Universe Storage Box



"Why did you take so long to go to the toilet?" Su Yumo looked at Xie Mengjiao who was gasping for breath.    




"Are you all right? Why was her face so red? Such a hot day, don't run away like this, what if you get sunstroke? " Su Yumo saw that Xie Mengjiao's face was slightly red, and thought that she was doing it because of running all the way here. After all, it was already noon, and it was already very hot.    


"Mn, I understand. elder sister Yumo, let's go quickly." Xie Mengjiao said as he looked behind him through the rearview mirror, as if someone was chasing after her.    


"How secretive." Su Yumo said, but did not delay, and started the car.    


"Humph, Huang Feng, just you wait. Not only did you take advantage of me last time, you even dare to tease my aunt this time. Seeing that Huang Feng did not chase after him, Xie Mengjiao finally heaved a sigh of relief. However, right after, his heart was filled with thoughts of revenge towards Huang Feng.    


"This won't do, I have to think of a way to tie him up in the company. Hehe, after he sells himself to the company, I can torture him to my heart's content." Xie Mengjiao thought with a little pride in his heart.    


Last time, a security guard who was staring at her a little too much was fired by her. This time, Huang Feng went even further than the last time, but Xie Mengjiao did not think of frying Huang Feng, partly because of Su Yumo, and partly because Xie Mengjiao felt that it was too easy to fire him, so how could she let him off so easily?    


On the other side, Huang Feng had also returned to the bus. brother Wang beside him, after seeing that Huang Feng had only returned after such a long time, asked in concern, "Are you alright?"    


"It's nothing. I met a crazy woman and wasted some time." Huang Feng said. Although he was still feeling tired, but his mental energy was better than the good morning.    


"Crazy woman?" The brother Wang was a little curious. Huang Feng was only going to the toilet.    


"Yeah, she came up and said that I took advantage of her before. She wanted me to apologize, but I don't even know her. However, she's quite pretty." Huang Feng said.    


"It can't be that manager, since when did you offend him? Haha." brother Wang joked.    


"How could that be? Although that woman's brain isn't very normal, to be honest, she is still very pretty. If I had provoked her before, I would definitely remember." Huang Feng said.    


"Maybe when I got drunk and forgot." The brother Wang said.    


When Huang Feng heard this, he couldn't help but mutter to himself, could it be that it's really true? Otherwise, how could the other party know his name? Even though he hadn't gotten drunk that many times, he had gotten drunk a few times in the bar. Maybe he really wanted brother Wang to say that he had gotten drunk and offended the other party just so he could forget about it.    


"Forget it, let's not talk about her. I'm going to sleep for a while. When we get back to the company, just call me." Huang Feng thought about it for a long time, but didn't manage to think of it, so he decided not to think about it anymore.    


"Alright, go to sleep first." brother Wang said. He could tell that Huang Feng's situation wasn't very good today, so he must be very tired.    


While Xie Mengjiao, who was in the other car, was thinking about how to torture Huang Feng, her phone rang. Looking at the phone number, she started to frown.    


"Why aren't you answering the phone?" Su Yumo asked.    


"That woman's phone number." Xie Mengjiao said, but did not directly say his name.    


"Tang Muxue?" Su Yumo obviously knew of this as well.    




"Then are you going to accept it?"    


"Answer, of course she did. Otherwise, she would have thought I was afraid of her." Xie Mengjiao said as he picked up the phone.    


"Hey, Tang Muxue, what are you looking for me for?" Xie Mengjiao said, but his tone was not friendly.    


"If there's nothing else, I can't call you? We were friends for many years as well. You didn't even know her after leaving the capital for a few years? " The woman on the phone, however, was not angry.    


"Who's your friend? If you have anything to say, just say it directly. I still have something to say." Actually, what Tang Muxue said was not wrong, the two of them could indeed be considered as friends. However, their relationship was definitely not close to Su Yumo, and the relationship between the two was also somewhat complicated.    


Xie Mengjiao, Tang Muxue and Su Yumo grew up together. The three families all had some background and they often came into contact with each other in the capital. Relatively speaking, Su Yumo's family background was slightly weaker, but Xie Mengjiao and Tang Muxue were about the same.    


Xie Mengjiao and Tang Muxue had been compared since they were young, and at first, it was only the adults that were playing around with each other. However, as time went on, the two girls had gotten used to being compared like this, and even took the initiative to compare with each other. In terms of appearance, students, skills, and other aspects, they would compare with each other, hoping to be able to suppress the other.    


The two of them were at a stalemate and neither of them was convinced of the other's strength. However, they were very familiar with each other after so many years of comparing notes. The relationship between them was quite complicated. That definitely couldn't be said for sure. He just wanted to compare the two of them, calling them friends. Sometimes, the two of them would also hate each other, and they would dislike each other. In short, their relationship was very complicated.    


Su Yumo was familiar with both of them, but was relatively closer to Xie Mengjiao. In fact, it would be reasonable to say that the three of them were close friends.    


"Are you still busy with your lousy company? I hear your company has had some trouble recently. How about it? Do you need my help? " Tang Muxue said.    


"Who are you? You're just a few days older than me. Also, you don't have to worry about my matters. If you're calling me today for this matter, then I'm hanging up." Xie Mengjiao said. With regards to the company's matters, she hadn't even asked for the help of her family, so how could she accept the help of a woman like Tang Muxue, who had always been comparing herself to her?    


"You're still so impatient, I'm really worried for your future boyfriend." Tang Muxue, however, still spoke in a slow and harmonious voice, and was not angry at all. "The reason why I called you today, was obviously not for this matter alone."    


"Then what do you want?"    


"I heard that your company's football team has reached the finals?" Tang Muxue said.    


Xie Mengjiao instead frowned, "I say, you even know about this kind of thing in the capital? You sure are well-informed. "    


"Of course. Guess where I am now?" Tang Muxue said.    


"Too lazy to guess!" Xie Mengjiao immediately refused.    


"At the airport." Tang Muxue also did not mind: "I'm about to fly Jiang Prefecture."    


"What are you doing here?" Xie Mengjiao frowned, he did not know what the lady was planning.    


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