Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



Niu Zhongyong and Cheng Liang did not have any doubts about Lee Chuntian's decision as they silently followed behind him.    


After traveling for half a day, the road began to become bumpy and the trees gradually became denser. It was difficult for people to walk, and the road became slippery, slowing down their pace.    


Fortunately, Lee Chuntian was able to keenly notice the marks Zhao Longhu took. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to determine the route because there were some places where trees covered the sky and blotted out the sun. He couldn't even tell north, south, east, and west!    


"General Li, it's rumored that there are varying levels of strength in our Myriad-mile Mountain. We've been walking for half a day, but why haven't we seen a single person?" Cheng Liang asked in confusion.    


"Captain Cheng, I've already sent someone to scout our route. It should be at the border of the different forces. Only then can we avoid all kinds of misunderstandings and reach our destination!" Lee Chuntian gave a simple explanation.    


This was because Zhao Longhu was tracking Master He. Once Zhao Longhu came into conflict with the local forces, he would have no chance to track Master He.    


Furthermore, even if it was a normal small power, they wouldn't dare to stop Lee Chuntian and the others, because they had more than eight hundred people, which was not a small amount of power. In the Myriad-mile Mountain Meridian, there were very few people who had the power to exceed eight hundred!    


"General Li, Elder He told me before when we came here. If possible, let us crush them all the way. This way, we can destroy all the small forces near the borders of our country!" Cheng Liang said some of his suggestions. Of course, these were also Hee Wanyong's intentions.    


"Captain Cheng, there are quite a few large and small forces in the Myriad-mile Mountain and veins, if we start attacking the city from here, then it won't be long before it will cause panic. At that time, not only will we not be able to save anyone, we might even encounter their combined resistance, do you think that we, eight hundred people, can withstand their combined resistance?" Lee Chuntian asked with a smile.    


"If we anger the masses, our troops probably won't be enough to fill the gaps between the teeth of the locals!"    


Since Cheng Liang was able to lead the eight hundred man Wild Wolf Battalion, he obviously didn't want his men to sink into despair in the Myriad-mile Mountain Artery!    


"Captain Cheng, did Elder He make any arrangements for you guys when you came?" Lee Chuntian could hear the hidden meaning in Cheng Liang's words.    


"General Li, to be honest, after we rescued you and helped you leave, Patriarch He told us to develop our own forces in the Myriad-mile Mountain and slowly expand our control. At the same time, he would constantly send people to assist us!" Cheng Liang said honestly.    


Lee Chuntian understood that Hee Wanyong had only asked Lee Chuntian to help Cheng Liang and the others start their journey. Cheng Liang and the rest of the disciples had developed their own set of affairs, and unifying the Myriad-mile Mountain and meridians was simply not something that could be accomplished in a year or two!    


"Captain Cheng, you can rest assured. When I rescue him, when we return to the city, we will destroy all the forces on the road, and if we do not leave a single one alive, I will help you establish a base camp so that you can have a base. With the support of Old He, you can slowly extend your base outwards!" Lee Chuntian said.    


Cheng Liang was very happy to hear Lee Chuntian's words. That way, they would take fewer detours.    


Just as Lee Chuntian and the rest were slowly advancing through the Myriad-mile Mountain Meridian, they didn't know that someone was using a telescope to monitor their movements.    


A petite young man with a camouflaged face and a straw hat handed the binoculars to his companion, "Continue to follow them quietly. Remember, don't go near them. These people are very vigilant. Don't alert them!" I'll report this to the boss! "    


The petite young man said this and then disappeared into the forest.    


Not long after, the petite young man appeared in a area filled with lush trees, surrounded by lush shrubs!    


The skinny young man with the camouflage paint on his face and a straw hat on his head was very familiar with the way to move into the shrubbery.    


In the shrubbery were scattered wooden houses, but they were not far from each other. There were moss growing on top of these houses, and vines growing on top of them. If one did not look carefully, they would not be able to see these buildings.    


The shrubbery was very particular and surrounded the buildings like a courtyard wall. Every so often, there would be a cabin hidden inside that could only fit one person. Through the window of the cabin, it was possible to observe the situation on a large scale!    


There was a person lurking inside each of the cabins, observing the situation outside at all times.    


The thin youth's figure immediately disappeared into a rather spacious wooden house.    


"Boss, a pair of men and horses from China have arrived from the east. There are 500 of them and they are shuttling back and forth from our territory!"    


The thin and weak young man stood before a well-built man in his thirties, dressed in a vest, and reported respectfully.    


The man in his thirties wore a camouflage hat and two arms that were tattooed with black and red lights. However, the scars on his arms could not be concealed. There was even a hideous scar extending from his arms to his back!    


"Monkey, did you see anything?" The camouflage hat asked cautiously.    


"From the looks of their walking posture and pace, they should be from the mainland. I feel like they are headed for Hee Hongshan!" The man with the nickname 'Monkey' said seriously.    


"Running towards Hee Hongshan?" The camouflage hat asked curiously.    


"Yes, I've already contacted them. The areas they have passed through are all quiet and do not conflict with the large and small forces of the Myriad-mile Mountain! And from the direction that they are heading towards, it seems like they are charging towards Hee Hongshan's territory! " Monkey said confidently.    


"Good!" "Don't alert him. If they really are going for Hee Hongshan, then we can help them!" The camouflage hat said with a smile.    


"Boss, are you saying that we should just sit back and watch like the tigers in the mountains? If both of them suffer, we should be able to eliminate them in one fell swoop?" Monkey suddenly realized something and asked.    


"It's not to eliminate them, it's to eliminate Hee Hongshan! Once Hee Hongshan is eliminated, in the entire Myriad-mile Mountain, who would dare to fight us! When that time comes, the entire Myriad-mile Mountain will not be ours yet! " The camouflage hat said with a smile.    


"Boss is wise!" "I'll continue to follow them. If there's anything else, I'll call you!" Monkey turned to leave.    


"Wait! Any territory that belongs to us, let us through, we will not allow anyone to obstruct us! " The camouflage hat suddenly reminded him.    


"Alright, boss, don't worry!" Monkey answered and went out.    


Although the Myriad-mile Mountain were all over the various forces, they were basically separated into three great forces.    


One was Hee Hongshan's Shanyang Stockaded Village, occupying the northernmost area of the Myriad-mile Mountain Vein, the other was the camouflage hat Wu Steel Gang, occupying the southeastern side of the Myriad-mile Mountain Vein, and the other was the brotherhood, occupying the western side of the Myriad-mile Mountain Vein.    




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