Peerless Sovereign



This refinement continued for half a day!    


Although half a day was quite boring, it was normal for Grade Three Alchemist to spend several days at a time to refine the pill.    


Thus, Su Lie did not show the slightest bit of negligence during this half a day. Instead, he memorized all four moves in one go.    


He had similarly gained quite a lot during this half a day.    


At the very end, he actually closed his eyes!    


He used his spiritual sense to sense it with all his might.    


Closing his eyes would allow his spiritual sense to sense even more keenly.    


This Thousand Mysterious Flower's technique had indeed brought him quite a bit of improvement.    


"Hua …"    


A faint and soft sound rang out. The water in the Spirit Concentrating Liquid had been completely removed at this moment!    


However, he was still in this extremely strange liquid state, and there was even a faint rainbow-coloured mist that continuously emanated from it.    




His hand slowly stopped moving. "Su Lie!"    


He mumbled to himself.    


In the calmness in front of him, there was a colorful water drop that was slowly rolling.    


If you touch this drop of water with both hands, you might not even be able to sense its existence.    


However, if one were to use their spiritual sense to sense him, it was very clear that they would be able to detect him.    


"Is this the Spirit Concentrating Liquid that I refined after I refined it …"    


Su Lie asked in his heart. Tian Zi nodded, and said with certainty: "That's right, although I am more familiar with the situation in your body than you, but if you were to do the guiding process, it would be best if you could absorb the water droplet into your body later on, and then send it safely to the Pill Cauldron in your Dantian. I will devour and refine it. "    


Su Lie's mind moved. Without hesitation, he snatched back the control of his body. Then, he used his hand to gently place on top of the cauldron, sucked up the droplet of water, and placed it in his mouth.    


"Hualala …"    


When that drop of water entered his body, it immediately turned into a stream of heat, and unexpectedly showed signs of spreading and flying all over his body. He was shocked.    


Su Lie hurriedly used the Little Heaven Pill's Qi's water droplets to often come closer, stopping the omen that was spreading outwards. Then, he controlled Su Lie and sent him directly into his own Dantian.    


Although the energy within the Spirit Concentrating Liquid was not enormous, it did not have much resistance. After being wrapped by the Innate Dan Qi, it was directly sent into the dantian without any suspense. Then, under Su Lie's precise control, it was sent directly into the Pill Cauldron.    




The instant it entered his Dantian, there seemed to be a soft muffled sound coming from within.    


Subsequently, the Spiritual Condensation Liquid was absorbed by Tian Zi.    


After the Spirit Concentrating Liquid was swallowed, the interior of Su Lie's Dantian went quiet for a while.    


In the next second, an enormous amount of Mental Energy exploded out from his Dantian and charged into his mind, causing him to tremble violently!    


This Mental Energy was simply too enormous!    


So powerful that Su Lie could not resist at all!    


There was also a deep stabbing pain in his mind. He felt like he was about to lose his mind and his clarity of mind!    


However, at this time, the Tianyuan Battlefield actually started to slowly move. A white light was emitted from it, and only then was he able to see that it could resist the mental attack.    


"Take care of your mind and heart. Although the Spirit Concentrating Liquid here feels gentle, its energy is too great. Even I can't completely control it in such a short period of time!"    


Just as he was having a splitting headache and did not know what to do, Tian Zi's voice slowly entered his mind. Hearing this voice, he gradually calmed down, before he nodded his head.    


"Hu! Hu! Hu! Hu!"    


The sounds of whistling wind continuously rang out from within his limbs and bones. This was the result of the Spiritual Energy Storm wreaking havoc within his body.    


At this time, Su Lie's mind had already been completely withdrawn into his mind. There wasn't the slightest bit of leakage.    


Fortunately, the psychic storm didn't do much damage to him.    


After all, to the physical body, Mental Energy was merely a form of energy that was more illusionary.    


As long as Su Lie could endure it, the damage to his body from the spirit storm would be negligible. It was almost to a point where it could not be heard.    


Although he was tense, he could still see the inside of his dantian.    


At this moment, within Su Lie's Dantian, the mysterious Pill Cauldron was slightly trembling.    


All of the energy from the Spirit Concentrating Liquid from before had already been completely absorbed.    


"As expected of Tian Zi, he can even absorb this kind of energy in one go …"    


He sighed slightly in his heart. He did not dare to be negligent in the slightest.    


He immediately concentrated and began to observe the movements in his Dantian.    


