Peerless Sovereign



"It's time to try out the Grade Four Pills!"    


The success rate of refining two Grade Three Medicinal Pills in a row was one hundred percent, causing Su Lie's confidence to soar. He could not wait and wanted to start breaking through the bottleneck of the Grade Four Pills.    


However, he had not rested for an entire day and night. He had been concocting pills with his mind at full speed. Whether it was his consciousness or his spirit power, they were both exhausted.    


Alchemy Grade Four Pills could only be used to refine spirit medicine, but he made frequent mistakes and couldn't hold on any longer.    


"I need to rest and recover."    


Although he was anxious and did not want to stop, Su Lie had to admit that he was too tired.    


He sealed the earth fire, left the Pill Cauldron, relaxed his mind, and began to train his spirit energy. He waited for his spirit energy and consciousness to slowly recover.    


One day and one night later, when he felt that he had returned to his peak, he finally returned to the Pill Cauldron and reactivated the Earth Fire before starting to concoct pills again.    


Although the Grade Four Pills was only a tier 1 level higher than a tier 3 pill, it was several times more difficult. Just the main ingredient alone, there were five of them, with forty different supplementary medicines. Just refining the spiritual medicine essence was a huge undertaking, requiring a long period of time.    


After refining the dozens of spiritual medicines, Su Lie could already feel the strain before the medicinal properties had even begun to fuse with them.    


Although his Spiritual Force was formidable, it was extremely difficult for him to divide his Spiritual Force into dozens of strands to control the different medicinal liquids. Thus, he could only endure.    




Although it was difficult, it was not enough to make Su Lie give up.    


He carefully controlled the fusion of the spirit medicine essence, but the spirit medicine that could refine Grade Four Pills s were all quite precious. The ages were not short either, the medicinal properties were even more violent, and the collision between the two ingredients was even more intense.    


He had spent more than ten minutes trying to squeeze the two medicines to the limit before he was barely able to achieve a balance between the two medicines.    


"Whew ~ ~"    


After taking a deep breath, he slowly controlled the third essence fusion.    




Once the three medicinal essences came into contact with it, it was like a violent chemical reaction. The balance that was barely maintained was instantly broken. The three medicinal essences instantly turned into explosives, ready to explode at any time.    


Once it happened, it would be a cauldron explosion.    


"Steady, steady!"    


Su Lie roared explosively from the bottom of his heart. Amidst the Niwan Palace, Spirit power endlessly gushed out, drawing frantically. It rushed into the Pill Cauldron and poured into the three lumps of medicinal liquid, adjusting the balance between the three clumps of medicinal liquid with all his might.    


Su Lie's consciousness was completely focused on the Pill Cauldron, but he did not notice that after he frantically tried to extract the spirit energy, the spirit energy inside the Niwan Palace had long since become empty. But following his constant suppression, the Niwan Palace was like a dry well, and clear spring water kept seeping out from the bottom of the well, increasing the total amount of his spirit energy.    


It took a good half an hour to maintain the balance between the three medicinal properties and the essence, but Su Lie felt a sense of accomplishment.    


He did it!    


The fourth type, try again.    


With a light sigh from the bottom of his heart, he controlled the fourth ball of spirit medicine essence to slowly fuse it.    




With the fusion of the fourth spiritual ingredient essence, the conflict between the medicinal properties became even more intense, almost dispersing his spiritual force.    


However, as he worked hard and continuously squeezed out more mind energy to pour in, he still managed to slowly hold on.    


As the amount of medicinal essence absorbed increased, it became harder and harder to maintain a balance. Merely the fusion of ten or so medicinal essences took a good half a day.    


The pill had a total of five main ingredients, and they all took on an irregular pentagon shape. It was extremely complicated.    


One day and one night later, Su Lie finally merged with forty types of spirit medicine essence. His face was terrifyingly pale and his entire body was slightly trembling.    


Until now, fusing with every spiritual ingredient essence was like a comet colliding with Earth. It was incomparably violent, and it was truly difficult to maintain.    


He had reached a limit!    


"It looks like we can only use Innate Dan Qi s …"    


His mind was exhausted.    


Within the pill, there seemed to be forty intertwined threads that maintained a balance. It was extremely complicated, and with his mental strength, he could not control it any further.    


Innate Dan Qi, enter!    


In his dantian, the Innate Dan Qi stored in the ancient cauldron, Su Lie followed the instructions given by the Eighth Elder and slowly injected his spirit energy into the pill.    


With the infusion of the Innate Dan Qi, Su Lie's expression, which had been on the verge of collapse, slowly relaxed.    


Whether it was his spirit or consciousness, he had to slightly relax. In this critical moment, and to let him relax, it was naturally because of the Xiantian pellet.    


Innate Dan Qi was like a type of all-powerful spiritual essence. After fusing with the Spirit Medicine Essence, it would become unbalanced and it would be able to fill the gap there, maintaining the balance of the medicinal essence and stabilizing them.    


