Female CEO's Super Bodyguard

C503 To Borrow Another Five Hundred Years from Heaven

C503 To Borrow Another Five Hundred Years from Heaven

At noon, the sun had already risen into the sky.    


Zhu Xi woke up from her crying state and realized that she had been asleep for a few hours. Perhaps it was because she was too sad and too sleepy that she couldn't sleep well for a week. However, this time, it was surprisingly of a good quality. "She looked at herself in the dressing table, her beautiful face a little haggard.    


She rarely went out with makeup on because her looks were already heaven-defying and she didn't want to waste too much time on makeup. However, today, she lightly put on a bit of makeup.    


When they were about to go out and meet Yang Ping's strange eyes, her face was burning hot and she purposely ignored him. She got into a Maybach and drove off without waiting for Yang Ping to get on the car. She didn't want to face Yang Ping, so when she saw him, she unconsciously thought of Ming Zhu.    


After Ming Zhu left, she might never come back.    


Thinking of this, Zhu Xi's heart ached. They used to be the best sisters, to talk about everything. However, because of the Ultimate Class One incident, the two of them split up and each went their separate ways. Zhu Xi was appointed as the vice president of Zhu Group, and Ming Zhu used her talent to manage her Cherry Blossom Club, accumulating a large amount of connections.    


The two of them, one on each side of the Dragon City University.    


Yang Ping chased after Maybach, and after the car disappeared from her sight, she stopped her steps and called out: "Zhu Xi, I haven't recovered my memories yet."    


Unfortunately, Zhu Xi ignored him.    


Yang Ping could only give up the idea of looking for Zhu Xi. The other party obviously did not want to see him, otherwise, she would not have ran so fast. Inadvertently, he discovered that the corner of Zhu Xi's eyes were glistening with tears, and her heart was filled with doubt. Suddenly, a light flashed in her mind and a blurry image of a beautiful woman appeared within her Spiritual World.    


The scene flashed on.    


Yang Ping held onto her chest, feeling very uncomfortable, thinking: Could it be the person in my memories? She tried to remember, but she didn't have any leads. She shook her head and went back to her apartment to sleep. She hadn't slept all night to listen to Zhu Xi's story. Now that she felt that it was easy to get tired, he laid on the sofa and closed her eyes.    


He quickly went to sleep.    


Yang Ping had a dream.    


He dreamt of a beautiful girl following beside him. No matter where he went, she would follow him silently. There was darkness ahead and no light could be seen. He was walking alone on the road, but the girl was encouraging him and comforting him.    


In front of him was an abyss. Yang Ping had walked the wrong path, and stepped on empty air, and was about to fall into the abyss and not be pulled out of it.    


At last he got up from the chasm, but the girl fell.    


She couldn't see her face clearly, but it was beautiful.    


She was kicked by the person who suddenly appeared from the darkness. Without enough time for Yang Ping to be angry, she left herself and hid in the darkness.    


Suddenly waking up, Yang Ping's entire body was covered in blood. The scene that appeared in front of her eyes looked as if it had actually happened.    


"Fortunately, it's just a dream."    


Yang Ping sighed a breath of relief and muttered: "If there really is a girl who died for me, I really wonder if I can repay her in my next life."    


Looking at the time, it was already four in the afternoon. He slept for four hours by accident, took some time to dry his fruit, and went out for a walk. He was sure that he had lost some of his memories. Since the Madame Zhu said that awakening memories would take a step further, then let us recover our memories.    


Once he recovered his memories and cured Zhu Xi's illness, he would continue to seek Special Ability People Association in the army to seek revenge.    


Walking along the street, he felt the summer breeze was not very cool, instead, it was sticky and uncomfortable, so he bought a bottle of water by the roadside and sat on a stool under the big tree, watching the people coming and going.    


He sat there for two hours.    


He recovered from his thoughts, took out his phone and wanted to call Zhu Xi, but unfortunately the other party was busy, so he randomly looked around. He found many numbers that he did not recognize, many of them names that caused him to hesitate for a long time, but in the end he kept his phone and blended into the crowd.    


Yang Ping walked for a long time, following the stream of people, like a paper boat in the ocean, following the flow of the ocean, until she finally arrived at a clubhouse.    


Cherry Blossom Club.    


Looking at the four big words, Yang Ping's heart felt like it was being pierced by needles, the pain was unbearable, it only lasted for a moment, but the pain was unbearable. He seemed to have lost something important, and stared blankly at the clubhouse.    


The clubhouse had been closed, and there was a yellow notice pasted on the front door.    


