Peerless Sovereign



Under this kind of control, Su Lie's control over Qing Hong's sword energy increased by quite a bit!    


But very quickly, his gaze changed slightly.    


The reason is simple... As the swarm got closer, the number of bees increased!    


Even Luo Xiaoyu's profound steps were unable to escape from it. She looked as if she was trapped inside.    


No matter how profound the steps were, they had to escape through the gaps!    


"If there is no gap, there is nothing I can do …" Sword Qi, explode! "    


Su Lie laughed coldly, then changed his hand seals. He closed them and made an explosive gesture!    


The five sword energies suddenly exploded without any hesitation, blowing up the surrounding swarms of bees.    


After that, Su Lie, who was still in the scabbard in his hand, stepped into the void and walked forward to face the attack.    


When they were less than three meters away from Luo Xiaoyu, they stopped and started moving their fingers rhythmically. A massive amount of Essence Qi was being pulled towards them, turning into specks of cold air that entered their hearts.    


"ice killing!"    


In the blink of an eye, Su Lie was ready!    


Following that, it smashed down fiercely towards the sky.    


"Pa Pa Pa Pa!"    


A crisp sound rang out, and ice cubes constantly exploded in the air!    


That terrifying swarm of bees was also frozen by the ice before falling into the swamps and turning into mud.    


Pushing aside the swarm of bees, Luo Xiaoyu's face was slightly pale.    


Su Lie's eyes congealed, but he instantly discovered that on Luo Xiaoyu's left arm, under her white arm, there were two extremely eye-catching traces of a hematoma.    


"Damnit …"    


Su Lie could not care that much. He grabbed Luo Xiaoyu and pulled her out, "Let's talk after you retreat!"    




The swarm of bees was endless. They had killed at least several thousand of them!    


However, the dense crowd at the back of the line was simply too numerous to kill.    


Su Yan, who had the lowest cultivation level, had already started to swell up and his face was pale.    


This kind of bee venom was also extremely terrifying. Generally, ten bees' venom was enough to kill a person!    


Even though they were all martial artists, their bodies' cultivation level far exceeded that of ordinary people.    


Being stung by dozens of bees meant only death.    


"Yes!" Everyone began to display their abilities as they kept retreating!    


Luo Xianyu's face turned slightly red as she whispered, "Put me down."    


It was only now that Su Lie realized that they were in the same position, holding hands the entire time.    


The youth and young girl continued to hold hands, although they did not make any other movements.    


However, he still realized that something was wrong and quickly let go.    


After loosening his grip, he pondered for a moment, and immediately said: "Retreat separately!" As far as possible, we should split up the swarm! "    


There were more than ten thousand of them, and they only had six!    


If they were separated, each of them would deal with nearly two thousand bees.    


Even though he would still be in danger of being caught, it was still better than being together.    


Everyone understood this logic!    


They spread out slightly and fled in different directions!    


Su Lie and Luo Xiaoyu looked at each other and finally shook their heads with bitter smiles.    


Su Lie also really wanted to be together with Luo Xiaoyu. However, in this situation, separating himself was the best course of action!    


After separating his hands, Su Lie ran in the opposite direction without looking back.    


Two sword Qis appeared beside him, unceasingly killing the swarm that had approached him!    


After running for a certain distance, he slowly turned around and looked behind him. He was surprised to find that there were actually four or five thousand bees behind him.    


"ice killing!"    


Xiao Yan's hands came together and an icy hue once again surfaced on the sword sheath. After which, it descended!    


A temperature below zero suddenly appeared, freezing a large number of Devouring Demon Bees to death.    


"If we go a little further, we'll be able to use the Qiankun Pen …"    


When Su Lie suddenly thought of the Qiankun Pen in his mind, his tense expression immediately relaxed.    


His footsteps quickened, Qing Hong's sword sheath was filled with Qi, and in its place appeared the Qiankun Pen!    


He touched his right hand's Cosmos Sack and two jade bottles appeared in his hand.    


Wrapped in two furs, it slowly appeared.    


The Qiankun Pen rose up, and in his hands, it instantly turned into the size of half an arm!    


He then blew the fur into the air and spread it out in front of him.    


Soon after, the Qiankun Pen was slightly stained with the slightest bit of blood essence, and began drawing on it.    


Of course, a few demon beast furs were not inferior to the many items he had brought from the Ling Feng Merchant Guild!    


Faced with such a swarm of bees, ordinary demonic beasts would not be of any use at all.    


They were two slender pieces of fur. The Qiankun Pen trembled slightly when it touched them, and it was difficult to draw them.    


However, Su Lie only chuckled once as his hands continued to move rhythmically. He did not suffer from much obstruction.    


Within the time it took to take a dozen breaths, Su Lie had finished painting these two furs!    


As his hands moved rhythmically, his Essence directly poured into it.    


The two furs began to glow faintly.    


In an instant, a faint image began to appear on it.    


