Universe Storage Box

C107 Escape

C107 Escape

Ministry Councillor Zhang suspected that the Jade Buddha had been stolen by a spy for a reason. Yesterday, there were many people who were celebrating in the prefecture. However, at the same time, the patrol was also a little stronger than before. If this was the case... There were not many opportunities for outsiders, and it wasn't the first day that the guards were working here. They also had experience and abilities. In the past, outsiders wanted to steal from them. It wasn't that easy, let alone yesterday.    


Therefore, Ministry Councillor Zhang suspected that there was a spy. In fact, these guards were the most suspicious! That was why he had called Yamen over through his connections today.    


However, the results of the search by Yamen had disappointed him. Because they did not discover anything in the rooms of all the servants. Even the guards' rooms had been searched, but they still didn't find anything.    


"Did I guess wrong?" Ministry Councillor Zhang looked at the people below with an expressionless face and thought to himself.    


When Guard Qiu saw Yamen searching the room, he was very calm. He was also glad that the things he had stolen had been stolen by someone else. Therefore, he wouldn't expose himself. However, he should thank the other party now. Guard Qiu wasn't sure if he should hate the other party for stealing his things.    


However, just like Ministry Councillor Zhang, Guard Qiu also wanted to know where those things had gone. He wanted to see who had stolen those things from under his nose.    


However, he was also disappointed that those Yamen hadn't found anything.    


Although Yamen hadn't gained anything, Ministry Councillor Zhang obviously wouldn't give up so easily. He asked his subordinates to report to each other whether anyone had behaved abnormally yesterday. As long as they could help him find those things, he would reward them greatly in the end.    


The servants would definitely be very tempted by Ministry Councillor Zhang's reward. However, this reward was not that easy to get. Because they didn't know who was the one who had something to do with this matter. If it was someone else who was framed for no reason... That obviously wouldn't work.    


Guard Qiu was very calm. He didn't think that he had revealed any flaws. Now, the Jade Buddha and the luminous pearl had disappeared, and his actions at that time hadn't been seen by anyone else. Therefore, he didn't have anything to worry about.    


However, it was too early for Guard Qiu to be happy. When he unintentionally looked at the other courtyards beside him, one of them suddenly sneered at him. Guard Qiu was stunned for a moment. After that, he started to panic, because this man was also a senior guardian. If he hadn't appeared, he would have been the head of this place a long time ago. Thus, the two of them had a competitive relationship, and their relationship had always been bad.    


More importantly, although most of the guards here obeyed his orders, however, this nursing home had been here for so many years, so it was impossible for it to not have a few subordinates. When he came out of the backyard yesterday, he saw a few patrolling courtyards. They were his men!    


"Sir, this lowly one has something to say!" The man looked at Guard Qiu and stepped forward. He bowed and said to Ministry Councillor Zhang.    


"Oh? Do you know something?" Ministry Councillor Zhang said with hope.    


"Yes, my lord. Although I don't know who stole the Jade Buddha and the luminous pearl, I know someone lied."    


"Oh, who is it?"    


"It's Guard Qiu!" As the man spoke, he looked at Guard Qiu. When he saw the trace of panic on Guard Qiu's face, he became even more certain in his heart.    


"Master, at noon yesterday, someone saw Guard Qiu coming out of the backyard with gifts! In other words, he did not stay in the front yard all the time to listen to the show." The man said.    


" Is Guard Qiu like this? " Ministry Councillor Zhang looked at Guard Qiu and asked.    


"Yes, it's like this. I was wrong just now. I was also on patrol before this. After the afternoon, just went to the front yard." Guard Qiu wanted to deny it, but there was more than one person who saw him. If he denied it, then the suspicion would be even greater.    


"Then why did you say that before?" Ministry Councillor Zhang asked sternly.    


"It's because this lowly one remembered wrongly." Guard Qiu said hastily. At this moment, he hated himself in his heart. How could he forget that he had met with a few guards yesterday? Besides, there were also his enemies in those guards. If he knew this would happen, he wouldn't have said that he had been listening to the show. It was good to say that he was patrolling.    


"Sir, I suddenly remembered. Yesterday morning... The patrol route has been decided. But... Later... Guard Qiu suddenly said that he wanted to change the patrol route. At that time, the miniature person did not feel that there was anything wrong with it. But now, it seemed that it wasn't that simple. Because the time interval between the modified patrol route and the courtyard where the gifts were placed has become much longer." That person continued.    


" Take Guard Qiu down for me! " When Ministry Councillor Zhang heard this, he didn't ask anything more from Guard Qiu. Instead, he said to the other guards. He didn't need Guard Qiu to confess right now. As long as Guard Qiu was a suspect, he wouldn't let him go. Because that Jade Buddha was very important, even if it was just a little bit of suspicion. He would never give up.    


However, when he finished speaking, the other guards were not prepared at all. After all, Guard Qiu had been their leader for such a long time. Furthermore, , what Ministry Councillor Zhang said was very sudden, so they were all a little stunned.    


The others were stunned, but Guard Qiu didn't know how to do it! Because he knew that this matter was related to him. So... He had always been worried that Ministry Councillor Zhang wouldn't even give him a chance to explain himself. He actually gave the order to arrest him. He knew about this matter. He had been exposed. As long as he was suspected, Ministry Councillor Zhang would definitely punish him privately. He had asked him to confess.    


Therefore, before the others could react, Guard Qiu flashed out of everyone's range. After that, he quickly ran out of the courtyard, and the people around him were Yamen. However, these Yamen did not manage to react in time either.    


Guard Qiu looked at the Yamen who was walking on his path. A fierce light flashed in his eyes. "Get lost!"    


He threw a punch at that Yamen. That was just an ordinary Yamen. Although he was prepared to receive the punch, he was no match for Guard Qiu now. He was sent flying by Guard Qiu's punch. After that... Guard Qiu rushed out of the courtyard without slowing down!    


"Chase after him! All of you, chase after him! If you catch him, I'll reward you with a hundred taels of silver!" Ministry Councillor Zhang shouted!    


It was only at this moment that the other guards responded and chased after him one after another.    


Guard Qiu, who was running away outside the courtyard, felt very aggrieved. He didn't get anything. In the end, he was still forced to run away. He knew that if he didn't run away... That Ministry Councillor Zhang would never let him go, even if he didn't find any stolen goods. It was the same.    


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