Peerless Sovereign



"Innate Dan Qi and spirit energy are completely different, as if they could only be absorbed?"    


The other four felt refreshed and started to question him with interest.    


However, he was different from the other four. What he needed was not the Innate Dan Qi's absorption method, but how to use it.    


Inside his dantian's ancient cauldron, there was a large amount of Innate Dan Qi. To him, absorbing and storing them was no problem, but what he needed was a way to use them.    


The Eighth Elder gave the five of them a cultivation technique. It was extremely simple, but after successfully cultivating it, one could cut open a special acupoint in the palm of their hands, and after using that cultivation technique to refine their acupoints, it would be able to be used to absorb and store Innate Dan Qi.    


Following that, the Eighth Elder turned around and told them in detail the reason why the Innate Dan Qi appeared.    


Innate Dan Qi s were all different spirit medicines. After being refined by Pill Fire, they would fuse together in unique ways, giving birth to a type of energy that seemed to be comparable to spirit energy.    


However, although each type of elixir had a prominent attribute, at the same time, they also had a different attribute mixed in with each other. The various medicinal properties merged together, and although it was extremely pure compared to the Spiritual Aura, it was still a little mixed compared to the Chaotic Qi.    


"As for the use of Innate Dan Qi in alchemy, you will need to meticulously comprehend it while refining and comprehend the laws during the fusion of the five elements. Once you find the appropriate time to fuse them and make use of the Innate Dan Qi to actively guide the fusion of the medicinal properties, your success rate in alchemy will greatly increase."    


Eighth Elder slowly said as he looked at them.    


Su Lie's heart could not help but palpitate. Although he had used Innate Dan Qi s to increase the success rate of refining pills, he had only sent them carelessly into the pill furnace and had not truly experienced it in detail. Compared to the Eighth Elder's method, it was a bit too rough.    


"I'll give it a try when I go back, maybe I'll have a chance to break through Grade Four Alchemist's level …"    


Su Lie had already made up his mind.    


Later on, the eighth elder explained some of his experiences in maintaining the balance of medicinal properties, which had greatly benefited Su Lie.    


"This trip was not in vain!"    


Su Lie's attitude was completely different from when he first arrived.    


The eighth elder's lecture lasted for two or three hours before it ended.    


As the five of them descended the mountain, even the most active Xiao Ru lowered her head thoughtfully. That cold looking disciple and Yu Ling flew down the mountain as well. They seemed to have a lot of inspiration in their hearts and couldn't wait to go back and verify it.    


"This eighth elder's alchemy skills are really unique!"    


Su Lie could not help but turn his head back to take a glance.    


Using the Innate Dan Qi to refine pills, Su Lie had always thought that he had coincidentally discovered something that was unique to him. However, he hadn't expected that the Eighth Elder had already researched for many years and had already made a huge breakthrough.    


After leaving the Qingyu Peak, the other four figures all flew towards different directions.    


Su Lie stood outside the great protective formation and after a slight hesitation, he muttered to himself, "It's better if I go to Wuhua Pavilion."    


Although he wanted to quickly go back and verify it, he had previously decided that after finishing his mission, he would head to the Wuhua Pavilion to search for earth-attributed spiritual objects. Furthermore, it would not be easy to reach the Central Region, and it would take a lot of time.    


The Yuan Power in his body shattered and his body immediately floated up. His feet stomped on the air and his figure instantly broke through the clouds.    


The Qingyu Peak was right next to the center region. After a few minutes, he stood in front of the Wuhua Pavilion.    


Without any hesitation, he directly dove inside.    


"With just two hundred over achievement points, you should only be able to exchange for the things in the first four or five crystal walls."    


Su Lie stood in front of the first crystal wall and his eyes quickly swept across it as he pondered in his heart.    


The items on the first crystal wall were all relatively cheap, and the merit points required were all between a few dozen.    


However, in the outside world, those were considered rather valuable treasures. No matter what, they were worth at least several tens of thousands of spirit stones.    


Su Lie's mental strength was extremely strong. In just a few short breaths of time, he had finished looking through all the things on the first crystal wall. Although there were a few earth-attributed spiritual objects, they were far from meeting his requirements.    


He was not discouraged!    


He was already prepared in his heart. With all the achievement points he had, he would probably be secretly happy if he could get the elixir he wanted. It was impossible for such a valuable spiritual object to appear between a few points and a dozen points.    


As the crystal walls continued to search, Su Lie's heart also began to gradually sink.    


Within each crystal wall, there were at least thousands of treasures. In the blink of an eye, he had already stood in front of the fourth crystal wall and had already inspected hundreds of spiritual items, but there was nothing he wanted.    


"Brat, don't worry, there should be more here. Even if there isn't, and I am unable to condense the earth elemental energy whirlpool, at worst, I can just point it out to you personally. If you spend more time, you'll still have some hope of refining the Triple Mountain Fragment."    


Tian Zi comfortably laid within the ancient cauldron, as if she was talking to herself in her sleep, comforting Su Lie.    


