The Favorable Divine Doctor

C340 A truly powerful heart

C340 A truly powerful heart

Even though it was still a little blurry, it was at least better than what Liu Du knew before. And at this time, Liu Du finally understood why when they were fighting against Wu Xinzi and Dongba Yankang, they would use a supporting world. It turned out that they wanted to comprehend the existence of the Heaven Breaking Gate, or perhaps, wanted to improve their own true self!    


At this moment, Liu Du had a whole new understanding of the future cultivation realm, but at the same time, he was also a little confused.    


Cultivation of the Dao, body refining, or both at the same time? As he thought of this, Liu Du couldn't help but once again ask the doubt in his heart!    


"Then aside from the Tao technique and the body-tempering technique, do you have any other cultivation methods?"    


"Yes!" Why wasn't there one? This world was so vast, the Dao Realm was so boundless, but what people knew were that there were seven different worlds, and most of the cultivation methods in these seven worlds were different!    


There were cultivators, there were Swordsman s, there were Demonic cultivators, there were Buddhist cultivators, there were Soul cultivators, and there were even more who cultivated their wills ? When the seven realms was still a prehistoric realm, there were many different types of cultivation methods. However, after the great war that happened later on, the seven realms was split apart, and many cultivation methods had already lost or declined. Only some methods were tested by many cultivators and became techniques suitable for them! "    


At this time, Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts also did not hold anything back. Since Liu Du had his doubts, Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts did not hold back in answering them. He was also warning Liu Du again and again.    


"Then what should I do now is the most suitable training. My cultivation has reached the realm of Dao Seeking, and I have also cultivated body refining techniques, and also the Swordsman. In addition, it seems that my spirit energy cultivation has also produced great results!"    


At this time, Liu Du was just as Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts had said. The more he knew, the worse it was for his cultivation and he was also becoming more and more confused for it!    


Liu Du had cultivated all four people, but he himself had no direction for the main direction of his cultivation. Other people would all cultivate one way, but Liu Du had actually unconsciously cultivated four different methods at the same time, so after listening to Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts's explanation for so many times, Liu Du started to become a little confused!    


With regards to how he should proceed with his cultivation, Liu Du honestly didn't know how he should proceed with his most important cultivation method!    


"Actually, you don't need to be lost. Your current training method is very good!" The way of the Dao is to control the entire situation, while the body refining method is to maintain your defense and increase your attack power, while the Swordsman only increases your killing power, as for your spirit and will, it guarantees your spirit and cultivation level to have such a strong spirit, at the same time it can also guarantee your defense and attack!    


Therefore, the current you doesn't need to be confused. Although cultivating four is very difficult, you can cultivate so smoothly right now, and it might not become difficult in the future. Even if your cultivation speed becomes slower in the future, you can choose to focus on training.    


This is the power of a comprehensive strength. You must remember, sometimes one plus one does not equate to two, and right now, you are one plus one plus one, so from now on, your strength is even more unfathomable.    


I will not make any demands of you just because I am the Swordsman. You must cultivate the Swordsman, no matter what, you have to find your own heart, and the choice of your own heart is the most correct!    


So now, you just need to focus on your cultivation. You just need to focus on your cultivation, so there's no need to worry! But in actuality, your cultivation method is only the Tao technique and body refining technique with the lowest cultivation level.    


The way of the Swordsman, you have already mastered the Heaven Breaking Sword Thrust, and the sword technique that I will call you later, is something that you cannot learn right now, so it is impossible for you to practice!    


I don't know much about the cultivation methods of the mind's will, but you already gave birth to a Sea of Consciousness, so you don't need to train your mind's will yourself at this time. When you're training your mind's will, you pay attention to luck and chance, but without luck, it's sometimes hard to even take a single step!    


However, the body refining method is different. As long as you have these conditions, you are not afraid of death. You can truly grow very quickly, or you can very quickly die prematurely!    


Right now, you are at the crater of the volcano, and you have already signed a contract of equals with the fire qilin, so it can be said that you can borrow the other party's abilities, but it can be said that right now, body refinement is extremely suitable for you, and at this time, body refinement requires you to have a strong heart, break down into pieces in the magma, and mold your own Heart of the Powerful. If you succeed, then you will have to use body refinement to first enter the god level, reaching the realm of a cymbidium.    


"Of course, if you fail, you will have to pay for it now, so no matter what method you choose, it will be up to you to decide. Your mind tells you how to choose, so you won't have any shadow in your heart!"    


