Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



When Hu Naixuan was pouring a cup of tea for Lee Chuntian, Hu Naizhi and Feng Cheng's servant walked in, "Brother, I've prepared the silver needles, let's …"    


When Hu Naizhi saw Hu Naixuan pouring the tea for Lee Chuntian, his mouth opened wide in surprise and swallowed the words that were in his mouth!    


Because he saw Hu Naixuan personally pour some tea for Lee Chuntian!    


Hu Naixuan was the General Manager of Hu's Tea House, an identity that Hu Naizhi did not inform Lee Chuntian about!    


Hu Naixuan had always loved tea leaves since she was young, so she had a deep attainments in the Way of Tea. In order to build a tea empire in the Hu's tea industry, Hu Naixuan had visited famous tea masters in both the north and south of the Great River. Under Hu Naixuan's guidance, the products of the Hu's Tea House sold well in the entire country, and she was worthy of her title as the head of the tea industry.    


"Mr Hu, what's wrong?"    


Lee Chuntian noticed the abnormality of Hu Naizhi and thought something had happened, so he quickly asked.    


"Bro, you can do it!" My sister actually made tea for you! Do you know, in our provincial capital, my sister's attainments in the Way of Tea is worthy of her title. In our Hu Family, only my father can drink the tea brewed by my sister! With the appearance of the Hu Family, most likely no one will be able to get my sister to make tea herself! "    


Hu Naizhi was filled with reverence towards Lee Chuntian. He had only gone out for a short while, yet he had already conquered his proud sister?    


"Little sister, you are too biased. I have been travelling all day for the Hu Family, even though I have no achievements, I have been working hard, and yet I was unable to drink a cup of tea from you. I, Mr Chuntian, came for a short while, and you brewed some tea for me?"    


Hu Naizhi's face was full of grievance, but his heart was elated because the brother he brought with him had finally gotten the recognition of his sister!    


"Brother, I know that you're the most tired out with our Hu Family. When you want to drink tea in the future, come find me. I'll make some for you!"    


Hu Naixuan poured a cup of tea for Hu Naizhi as she spoke.    


Hu Naizhi nodded his head vigorously. This treatment, previously only his father had it, but now he was the second person in Hu Family!    


"Mr Chuntian, hurry up and savor my sister's tea ceremony. I guarantee that after you drink this time, you won't want to drink the tea brewed by others anymore!"    


Hu Naizhi urged Lee Chuntian to drink the tea. He then stared at Lee Chuntian, wanting to see his stunning expression after tasting the tea!    


Hu Naixuan's tea ceremony had been described by Hu Naizhi to be superb. Lee Chuntian's curiosity had been thoroughly piqued. He picked up the small teacup and took a sip.    


The moment the tea entered his mouth, a rich, pure fragrance began to spread rapidly from the tip of his tongue to his taste buds!    


Lee Chuntian savored the tea in his mouth. Suddenly, he frowned and spat out the tea in his mouth!    


Lee Chuntian's performance stunned Hu Naixuan at first, but soon, displeasure was written all over her face!    


He had personally picked the tea, personally brewed it, and personally brewed it. To think that the other party would waste the fruits of his labour like that!    


Hu Naixuan knew that the cup of tea she made was rare in the outside world, but Lee Chuntian actually vomited!    


Hu Naizhi saw Lee Chuntian's expression and was puzzled. Could it be that the tea brewed by his sister was very bad?    


Hu Naizhi quickly raised his teacup to try, but was stopped by Lee Chuntian!    


"Mr Hu, don't drink it. There's poison in the tea!"    


Lee Chuntian said softly.    


While Lee Chuntian was tasting the tea, he felt an odd bitterness in the tea leaves. Moreover, there was a faint fragrance of flowers. This smell was the fragrance of the Devil's Snare Flower!    


The process of brewing the tea leaves was very strict. Strictly removing the strange fragrance of foreign objects, normal brewing, it was impossible to produce the fragrance of the Devil's Snare Flower!    


And the poison that Lee Chuntian talked about before, was mainly made up of the madora flower!    


After drinking the tea brewed by Hu Naixuan, Lee Chuntian was sure that the way Hu Wande was poisoned was through the tea leaves!    


When Hu Naixuan heard Lee Chuntian's words, she immediately became angry, stood up, and pointed at Lee Chuntian as she roared: "Lee Chuntian, don't think that you can speak nonsense here just because you became the benefactor of our Hu Family. I picked these tea leaves myself and cooked them for my father, don't tell me you said I poisoned my father?"    


Previously, when Lee Chuntian spat out the tea brewed by Hu Naixuan, Hu Naixuan was dissatisfied, but now that she framed the tea leaves as poisonous, Hu Naixuan could no longer hold it in. She stood up and glared angrily at Lee Chuntian, wanting him to give her an explanation.    


"Mr Chuntian, my sister would never do such a thing!" Although Hu Naizhi was speaking up for his sister, he still put down the cup in his hand because he believed that Lee Chuntian was not the kind of person who would speak nonsense!    


"Xuan, you're a grandmaster of the Way of Tea. Have a taste of your own brewed tea, I believe you'll understand soon enough!"    


Lee Chuntian calmly poured a cup of tea for Hu Naixuan and pushed it to her side.    


"Tsk, I'm only going to drink one cup of what you call poisonous tea!" Hu Naixuan picked up her teacup and prepared to drink.    


"Remember, you have to try it carefully!" Lee Chuntian reminded him.    


Hu Naixuan rolled her eyes at Lee Chuntian. Then, she took a small sip and gently stirred it with her tongue. Suddenly, Hu Naixuan's eyebrows twitched!    


She spat out the tea in her mouth and took another big gulp. She slowly tasted the tea as her face turned serious.    


Hu Naizhi's eyes were fixed on Hu Naixuan's expression. He wanted to know the result of her tasting. At this moment, he was extremely nervous!    


Suddenly, Hu Naixuan spat the tea out of her mouth onto the floor and collapsed onto the sofa!    


"Someone has tampered with the tea leaves!" I am the one who harmed my father! " Hu Naixuan was in a daze as she muttered to herself in a low voice!    


Hearing Hu Naixuan's words, Hu Naizhi broke out in a cold sweat! To think that the other party was so skilled in using poison!    


If Lee Chuntian hadn't appeared, Hu Naizhi wasn't sure if he would have been silently poisoned to death.    


While Hu Naixuan was sipping her tea, Lee Chuntian's attention was focused on Hu Naixuan's face. Before the real culprit was found, anyone could be suspected, and Hu Naixuan was the most likely suspect!    


However, Lee Chuntian didn't see the part of the performance on Hu Naixuan's face. That sad and self-reproaching expression came from the inside and was definitely not for Lee Chuntian to see.    


Lee Chuntian definitely believed in his judgement on this!    


"Xuan, your brother and I believe in you. You don't have to blame yourself, because you should be glad that the other party poisoned us through the tea leaves, so we can at least track them down. If the other party poisoned us through other channels, we would have no way of finding out! After all, it's been so long! "    


Lee Chuntian saw Hu Naixuan who had lost her soul, so he tried to dissuade her. He didn't want to see Hu Naixuan become negative because he needed to rely on Hu Naixuan to find the person who poisoned the tea leaves because she knew the process of the tea leaves the best!    


Hu Naixuan looked at Lee Chuntian with a complicated expression. Her lips moved slightly but she stopped herself from speaking!    


"Alright, you guys guard it for me. I'll control your uncle's condition first!"    


Lee Chuntian took the silver needle and went into the bedroom, leaving Hu Naizhi, who had a sad face, and Hu Naixuan, who had a complicated expression on her face.    




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