Female CEO's Super Bodyguard

C143 Lin Yuxin

C143 Lin Yuxin

The Huahang Group Board unanimously approved, Zhu Xi took over the position of CEO from the deceased Shen Huahang.    


When the entire corporation heard this news, they were all shocked.    


Zhu Xi was only twenty-two years old, and she carried many titles, such as number one shareholder, beautiful CEO, strong woman, etc. The news spread like wildfire, causing Zhu Xi to become famous.    


Originally, the employees of the company were prepared to leave Huahang Group in despair. But in less than a day, not only did the Huahang Group not auction, it even injected a strong flow of funds, brimming with a prosperous atmosphere.    


After asking around, many people in Huahang Group understood the reason. Zhu Xi had brought over two hundred million gold with him to the company, giving everyone hope.    


At first, there were people who didn't trust her. A girl in her early twenties, instead of studying in school, came out to do business. It was probably the children of rich people who came out to be gilded. It had to be known that the rich could casually take out several hundred million to let their children train. Losing money didn't matter at all; the main thing was to gain experience.    


The employees of the company were awaiting the appointment of the new CEO with suspicion when they suddenly heard an explosive piece of news. Someone spread Zhu Xi's glorious past few years.    


The Zhu Group Vice President of the top ten enterprises in Yun Province had successfully purchased more than one company that was close to collapse.    


What made the employees most excited was that Huahang Group's salary system would be reformed, and would no longer follow the rigid system of remuneration used by the family enterprises. As for how the wages would be distributed, it would have to be decided by the office.    


Zhu Xi arrived at Huahang Group early in the morning. Instead of going to the office, she went to the meeting room, and called all the middle and upper management over. One of them was to announce the welcoming ceremony of taking over the position of CEO, the meaning was simple.    


One is to announce the direction of reform. Because the Huahang Group took the wrong route, all of the funds were invested into the real estate, causing the company's finances to go bankrupt. The first thing Zhu Xi needed to solve was the problem of funding. She decided to put aside the construction of Huahang Real Estate, waiting for it to rise in value, and to vigorously develop the supporting industry of Huahang Group — — Jewelry.    


The moment the news was released, the upper echelons went into an uproar.    


However, under Zhu Xi's suppression and with an extremely clear path, everyone slowly accepted, digested, and finally became shocked to realize that the reforms proposed by the Chairman Zhu was the only way out.    


When they were discussing about the future of the company in the conference room, Yang Ping did not participate. He knew that Zhu Xi was taking revenge on last night's events, but luckily, she was not really interested in the meeting. She strolled around the entrance of the company, smoking, and looked at the sky.    


The phone rang, and Zhu Xi called: "The meeting is late, come up for a bit."    


Yang Ping did not say anything, but immediately hung up and laughed bitterly: "You're so angry, who dares to provoke her?"    


After extinguishing her cigarette and throwing it into the trash can, Yang Ping walked into the hall and just so happened to see the gorgeous woman at the front desk frowning as she fixed her makeup in the mirror. She was wearing a sexy dress today, and her chest was completely white.    


The gorgeous woman enjoyed the greedy gaze of the surrounding men. The purpose of doing so was nothing more than to attract attention. She liked to see the strong possessiveness in the man's eyes, which was why she felt a sense of accomplishment.    


Seeing Yang Ping walking over, the gorgeous woman's eyes lit up. She had a good impression of the handsome and sunny boy, so she smiled towards Yang Ping.    


Yang Ping was confused, she looked around, and confirmed that the other party was smiling at him, nodding in understanding. This caused the passersby to feel indignant. Their own conditions weren't bad, so why couldn't they get the same treatment?    


Seeing that Yang Ping only nodded slightly, the beautiful woman was not excited at all. Her self-esteem received a blow and she secretly resented him.    


"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a beauty before?" The gorgeous woman glared at a lecherous man as she scolded him.    


Ding dong!    


When Yang Ping passed by, the elevator was about to close because Zhu Xi had urged it to stop, "Wait!"    


The elevator was packed.    


Yang Ping forcing her way in caused a lot of people to be unhappy, did they not see that the space inside was too small, why not wait for the next group?    


Yang Ping felt that it was strange, so she reached out to grab something warm. She felt that it was very elastic, like a jelly, she squeezed it out of curiosity.    


"It's quite fun." Yang Ping thought.    




Fruit Jelly seemed to be able to move, the soft object in Yang Ping's hand was struggling, sometimes retreating, sometimes moving forward.    




A painful groan reached her ear and a pungent fragrance assaulted her nose. Yang Ping felt a pair of angry eyes, raised her head to look, and her expression became lifeless. There were simply too many people in the elevator, already surpassing the limit of thirteen. There were a total of fifteen of them.    


The space was narrow, and upon entering, she did not pay attention to the people around him. Yang Ping raised her head, and her eyes flashed with amazement, seeing a beautiful girl in her embrace, one head slightly shorter than him, but with delicate facial features. She was wearing an OL uniform.    


At this time, the girl was using an angry gaze to denounce Yang Ping.    


Yang Ping looked down, what was in her hand was not Jelly, but f * cking girl's … She quickly let go and revealed an awkward smile as she whispered, "Misunderstood, misunderstood."    


The girl's almond-shaped eyes were wide open. She was so angry that she wanted to kill someone. She didn't expect that she would be taken advantage of by a pervert the moment she entered the elevator. She wanted to cry, but there were no tears. If she wasn't in a hurry, she wouldn't have taken the elevator.    


