Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



"Gao Baiqiang, damn it, what are you doing?" I'll kill you! "    


Lee Dongliang cursed. He didn't fall under the hands of the enemy, but one of his own men had crippled his arm. Lee Dongliang was furious. He ignored Lee Chuntian and turned back to curse.    


Once again, everyone under Soong Jiangyi's command was stunned. Gao Baiqiang's darts had a hundred times chance of hitting the target and never made any mistakes. However, the reality was right in front of their eyes. What was going on?    


Stab the wrong person? Many people were exasperated!    


Soong Jiangyi glanced at Gao Baiqiang. In his heart, he had the same question as most people, "Did Gao Baiqiang betray the sect?"    


Gao Baiqiang was also stunned, but he was not stunned by the fact that the dart had stabbed the wrong person, but by Lee Chuntian's earlier move!    


Others might not understand, but Gao Baiqiang saw it clearly. His dart was picked up by Lee Chuntian and then casually thrown onto Lee Dongliang's arm!    


Lee Chuntian's movement was too fast. Even Lee Dongliang beside him did not see it!    


Gao Baiqiang understood that since he had met his peers, his competitive spirit rose. Since he had already failed once, he must get back his dignity.    


Gao Baiqiang ignored Lee Dongliang and swung his hands again. But this time, it was different. Gao Baiqiang's hands each took out a dart!    


This time, Gao Baiqiang used all his strength and the angle of the two darts were very tricky. One rushed towards Lee Chuntian's face, and the other flew towards Lee Chuntian's legs.    


Gao Baiqiang knew that if Lee Chuntian dodged these two darts, he would definitely release Lee Dongliang. As long as Lee Dongliang was not by Lee Chuntian's side, then Gao Baiqiang would have no concerns and could take the rain of darts.    






"Gao Baiqiang, you bastard, laozi greets your ancestors!"    


Lee Dongliang was injured again. This time, a dart went into his thigh and blood flowed out!    


The other dart was stepped on by Lee Chuntian!    


Facing Gao Baiqiang's double dart, Lee Chuntian still hadn't moved a single step!    


Gao Baiqiang opened his eyes wide and looked at the dart at Lee Chuntian's feet.    


He knew it was easy to avoid darts and make darts, but to step on them with one's feet was a skill!    


If the foot was raised, the dart would slip away. The foot was too short, and the dart would pierce the leg. Even if the foot was properly raised, the foot was at the wrong angle, so it was likely to stab the foot!    


As for the flying darts, it would take at least ten to twenty years before he would be able to master any of them.    


With Gao Baiqiang's ability, it was difficult for him to fail even once. Now that he had failed once again, it was definitely not Gao Baiqiang's fault. It was that harmless brat in front of him.    


He was afraid that the next time he accidentally stabbed Lee Dongliang to death, he wouldn't be able to stay in the circle anymore. Thinking about the fact that if he killed his comrades, he wouldn't be alone in the future.    


"You people, all of you, just go ahead and fight. You guys are still unhappy, what do you think? Do you regret it? " Lee Chuntian seemed to be chatting with them as if it was normal, and he felt no pressure at all.    


Lee Dongliang didn't struggle anymore because without the grasp of Lee Chuntian, he would have been lying on the ground a long time ago.    


Gao Baiqiang, on the other hand, was afraid to shoot a rat. He had the ability, but was unable to release it. He was extremely aggrieved. In his heart, he scolded Lee Dongliang like a dog that didn't know his own limitations.    


Right now, the only people who were relatively relaxed were the West Tiger and the Southern Tiger. They were a little suspicious of watching the show.    


The two of them and the other two were separated into three factions. Usually, they didn't get along with each other, but now that they saw Lee Dongliang and Gao Baiqiang suffer losses, Shi Xianqi and Shi Hou Qi could not help but gloat.    


However, Soong Jiangyi's cold gaze quickly landed on them and they quickly stood up.    


Although the four tigers fought openly and secretly against each other, towards Soong Jiangyi, the four of them were absolutely subservient and did not have the slightest temper.    


It was said that in the past, it was the Wu Hu General, the man known as the Central Tiger, whose fighting prowess was not inferior to the other four tigers. He was proud and thought that he could be brothers with Soong Jiangyi, but as for the consequences, he was not directly crippled in front of the other four tigers.    


Actually, the so called Dragon Tiger Group was Soong Jiangyi! Absolute power!    


Brother Shi Xianqi and Brother Shi Xianqi were on the stage. In fact, they both looked average, so there was nothing special about them, but they both had a rule that no matter how many people there were, these two brothers would always go all out against each other!    


It was said that when the two of them received guidance from a master, their teamwork was flawless. It was said that the two of them received guidance from a master, so their teamwork was flawless.    


"Brat, taking hostages is nothing. If you have the ability, then kill us! We, the four tigers, will surrender and you will deal with us!" Shi Xianqi was a representative of the Four Tigers, but his tone was still somewhat contemptuous.    


Although Gao Baiqiang was dissatisfied with Shi Xianqi's words, but it seemed that they were the only two left in their lives. If they were defeated, the four tigers would be at the mercy of others!    


"Finally, someone with a bit of tenacity has come out!"    


Lee Chuntian directly threw Lee Dongliang to the side, laughing as he approached Shi Qi and his brother.    


"Yo, twin brothers? Even though you all look the same now, I'll definitely mark you later! " Lee Chuntian acted sloppy, and it was obvious that he was asking for a beating.    


The two brothers did not waste time talking and directly rushed forward!    


In fact, Lee Chuntian purposely approached the two brothers in order to not give Gao Baiqiang the chance to shoot his dart. Gao Baiqiang's high energy output was a headache for them!    


Soon, the two brothers caught Lee Chuntian's attention. One of them was attacking the upper body while the other was attacking the lower body. They worked well together and almost reached the point of attack at the same time!    


The first few moves, Lee Chuntian was really on the passive side. He could only defend and retreat. His four limbs seemed to be directed by a single person. Lee Chuntian was truly impressed by their tacit understanding!    


However, Lee Chuntian soon found out their weakness. The disadvantage was that the two brothers didn't take the initiative to defend and completely didn't fear death. Perhaps they believed that the best defense was offense, or perhaps they believed that the enemy didn't have the opportunity to attack!    


The best defense was to just attack. That depended on the opponent's strength, not blindly being arrogant!    


The weakness of the two brothers was their slow speed. In Lee Chuntian's eyes, that was tortoise speed!    




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