Blockbuster Son-in-law

C820 Amoeba

C820 Amoeba

Chen Hao was also confused by Chiang Tiancheng's actions.    


Did this kid stir up trouble again? But it didn't look like him either.    


"What happened?" Chen Hao asked doubtfully.    


"Aiyo, where have you been these past few days?!" You don't know, recently the Chuzhou has opened up a shooting-range, so many friends went over to play. "    


"I was thinking that Young Master Chen would definitely play with this thing. He actually didn't go over at the first possible moment. But who knew that after a few days of searching, I still couldn't find you! "    


"Well, I heard from Yang Binn that you're back, so I came to find you today."    


As soon as Chiang Tiancheng saw Chen Hao, he began to talk non-stop. It was as if he wanted to finish what he hadn't said these few days in one breath.    


Chen Hao was speechless.    


"So, you came to find me today to let me go with you to the shooting-range?"    


Chen Hao looked at Chiang Tiancheng with a smiling face.    


"That's right!"    


Chiang Tiancheng slapped his thigh and said, "Young Master Chen, get on the car first. I've already arranged everything. When we get to the place, you must teach me well!"    


After Chiang Tiancheng said that, he pulled Chen Hao into a nearby car without any hesitation.    


The car also started heading towards the suburbs.    


Chiang Tiancheng, who was still in the car, did not stop talking and kept talking to Chen Hao.    


"I have never touched a gun before. That brat from the Qin family has been showing off in front of me every day for the past few days. He's pissed me off."    


"Teach me two moves today and let me show off in front of him!"    


Chiang Tiancheng had a complacent look on his face. It seemed as if he had won by dragging Chen Hao along.    


At this moment, he was extremely excited.    


The two of them quickly arrived at the shooting-range at the outskirts of Chuzhou.    


There were luxurious cars parked at the entrance, which were rarely seen. Many young people were entering and exiting constantly.    


The young people who came here were not only the rich second generation from Chuzhou, because this shooting-range was the first seat in several surrounding cities.    


Many rich young masters in the neighboring cities would come over to play whenever they had nothing to do.    


No wonder when Chen Hao glanced over, he saw many unfamiliar faces.    


"Young Master Chen, this way!"    


When Qin Guan saw Chiang Tiancheng's car, he immediately called out to him.    


Wu Tie's head was filled with black lines. You brat, you sure know how to find a time. I finally managed to get Young Master Chen to come over, yet you directly came over to pick up the ready-made items!    


Chiang Tiancheng snorted coldly as he looked at Qin Guan with dissatisfaction.    


Qin Guan and Chiang Tiancheng had a good relationship since they were young, so they knew that the other party was joking. Without getting angry, he grabbed onto Chiang Tiancheng's shoulder and said with a chuckle:    


"Let's have a bet today. Under Young Master Chen's tutelage, whoever fights the most will get to treat Young Master Chen to a meal!"    


"Alright, it's a deal!"    


Chiang Tiancheng immediately agreed.    


Laughing, they walked into the shooting-range.    


The reason why the shooting-range was built in the suburbs was because it took up an especially large area of land.    


The decorations inside were extremely luxurious, and it could be seen that the owner of this shooting-range also had a lot of power.    


After the three of them changed their equipment, they headed straight for the target area.    


Just as he stood up, Chen Hao heard a mocking voice.    


"Qin Guan, did you not lose enough people yesterday?"    


"Did you come looking for trouble again today?"    


He turned around and saw a handsome young man looking at him with disdain.    


As he finished this sentence, the other young men who were obviously the same kind of young masters started to laugh.    


From the looks of it, they didn't seem to care about Qin Guan at all.    


After Qin Guan heard this, he coldly snorted and replied with an indifferent tone:    


"None of your business!" I don't have the time to bicker with you today! "    




The handsome young man did not seem to plan on letting Qin Guan go. He raised his hand and a gunshot rang out.    


A voice came from behind him, "Nine Ring Ring!"    


Hearing this result, the young man seemed to be dissatisfied and shook his head.    


He continued, "I thought you had ten rings, but nine rings isn't bad either."    


"It's always better than someone missing the target."    


"Hahaha!" The mocking laughter of the surrounding young people became even louder.    


Qin Guan was so angry that he ignored them and continued to adjust his own equipment.    


"Qin Guan, what's going on?"    


Chiang Tiancheng asked with a face full of curiosity. He hadn't come for a few days. It seemed like Qin Guan had been bullied by these people in the shooting-range?    


"It's just a bunch of rich second generation people in Dongshan City. Yesterday, I competed with that kid for a ring count, but I never competed against him."    


Qin Guan explained.    


"The one who said that just now, that guy is Ma family's Ma family's Ma Cai Zhe from Dongshan City."    


"Very arrogant. I wonder where he learnt his spear skills from. It's a bit amazing."    


"Haha, isn't he just the rich second generation from Dongshan City? Aren't you a fuerdai, why are you so afraid of him! "    


Chiang Tiancheng had a disdainful expression as he mocked Qin Guan.    


"I'm afraid of him? What a joke! I just don't want to cause any trouble for Young Master Chen. "    


"We came here today to play, there's no need to be unhappy about this kid."    


"What's more, this kid has a hand in it."    


Qin Guan retorted, unwilling to be outdone.    


"Enough, enough."    


Noticing that something was wrong, Chen Hao hurriedly tried to persuade her.    


"It's been a long time since I've had a gun. Have a good time today!"    


With that, Chen Hao aimed at the target.    


Pah! - He hit the target.    


"Eight rings."    


Staff reported the number of rings.    


"Young Master Chen, you're awesome!"    


"Young Master Chen is truly worthy of his reputation. He has achieved a good result of eight rings in the first shot!"    


Chiang Tiancheng and Qin Guan also directly blew a rainbow fart at Chen Hao, not stingy with their praise.    


When Chen Hao heard this, he shook his head helplessly. The first shot was just a test.    


You need constant debugging to get your true level.    


While the three of them were chatting casually, an inharmonious voice could be heard once more.    


Ma Cai Zhe sneered, not hiding the ridicule in his eyes. He said to Chen Hao:    


"Qin Guan, I thought you were going to find an expert today."    


"You were so happy when you only made eight rings?"    


"I've really never seen the world."    


Ma Cai Zhe sneered and raised his hand to aim at the bull's eye again.    


He fired the gun with a "pa" sound.    


"Nine Rings!"    


Hearing the number of rings on his back, Ma Zhe's face was filled with contempt.    


"Do you see that? This young master can just casually shoot out a single spear strike that is higher than any expert like you!"    


"With just this, you still dare to come and get back at me?"    


Ma Cai Zhe ridiculed, while the other young men also raised their hands and performed many eight or nine rings.    


Loud laughter rang out once more.    


"Is it very hard to have eight rings? Isn't it just eight rings for me to casually hit one? "    


"Maybe the people from Chuzhou have never seen the world before. They became so excited just by playing eight rings!"    


"Hahaha, how boring!"    


Hearing these people's taunts, the hot-tempered Chiang Tiancheng immediately clenched his fists, intending to charge towards the opponent.    


However, he was stopped by Chen Hao with a wave of his hand.    


Chen Hao looked at the arrogant Ma Zizhe and said playfully:    


"Do you want to make a bet?"    


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