Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



"Why?" Lee Chuntian asked curiously.    


"Why not?" Xu Yadie's sudden act of flirting with Lee Chuntian caught Lee Chuntian off guard.    


Xu Yadie had always been a well-behaved girl. She was always working hard in the noodle shop, never acting coquettishly or talking softly or patiently. She had never been like this and it really broadened Lee Chuntian's horizons!    


Since Xu Yadie didn't agree, then Lee Chuntian might as well do as Xu Yadie said. He would first send Wang Yuhan home, then he would just have to make a trip.    


Soon, they arrived at Wang Yujia's mansion. Lee Chuntian carried Wang Yuhan into the mansion while Xu Yadie sat in the car and waited for Lee Chuntian.    


"Yujia, are you asleep?" Lee Chuntian called out as he entered the door.    


Wang Yujia heard a voice come out of the house, "Hm? What happened to Yuhan? "    


When Wang Yujia saw Wang Yuhan, who was in Lee Chuntian's arms, she hurriedly went up and asked.    


"It's nothing, a friend is treating us, she's drunk!"    


Lee Chuntian put Wang Yuhan in the bedroom and said to Wang Yujia, "Sofia, take care of her. I have a friend in the car. I have to take her back."    


"Alright! Slow down the road, I'll wait for you to come back! " Wang Yujia said softly to Lee Chuntian.    


Lee Chuntian looked back at Wang Yujia and nodded. A warm feeling flowed through his heart.    


Since he joined Wang Family, Lee Chuntian had always lived his own life and no one cared about him. Furthermore, he was also used to this lifestyle, used to silently taking care of Wang Yujia. He didn't plan to get anything in return from her, as long as she was well, he would be satisfied!    


But, gradually, Lee Chuntian felt that he had already joined this family, and Wang Yujia no longer rejected him, but sometimes even thought for him. Now, Wang Yujia actually used a wifely tone to advise Lee Chuntian, even though it was just a simple sentence, it made Lee Chuntian incredibly happy!    


I'll wait for you to come back, what a heartwarming sentence!    


Xu Yadie sat quietly in the front seat of the car. Her eyes were clear, without the slightest hint of drunkenness. There was a resolute look in her clear eyes.    


"Yadie, I'll send you to the dorm!" Lee Chuntian said sideways to Xu Yadie.    


"Mr Lee, there's no need. The dormitory is already closed. We can't get in!" Xu Yadie said softly.    


"Hmm? Close the door? "Why don't you go to our house and sleep? We can sleep in the same room, and our bedrooms are huge!"    


Lee Chuntian had an idea. He couldn't let Wang Yuhan sleep on the street alone, right?    


"There's no need for that, Mr Lee. I've booked a hotel and booked a room. You can take me directly to the hotel!" Xu Yadie glanced at Lee Chuntian, but Lee Chuntian did not notice her energetic gaze.    


"Hotel? Have a room? "Well, which hotel?" Lee Chuntian asked, but he felt a little awkward. It felt so strange!    


"Shanliu Wei Hotel!" Xu Yadie said.    


"Yes!" A hotel like this will at least be safe and hygienic, no worries! " Lee Chuntian agreed with Xu Yadie.    


"Oh yeah, Yadie, I have this hotel's purple-gold level membership card. Use my card, you don't need to pay to get a room!"    


Lee Chuntian suddenly thought of his universal card and the owner of that card. Lee Chuntian felt that he had to greet the old man when he had time, after all, he hasn't contacted him for a long time!    


Soon, the car arrived at the entrance of the Haitian Hotel.    


"Yuhan, we're here. Slow down!" Lee Chuntian didn't plan to go up. After all, it's easy for people to misunderstand when a man and a woman went to a hotel together.    


"Mr Lee, I feel a bit dizzy. Can you help me up?" Xu Yadie said pitifully as she held her forehead.    




Lee Chuntian didn't refuse and directly helped Xu Yadie out of the car.    


Xu Yadie supported Lee Chuntian's arm as they slowly entered the hotel.    


Just when Lee Chuntian and co. entered the elevator, Tang Shengnan came out of her office on the first floor. When she was about to get off work, she saw the scene of Lee Chuntian and Xu Yadie hugging.    


Tang Shengnan frowned and turned around to leave. She muttered to herself, "He really is a philanderer!"    


Just as Xu Yadie had said, she had already booked a room. When she reached the door, Xu Yadie took out her key card and opened the door.    


Once inside, Xu Yadie closed the door.    


"Mr Lee, help me to the living room and sit down!" Xu Yadie's voice had changed, and she sounded slightly nervous.    


"Why are there so many wines?" The moment Lee Chuntian entered the living room, he noticed that there were a lot of unopened wine inside.    


"Yadie, you didn't go into the wrong room, right?" Lee Chuntian asked in confusion. At the same time, he looked around and found no traces of other people staying there.    


"No, I prepared this wine. Mr Lee, accompany me for a drink?"    


Without Lee Chuntian's consent, Xu Yadie poured a glass of wine for him.    


"Yadie, you're dizzy. It's better if you don't drink it!" Lee Chuntian said in concern.    


"NO!" I want to drink it! Mr Lee, I have never been this unrestrained before. Can you let me drink enough? " Xu Yadie looked at Lee Chuntian pitifully.    


Lee Chuntian nodded. He knew that Xu Yadie had now abandoned her loved ones. For his own benefit, her parents pushed her into the fire. As her daughter, only she understood the bitterness in her heart.    


"Mr Lee, drink with me!"    


Xu Yadie picked up her glass and clinked it with Lee Chuntian's, then drank it all in one gulp. Lee Chuntian only took a symbolic sip.    


"Mr Lee, actually, I had the thought of living a peaceful life. If not for your appearance, I would already be on the other side of the world!" Xu Yadie confided her thoughts to Lee Chuntian.    


Lee Chuntian was shocked by Xu Yadie's thoughts. He was still young, yet he had such a thought. This thought made him sigh!    


"Yadie, you better get over it. There are no obstacles in this world that you can't cross. You're still young, and still have a lot of time waiting for you to squander. You can't do anything stupid!" Lee Chuntian quickly tried to advise her. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to rest easy while she slept here.    


"Mr Lee, I originally had no ties with this world, but now it's different, because I have you in my world. You gave me hope, you gave me the courage to live on, I must live on well!" At this moment, Xu Yadie's eyes were firm and decisive.    


"Right, this is what a pure girl should think. As long as we persevere, the storm will eventually pass. Tomorrow is a good day!" Lee Chuntian still tried to persuade her.    


I can't die, because I still have a lot of things I haven't done, haven't been in a relationship, haven't held hands with a boy, haven't taken a kiss with him, let alone slept with him. So I can't die, I haven't enjoyed my life yet! Xu Yadie's sudden change in topic surprised even Lee Chuntian!    




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