Su Lie couldn't help but shake his head and say in a low voice: "There's no time for me to cultivate slowly. The ranking challenge is about to begin, I need to cultivate the Triple Mountain Fragment as soon as possible, otherwise I don't have absolute confidence in winning."    


Once he lost, then Luo Xiaoyu and him would be swept out of the house.    


Although this ranking challenge was only conducted between new disciples, it couldn't be underestimated.    


Qiu Nu, Li Zhifeng, and Feng Yan were all extremely powerful. Even now, Su Lie wasn't sure if he would be able to win.    


"I can't do it anymore. Let me do it. I guarantee that I will beat them until their teeth are all over the ground."    


Tian Zi said indifferently.    


Su Lie shook his head and rejected Tian Zi's suggestion.    


He did not want to continue relying on Tian Zi, as this would not benefit his cultivation path. Moreover, although these people were strong, it was not to the point where Su Lie felt that they were unable to defeat him.    


Even if he could not find a suitable treasure and was unable to cultivate the Triple Mountain Fragment successfully, Su Lie was not afraid of battle. It was just that he did not have absolute confidence that he could win.    


"Let's look around first. If there aren't any, then we'll rely on hard work to make up for it. There's still some time left, and I don't believe that I won't have the slightest chance to succeed in my training."    


Su Lie slowly said.    


In the blink of an eye, he had finished looking at the fourth crystal wall. He was already mentally prepared so he let go. He didn't waste any time as he directly started to look at the fifth crystal wall.    


His eyes scanned the area, and although he was mentally prepared, he couldn't help but reveal a hint of disappointment.    


The price of the treasure on the fifth crystal wall had already risen to one hundred and ninety achievement points.    


"I'm afraid I can only look at the bottom part of the sixth crystal wall."    


Su Lie shook his head slightly.    


However, he still held onto the thought of taking a chance as he stood between the sixth crystal wall. As his eyes swept across the crystal wall, his expression became relaxed instead.    


He only had two hundred and five achievement points on him. With just a single glance, a few treasures had already exceeded that number.    


"Forget it!"    


Su Lie shook his head and was about to turn around and leave, but at that moment, Tian Zi suddenly spoke.    


"Look at the fifth item in the seventh row."    


Tian Zi's voice sounded in his mind.    


"What's the use of it? I can't afford it anyway."    


Su Lie shook his head internally, but his eyes still followed Tian Zi's instructions and looked at the crystal wall. His expression could not help but turn serious.    


Mountain Soul!    


On a small square on the crystal wall, there was a crystal clear jade bottle with a trace of earthen yellow gas slowly floating.    


"This …"    


Su Lie's eyes could not help but gradually light up.    


This was definitely the purest earth-attribute treasure, and it was also the most suitable for him to use to condense earth-attribute origin energy vortexes.    


"Two hundred and twenty contribution points."    


When Su Lie saw the price, he could not help but be moved.    


He had 200 achievement points on him, the difference wasn't much.    


"Where can I go to get these 15 contribution points?"    


Su Lie paced around slightly and his mind started spinning rapidly as well.    


Using spirit stones to exchange?    


He immediately rejected the idea.    


He still had two hundred thousand Spirit Stones that he had won from the Beiyuan Domain. Although he had used some, he still had a lot.    


However, only ten thousand spiritual stones could be exchanged for a single achievement point. In his opinion, he might as well keep his spirit stones for cultivation, or perhaps it would be better to keep them in reserve for the time being. Using them to exchange for achievement points would be too wasteful, and only royal disciples would be able to do so.    


His consciousness swept through the Cosmic Bag, but he didn't find any very valuable treasures. After he thought about it for a moment, his eyes couldn't help but fall on the Falling Red Blue Sword.    


The Falling Red Peak was only an eighth-grade weapon, and to him, it was already insufficient for him to use. In any case, he had to use it.    


In addition, Qing Hong's sword sheath was not simple at all, but it did not even have a rank. Even if Su Lie was willing to sell it, he would not be able to exchange it for many achievement points.    


"Forget it, I'll just use 'Fallen Red Green Peak'!"    


Su Lie sighed and took out the Falling Red Green Peak. After carefully looking at it, his face could not help but reveal a trace of reluctance.    


This Falling Red Green Sword had accompanied him for so long that he already had feelings for it. If he really wanted to sell it, he would be reluctant to do so.    


"For the sake of the future, I can only sacrifice you."    


Su Lie stared at Luo Hong and Qing Feng as he spoke softly, then turned and walked to the center of Wuhua Pavilion.    


In the center of Wuhua Pavilion, there was a huge stone platform that was dozens of meters wide. A green pillar of light enveloped the stone platform.    


If a disciple wanted to sell their treasures to the sect, as long as the treasures were placed on the stone platform, the array would automatically determine the grade of the treasures and give a price.    


Of course, there were some special treasures, such as Qing Hong's sword sheath. If the price given by the array was not reasonable, one could also call the elder who guarded the Wuhua Pavilion to appear and personally inspect the price.    


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