"Why does the name of the clubhouse look so familiar to me? It seems like I've been here many times." Yang Ping had doubts in her heart as she walked to the front of the door. She wanted to tear off the yellow paper slip and see if she could find the inspiration for the memories inside.    


"Yang Ping."    


A melodious voice came from behind him. Yang Ping turned around and sized up a girl who had just got off the Mitsubishi car. It was another beautiful lady who was on par with Zhu Xi. The two of them had the same temperament, perseverance and determination. However, Zhu Xi was more inclined to be calm, while deep inside her bones, she was cold.    


"You are?"    


Yang Ping scratched her head and laughed apologetically: "Your name?"    


Su Fei sized Yang Ping up weirdly. After observing for a while, she said in shock: "You actually did not die. How is that possible? "    


Yang Ping revealed a face of dissatisfaction, who would ask someone to live the moment they met? Although she was beautiful, she did not know how to speak, and gave her two stars worth of points: "What, were we enemies before? Then you want me to die. "    


Su Fei was suspicious: "You don't recognize me?"    


Yang Ping shook her head and explained, "I lost a part of my memories."    


Su Fei suddenly understood, and the eyes she looked at him with were filled with pity as she nodded: "No wonder, the aura on your body is extremely weak. It seems like not only did you fall from the divine altar last time when you were heavily injured, you also lost your memory."    


Yang Ping knew that Su Fei recognized him the moment she heard him. Her interest was piqued and she said: "Looks like we're really friends. Why don't we have a meal together and tell me about my past achievements. "    


Su Fei hesitated, but when she saw Yang Ping's clear and flawless eyes, she agreed in the end.    


Cherry Blossom Club was not located in the bustling and bustling area, but in the old city area. Because the Dragon City had been developing the new urban areas for more than ten years, the old urban areas had lost their vitality. However, because the renovation project of the old city had been leaked out, the shops in the old city area had become very popular. Many merchant castle shops rose in anticipation.    


They walked for a few hundred meters until they found a family of deep-well roast geese.    


There were few tourists in the Old Town, and the deep well goose business was poor. Regardless of the boss' different intentions, he didn't really worry too much about it when he was waiting for the old city to be rebuilt. Usually, the business was just on the low side, so he wasn't as hospitable to customers as the other shops in other places.    


The two of them didn't care and sat down face to face.    


Yang Ping asked anxiously: May I know your name?    


"Su Fei."    


Yang Ping tried her best to think, but in the end, she could not find the name Su Fei. She shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot."    




Yang Ping was about to continue speaking when her wrist was held by someone. Su Fei checked his pulse and said: "Don't move, let me check the condition of your body." After Yang Ping finished listening, she slowly relaxed his body and felt Su Fei's pulse.    


After a long while, Su Fei looked at Yang Ping, and could not hide the fear in her eyes.    


Yang Ping was surprised: "What's wrong?"    


Su Fei sighed and muttered: "No wonder you're still alive. Looks like someone used a Life Continuing Needle to transfer someone else's life force into your body. You are the one who will survive. "    


Life Continuing Needles!    


When Yang Ping heard this name, she stood up in shock and said with a trembling voice, "You said that someone used a Life Continuing Needle on me?" His voice trembled slightly. Clearly, she knew what this meant.    


Life Continuing Needles, as the name implies, was a method to extend one's life.    


However the universe space emphasized on the Dao of balance. Since there was an object that could extend one's life, then there was a reason to do so. Yang Ping recalled the Life Continuing Needle. That was an ancient needle technique that was already lost, able to transfer a person's life to another person.    


The simple task was to graft the life of one of them into his body.    


It meant that the person who paid the price might not have much life left.    


Yang Ping's face was pale white. Recalling the dream she had in the afternoon, her heart became extremely shocked. Could it be that the girl who fell into the abyss is my lifesaver?    


The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed. His mood was extremely bad.    


Clutching his chest, he laid on the table.    


Yang Ping felt that her breathing was extremely painful.    


Who was that girl?    




Because she was strongly stimulated, it was as if someone had opened a door in her Spiritual World. Countless memories flooded out like floodwaters as Yang Ping sat upright on the chair and stared blankly out of the window, as though she was in a trance. Su Fei watched on quietly with regret in her heart.    


In the end, a genius still had to die prematurely.    


"Ming Zhu!"    


A name appeared in Yang Ping's mind. She was ranked at the very front, and it was also the name that caused him the most pain.    


Unknowingly, when Ming Zhu was mentioned, Yang Ping's tears had started to flow.    


Su Fei watched on silently.    


After a long while, Yang Ping let out a sigh of relief as she looked at Su Fei with a complicated gaze.    


He remembered that he had recovered, that he had finally found out the truth.    


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