The man in front of her was a pervert. He was clearly doing it on purpose, yet he still showed an innocent expression. He had gone too far! The girl gritted her teeth and remembered Yang Ping's face in her heart.    


Layers of elevators were opened, and the number of people in the elevators grew fewer and fewer.    


The level of Huahang Edifice was divided according to the importance of the company's department as well as the level of the position. Thus, the higher level in the group, the higher level in the office.    


Very quickly, only Yang Ping and the beautiful girl remained in the elevator.    


Yang Yuxin's eyes were blazing with fire, shshestared coldly at Yang Ping, and wished that she could slap him, he had seen a pervert, she had never seen such a perverted bastard!    


Just then, when he was grabbing onto that place, at the same time that Yang Yuxin was feeling embarrassed and annoyed, her heart suddenly throbbed with an unspeakable feeling. Not only did that bastard not let go, he even intentionally pinched it.    




Yang Yuxin cursed in her heart, but she deliberately didn't say anything. Instead, she used a cold gaze to reprimand him.    


Yang Ping felt that she had let down the others. She really didn't understand anything previously as she explored and toyed with them curiously and definitely did not tease them intentionally. When she saw their angry expressions, she laughed dryly: "I didn't do it on purpose."    




Yang Yuxin was furious, the bastard dared to say it out loud, he grinded his teeth and said: "Which department are you from, a person with a bad character like you can work at the company, I will report to your leaders."    


Yang Ping rubbed her nose, revealing a bitter smile.    


Yang Yuxin sneered, and said: "You don't dare to reveal your own department, right? Fine, I will investigate it myself. You better be careful. "    


Ding dong!    


The elevator opened, and Yang Yuxin walked out of the second floor from the back. She turned her head and glared at Yang Ping, then entered her office. Yang Ping revealed a knowing smile. Beautiful girls could be found anywhere they should be, the curves were especially obvious, probably because they were wearing uniforms, the allure was especially strong. Their round arms twisted, causing men to bleed from their noses.    


She was dressed so sexily, didn't she purposely show it to a man?    


Yang Ping shook her head. When she saw Yang Yuxin walking into her office, she was startled and muttered: "Creative director, Yang Yuxin."    


Top floor.    


Yang Ping went into the CEO's office. She did not knock the door and went in directly, seeing that Zhu Xi was listening to her subordinate's report, the person reporting the work was rather handsome, although he was much younger than, but in the company he was definitely a handsome guy.    


Zhu Xi frowned, she was displeased: "Don't you know to knock on the door?"    


Yang Ping was depressed, she thought to herself, I have already seen everything while you were bathing, and I was still tangled about knocking on the door, but Zhu Xi's eyes were cold, probably resenting the fact that you tried to pick up a girl last night, so I could only shut the door again.    


Du du!    


The office door rang.    


"Chairman Zhu, can I come in?" Yang Ping said listlessly.    


"It's too soft to hear." Zhu Xi's cold voice came out from the office.    


Yang Ping spat out blood. Your sister, I couldn't hear the sound of your words, so I knocked the door again and asked loudly: "Chairman Zhu, can I go in?"    


"Come in."    


Yang Ping walked into the office gloomily, sat down on the sofa, and was about to pour tea onto the teapot, when she heard Zhu Xi's angry voice: "Did I let you sit?"    


Eh —    


Yang Ping looked at Zhu Xi speechlessly. Although her face was cold, her eyes contained a hint of a smile of revenge, how could she not understand that the other party was deliberately torturing him to get revenge.    


"I have nothing to do, so I'll be leaving first." Yang Ping was displeased in her heart. Damn it, I am not your subordinate, why would I listen to your shouts?    


Zhu Xi was enraged, and shouted: "Stop!"    


Yang Ping stopped and asked indifferently: "Chairman Zhu, is there something you need?"    


Zhu Xi secretly cursed, you bastard, I was just joking, you can't even take such a small blow, how can you call me a man, thus she sneered: "Stay here for me, I'll arrange work for you in a while."    


The eyes of the young man who reported to Zhu Xi flashed with a strange light. During the upper echelons of the meeting, Zhu Xi gave off the impression that she was swift and decisive, did not lie, and had the appearance of a fairy.    


But from Zhu Xi, he felt that the Yang Ping that came uninvited had a different relationship with her, it might not just be a subordinate relationship.    


But he knew how to hide, so after saying a few words, he took his leave.    


Only Zhu Xi and Yang Ping were left in the CEO's office.    


Zhu Xi sneered: "You had fun last night, I thought you wouldn't come to work."    


Yang Ping retorted, "Who said that the employees of the company shouldn't have fun tonight? You haven't tasted the taste of a man, so you naturally don't know how fun it is. Most of the people in the company were women. They had husbands and boyfriends. If you can't have fun at night, how can you work during the day with energy? "    




Zhu Xi's face turned red, she did not expect Yang Ping to openly say such embarrassing words, and scolded: "Shameless, hoodlum, bastard!"    


"Thank you for your praise." Yang Ping turned and smiled.    


Zhu Xi had no choice but to get angry, since she could not beat him, she could only do her best to avoid it. had no choice but to get angry at Zhu Xi, since she was unable to beat him, she had to think of a way to fix it.    


Suddenly, Zhu Xi's eyes lit up and she sneered: "I've already arranged for a job for you. You should go to the HR department to report now."    


Yang Ping immediately became alert and asked: "What department?"    


Seeing his cautious expression, Zhu Xi was secretly happy in her heart. Little one, don't think that I have no chance of killing you, as long as you are in the company, there are many opportunities.    


"Public Relations Department."    


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