Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



Lee Chuntian took a glance and immediately sat down. He didn't want them to misunderstand!    


Lee Chuntian knew that the group of men in black was protecting the bespectacled old man in the middle!    


Just when Lee Chuntian sat down to take a nap, the car door was suddenly slammed open.    


"What are you doing? "Please go back …"    


The moment the flight attendant opened her mouth to speak, she was rudely pushed aside, "Scram! Don't disturb my work!"    


The middle-aged man who looked like an old farmer turned around instead of behaving in an honest manner. He became arrogant and malicious, passing by the two flight attendants and then running towards the old man with glasses.    


As for the two flight attendants, they were so frightened by the group of people that they stopped talking. One of the flight attendants reacted quickly and took out his phone to call for help.    




"[email protected] # $%... & "The foreigner called Josen directly slapped off the flight attendant's phone and pointed at her while talking. His expression was very vicious and wretched.    


The crew member who was beaten up immediately started tearing up and didn't know what to do.    


At this moment, the middle-aged man with the appearance of an old farmer had already passed Lee Chuntian and arrived in front of the old man with glasses.    


The commotion caused by the forceful opening of the door had already attracted the attention of the black-clothed men. They stood up and surrounded the bespectacled old man, ready for battle.    


"Mr Yuan, don't worry, I'm Yamada Sho. Our Japan s are extremely interested in your research results, and if we want to invite you to join our Japan, our Japan s will definitely treat you much better than we do now!" Yamada Sho said to the bespectacled old man with a smile.    


When the men in black beside the old man heard the name Yamada Sho, their expressions all changed, and they couldn't help but tighten their formation!    


At this moment, everyone in the coach was woken up. They all complained and blamed Yamada Sho and the others.    


"Japan? Humph! I, Yuan Tiangang, don't care about being with you guys, you guys should hurry up and leave! " When the old man who claimed to be Yuan Tiangang heard that the other party was from Japan, he immediately frowned, and sternly rejected the other party's invitation.    


"The Japan is barbaric, no wonder they are so lacking in quality. Hurry up and get out of here, otherwise I'll call the police!"    


At this moment, someone began to loudly complain about the violent behavior of the group of people.    




Under Yamada Sho's instructions, the person called Josen slapped the person who was complaining. Then, he suddenly pulled out a long dagger from his clothes and pointed it at that person's neck.    


"Mr Yuan, you're an academic figure after all. With your reputation, you can't be unconcerned about the lives of ordinary people, right?" Yamada Sho looked at Yuan Tiangang with a smile.    


The moment Yamada Sho finished his sentence, Qiao Sen's dagger stabbed into the man's thigh. The man grimaced in pain, but the man didn't utter a sound and only glared at Qiao Sen.    


If not for his family and children, the passenger would probably have stood up and fought with his life on the line against them!    


But he couldn't do it now, because he still had his family by his side!    


Seeing Yamada Sho and the others doing such despicable acts, Wu Tie was so angry that his entire body was trembling, "You Japan people, other than this despicable act, what else can you do? Can you do something honorable? "    


"Mr Yuan, this is fair and square for us. If you don't agree to join us, then you will be responsible for the entire train." Yamada Sho's expression gradually turned cold and he started to retract his smile.    


After Yuan Tiangang heard this, his veins started popping out of his veins. He clenched his fists and said, "What are you all waiting for? Don't worry about me. Hurry up and take these people down!"    


Yuan Tiangang said loudly to the group of men in black beside him.    


"Mr Yuan, this Yamada Sho is a notorious mercenary leader. He is unforgivable, and the few people under his command are all Martial Cultivator. Our duty is to protect you, Old Yuan!" A man in black beside Yuan Tiangang whispered into his ear.    


"Are you done discussing? My time is limited, why don't we show you our sincerity?"    


After Yamada Sho said this, he glanced at Josen. Josen smiled and pulled over the flight attendant who was about to make a call. He roughly ripped off her work clothes, revealing her snow-white skin.    


The stewardess screamed, but was slapped by Josen, who swore viciously.    


The stewardess had never seen such a scene before and was scared silly. She covered her body with her hands and squatted on the ground, tears flowing down her face.    


Johansson's atrocity immediately caused the entire carriage to erupt with fury. Some people could not help but stand out and criticize Shan Tianxiao's group for their heinous acts.    


However, the result of that was that they were beaten up by Shan Tianxiu's group. Many of them had seen the light.    


"Tang Ying Ran, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and attack! My life is not that valuable, I don't want to involve these innocent people!" If you don't want to go, then I will! "    


When Yuan Tiangang saw the tragic scene of the whole carriage, he suddenly lost control of his emotions. He was going to come out from the guards of the black clothed man and fight with his life!    


Tang Ying Ran was also helpless. Although they had a lot of people, Yamada Sho's notoriety was widespread and his strength was tyrannical. Whether or not they could protect Yuan Tiangang was another story. He did not have the time to care about other things.    


Tang YingRan knew a bit about Yamada Sho. This group of people had slaughtered a small village in Africa for an enormous diamond. Although they were later chased down, they were still alive and kicking here.    


"Tang Yingjie, you are in charge of Mr Yuan's safety. When we attack, you lead Mr Yuan to break out of the encirclement and find a secret place to hide while waiting for rescue!"    


"Old Yuan, retreat with Tang Yingjie first, we'll leave first!"    


After Tang Ying Ran finished speaking, he led his men to surround Yamada Sho's group. At this moment, Tang Ying Ran already had a will of death in his heart. He knew the disparity in power between the two of them!    


"Yamada Sho, you have committed many evil deeds. Today, we Chinese will uphold justice for the heavens!" Tang YingRan looked at Yamada Sho decisively without a shred of fear or retreat.    


"I heard that China is a restricted area for mercenaries. I would like to experience the pride of you people!"    


Yamada Sho waved his hand, "Jon, Chris, Cang Jiexi, hurry up and get rid of this trouble. Josen, watch the carriage door. Don't go out alone!"    


Very soon, the two sides started to stick together. Although Yamada Sho's group were all Level One Martial Cultivator and Tang YingRan's group were all ordinary people, Tang Ying Ran's group had the determination to die. Moreover, they had the advantage in numbers.    


In such a short period of time, the two sides had actually reached a draw!    


However, Tang Yingjie couldn't escape with Yuan Tiangang and could only protect him from being affected.    


Yamada Sho did not expect the Martial Cultivator to be unfair to some ordinary people. He frowned, looked at the time, and prepared to fight himself because he didn't have much time left!    




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