Martial Soul: Be a Saint

C18 Leaving at leisure

C18 Leaving at leisure

"Second Master Qin, I believe you won't miss your appointment, right?" Wu Hao arrived in front of Qin Long and said smilingly: "Speaking of which, there are quite a few noble stone practitioners!"    


When he said these words, Qin Long's facial muscles could not help but twitch. If he could, he really wanted to give Wu Hao a good beating. But today, his stone shop had been emptied out by the other party.    


"Young master, I, Qin Long, have always spoken the same way. You can rest assured." Qin Long looked at him, a strange light flashing past his eyes, but his expression did not change as he replied him.    


"That's good. Second Master Qin, please settle this debt for me!" Wu Hao smiled at him but did not say anything unnecessary.    


His purpose for coming to Qin Ying Jadeite today had already been achieved. When he obtains this sum of money, he will head to the external businesses of the Gu family ? ? Gu's gambling den!    


Since they were going to make a move, then he would take them by surprise and heavily injure both families.    


After all, the money he had obtained from Qin Ying's jade was not enough for him to make a comeback in the Wu family. It would be enough if he could make a comeback in the Gu family's gambling house.    


Qin Long did not answer, he turned around and looked at the workers behind him, and ordered loudly: "Go and properly count those Jade Jade Jade Jadeite s for me!"    


"Yes ?"    


Hearing this, the Shi Xing brothers walked forward to the mountain of Jade Jade Jade Jadeite and carefully counted them. During this time, the bell deacon came forward to set a price.    


All of the merchants and jaded item disciples had long since become numb as they watched this scene unfold in front of them.    


At the same time, they couldn't help but think, with such a large sum of money, could Bai Yi Scholar be safe after leaving the stone inn?    


Most likely, many of those present had long been envious of him. Even Shi Xing's Second Master Qin had arranged his opponent to have a backup plan based on his character.    


Thinking about it, it didn't seem wise to do something so high-profile.    


But, no matter how others thought about it, Wu Hao remained indifferent. He naturally had his own plans, and since he dared to come today, then he had a plan to retreat safely.    


Half an hour later, the sky outside had completely darkened. The guests inside the stone shop had already left one by one, leaving behind only a small amount of people who were still watching from the sidelines.    


And after an hour of counting, the final amount of wealth that Wu Hao had obtained from opening the stone was over five million gold notes.    


When the person in charge of the stone shop, bell deacon, reported out a set of numbers, Qin Long immediately asked him.    


"Young master, do you think we can purchase your Jade Jade Jade Jadeite with 5,490,000 gold?" Qin Long looked at him and slowly asked.    


When he said that, Wu Hao smiled at him, then slowly opened his mouth and answered: "Your bank's purchase price is generally low, but as the saying goes, those who achieve great things do not care about small matters, my master has a large quantity, so I will not care about the small amount, let's settle it according to what you have said!"    


Wu Hao's face was not red but his words made the muscles on his face twitch once again.    


However, he was someone who had seen a lot of things. Although he had seen Bai Yi Scholar's boasting in his life, it wasn't something that would cause him to lose face in front of others.    


An apologetic smile immediately appeared on his face as he replied, "Yes, yes, yes. Young Master's magnanimity has greatly broadened my horizons!"    


With that, he turned his gaze to bell deacon who was standing at the side with a big wooden chest in his hand, and said loudly: "bell deacon, give the gold bills to this Young Noble!"    


The bell deacon did not say anything and walked over with big strides with the wooden chest. The moment he handed it to Wu Hao, his face suddenly revealed killing intent, which disappeared in a flash of cold light.    


Wu Hao acted as if he did not see it, and accepted the huge wooden chest from him with a smile, then turned his gaze to Qin Long and smiled: "Second Master Qin, thank you so much!" With that, he slowly turned around, preparing to leave.    


But right at this moment, Qin Long suddenly spoke out, and said to him: "Sir, do you not plan to open up and see if the number of gold notes is correct?"    


Once he said that, Wu Hao's body paused, he slowly turned his head and smiled sinisterly at him, and replied: "There's no need to look, I believe in Second Master Qin!"    


With that, he turned and left Shi Xing, waving his sleeves, causing Qin Long and the bell deacon to look at his back as he left.    


"Second Master, where do you think this kid got his confidence from?" bell deacon's face darkened as he asked in confusion.    


Qin Long's face darkened, he pinched his chin, thought for a moment, then replied: "This brat has some strength, so he is naturally confident, but he came prepared, and might have people supporting him, thus he is not worried!"    


"Then what should we do?"    


"What else can we do? Send more people and inform the Qin family that we will not allow any money to flow out of the imperial city or out of the imperial capital!" A cold light flashed across Qin Long's eyes, and he left with his hands behind his back.    


bell deacon stood in place and thought for a while, then quickly left as well, leaving behind the other customers who were originally watching the show, and started to ponder.    


"Hehe, I'm afraid there's going to be a good show tonight. That kid actually dared to take a gamble with the Qin family. He's really daring!"    


Their eyes were red, and they couldn't help but sneer in their hearts.    


Furthermore, carrying a five million gold bills wooden chest, Wu Hao noticed that after leaving the Qin Ying Jadeite Stone Gambling Bank, there were a few sharp eyes that were tightly staring at him from the shadows.    


