Super Decomposition System

C750 Great Talisman Technique Great World Technique

C750 Great Talisman Technique Great World Technique

All kinds of powerful talisman refinement methods were displayed, controlling three thousand innate talisman symbols. As long as there were suitable materials, he could refine all of these magical talismans!    


At the same time, along with the transformation of the divine ability, Talisman Dao, into a great talisman technique, the Genuine Element within Jiang Hao's body rose explosively once more, and he instantly completed the accumulation of Genuine Element.    




Along with a rumbling sound, Jiang Hao's cultivation level broke through once more, reaching the ninth level of the Martial King Realm!    


At the same time, his inner world expanded by 45,000 meters!    


Jiang Hao withdrew from the state of enlightenment and looked at the System Panel with joy.    


"Great Talisman Talisman Technique, another of the 3,000 Great Daos!"    


Jiang Hao was very satisfied with the Great Talisman Technique that had evolved!    


At this moment, Jiang Hao had spent 330,000 to upgrade many of his techniques and divine abilities, and he still had 520,000 skill point left.    


Next, Jiang Hao spent ten thousand skill point to upgrade the Insect Controlling Arts to the Sixth Level. After that, the Insect Controlling Arts transformed into the Great Summoning Arts!    


Great Summoning Arts: One of the 3,000 Great Daos. It can summon powerful creatures from different dimensions or worlds to assist in battle!    


When Jiang Hao saw the description of the Great Summoning Arts, he was shocked!    


Although the Yangzhou Boundary he had been to could be considered a different world, he still found it unbelievable that the Great Summoning Arts could summon creatures from another world.    


Of course, the Great Summoning Arts could only summon three creatures from another world, who were at the same level as him, to help him fight.    


But even so, it couldn't conceal the power of the Great Summoning Arts!    


He suppressed the urge to try it out in his heart and continued to level up!    


Along with the transformation of the Great Summoning Arts, Jiang Hao absorbed the energy that was poured into the system when the Great Summoning Arts transformed.    


This instantly filled his body with Genuine Element, although it was not enough to help him break through to the Martial King Realm.    


But it's not far off!    


Jiang Hao was very satisfied as he felt the abundant energy in his body. After all, in order to break through the bottleneck and break through to the Martial Emperor Realm, the accumulation of Genuine Element was not something that he could compare with before.    


"Next is the divine ability, the illusion realm has been created. I wonder what it will transform into if it is upgraded to the Sixth Level illusion realm!"    


Jiang Hao looked at the System Panel with anticipation in his heart.    


"System, consumption of skill point, upgrade divine ability: Illusion realm creation!"    


"Yes, host."    


"'Ding, consumption of skill point: 100,000. Divine ability: Illusion Creation successfully upgraded to Sixth Level, transformed into Great World Arts! '"    


Great World Arts: One of the 3,000 Great Daos. When cultivated to the extreme, one can create a world with a single thought!    


As the system notification sounded, the sound of the Great Dao instantly appeared in Jiang Hao's mind. It was truly mysterious and profound, it was the Gate of Profundity!    


Finally, an image appeared in Jiang Hao's mind. It was an image of a supreme figure casting spells for him!    


A huge hand covered the sky. With a wave of his hand, it broke through the endless chaos and created a world!    


Then, the endless Dao voices scattered. The headless figure disappeared, and everything returned to normal.    


After a long time, Jiang Hao was still in shock for a long time before he finally came to his senses!    


At the same time, the Genuine Element in Jiang Hao's body started circulating on its own. After devouring the energy that was injected into his body by the system, the Genuine Element in his body had fully accumulated.    


Following that, with a shake of his body, his cultivation level finally broke through to the First Grade Martial Emperor Realm!    


However, he was not happy that the cultivation level broke through to the Martial Emperor Realm.    


Because he was shocked by the power of the Great World Arts!    


"The Great World Arts, creating the world with a single thought...!"    


"Hiss ~!"    


Jiang Hao could not help but suck in a breath of cold air. There was actually such a forbidden divine ability!    


What shocked him even more was that this kind of forbidden divine ability was actually obtained by him!    


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