Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



When Lee Chuntian returned to the hotel, Jin Bujiao was already there waiting for him.    


"Young master, I have already prepared everything, if you wear this outfit, we can openly go to the Wang Family!" Jin Bujiao pointed at the clothes on the table and said.    


"Hmm? "Daoist robes?" Lee Chuntian looked at the daoist robe on the table in surprise.    


"Young Master, the Wang Family family's condition has worsened as they have been visiting everywhere to seek medicine, but it has always been ineffective. I have found a few friends in the underworld and made a small plan, saying that Spiritual Master Li is proficient in Chinese medicine and is proficient in suppressing demons and exterminating devils, and Spiritual Master Li just so happens to be here. I can ask Spiritual Master Li to treat him!" Jin Bujiao explained.    


"You want me to pretend to be a Taoist and go to the Wang Family to see a doctor?" Lee Chuntian understood Jin Bujiao's intention.    


"Yes!" What do you think, young master? " Jin Bujiao asked respectfully.    


"That's doable, then let's go to Wang Family in the afternoon!" Lee Chuntian had wanted to go to the Wang Family long ago to fulfill one of Wang Qinghua's wishes, but he regretted it!    


"Young Master, shall we try on some clothes?"    


After Lee Chuntian nodded his head in approval, Jin Bujiao put on the Taoist robe for Lee Chuntian.    


"Ole Gold, don't say it, this daoist robe is quite fitting!"    


After Lee Chuntian put on the daoist robe, he turned around and found that it was just the right size.    


Lee Chuntian put on his hat and held the dust. With a serious expression, he slowly paced around, "Old Jin, do I look like one?"    


"Young Master, I feel that something is missing." Jin Bujiao looked at Lee Chuntian seriously and seemed to be deep in thought.    


Lee Chuntian looked at the mirror and suddenly realized something. He quickly took out Soul Chasing Sword from his storage ring and hung it on his waist, "How is it, what about now?"    


"Yes!" When Daoists kill demons and exterminate devils, how can they be lacking a treasured sword!? "    


"It would be more like it if I were to wear the moustache!" Jin Bujiao made another suggestion.    


Soon, a middle-aged Daoist with a buddha's dust in his hand and a treasured sword on his waist appeared!    


Lee Chuntian slowly paced back and forth with a serious expression, sharp eyes and full of immortal aura. He was like a Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist who was swimming in the clouds down the mountain!    


"Master, take a seat. I'll call those friends and have them spread the news that you're staying in the hotel. Someone will pick you up very soon!"    


Thus, Lee Chuntian sat cross-legged on the sofa with Buddha dust on his lap. He folded his hands together with his palms facing up. Then he closed his eyes and rested, waiting for the fish to take the bait!    


After Jin Bujiao made the call, he also wore a Taoist robe and became Lee Chuntian's follower.    


Just as Jin Bujiao put on his Taoist robe, there was a knock on the door.    


Lee Chuntian and Jin Bujiao were puzzled, people from Wang Family came so quickly?    


Jin Bujiao quickly went to open the door, but saw a group of aggressive people!    


The group of people were surprised to see Jin Bujiao dressed like a Taoist. However, they still asked in a loud and domineering manner: "Where's Lee Chuntian? Get Lee Chuntian out, our Tang Family Young Master wants to see him! "    


Lee Chuntian finally understood that it was someone from Tang Family!    


Lee Chuntian thought about it. Ever since he came to the capital, he didn't seem to have anything to do with Tang Family, right? Could it be because of Wang Family?    


Lee Chuntian did not understand, but he did not care about those people. He was still resting with his eyes closed. Right now, his identity was that of a Taoist with profound mantras!    


"You found the wrong person, we don't have Lee Chuntian here, only Taoist Li!" After Jin Bujiao finished speaking, he was about to close the door and thank the guests.    


"Wait! If you say there's none, there's none? Go in and search, don't let them get away! "You are delaying me from marrying a beauty!"    


At this time, a hedonistic child walked out from behind the crowd. He had an arrogant look on his face, and it seemed as if he didn't know what to say.    


"Go in and search carefully!"    


Tang Xuecheng shouted, and the group of people pushed Jin Bujiao away and rushed into the room. Other than the two Taoists, they did not find anything else.    


"Hehehe, you must be Lee Chuntian, right? Disguised as a smelly Daoist, trying to trick us into running away, right? Did you not think that I, Tang Xuecheng, would block it? "If you want to follow me and listen to me, I'll definitely make you eat and drink with me. No one will dare to bully you!"    


Tang Xuecheng said smilingly to the Taoist Lee Chuntian. He guessed that this person was Lee Chuntian, but it was only a guess!    


"Humph!" This humble Taoist meditates here and yet you all come to disturb me. Moreover, you all dare to speak such arrogant words to humiliate us. Then let me teach all of you a lesson, and let the world know that our Wu Dang Mountain is unshakable! "    


After saying that, Lee Chuntian opened his eyes and a bright light shot out!    


"Hahaha!" This humble Taoist cultivates quietly and is famous in the Wudang Mountains. Have you read too many wuxia novels and your brain is making fun of you! "    


Tang Xuecheng's words caused a burst of crazy laughter.    


Lee Chuntian stood up and picked up the dust cloud. With a slight smile on his lips, he stood in front of Tang Xuecheng.    


"What, you're a fake Daoist, are you angry from embarrassment? You want to compete with us in Tao techniques? "Haha …"    


Tang Xuecheng laughed twice and then suddenly stopped because Lee Chuntian's figure disappeared right in front of him!    


At this moment, Lee Chuntian moved around the crowd like a ghost. At the same time, the silver needles in Lee Chuntian's hand pierced their heads one by one, skillfully and skillfully!    


Soon, Lee Chuntian's figure appeared in front of Tang Xuecheng. His expression was normal and the Buddhist dust in his hand floated slightly.    


"Stop playing tricks on me, I don't believe in evil …"    


Before Tang Xuecheng finished his sentence, he felt something strange behind him. A babbling sound came from behind him.    


When Tang Xuecheng turned around to take a look, he felt a wave of fear that came from the bottom of his heart!    


This was because the group of people he brought all had crooked mouths, painful expressions, slurred mouths, empty eyes, and drool flowing, as if they had been possessed!    


Seeing this, Tang Xuecheng's body trembled like a sieve, his entire body was ice-cold, because he knew the strength of the group of people in front of him. Two of them were Level Four Martial Cultivator s, and seven or eight of them were Level Three Martial Cultivator s!    


This group of people were extremely powerful in the capital. No one dared to provoke them, but in the blink of an eye, they were all crippled by this Daoist priest in front of them!    


Then how terrifying was this Daoist Priest in front of him?    


"You … What did you do to them... What kind of demonic magic was this? You really are a Dao... Daoist Priest, Daoist Priest of Mount Wudang? " Tang Xuecheng was so shocked that he found it hard to speak.    


"What, you still want to question this poor Taoist's identity?" Lee Chuntian's sharp eyes directly shot at Tang Xuecheng.    


"I dare not …" I dare not! "It was my sudden offense just now. I have offended many people, so I will retreat immediately! Retreat right away!"    


Tang Xuecheng turned around and ran. He wished he could disappear from here!    


However, a figure instantly appeared in front of Tang Xuecheng. It was Jin Bujiao.    


"Humiliate our Wu Dang Mountain's Daoist Priest Li, you are leaving just like that? If the world were to become like you, then how can we, Wu Dang Mountain, even stand on its feet? " After Jin Bujiao received Lee Chuntian's hint, he openly stopped Tang Xuecheng.    




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