The Favorable Divine Doctor

C585 Front

C585 Front

"Up ahead is the Forest of Cultivation." Liu Du slightly narrowed his eyes, pointed to an extremely dense forest, and said with a deep voice.    


Hearing that, everyone nodded. Actually, even without Liu Du saying anything, everyone had already seen the dense forest ahead of them.    


"Next up, I shall part ways with everyone. Everyone, be careful along the way." A smile surfaced on Liu Du's face as he cupped his hands towards the crowd. If he wanted to raise his strength, the The Forest of Cultivators would have to go through a trial, and only after going through the The Forest of Cultivators alone, would Liu Du's strength increase even faster.    


For the sake of strength, even if there was a mountain of blades and a sea of flames in front of him, Liu Du would not fear him in the slightest!    


Everyone cupped their hands towards Liu Du, sincerely wishing him the honor of successfully passing through The Forest of Cultivators, and after exchanging their greetings, Liu Du turned and left.    


Looking at the extremely dense forest in front of him, Liu Du's heart couldn't help but surge. He had walked so many paths just for this forest in front of him.    


Liu Du could not help but think in his heart, if his strength increased, then the first thing he would do would be to find the mysterious old man that had passed down the Cultivation Methods to him!    


"Phew ?" After spitting out the foul air from his chest, Liu Du no longer had any hesitation and walked forward with big strides. He wanted to see what kind of changes the legendary The Forest of Cultivators would have and why so many people talking about the forest couldn't help but have a change in expression.    


The Forest of Cultivators, from the outside, did not seem to be abnormal. However, when Liu Du walked into the forest in front of him, he realized that something was amiss.    


When he was outside, the forest was just an ordinary forest. However, when he entered, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a little more life in front of him.    


This kind of abnormal sign couldn't help but cause Liu Du to be more careful in his heart. There was a reason why so many people talked about having a change in expression. Liu Du believed that if he was not being cautious, the forest in front of him would be his burial ground.    


When Liu Du entered the dense forest, the sunlight shining down from the sky immediately dissipated, but it was because the dense leaves of the forest blocked the sunlight that shone down.    


Although it was daytime, it was quite dark in the dense forest.    


"Yi, this is ?" Liu Du walked forward for the time it takes to make a cup of tea, and couldn't help but frown because he accidentally discovered that there seemed to be something different under a tree.    


It was the hilt of a treasured sword.    


"Why would there be such a thing here?" When Liu Du saw this scene, he could not help but mutter to himself. With strong suspicions, he found a thick and long wooden stick and pushed away all the soil around the sword hilt.    


"Hiss ?" After pushing aside the dirt, he was able to clearly see what was inside. Even with Liu Du's temperament, he could not help but suck in a breath of cold air.    


Beneath his feet was a corpse!    


In other words, the person who died here was already at the peak of his strength. If not, his corpse would not have shown a golden color.    


"How is this possible!" Liu Du could not help but mutter: "He already reached such a level of strength, how could he die here?" He didn't believe it at all. Even though this forest was famous, when this corpse was alive, its power was obviously monstrous. How could it die here? Could it be that there is some kind of huge danger in the The Forest of Cultivators?    


If that was truly the case, then how could Liu Du possibly raise his strength?    


Realizing this, Liu Du was more or less depressed in his heart. But soon, he became spirited.    


A golden corpse didn't mean anything. At the very most, it could only mean that this place was dangerous. Moreover, for the corpse to die here, it did not necessarily mean that it was related to the The Forest of Cultivators. Perhaps it was because that person fought with a great enemy outside and ended up suffering a heavy injury. He had no choice but to pass away once more.    


Of course, all of these were just Liu Du's guesses. There was no evidence, only enough to explain everything that was happening before him.    


However, Liu Du knew in his heart that since he was already here, even if he wanted to return, it would be impossible for him to do so. Since that was the case, he might as well just continue walking forward obediently.    


Thinking about that, Liu Du buried the corpse again, and started his journey again.    


Accompanying the corpse and bones, Liu Du did not move. Although the sword was most likely the personal weapon of the person who had reached the peak of strength, Liu Du did not covet it.    