A cold smile suddenly surfaced on Wu Hao's face. Suddenly, he found the right direction and used the Imperial Flight Technique, transforming into an afterimage as he sped away like a ghost.    


Not long later, ten black clad men appeared from the darkness, they looked in the direction where Wu Hao had left, their expressions filled with killing intent.    


One of the leading man looked at the direction Wu Hao left in, killing intent flickered in his eyes, he waved his hand and ordered coldly: "Chase, you cannot let him escape, if not ?"    


Sou sou sou ?    


Before his voice faded away, the black-clothed people who had gathered behind him had already fled and quickly disappeared into the night.    


The Eastern Street of the Imperial City, Nightless City.    


It was known as the Night, simply because this street was a place of joy for those who liked to live in the night.    


For example, restaurants, inns, brothels, gambling houses, etc. There were everything here, enough for people to play until dawn.    


Qin Long had imagined that Wu Hao would immediately leave the Imperial City, but that did not happen. His previous arrangements were for show, but in the end, the black-clothed men who followed closely behind Wu Hao actually discovered that he had arrived at Nightless City and even stopped at the entrance of the Gu's gambling den.    


After witnessing his actions, the expressions of the black-clothed members of the Qin Clan drastically changed.    


"Not good, this kid wants to enter the Gu's gambling den. Which one of you is going to report this to Second Master Qin?" The leader of the men in black turned around and asked the crowd behind him anxiously.    


The Gu's gambling den was a place that ate people without spitting out their bones. When one took the money in, they would not take the money out.    


They could care less about Wu Hao's life or death, but the money that was in his hands was the money that belonged to their Qin Ying Jadeite Stone Gambling Bank and Qin family. Once it fell into the hands of the Gu family, they could no longer take it back!    


"Boss, I'm going back!" One of the men in black quickly stood up and volunteered.    


"Alright, you go. The sooner the better. We must let Master Qin know about this as soon as possible. We'll go and delay it for a while!"    


"Don't worry boss, I'm going ?" "Whiz!"    


The man nodded and disappeared into the darkness.    


The remaining people exchanged glances with each other. With a flash, they entered a dark corner. When they reappeared, their clothes had already changed greatly.    


At this time, Wu Hao, who had just arrived at the entrance of Gu's gambling den and was preparing to enter, was stopped by a doorman who was guarding the entrance.    


"Where did this poor scholar come from? This is a gambling den, not a bookstore. Get lost!" The doorman shouted at him with a gloomy face.    




The next moment.    


He only saw a blur before his eyes, and Wu Hao, who had transformed into Bai Yi Scholar, suddenly raised his leg and kicked him flying.    


Wu Hao's face suddenly darkened as he coldly said, "I won't scram. If you know, you can let me take a look first!" With that, he strode into the gambling den.    


But before they had even taken a few steps, the guard who had been kicked away by him lifted his dizzy head and shouted angrily, "Bastard, you actually dare to kick me, I ?"    




His voice stopped abruptly, and he was once again kicked flying by Wu Hao. This time, he was here to step on the stage, so naturally he would not have a shred of pity.    


Behind him, the Qin family's martial artists who had changed their clothes greatly looked at each other when they saw this scene. They immediately came up with a plan.    


"Let's go ?"    


The leader waved his hand and led his men to rush up quickly, surrounding Wu Hao.    


"Who dares to cause trouble in my Gu's gambling den?" The leader of the Qin family stared at Wu Hao and questioned.    


Seeing them appear, Wu Hao's mouth twitched, and an evil smile surfaced on his face. He suddenly spoke: "This young master is a disciple of the Qin family, do you dare to stop me?"    


The moment he said that, the Qin family's martial artists were stunned, especially the leader. After he reacted, his forehead was covered in black lines.    


Originally, they had wanted to pretend to be the guards of the gambling den to stall for time. However, they hadn't expected that the other party would actually play such a trick on them.    


The Qin and Gu family were both one of the three great families in the capital.    


As members of two equally large families, under normal circumstances, they couldn't start a conflict without permission.    


No matter who it was, in front of absolute strength, once the matter got out of hand, both parties would suffer.    


Wu Hao had seized this loophole and seized the opportunity to enter, catching the Qin family warriors by surprise.    


"Humph, if you don't want to start a feud between the Gu family and the Qin family, don't stand in front of this young master!" Wu Hao's face suddenly sunk, he immediately pushed away the people in front and calmly entered Gu's gambling den.    


"Boss, this ?"    


All the Qin warriors did not expect Wu Hao to play such a trick on them. They immediately looked at the leader with hesitation.    


The head of the Qin family's martial artists looked gloomy. He couldn't think of a better way. He couldn't possibly have his own men fight with the other under the Gu family's name, right?    


If that was the case, it would not end well. This Gu's gambling den had too many eyes, if there was a problem, he could not afford to take it.    


Just as he was at his wit's end and didn't know how to proceed, the Gu's gambling den doorman crawled up from the ground and looked at them with a puzzled expression.    


"Everyone, you are ?"    


The moment the words left his mouth, the Qin family's martial artists' hearts shook, and their expressions immediately changed.    


The head of the Qin family quickly turned around and looked at the other side. His face suddenly darkened and he shouted: "Hmph, not only have you failed to recognize Mt. Tai, but you are also causing trouble for our Gu family's secret guards. Why don't you scram?"    


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