It was a long snake-shaped shadow. It gradually became thicker and eventually became more solid.    


The Black Mammoth Snake was extremely weak, but the poison it contained was extremely terrifying!    


At the very least, killing a batch of these Devouring Demon Bees wouldn't be a problem.    


The phantom gradually condensed into a physical form, directly falling to the ground!    


The two little black snakes continuously slithered on the ground, happily sticking out their tongues as their tongues flexed.    


However, before they could celebrate their new life, they were immediately swarmed by the Devouring Demon Bees!    


The poisonous liquid came out of its mouth and instantly corroded a large area of Devouring Demon Bees.    


Soon after, his body was annihilated.    


Although his body had been annihilated, the poison did not weaken in the slightest!    


All the Devouring Demon Bees that pounced onto the snake as it slowly fell to the ground were killed by the poison.    


Even in the air, it was a swarm of bees that had been burnt to death.    


This action at least caused the Devouring Demon Bees behind him to be reduced by a third.    


"There are so many more …"    


Su Lie helplessly shook his head. When he was not paying attention earlier, some of the marks on his body had also been stung.    


Helpless, he could only increase his speed. He used the Illusion of the Heavens and the Earth and instantly pulled the swarm of bees dozens of meters away.    




Just as he was running away, he suddenly discovered that there was a faint figure in front of him!    


This place had obviously already entered deep into the swamp. If Su Lie wasn't suitable for the Void Underworld Movement Technique, he would be swallowed by the swamp in the next second, turning into a pile of white bones.    


"Brother Su Lie?"    


The figure who saw Su Lie was unexpectedly slightly surprised.    


Following that, he discovered the swarm of bees following behind Su Lie.    


His gaze turned cold all of a sudden.    


The person in front of him was none other than Luo Bai!    


Unexpectedly, he had also arrived at this swamp.    


He raised his hands, and a strange seal formed in his hands.    


A rather broad greatsword appeared in his hands in the blink of an eye.    


His hands were not in the Cosmic Bag, so this sword should be in his body!    


Su Lie was slightly stunned. In the blink of an eye, the large sword emitted a greyish white light. A strange pressure began to appear on the large sword.    


When that pressure appeared, Su Lie suddenly realized that the Qiankun Pen in his hands had actually started trembling slightly!    


It was obvious that he wanted to compete with this broadsword.    


However, a moment later, the Qiankun Pen in his body quieted down.    


He seemed to be disdainful.    


However, even the commotion in this short period of time had shocked him.    


With his current range, at the very least, he would not be able to understand the existence of Qiankun Pen!    


For Luo Bai's broadsword to resonate with his Qiankun Pen, it could be seen that his commonly seen sword was already of a very high rank.    


He raised his broadsword, bringing with it a grey sword beam!    


Su Lie's figure quickly flashed. Just as he was about to slash out, he suddenly dodged!    


"Sizzle sizzle!"    


The long sword descended and a pale grey light enveloped the area!    


The swarm of bees actually stopped instantly, as if they were intimidated by the immense pressure, and did not dare to take a step forward.    


Su Lie also reacted in an instant. The ten fingers on his hand moved rhythmically as three sword beams suddenly flew out!    


Under his control, they flew directly to the swarm of bees.    


Under Luo Bai's previous strike, nearly three thousand bees were reduced by half in an instant!    


Su Lie's three sword gleams rushed in and continuously killed them. The sharp sword beams brought up a cloud of dust as they annihilated the swarm of bees and buried them.    


Seeing Su Lie's methods, Luo Bai, who was watching from the side, was obviously rather surprised.    


The sword Qis were tiny and constantly being depleted.    


Su Lie had only used half of it when his gaze suddenly focused.    


Then, the sword sheath in his hand suddenly flew into the air.    


"ice killing!"    


A cold light flashed and suddenly exploded in the air!    


Hundreds of Devouring Demon Bees were frozen before falling.    


This time, the effect was even better than before.    


"Good move."    


Luo Bai sighed in admiration as he held the greatsword against his body, silently watching Su Lie's every move.    


The three sword gleams continued to travel through the air before finally turning dim.    


When he saw that the three sword gleams had come to an understanding, he gently clenched his right hand and blew them apart!    


Boom boom boom!    


The sword beam exploded, clearing out a large area of vacuum space!    


At this point, the remaining bees could no longer pose a threat to the duo.    


With just a few waves of elemental energy, the remaining bees were all wiped out.    


After cleaning up the swarm of bees, Su Lie let out a long exhale.    


He looked at Luo Bai.    


The latter was also staring at him. The two of them were shocked by each other's powerful techniques.    


This time, the Devouring Demon Bee swarm was a group that had devoured countless lives in the swamp!    


Right now, it was finally over. No matter who it was, they all felt lucky in their hearts.    


"Hehe, Brother Luo Bai, how have you been …"    


After a long while, Su Lie finally forced out a smile that was uglier than crying.    


Then he looked around and asked, "Where are Wan Long and the others?"    


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