After all, it belonged to a dead person. It was a bit ominous to take it here, but the most important thing was that Liu Du did not really like it.    


As far as he was concerned, his fists were comparable to any weapon in the world!    


As time passed, Liu Du traveled further and further in the forest. However, what was surprising was that the forest was simply too quiet.    


This was the strangest place that Liu Du could think of. How could a forest be so quiet? One had to know that even the most ordinary trees would have birds and insects lingering about them. But in this The Forest of Cultivators, Liu Du basically could not feel any living thing. It was as if in front of Liu Du, it wasn't a dense forest at all, but a pool of lifeless mud.    


This discovery couldn't help but make Liu Du a little curious in his heart.    


But just at that moment, a strange sound came out, attracting Liu Du's attention.    


"Who is it!" Liu Du suddenly turned his head, his gaze looking towards the direction of the voice. He believed in his senses, because in that instant, he felt a black figure flash past not too far away from his left side.    


He carefully took a few steps forward, but the black figure did not appear again, as if it had never appeared before. However, Liu Du did not relax the slightest, because he believed that the black figure he had unintentionally sensed earlier was not far away!    


Liu Du believed in his senses, his entire body was on guard, and if the black figure dared to appear now, then what awaited the black figure would be Liu Du's thunder-like attack!    


However, things were always unexpected. Liu Du remained on alert for a long while, but the shadow in the dark still did not appear. This couldn't help but make Liu Du a little depressed in his heart.    


The opponent was obviously extremely cautious and didn't even bother to attack when he had no chance of winning.    


Liu Du came to the The Forest of Cultivators to raise his strength, so he naturally could not confront the black figure here.    


Time passed minute after minute and second after second, but the black figure still did not appear. Helpless, Liu Du could only make a decision and continue walking toward the exit of the The Forest of Cultivators.    


As he walked forward, some things that happened in the The Forest of Cultivators also entered Liu Du's eyes. There were corpses all around, and no one knew who killed all the bones, but the only similarity between the bones was that they were basically broken, looking like they were eaten by beasts.    


This discovery caused Liu Du to be secretly shocked in his heart. This place basically did not have any living beings, but the corpse in front of his eyes was too strange. Liu Du already believed in his heart that there must be an ancient beast within the The Forest of Cultivators.    


Liu Du had already determined in his heart that those bones in the The Forest of Cultivators must have been caused by that wild beast that was hidden in the darkness. When he thought about how even those at the peak of their strength would die a few times, Liu Du couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.    


Would he really be a match for that wild beast? Liu Du did not have much confidence. However, as matters stood, it was almost impossible for him to leave the The Forest of Cultivators. What's more, with Liu Du's personality, he would definitely retreat in the face of trouble.    


This was Liu Du's true personality!    


Breathing in lightly, Liu Du continued to walk toward the person in front of him. After walking for another half an hour or so, a wooden hut appeared in front of him.    


"A wooden house? How could there be a cabin? " Liu Du mumbled to himself. Why would there be a cabin in the The Forest of Cultivators? Could it be that someone had lived here before?    


But what kind of place was this? It was extremely dangerous. Just who would live here? Liu Du believed that if there really was someone living here, then the strength of the people living here would be extremely terrifying.    


With this thought, Liu Du became even more cautious in his heart, but he still continued to walk towards the wooden house.    


It was a very simple hut, only constructed from a few trees, it could be said to be extremely simple, but Liu Du did not care, because he knew, although the hut was simple, the people who lived inside were definitely not small fry.    


When he was about ten steps away from the hut, Liu Du stopped and thought for a few seconds. After that, he cupped his hands towards the hut and said loudly: "Senior, junior greets senior, senior, senior, please come out to meet me!"    


However, what surprised Liu Du was that even after he shouted for a long time, the people inside the hut did not make the slightest of movements.    


"Is there no one inside?" Liu Du made a guess in his heart: "Forget it, I'll wait here for a while. If no one really comes, then I'll go inside the wooden hut to take a look."    


Liu Du was also a bold person, he had already made his decision in an instant.    




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