"Innate Dan Qi s are indeed useful in pill refining!"    


Su Lie was pleasantly surprised.    


Just how difficult was it for him to maintain this balance with his own mental energy? He had almost exhausted himself to the point that he was about to run out of potions, but as soon as the Innate Dan Qi came along, the balance was instantly wiped clean.    


Next, he absorbed the remaining seven medicinal properties essences one by one. As he replenished his spirit energy with the Innate Dan Qi, that balance was easily maintained.    


All sorts of spirit medicine essence continued to fuse with the Innate Dan Qi, but it was like a needle in the ocean, easily making up for the balance.    


Su Lie didn't even feel it was difficult and the last seven types of spirit medicine essence all fused into it, condensing into a ball the size of a fist.    


"He succeeded so easily?"    


Su Lie found it hard to believe.    


After all, this was a Grade Four Pills, how could it be possible to succeed so easily?    


He did not know that if one wanted to use Innate Dan Qi to refine pills, the most important thing would be the number of Innate Dan Qi. If the number of Innate Dan Qi was too low, then there was no way to make up for the lack of balance, and it would not be of much use.    


Just because there weren't enough Innate Dan Qi!    


However, the number of Innate Dan Qi in Su Lie's body was obtained when Yuan Yi used tens of thousands of pills to help him refine the Innate Pill.    


With the fusion of the medicinal properties, the Grade Four Pills could be considered to have been successfully refined.    


After nurturing it for half a day, Su Lie opened the cauldron and took the pill. The fist-sized essence of the elixir had already been tempered to the size of a thumb. The fragrance of the elixir assaulted his nostrils.    


"He actually succeeded on his first try …"    


As Su Lie held onto the medicinal pill, he was in a daze.    


He never thought that he would actually be able to refine a Grade Four Pills so easily.    


Of course, this was only relative. Previously, when he relied on his own strength to maintain the balance of the medicinal properties, it was also extremely difficult and almost collapsed.    


"I'm Grade Four Alchemist now?"    


After he recovered his wits slightly, Su Lie's expression changed and he began to check his own Spirit power.    


He had been engrossed in pill forging and he had never thought of using his spiritual energy.    


He did not know if his mental strength would increase after he created the Grade Four Pills with a method that was close to cheating.    


After a few breaths, he let out a long exhale, completely at ease.    


His Spirit Power had increased, reaching Grade Four Alchemist's level.    


In fact, the growth of the spiritual energy of apothecaries and formation masters was the same. When they were completely immersed in concocting pills or setting up an array, they would unknowingly press on to increase their limits, and their spiritual energy would increase as well.    


The increase in the spiritual force was due to the slow progress in that process. It could only be said that only after the spiritual force had reached a certain level would they be able to successfully refine the spiritual force pills and formations.    


Su Lie relied on his own ability to maintain the balance of dozens of medicinal herbs. Compared to the reckless fusion of ordinary alchemists and the refinement of his luck, he had squeezed himself even harder. If his spirit didn't increase, then it would instead be strange.    


"With the mental strength of a Grade Four Pills master, if I were to research formations and break through Rank three formation master, there shouldn't be any problems, right?"    


Su Lie could feel the boundless spirit of the Niwan Palace returning to it. Although there was fatigue on his face, his spirit was still vigorous.    


After a moment of thought, he shook his head and said, "There's no rush. Since I've learned such a powerful art of alchemy, it would be a waste not to continue studying the art of alchemy."    


Initially, he only wanted to raise the cultivation of an apothecary to grade-4 before stopping. However, to be able to reach grade-4 so easily, the ambition in his heart grew as he attempted to breakthrough to grade-5.    


He did not have enough spiritual medicines on him, but he still had the 100 achievement points from challenging the sect, as well as some pills to help him break through, two detoxification pills, and these were all Rank 6 pills. One would be able to be exchanged for 100 achievement points in the Wuhua Pavilion, and he felt that he would not be able to use it in a short period of time.    


"I didn't expect that I would be leaving so soon!"    


After Su Lie made this decision in his heart, he could only bitterly smile in his heart.    


He still remembered that when he left the Wuhua Pavilion last time, he said that he would never go there to sell.    


Although he had never spoken it to anyone, Su Lie still had some words to say for such a short period of time.    


"In order to become a grade-5 apothecary, this much is nothing."    


Su Lie found a strong reason for himself.    


The one hundred achievement points he had should be enough to exchange for a few elixirs to refine a fifth grade elixir. He might not go back on his words, but he would need to go to the Wuhua Pavilion to take a look first.    


When he was at the Da Yuan Outer Sect, Su Lie's alchemist rank was still low, so Yuan Yi didn't pass him any high level alchemist formulas. There were only two Grade Four Pills and one fifth grade alchemist.    


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