After the Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts heard Liu Du's doubts, they started to discuss once again. Although the words were very long, to Liu Du, every single one of them were like golden jade words, so even though Liu Du's eyes were confused, he was listening very seriously.    


After the Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts had finished speaking, the solemn expression on the originally doubtful face of Liu Du also gradually disappeared, but the expression on his face gradually relaxed, and of course, it was only a relaxed expression. His entire person's expression became firm and resolute once again, as if he had made the decision in his heart!    


"According to what you said, I choose to be reborn from the fire in the magma, create a new Heart of the Powerful, reconstruct my body, and take the lead in completing the cultivation of the cymbidium!"    


At this moment, Liu Du suddenly raised his head, and looked towards the night sky. It was a circle of darkness, like a black curtain, that hung within Liu Du's line of sight, and the Liu Du at this moment was standing naked on a rock in the middle of the lecture center, looking at the night sky with a face full of unswerving determination.    


A beautiful rainbow colored barrier suddenly appeared in the entire sky. It was like a dream with a reflection of the water and the moon. However, the color was so beautiful and dazzling!    


At this time, the voice of the Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts resounded once again in Liu Du's consciousness: "Are you sure you want to choose the body tempering cultivation method now? Go and train your own Heart of the Powerful. You need to know, it is very likely that you will be facing death, and walking on a road of no return! "    


"Yes, I have already thought about it. There is no turning back on the path of cultivation, and since I have already chosen, I will not hesitate to continue on my path. No matter how difficult it is, even if I die, I will have no regrets!"    


At this moment, Liu Du replied very decisively with no hesitation whatsoever, as if everything that had happened had been carved in his heart long ago. Moreover, Liu Du's entire being would also be carried out strictly according to this already drawn up sculpture!    


At this time, Liu Du was once again looking at the lava that was continuously boiling not far from his feet. At this moment, Liu Du's eyes that were originally shriveled due to lack of water, once again started to become clear again, as if there was a white light shining in them.    


"Good!" As expected of someone that my Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts has his eyes on, thinking back then, my Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts had an invincible hand in battle, maybe one day, my Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts's descendants will be able to defeat all the other people in the Dao Realm, and emerge victorious against them! "Hahaha!"    


The current Liu Du actually did not hear the voice of the Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts in his heart, but at this moment, the Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts was laughing loudly in his consciousness, as though this smile of his made him look much younger, as though this smile had wiped away all the haze in the past without a trace, and was trying to laugh at the fact that the enemies back then had found a suitable successor for him!    


The current Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts, however, spoke a few words in Liu Du's consciousness a long time after.    


"Young man, you must remember that the essence of cultivation is the use of energy. Regardless of whether it is the dao, the sword, the body, or the spirit, they are all using energy, and your body is also made up of energy. As long as you have this expert in your heart, there is a lot of energy.    


Even if your Heart of the Powerful is destroyed in the lava, remember, you still have the Sea of Consciousness. All of this is energy!    


With energy, you have the clarity of mind and will. You can truly reconstruct everything, and all the pain is the manifestation of your mind and will. When your mind is calm enough, the pain will not harm you, and you will complete the transformation of your heart!    


After you finish comprehending these words, go and practice your body tempering technique! "    


Liu Du's originally calm face couldn't help but sink into deep thought once again after hearing what the Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts had to say.    


The essence of cultivation is the use of energy. No matter what cultivation method it is, it is all cultivation energy. It's just that the way the energy is reflected is different, and the way it is used is also different, that's why there are so many different methods, right?    


However, since the way energy was used was different, was it that different training methods gave birth to different energies? Although energy could be changed, different energies should also have different uses, right?    


When I was in school, I learned the law of conservation of energy. If adding energy is constant, then no matter what kind of energy it is, it will always be constant. By cultivating, it will only increase one's energy storage and when it is time to use it, will there be a special channel to help one take out the energy they need and then use the moves or other methods they need?    


But at this moment, Liu Du fell into deep thought after hearing Emperor of the Sword Martial Arts's words?    


Why does the Dao Seeking Stage require one to cultivate a strong heart, while the body refinement is also the practitioner's strong heart? Could it be that the cultivation of Swordsman and mental will cannot be carried out simultaneously in this heart?    


At the same time, I used the energy of my spirit and will to irrigate the green bud. The green bud that can continuously grow and boil is planted in a powerful heart of my technique, so is it possible to rely on this green bud to give birth to the entire world?    


Liu Du didn't know how crazy his thoughts were right now, nor did he know if he could realize his thoughts, but Liu Du wanted to give it a try!    


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