Female CEO's Super Bodyguard

C246 The Appearance of a Natural Enemy

C246 The Appearance of a Natural Enemy

Zhu Xi wanted to open the package, but just as she stretched out her hand, she hesitated, thinking how could it be so easy to forgive Yang Ping.    


No way!    


Instead of opening it, she slipped through the package and left the office.    


Yang Yuxin was dumbstruck, and called out: "Chairman Zhu, where are you going? There's something I need you to take charge of for the exhibition later. "    


"You take it first."    


Yang Yuxin's voice drifted in from outside. Yang Yuxin felt as if she was in a dream, and felt that something was very wrong with Chairman Zhu today.    


It was raining.    


The courier stood under a tree outside the building, a rain-soaked cigarette between his pale fingers, licking his cracked lips and staring at the top floor.    


As the explosion did not happen as scheduled, the courier frowned in displeasure. He seldom failed missions, and taking all the factors into account, it should be Zhu Xi or the people beside him who opened the package at this time, and then the entire top floor would be turned into ashes.    


Even if it wasn't opened, it didn't matter. The bomb incident had already been set, and it would explode in five minutes. Zhu Xi would still die.    


The courier was excited about his intelligence. He liked to play with bombs, but he also liked to see people in them turn into mincemeat.    


He waited for the explosion.    


Suddenly, the courier looked at the entrance of the building in disbelief. A beautiful figure holding an umbrella rushed out. Her mouth was wide open as she muttered, "How is this possible?"    


With one hand holding onto an umbrella and the other holding onto a delivery package, Zhu Xi walked over to the courier's side, towards the Yang Family's Small Clinic. With a sneer on her face, she could tell with one look that she was going to look for trouble.    


The courier's eyes flashed. He stared at the package and subconsciously backed off. He did not want to die from the explosion.    


"Why don't you open it!" The courier's eyes flashed with anger as he thought to himself, "My rhythm is ten times stronger than the power of the C4, but twice smaller. Such a beautiful work of art, and yet it didn't explode."    


The courier couldn't take it anymore, he took out a sharp knife from his waist and followed behind Zhu Xi after taking advantage of the heavy rain, wanting to get to know her. Suddenly, Zhu Xi turned around and saw the courier, especially that pale white face.    


Their eyes met.    


The courier hurriedly hid the knife behind his back and looked away, thinking, She found me?    


"Who sent the courier? I don't want it, take it back." Zhu Xi placed the express delivery on the courier, and said indifferently, "Please bring the message, I don't want it."    


With that said, Zhu Xi returned back to the company.    


The courier's face turned even paler as he heard the ticking inside the package. "I don't want this! This is yours!"    


He rushed towards Zhu Xi, wanting to trade. It was a pity that Zhu Xi was submerged in the rain.    


The courier looked anxious. He had no idea where he had placed the bomb to waste on others, but he did not want the target. This caused him to be at a loss.    


"Since you don't want it, I'll let you have it!" The courier made up his mind and walked towards the building. There were still four minutes left, and he estimated that there was still time to catch up.    


"Rank 69 on the Ranking of Assassins, courier."    


A sigh came from behind. The courier turned around and saw a black shadow walking slowly out of the rain. There was no umbrella. The rain had soaked his coat and his shoulder-length black hair covered half his face.    


However, one could still see that this person was extremely beautiful. His facial features were even more beautiful than many beauties. The courier was so jealous that he went crazy with jealousy.    


"Who are you?" the courier said warily.    


The man laughed as he looked at the bag: "It's better not to know who I am. You won't like it in the end."    


The courier sneered and said disdainfully, "With just you, you are just playing tricks on me."    


Suddenly, the courier threw away the package and left frantically, afraid of getting caught in the explosion. He sneered to himself. Idiot, since you know I'm a courier, you should know I'm good at explosives.    


The explosives didn't explode.    


The courier ran for a few hundred meters and stopped in his tracks. When he saw that his masterpiece had been cut in half, he laid on the ground quietly with his eyes almost popping out of their sockets.    


"Is there a mistake?"    


The courier almost vomited blood. The bomb was split in half, and before it could cause an explosion, the chemical reaction was cut off. From this, it could be seen how fast the cultivator was, as well as the sharpness of the weapon.    


The courier turned and ran without hesitation.    


Unfortunately, someone stopped him. The man looked at the courier with interest and sighed, "You shouldn't have attacked her. At least, you can't."    




A cold light pierced through the air and descended from above the courier's head.    


Drip! Drip!    


The courier looked at his feet. There was an additional trace of stone between his legs. The stone tablet cracked open, and a blood-red line appeared on his head. With a plop, he fell to the ground, dying a grievous death.    


"Won't you buy me a cup of tea?" The person did not turn back as he smiled faintly.    


"I'm afraid you're not used to coarse tea." Yang Ping walked in the rain, staring at the incoming person's hand. On her wrist was a tattoo, a sinister looking dragon head, very lifelike.    


"I like coarse tea." The man smiled, a charming smile on his handsome face. If the Starseeker Clan saw him, they would definitely scream, because he was too handsome.    


Yang Ping did not like the people who came, or if she liked them. She did not know why, but it was not as simple as being an enemy, but it was purely because she did not like them.    


