Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



"Naizhi, what you did before was not wrong. What's wrong is that your view of the overall situation is too narrow. You don't understand the situation at all. If I was there, I would have chosen to stand with Lee Chuntian without hesitation!"    


Hu Wande said calmly to Hu Naizhi, "Naizhi, as a successful businessman, you have to keep your eyes open for a long time. You can't just blind your eyes and lose sight of Mt. Tai, because of the gains and losses in front of you!"    


"Father, if we give 60% to Lee Chuntian, then we would become his workers. How would we benefit from that?" Hu Naizhi still did not understand Hu Wande's approach.    


Hu Wande glanced at Lee Chuntianson, sighed, and said, "Naizhi, Lee Chuntian killed Chu Tongxuan, forced Qin Family away, took Niu Zhongyong in, and caused Wang Family to leap from a small family that no one knew of to become one of the three great families. He then resolved the recent financial sanctions, and killed all the people in Red Butterfly Killing Organization.    


In the face of Hu Wande's questions, Hu Naizhi was slightly embarrassed. Not to mention that series of things, even Hu Naizhi was not confident that he could complete any of them, let alone that series of things.    


"Father, I feel ashamed of myself!" Hu Naizhi was completely convinced of his defeat!    


"Not to mention you, even I am lamenting my inferiority! Naizhi, think about it, can a giant dragon like Lee Chuntian occupy our f * cking province for a long time? As I expected, in less than two years, Lee Chuntian will definitely bring along his Wang Family and go on stage! " Hu Wande said confidently.    


"Father, are you saying that he will go to the capital?" Hu Naizhi asked in disbelief.    


"Yes!" Since we have a good relationship with Lee Chuntian now, then everything will be ours in two years' time. In addition, Lee Chuntian will have his support in the capital, then we will have a backer in the capital now. Now that we have lost 40%, wouldn't we be able to return many times over then? " Hu Wande said.    


Hearing Hu Wande's words, Hu Naizhi suddenly realized what was going on. He pushed away the clouds and saw the bright moon!    


However, Hu Naizhi still did not believe that Lee Chuntian would leave the capital within two years. After two years, he would know what had happened!    


Hu Naixuan listened quietly to the conversation between the father and son. Her heart was full of depression. She finally understood why Lee Chuntian was in such a normal state just now!    


Actually, when Lee Chuntian faced Hu Wande's cold attitude, Hu Naixuan was extremely disgusted. After all, Hu Wande was his father, the patriarch of Hu Family. Lee Chuntian actually didn't give him face even though he lowered his head to apologize!    


Hu Naixuan thought Lee Chuntian was arrogant!    


However, at this moment, Hu Naixuan understood that her father and her elder brother were the true source of all this! It was because his father and brother had an impure motive for coming to apologize!    


And Lee Chuntian must have understood their intentions for treating them like that!    


Hu Naixuan was a bit sullen in her heart. It was as if she understood why her father brought her here. She didn't say a word the whole time, but Lee Chuntian had been looking at her the most!    


Because the reason why Lee Chuntian accepted that 40% of the shares, was all because of Hu Naixuan!    


Hu Naixuan knew that her father and brothers had taken advantage of her!    


But what could she do? She sat dejectedly in the car, not in the mood to listen to the conversation between father and son!    


Lee Chuntian went to the construction site and looked at Chen Zijing, Shi Tiankui and the others. When Shi Tiankui saw Lee Chuntian, he was very excited. He had seen Lee Chuntian's awesome performance at the Milky Way Hotel!    


In the eyes of Shi Tiankui and the others, a level five Level 6 Martial Cultivator was a god-like existence. An opportunity could easily take their lives, but in front of Lee Chuntian, they were like chickens and dogs, unable to withstand even a single blow!    


Shi Tiankui felt that his vision was extremely good because he had entered the right temple and kowtowed to the god before him, so he was able to follow this great Buddha, Lee Chuntian!    


Although Shi Tiankui did not do much that night, Lee Chuntian saw his actions and passed his test.    


"Chen Zijing, Shi Tiankui, our Wang's Group is developing rapidly right now, you two are in charge of the progress of all construction sites, remember, you must not delay the progress of the construction site. Also, you two are responsible for the safety of the workers, you cannot covet the progress of the project, and there must not be any accidents!"    


Lee Chuntian's expression was very serious. When it came to the development of Wang's Group, Lee Chuntian had always been very strict!    


Chen Zijing and Shi Tiankui nodded towards Lee Chuntian's arrangement. They wanted to complete Lee Chuntian's arrangement 100%!    


After Lee Chuntian came out from the construction site, it was already time for lunch. Lee Chuntian called Wang Yujia to invite her for a meal. After all, after coming to Beijing, he rarely had lunch with Wang Yujia. Furthermore, Lee Chuntian was going to Beijing, so he wanted to accompany Lee Chuntian.    


After the call connected and after knowing Lee Chuntian's intentions, Wang Yujia was very happy. She said that she was eating seafood with her best friend in the seafood world next to Feng Qiuhuang's KTV, so she told him to hurry over!    


Lee Chuntian didn't think about it and directly drove to the seafood world.    


"Hubby, let me introduce you. This is my college classmate and roommate, Zhang Wanyue!"    


"Wanyue, this is the husband that I told you before. I didn't inform you before we got married, sorry about that!" Wang Yujia introduced Lili apologetically.    


Lee Chuntian casually glanced at Zhang Wanyue. She was dressed in expensive clothing and was dressed in jewellery with thick makeup. She had a pair of large earrings on her earlobes and her figure was not much worse than Wang Yujia.    


Lee Chuntian stretched out his hand with a smile and said to Zhang Wanyue, "Hello, Yujia often talks about you to me!"    


"Are you the soldier? Your looks aren't very impressive, are they? " Zhang Wanyue didn't shake hands with Lee Chuntian, but looked at Wang Yujia doubtfully.    


Lee Chuntian was ignored. He smiled embarrassedly and quickly withdrew his hand.    


Wang Yujia felt a little awkward as well. After all, Zhang Wanyue was her best friend.    


"Wanyue, I feel that my husband is the most handsome!" Wang Yujia quickly added.    


"Sofia, is his bed a good one? Otherwise, why would a school belle like you marry him, a poor soldier? " Zhang Wanyue said to Wang Yujia with a smile.    


Hearing Zhang Wanyue's words, Wang Yujia's face immediately turned red. She secretly glanced at Lee Chuntian and saw that he wasn't angry, so she let out a sigh of relief.    


"You damned girl, how can you speak?" Wang Yujia complained coquettishly.    


Lee Chuntian saw that they still hadn't ordered anything, so he smiled and said, "Beautiful girl, what do you want to eat? Just randomly order, I'll treat you!"    


"You're treating? Do you have money? Besides, do you have a job? Isn't it Yujia's money that you spent to treat me? People like you really know how to put gold on your face! " Zhang Wanyue looked at Lee Chuntian with disdain.    




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