This rampage lasted for several hours before it started at its peak.    


Only at this time did Su Lie dare to release his own consciousness from the Niwan Palace in his mind and obtain control of his entire body.    


After experiencing the baptism of the Mental Energy storm, although he had guarded his mind and left all his energy to the scammer, he had obtained some results.    


"What a familiar feeling …"    


Just now, he had obtained control of his body. While he was still in a daze, Tian Zi's voice slightly lazily sounded from within his Dantian, "I have already completely refined this Spirit Concentrating Liquid. Hehe, Su Lie, this time, I really have to thank you. "    


Even though his voice could still be heard clearly previously, it was still rather ethereal and illusory. However, his voice had now turned into something that was nearly solid and thick.    


From this, one could see just how great was the increase in Tian Zi's strength from the Spirit Concentrating Liquid.    


"Hur hur, it's alright."    


Su Lie waved his hand and helplessly shook his head. At that time, he didn't pay much attention to it, but after pondering for a moment, he suddenly said: "It's just that the mental storm from before, what was it?"    


If not for the fact that he had Tianyuan Battlefield guarding him, his consciousness would have already been completely destroyed!    


Although the instant Mental Energy power that erupted had the effect of the Spirit Concentrating Liquid, Su Lie did not believe that the latter had such power.    


After hearing this question, Tian Zi fell silent for a moment. Then, he seemingly took in a deep breath before saying, "The power contained within the Mental Energy storm is indeed mine."    


"If I were to use the rank of an apothecary to measure my true spiritual strength, I'm afraid that I would have already reached the level of a tier 6 apothecary!" What was previously released was merely a portion of what had just been released, an uncontrollable portion. Just a single part of it is enough to make you feel terrifying. "    


Grade six apothecary!    


Su Lie knew that in order to maintain the existence of a soul, the strength of one's spirit was bound to be quite great.    


However, he never expected that this power would actually reach the level of a Grade Six Alchemist.    


If he had known earlier, even Yuan Hao and Yuan Yi, who were only fifth stage alchemists, could be considered to be the highest level alchemists in Tianyuan Sect!    


A sixth-grade alchemist's result would not affect the Great Yu Empire, but it would also affect the entire Tianyuan Sect. It was extremely rare, and no one could surpass it.    


"Hehe, but you don't have to worry, because there is no physical body. "My soul power can't be preserved at all. It's only equivalent to a one-time consumable."    


While laughing self-deprecatingly, Tian Zi suddenly said, "The current me is only relying on this mysterious Pill Cauldron to stay in there to continue my life. If I were to leave this cauldron, I am afraid that in less than a quarter of an hour, I will be turned into dust in an instant. "    


Even though Mental Energy was powerful to a certain extent, it could be called Soul Force. Hence, it could be used to reproduce one's Spiritual Sense and not be destroyed!    


However, there was a limit to this ability.    


If a person was only a tier 6 alchemist, once his physical body was destroyed, his Spiritual Strength would only be able to survive for a quarter-hour after leaving his physical body before being trapped by the laws of the world and dissipating.    


The stronger one's Spiritual Strength was, the longer one would be able to survive in this world!    


There were even immortal souls that had existed in this world for hundreds or even thousands of years in the legends!    


That kind of expert was likely an existence that would be able to stand at the peak even on this continent.    


However, no matter how strong one's soul was, it was only a matter of time before it would dissipate. This was the cycle of the Heavenly Dao, and it couldn't be changed.    


"This Pill Cauldron can't be exposed directly in reality, so if I leave you, I won't be able to live either. Of course, you don't have to worry about that. I will do something about it. Just by taking down the Tianyuan Battlefield s alone, I am unable to break through it. "    


The level of Tianyuan Battlefield was equivalent to that of a Grade Eight Alchemist!    


That was a level that Su Lie was currently far from being able to touch.    


Lightly nodding his head, Su Lie also knew that everything Tian Zi said was the truth.    


Currently, the two of them were indeed in a mutually dependent state. Tian Zi needed Su Lie's body, and the former's extremely rich experience and experience could also be of great help to the latter.    


"Alright, it's getting late, two days should have passed already! "Haha, you should have some things to do …"    


The two of them fell into silence. A moment later, Tian Zi broke the silence with a dry smile, "It will still take some time to get to the Polar Ice Valley. Are you interested?"    


Hearing Tian Zi's words, Su Lie lowered his head and pondered for a moment. After a moment, he slowly nodded his head.    


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