Blockbuster Son-in-law

C1190 Slap Yourself

C1190 Slap Yourself

At this moment, Sun Qiang's face was extremely pale. He was already dumbfounded by the scene before him.    


He had never imagined that Wei Luoyu would appear in such a scene.    


It was fine if she didn't help him, but instead stood on Chen Hao's side!    


Who exactly was this Chen Hao?    


Sun Qiang's heart was filled with shock. His eyes were filled with fear as he looked at Wei Luoyu who was standing in front of him.    


"Sun Qiang, you are truly audacious!"    


"You dare to threaten even Young Master Chen!"    


"Is what Young Master Chen said true?"    


Wei Luoyu's eyes were extremely gloomy. She looked down at Sun Qiang, who had collapsed to the ground, and spoke coldly.    


Sun Qiang stared intently at Wei Luoyu, trying to find an answer from his eyes. However, to his disappointment, there was nothing else in Wei Luoyu's eyes other than coldness.    


It was as though Wei Luoyu was really considering attacking him!    


Impossible! He was a member of the Silver Feather Alliance!    


Sun Qiang roared in his heart and said to Wei Luoyu with a hint of unwillingness.    


"Young Master Wei! Wake up! Did this kid poison you?!"    




Wei Luoyu slammed his palm onto Sun Qiang's head with an expressionless face, interrupting his words.    


He spoke calmly and continued.    


"I am only asking you, is what Young Master Chen said true?"    


"Yes, it is true."    


Sun Qiang didn't dare to refute Wei Luoyu's words. He immediately nodded his head and replied.    


"Apologize to Young Master Chen!"    




"Apologize to Young Master Chen!" Wei Luoyu kicked Sun Qiang's body, her voice filled with frustration.    


She had already given Sun Qiang sufficient opportunity. If he didn't cherish it, he would have no choice but to give up on him!    


Wasn't the reason why he was so ruthless to Sun Qiang now to protect him?    


Hearing Wei Luoyu's unnegotiable tone, Sun Qiang instantly understood.    


With a bitter expression, he said to Chen Hao,    


"Young Master Chen, I was wrong!"    


"I shouldn't have offended you. Please forgive me for Young Master Wei's sake."    


Although Sun Qiang's voice was trembling slightly, everyone could tell that he was forced to apologize under Wei Luoyu's coercion.    


Upon hearing his apology, Wei Luoyu frowned.    


Without another word, she grabbed Sun Qiang's hair and pulled him toward Chen Hao.    


Ah! Ah!    


After being grabbed by Wei Luoyu, Sun Qiang immediately cried out in pain.    


Putting aside Wei Luoyu's identity as a martial artist, he had no intention of resisting just because he was his boss.    


Very quickly, Wei Luoyu threw Sun Qiang, who was in so much pain that tears were streaming down his face, in front of Chen Hao.    


She coldly said to him:    


"I'll give you one more chance. If I don't hear any more sincere words."    


"From now on, you're no longer a member of the Silver Feather Alliance."    


Hearing Wei Luoyu's words, Sun Qiang's heart was filled with shock.    


Although he didn't know who this Chen Hao was, he didn't know that Wei Luoyu would say such words.    


But what he was sure of was that Wei Luoyu was on fire now! He could feel that Wei Luoyu was not joking!    


Sun Qiang's eyes were filled with shock.    


It seemed like he had truly provoked a great Buddha today! The Chen Hao in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person.    


Thinking of this, Sun Qiang didn't hesitate any longer. He immediately turned around and kneeled down toward Chen Hao.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


In front of everyone, Sun Qiang didn't care about his image at all as he kowtowed to Chen Hao.    


While kowtowing, he begged for mercy from Chen Hao.    


"Young Master Chen! Young Master Chen! I know I was wrong!"    


"Just let me go like a fart."    


"I'm just a piece of trash. I wanted to show off too much in front of you. I'm just an ant in front of you. You can easily trample me to death."    


"There's no need for you to do anything. I'll get lost right now. What do you think?"    


Chen Hao didn't comment on Sun Qiang's pleading. On the other hand, Sun Qiang was right.    


In his eyes, he was indeed no different from an ant. There was no need for him to put him in his eyes.    


A casual step by a passerby could cause him to suffer great destruction. Even Wei Luoyu was merely a slightly bigger ant in his eyes.    


"Slap your own mouth thirty times, then scram."    


Chen Hao spoke indifferently. He no longer had any intention of teaching Sun Qiang a lesson.    


After saying that, he gave Wei Luoyu a deep look before leading Chu Yuvwei out of the room.    


Wei Luoyu was brought out by Chen Hao before he left. She almost scared him to the point his heart stopped beating.    


Fortunately, he could feel that Chen Hao's gaze didn't have much hostility.    


As Chen Hao left, the entire hall fell into a long silence.    


Other than the occasional applause from Sun Qiang Ba, everyone's eyes were filled with shock. None of them had walked out from the scene just now.    


This Chen Hao was definitely a terrifying figure with a powerful background!    


As for Feng Wei, who had offended Chen Hao the earliest, his legs had already gone limp. He secretly stood in the crowd and glanced at Wei Luoyu and the others from time to time.    


If it wasn't for the fact that his actions had attracted too much attention, he would have already planned to run away!    


He knew that Sun Qiang would definitely not let him off the hook.    


Whether it was because of him or Chen Hao, he would definitely find him to vent his anger!    


As for what kind of consequences Feng Wei would face in the end, Chen Hao didn't care at all.    


To him, Feng Wei wasn't even as good as Sun Qiang. The fact that he was able to look at the other party had already given him a great deal of face.    


At this moment, Chen Hao and the other two arrived at a quiet place outside the courtyard.    


Chen Hao squatted down as well and smiled at Dian Dian.    


"Dian, is this place fun?"    


"It's fun! There are so many children here!"    


Dian Dian's eyes also revealed a hint of liveliness. It seemed that she had been very happy just now.    


Since everyone's attention was on Chen Hao, not many people paid attention to Chu Yuvwei along the way.    


This made her dare to relax a lot in her heart.    


"Hubby, I'm sorry for troubling you."    


Chu Yuvwei regained her senses and said to Chen Hao with a face full of guilt.    


If it wasn't because she wanted to come out to take a breather, Chen Hao wouldn't have been humiliated like this.    


"What does it have to do with you?"    


"Who doesn't like being outstanding? The more outstanding you are, the happier I am."    


"You don't have to feel guilty about this, much less apologize to me!"    


"If I can't handle this, how can I be your husband?"    


Chen Hao smiled and held Chu Yuvwei in his arms.    


Chu Yuvwei felt relieved when she heard Chen Hao's domineering words.    


Soon, the birthday feast of the Shen family head began. However, Chen Hao looked at Chu Yuvwei and Dian Dian's relaxed expression.    


He had also made a temporary decision not to attend.    


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