Kingly Son-in-law

C415 Sleepless Night

C415 Sleepless Night

"Jiang Rann, I know this is hard for you to believe, but you must believe that I won't lie to you no matter what!"    


Qin Tian said firmly.    


"Mm …" I believe you. "    


Jiang Rann lowered her head and spoke in a soft voice, but her expression was still extremely complicated.    


"Alright my wife, I'm not saying all this to expose anything Jiang Ning has done. In fact, Jiang Ning already knows how to repent and repent. The reason she knew you were in Jin Family earlier was all thanks to Jiang Ning's reminder."    


Qin Tian couldn't help but comfort Jiang Rann when he saw her depressed expression.    


"What I said has something to do with what I'm going to say next."    


"The things that I'm going to say might be beyond your comprehension, or you might think that I'm joking, but what I'm going to tell you is that what I'm going to say is not a single joke, do you understand?"    


Qin Tian said seriously.    


"..." "Right."    


Although Jiang Rann didn't understand what Qin Tian was going to say, she still nodded her head obediently.    


"But when I found out that I was being persecuted, my heart was filled with rage. Originally, my determination to die had completely disappeared at that moment. All I wanted was to come back to life and take revenge!"    


"At that time, my master appeared."    


As Qin Tian spoke, he took out the jade pendant from his pocket and placed it under the light to admire it.    


Jiang Rann subconsciously looked at the jade pendant in Qin Tian's hand. A puzzled expression appeared on her pretty face.    


"My master's name is Profound Heaven Taoist. Three hundred years ago, he was sealed in this jade and it was he who saved my life. He even passed down immortal arts to me and taught me how to cultivate."    


Jiang Rann's pupils contracted slightly. What Qin Tian said was undoubtedly a fantasy for her. If it was mentioned by others, they would probably just laugh it off.    


However, Qin Tian's words were still engraved in her heart, so she didn't take it as a joke.    


"Everything that happened to me, including my medical skills, was taught to me by my master. It was because I had a master that I was able to quickly rise in power and control the underground powers of Songjiang."    


"Didn't you say that your medical skills are from your father …"    


Jiang Rann couldn't react for a moment.    


"It was just a pretense."    


Qin Tian smiled bitterly.    


"Doesn't that mean you're not an ordinary person, but an immortal …"    


Jiang Rann couldn't find any words to describe Qin Tian. Even though he was an immortal, it was too ethereal. If she didn't need an immortal's description, she wouldn't be able to find the right words to describe him.    


Qin Tian shook his head and said, "To be more precise, my identity is a cultivator.    


Qin Tian suddenly laughed bitterly and then said, "But that was also the past."    


"What do you mean?" Jiang Rann frowned as she keenly felt that what Qin Tian was going to say was the most important thing.    


"Before, your life was hanging by a thread. In order to save you, I used a heaven-defying technique that my master taught me, using the cultivation of my spiritual roots in exchange for your life. Now that my spiritual roots have been destroyed and my cultivation dissipated, I am no different from an ordinary person."    




Jiang Rann let out a sharp cry as soon as she finished her sentence. She covered her mouth with her hands as shock, guilt, and gratitude appeared in her eyes.    


To become an immortal, to live forever. This was the highest pursuit that no one had ever given up on since ancient times. However, when Qin Tian truly stepped into this step, he was willing to give up everything for himself and become an ordinary person.    


For a moment, Jiang Rann felt like she was the luckiest person in the world.    


Someone who could do this for her, someone who would never ask for anything else in her life!    


"Sorry, Qin Tian …"    


"Thank you …" "I …"    


Jiang Rann wanted to say something, but her words became incoherent.    


Qin Tian couldn't help but smile as he pulled Jiang Rann into his arms and said gently, "You're my wife. It's my honor to be able to do all of this for you."    


"Qin Tian …"    


Jiang Rann's voice was trembling.    


"And don't worry, I have already found a way to recover my spiritual roots. After a while, I will head to Chuan Shu to participate in an auction. There are things there that can help me recover my spiritual roots."    


"So what we need to do now is to start the company and build up enough money."    


"I will!"    


Jiang Rann said with determination. She looked at Qin Tian and said, "You can do so much for me. For you, I can definitely do it."    


Qin Tian'er smiled, lightly patted her back and said, "Alright, it's getting late, go to sleep."    


As he said that, Qin Tian turned off the lights, only to discover that there was moonlight shining down on them. Jiang Rann looked at him lovingly. Under the silver glow, the beauty was mesmerizing.    


"Jiang Rann …"    


Qin Tian hadn't even finished his sentence when he found that his mouth was blocked by something. When he opened his eyes, he found Jiang Rann's face already very close to his face. She kissed him on the mouth on her own initiative, her actions rough and serious.    


Seeing Jiang Rann take the initiative, Qin Tian's inner flames of desire immediately ignited. He tightly embraced her delicate body and started to respond to her.    


After a long while, Jiang Rann's face reddened. Her blurry eyes stayed on Qin Tian's chest as she slowly opened her mouth and whispered into Qin Tian's ear, "Hubby …" Take me. "    


All of a sudden, Qin Tian felt goosebumps all over his body. At that moment, Jiang Rann was like a tasty and alluring food that made people want to eat her up.    


Instinct overcame reason in an instant. At this moment, Qin Tian had already given up thinking. Following his body's expectation, he turned around and hugged Jiang Rann tightly.    


A sleepless night.    


The next day, when Qin Tian woke up, he found that the beauty in his arms had disappeared. Beside the pillow, there was a trace of fragrant and messy bedding as if telling of last night's craziness.    


Sitting up from the bed, Qin Tian's gaze naturally fell on the phone on the cabinet beside the bed. He turned on the screen and found a message from Jiang Rann.    


"Hubby, there's breakfast in the living room. Remember to eat when you get up ~"    


With a loving and naughty expression, Qin Tian's mouth curved into a smile as he replied: "As you command, my wife."    


After sending it, Qin Tian edited another message and asked: "Where are you?"    


"Dad and I are going to pick out an office building for the company. We'll be back soon."    


Jiang Rann's message was quickly sent back.    


"This silly girl …" At this time, you should be able to rest well. "    


Seeing this, a hint of reproach flashed in Qin Tian's eyes, but his heart felt warm.    


No matter what, Jiang Rann was doing this for him.    


"Manager Liu, we have set our eyes on this level of the office building, how about you name a price?"    


On the other side, Jiang Rann and Jiang Chen strolled around for a bit before finally choosing a nice lighting and a nice place. The whole floor was 300 square meters of office space.    


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