liu, but they even made up such an excuse.    


"It really is the Master Lu. He's much smarter than I thought!" The only woman present said.    


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