"I know your name is Yang Ping, Captain Yan Huang." The person who came didn't seem to notice Yang Ping's disgust, and continued, "I even know that you're Zhu Xi's bodyguard."    


"I know everything about you in Dragon City, but I still can't help but come to see you." The person sighed and said faintly, "Thank you."    


Yang Ping's pupils shrank, as if she had sensed something.    


The person laughed again and walked into the Small Clinic through the rain. He sized up the arrangements inside and shook his head: "If I were you, I would not even take half a step away from Zhu Xi. She's too dangerous. "    


Yang Ping took a deep breath and frowned: "If you've only come here to teach me a lesson, then you can leave. I don't need anyone to point fingers at my work."    


The man chuckled and said nothing more, but she did not say her name. Yang Ping tried her best to search through the experts who had come to Dragon City, but there was no such person. He was definitely not the one who had been watching them yesterday. But the men were more dangerous than that.    


For some reason, Yang Ping felt that this person was a great enemy.    


He casually sat on a stool and closed his eyes, slowly feeling the rain outside. He revealed a satisfied expression and sighed: "After staying in England for four years, China is the best."    


"Who the hell are you?" Yang Ping could not help but ask.    


The man revealed a mysterious smile, pointed to the seat opposite him, and smiled, "Could it be that the master doesn't make tea?"    


The Small Clinic was indeed a tea set. When Yang Ping went to the supermarket to buy it, she thought that it would be useless. She casually slapped a pot of Tie Guanyin.    


The tea leaves were poor, several dozen a bottle, but the person seemed to be very interested. He studied the color of the tea for a long time. Yang Ping didn't ask, since the other party wouldn't tell him.    


"Leave Dragon City." Putting down the teacup, the person suddenly stared into Yang Ping's eyes, and said indifferently: "Don't participate in Dragon God Competition."    


Yang Ping squinted her eyes and said coldly: "Is that considered a threat?"    


The man shook his head: "A gift."    


What a great gift!    


Yang Ping wanted to laugh, but she snorted: "I admit that you are very strong, but I was wrong to think that you can take the lead. There are at least a few people in Dragon City who are not weaker than you. "    


The newcomer did not mind and said slowly, "At least I'm stronger than you."    


The atmosphere was tense as they faced each other tit for tat.    


"The rain is really heavy." Sunn Wangyue walked in, sat down on his butt, and smiled. "You don't mind, right?    


Sunn Wangyue's arrival had broken the balance, and he stood by Yang Ping's side. The person who came was completely suppressed, and this displeased the other, and said indifferently: "Boss Sun, you're not doing your proper arms business, but are staying by Zhu Xi's side. It's not like your style."    


Sunn Wangyue laughed and scolded: "How much do you expect about my style? Coming back from abroad was impressive, but turtles looked down on the local people of Dragon City. Let me tell you, I also studied at Mi Country Harvard. "    


"Boss Sun, you're ruining your own future." The person laughed.    


Sunn Wangyue revealed surprise and asked, "You are just a sea turtle, and a dragon doesn't suppress a snake on the ground. Besides, I don't know whether you are my opponent or not. You actually dare to boast that I have ruined my own future. Interesting. "    


"If I'm not mistaken, we've met before." Sunn Wangyue stared at the other party's overly handsome face. Even though he was tall and big, the person that came was even more beautiful than him.    


The man swirled the tea cup and said blandly, "I am just a nobody. How could I know Boss Sun of Dragon City?"    


"I'm sure we've met before, and we're familiar with each other. I sense a special aura from your body. " Sunn Wangyue smiled, and said with certainty, "It's a pity that the blood is not in the cup, otherwise you would be happier."    


The man's face changed slightly, from the start to the first time, he was staring straight at Sunn Wangyue, revealing a cold killing intent. The terrifying pressure made the table around him crack, the teapot was shaking, and the tea water in the cup was spilling out.    


"Yang Ping, my words are still valid. Once we leave the Dragon City, we can live." The person looked at Yang Ping and continued, "As for the others, they will all die."    


Sunn Wangyue laughed, he got up and released his strong battle lust: "Really? I want to see who can kill me."    


Ka-cha! *    


The man squinted his eyes and looked at Sunn Wangyue. He really wanted to attack, but he couldn't resist and revealed a gentle smile. I hope you can still laugh the day after tomorrow. "    


With that, the person turned around and left.    


Before leaving, the man stared at Yang Ping and said: "I advise you to save you. Stay away from Zhu Xi in the future. You don't have the ability to protect Zhu Xi, and Dragon City's situation is a hundred times more dangerous than you imagine. "    


Yang Ping's mind moved, she seemed to understand the other party's identity, and her face kept changing.    


"Yang Ping, come out here!"    


The three of them looked outside at the same time. A beautiful figure holding an umbrella was looking in angrily. The rain had wet the heels of her shoes, and her pants were stained with the mud on the street. She was holding a small umbrella, preparing to enter.    


Suddenly, Zhu Xi saw the man opposite of Yang Ping.    


The person stood up, and revealed a gentle smile towards Zhu Xi, and said: "Zhu Xi, it's been four years, you've become even more beautiful, and the heavens are giving me a chance, letting me return from England, we will continue our fates."    


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