Peerless Sovereign



Only after spending nearly four hours did Su Lie finally fly to the center area. As for the Yuan Power in his body, it was practically completely depleted, causing him to be extremely speechless.    


"It's just a sect, what is there to do with such a big sect? Even walking would be a waste of effort!"    


Touching the perspiration on his face, Su Lie silently cursed.    


Although there were many buildings in the center of the hall, it was still rather cold and devoid of any shadows. Su Lie went to the Hall of Elders to explain his purpose of coming here, and the elders did not feel troubled about it. After finding out that Su Lie had wasted his time in collecting the items due to his cultivation, they even encouraged Su Lie to come and give the items to Su Lie.    


There wasn't much.    


The two sets of disciple attire were similar to the clothes worn by the senior brothers from Inner Sect. However, on Su Lie's two sets of clothes, there were gold and rust edges, making them appear even more eye-catching.    


It was a jade token with the size of a palm. It felt warm and extremely comfortable to the touch, and on the front, there were carvings of mountains, with the word 'Sky Origin' carved in large characters in the center. On the back, there were thin carvings of clouds, and the word 'Su Lie' carved in small characters in the middle.    


Su Lie sensed it briefly and was instantly shocked.    


"This …"    


As he held onto the identity jade token, he was slightly stunned.    


He realised, this was only a single identity jade token, but it was actually also an Earth Grade treasure. Inside it were dozens of complex array formations with detailed information about him entering the Inner Sect, moreover, this identity jade token had several powerful functions.    


To be able to record the mission he accepted, the completion of the mission, and his achievement points, what made Su Lie the most pleasantly surprised was that this identity jade token could also be used to transmit messages between disciples.    


"As expected of the Inner Sect!"    


Su Lie had already forgotten how many times he had uttered such a sigh.    


He tried to send a message, but only with the other party's soul imprint was he able to do so. This left him with a sense of nostalgia.    


There was also a Heaven and Earth Pouch containing three pills and a jade slip.    


Even though Su Lie himself was an alchemist, he could not determine the level of that pill. He could only assume that it was an extremely high level pill.    


One was used to increase elemental energy for breakthroughs. The other was used for antidotes and healing pills. Both were of extremely high quality.    


The remaining jade slip recorded the rules of the Inner Sect's sect, as well as some legendary figures within the sect. There were also some large and small pieces of information that were extremely complicated.    


Su Lie roughly looked through it and found the information he was looking for. He then put it away and prepared to calm down and take a closer look when he had the time.    


"I want to exchange for a cultivation technique. I want to go to the Hanhai Palace!"    


The jade slip contained the entire sect's map, so he didn't have to slowly search for it.    


Although the Hanhai Palace was in the center region, the center region was incomparably vast. After calculating the distance slightly, Su Lie could not help but scream in his heart. He shook his head slightly and obediently started to run with his head buried.    


Even if his cultivation had risen to the fifth stage of the Earth Origin Stage, he could only barely fly to the center area. Right now, the elemental energy in his body was almost completely depleted, so it was impossible for him to fly over, he could only rely on his legs.    


Fortunately, his body refining cultivation had also reached the sixth level of the metal stone. Even if he ran with his legs, his speed wasn't too slow.    


After half an hour, he finally made it to the Hanhai Palace. However, when he stood in front of it, he was stunned once again.    


The Hanhai Palace had a total of three levels, but each level was at least 100 feet high. The third level alone was more than 300 feet high, and the height was so high that it reached into the clouds.    


"Isn't it just a place to collect martial arts techniques? Is there really a need to put it this way?"    


Su Lie shook his head slightly.    


This Han Hai Palace was many times more imposing than the main hall of the Dayuan Outer Sect. Unfortunately, the door was deserted and there was almost no one at all.    


Su Lie walked slowly towards the Hanhai Palace, but he did not see anyone watching him.    


"Could it be that no one cares?"    


Su Lie could not help but feel speechless in his heart.    


How did he become so grand? He had collected countless martial arts techniques, but there wasn't even a guard?    


As he stepped through the gate, he felt an extremely sharp wave sweeping towards him. It was as if he was waving a sharp, serene blade. It was completely silent, but the sharp aura sent chills down one's spine.    


Su Lie's entire body instantly collapsed. He had no doubt that the energy wave would be able to annihilate him in an instant.    


The ripple swept over the identity jade tablet in Su Lie's embrace before slowly withdrawing.    


"After we return, we should refine our identity jade plates as soon as possible. Otherwise, if we forget about bringing them with us …"    


Su Lie did not even dare to imagine it and secretly wiped off cold sweat from his heart.    


If he had died because he didn't have his identity jade token with him, then he would truly die unjustly.    


After entering the palace gates, the scenery in front of them immediately became incomparably vast. From afar, countless stone tablets stood in the middle, and their sizes varied. The aura exuded from the stone tablets were either extraordinary, steep, or cold … Some were only several feet tall and some were only as wide as a palm, but some were incomparably large and were several feet tall!    


"No wonder every level is so high!"    


Su Lie could not help but shake his head.    


At the front of the palace gate, there was a white stone tablet with the words "Remember to enter the palace" engraved on it.    


Four words!    


