Sword Conquers Heaven

C376 Then Obtaining the Identity Token

C376 Then Obtaining the Identity Token

"Humph! Break!" Qin Feng also took out his Lord Treasure. A sixth-grade Lord Treasure flew out and turned into thousands of blades in an instant, hitting the light barrier like a storm.    




The light barrier finally could not withstand it and shattered with a loud bang.    


The endless strong wind and blade descended along with the momentum, smashing towards Murong Xun.    


"What!" Murong Xun was shocked. He hurriedly took out another Lord Treasure, and a turtle shell like armor flew out to meet the wild and fierce attack.    


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"    


All of the attacks landed on the turtle shell, but were unable to break through.    


"Ninth Grade Lord Treasure?" Qin Feng's expression changed. Immediately, he took out the Celestial Weapon Devil Subduing Diagram, intending to use it to break through it.    




As soon as the treasure map was taken out, waves of shouts of killing sounded out from the map. In the blink of an eye, thousands of phantoms flew out and charged towards the turtle shell. Those were numerous heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals. Each of them possessed extraordinary divine might and possessed great power. If they attacked together, anyone would be terrified.    




Thousands of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals attacked at the same time. A crack appeared on the turtle shell.    


"What!? They were both Ninth Grade Lord Treasure, so how could he be so powerful?! "Murong Xun was shocked.    


He didn't know that Qin Feng had used the powerful Mind Power to activate the Divine Weapon Devil Subduing Diagram, which had used more than half of its power. It was much more powerful than the Ninth Grade Heaven Spirit Lord's Spirit Element, and the result was naturally the same.    




Countless heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals charged at Murong Xun, treating him like a devil and suppressing or even killing him.    


"Argh! Damn it, Child Qin Feng, you are forcing me to use the Spirit Treasure!" Murong Xun's face twisted into a vicious expression as he let out a furious roar. A terrifying aura emanated out from his body. Immediately, a blue light flashed and a trident shot out. With a sweep, he killed all the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, and turned them into green smoke.    


"Grade three Spirit Treasure? Another treasure battle. Unfortunately, the treasures I have won't be any less than yours." Qin Feng whispered to himself. After a while, he saw a flash of light and the Cross Shield flew out. It blocked in front of him, and another phantom image flashed past. The Flying Flower Cut shot out. It attacked forward.    


Qin Feng was never afraid of competing with treasures. Even if the opponent came from one of the four big families in Seroa, he was not afraid.    


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"    


Murong Xun controlled the trident to entangle with the Flying Flower Cut and the Cross Shield. Unfortunately, Qin Feng's Mind Power was extremely powerful, and it was very easy for him to activate the Spirit Treasure. It was several times stronger than the Mind Power.    




Qin Feng cried out sternly. The Cross Shield collided with the trident. The Flying Flower Cut passed through it and directly attacked Murong Xun's face.    




Murong Xun couldn't help but let out a panicked cry when he saw this. He hurriedly circulated his treasure to block the attack.    


"It's over!" Qin Feng controlled the Flying Flower Cut with all his strength, and broke through several layers of defense in a row. In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Murong Xun.    


"Damn it, the Sea Emperor Mirror!" Murong Xun let out a loud shout, and used his last trump card.    


A deep blue light lit up and an ancient mirror appeared in front of him. Immediately, he felt like he was facing a huge ocean. A vast and boundless Qi pressed down on him, making his heart palpitate.    


Murong Xun held the ancient mirror in his hand and activated the Spirit Element, causing it to release a dark blue light pillar. It struck the Flying Flower Cut that was charging towards him, and actually stopped it in the air.    


"Grade five Spirit Treasure? It's still not enough!"    


Qin Feng did not hesitate at all. The Coiling Dragon Lance shot out in an instant, turning into a huge dragon that rushed towards Murong Xun.    


"What!? That's... a tier 7 Spirit Treasure!" Murong Xun was stunned and his jaw dropped. "How is this possible? How could a kid from the Lei Kesi have a tier 7 Spirit Treasure?! This doesn't make sense! This doesn't make sense!!"    


Murong Xun could not believe what he was seeing. In the face of the pressure released by the Coiling Dragon Lance, he could not help but feel his heart break.    




Qin Feng shouted. He circulated the Coiling Dragon Lance with all his strength, killing all who stood in his way, killing all those who stood in his way!    


"No! Space Symbol!" At this critical moment, Murong Xun hurriedly activated the Space Symbol on his body. A beam of light shot up into the sky, and Murong Xun disappeared within it.    


At the same time, two tokens flew over and landed in Qin Feng's hands.    


Qin Feng held the two identity tokens and walked towards Du Kaiyi. "Alright, the flies have been chased away. It's time for us to fight."    


Hearing this, Du Kaiyi opened his eyes again and stood up. He faced Qin Feng and said, "Alright, come!"    


His voice wasn't loud, but it carried a firm conviction and a majestic fighting spirit.    


It had been less than an hour, and Du Kaiyi hadn't fully recovered yet. However, Qin Feng had just experienced a great battle, and he had also suffered some losses. Therefore, it was hard to say who would take advantage of him now. It was the perfect time for a fair fight.    


"Giant Tree Tackle!" Du Kaiyi stretched out his right hand and pointed his palm at Qin Feng. Three words popped out from his mouth. Immediately, a thick green light condensed on his palm. After which, a terrifying energy pillar shot out explosively. It was aimed at Qin Feng.    


"Good timing!" Qin Feng's eyes lit up. With a shout, he raised his sword to meet the attack.    


His body turned into a long dragon. He raised his sword and rushed forward, wanting to break through the light pillar.    




The Soul Crying Sword was in front of him. When it hit the energy light pillar, it instantly broke through it like a hot knife cutting through butter.    


At this moment, Du Kaiyi moved. He held his long spear and rushed forward. He wanted to fight Qin Feng in close combat.    


Spiritual cultivators were at a disadvantage in close combat when compared to the Sword Cultivator. Qin Feng also had a terrifying physical strength. His body was comparable to the Demon Beast. Fighting him in close combat was definitely looking for a beating.    


However, the result was unexpected. Du Kaiyi brandished the long spear and displayed his powerful strength. He seemed to have consumed a special pill or Spirit Fruit before, and his meridians were powerful. His muscles were tough, and he also used the Peak of the Heavy Sky Spirit King Cultivation Level. He was actually on par with Qin Feng.    


"Ping-ping-pong! Ping-pong! Ping-pong!"    


The two of them quickly exchanged blows. In just a few short breaths of time, they had exchanged hundreds of blows. The explosive energy of the formation kept exploding, shocking everyone.    


"Hidden Eye!" Qin Feng suddenly used an illusion technique, wanting to make his opponent reveal a flaw and break it in one go.    


However, Du Kaiyi already knew that Qin Feng was an Illusory Spirit Cultivator, so he was prepared for it. The powerful Spirit Element was able to protect his soul and defend against the attack of the Illusory Power.    


He also used a powerful Spirit Skill to attack Qin Feng, trying to distract him and make the illusion collapse on its own.    


The two of them did not rely on any treasures, they only relied on their own strength to fight fairly.    


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"    


Explosions continuously sounded out in the forest, and terrifying energy torrents were repeatedly emitted. After a long time, Du Kaiyi left, and Qin Feng left as well. That place had turned into flat ground, and all the trees had been smashed to pieces. Deep pits had also appeared on the ground.    


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