Su Lie slowly walked over and swept out his mind. Just as he touched the stone tablet, a wave spread out and an imposing and aged voice resounded within his mind.    


"The Hanhai Palace is the place where our sect stores cultivation techniques. The Great Sea. The cultivation techniques contained within it are as vast as the sea."    


"Those who enter the palace cannot attack the formations, and cannot destroy the inheritance stone tablets. Otherwise, the formations in the palace, under the extreme conditions, reveal everything below the seventh level of Astral Light, no one will be able to live."    


"All the scriptures stored in the palace are Earth Rank. The first level is one to three, the second level is four to six, and the third level is seven to nine."    


"There are three types of methods, martial arts, and secret arts!" "Cultivation arts are based on different elemental energy attributes. They are further divided into metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, darkness, and poison. Martial arts are divided into fist, palm, sword, and saber techniques …"    


Only after a full ten minutes had passed did the sound gradually calm down. Su Lie also had a basic understanding of the Hanhai Palace.    


Only then did Su Lie let out a sigh of relief. If he had to search through so many cultivation techniques to find the one he was looking for, he would feel like he was looking for a needle in a haystack.    


After he digested a bit, Su Lie then lifted his foot and walked to the shaking grounds on the first level. There, he kept the air control technique that he wanted.    


When he passed by the first stone tablet, due to his curiosity, Su Lie couldn't help but probe with his mental strength.    


"Heavenly Flame Mantra, Earth Rank Level One, Fire Attribute Skill!"    


After that was the detailed explanation of the Heavenly Flame Mantra. It was mainly about the cultivation methods and difficulties, as well as some taboos that required attention. Finally, he talked about the power of the Heavenly Flame Mantra.    


However, even if one mastered the Heavenly Raging Inferno Technique to perfection, they would only be able to cultivate to the Revealing Astral Realm Realm and would be unable to progress any further.    


Su Lie couldn't help but shake his head. He really did not need this kind of elemental energy technique, he only had the Great Desolation Formula, and up till now, he had yet to figure out the exact level of the Great Desolation Formula. However, up till now, he had yet to find a technique that could surpass the Great Desolation Formula.    


"800 contribution points?"    


When Su Lie saw the price of the Heavenly Raging Inferno Technique, his brows slightly creased.    


Just an Earth Stage cultivation technique would require 800 contribution points, which was a little too expensive. If it was converted into a primeval stone, it would cost 8 million.    


Very quickly, he released the air control technique that he needed. Although it wasn't many, there were at least ten stone tablets.    


"Yan Yi, first level of the Earth Stage, air control technique."    


"I've successfully cultivated and I can condense a pair of swallow wings with my Origin Energy. I only need a small amount of Origin Energy to use it."    


"Four hundred contribution points!"    


It was just the first set of air control technique, but it had already surprised Su Lie quite a bit. Moreover, compared to the Heaven Seeking Fire Art, it was much cheaper by half, causing Su Lie's heart to be extremely moved.    


However, there were more than ten stone monuments here. He decided to look through them first before making a decision. Moreover, he also wanted to go to the second floor. As for the third floor, that was fine.    


"Can this even be called air control technique?"    


Tian Zi's disdainful voice resounded within Su Lie's consciousness.    


Su Lie's face could not help but sluggish for a moment, and then he angrily said: "I won't allow you to teach me, yet you still dare to come out at this time to speak sarcastically."    


Tian Zi was of the dragon race, so the air control technique he learned was definitely exquisite, but no matter how profound it was, it would be useless if he could not learn it.    


"Tch!" "I was just taking a casual glance. You can continue!"    


Tian Zi still seemed to be angry.    


Su Lie couldn't help but shake his head. He also wanted to see what kind of air control technique there was, but as he looked at the stone tablets one by one, Su Lie's expression gradually darkened.    


"What lousy cultivation technique is this …"    


"No idea!"    


"That's good. If you train, you might be able to grow a pair of wings …"    


Tian Zi would give her opinion on every stone tablet he looked at. However, his tone made the roots of Su Lie's teeth itch, but Tian Zi was able to point out the fatal flaws in each and every one of the techniques, making it difficult for Su Lie to act up.    


After he finished looking through the first floor, Su Lie headed straight for the second floor. However, just looking at the first stone tablet already gave him a fright. It cost him a total of 2700 contribution points.    


Even the most expensive martial skill on the first floor only had around 1300 contribution points. On the second floor, it instantly doubled.    


When he saw the price of an Earth Stage level 6 cultivation technique, he was stunned.    


7600 contribution points!    


"Can it not be so ridiculous …"    


When Su Lie thought about the fact that he only had 2000 contribution points, his interest was immediately ruthlessly extinguished.    


Moreover, if he used these 2000 achievement points, who knows how long he would need in the future to be able to save up another 2000 points.    


When he reached the air control technique, he let out a small sigh of relief.    


Thinking about it, it made sense. The majority of air control technique could only be used for travelling, if it was still so expensive, he probably wouldn't even be willing to buy it.    


The number of air control technique on the second floor was actually more than the first floor, to the point that there were dozens of them. However, Su Lie looked at them one by one and frowned.    


Moreover, even those air control technique s that he could not exchange for, were all beaten black and blue by Tian Zi.    


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