Supreme Stock God

C1762 Invite vampire

C1762 Invite vampire

Hearing Yu Zhengyu's words, Zhou Hao could not help but frown: "What situation is this, for your Dong Family to plan to take revenge in the stock market? "Could it be because of the previous incident in Macau, that they were unwilling to give up?"    


"It's not just about Macao. Actually, they had already taken action in Hong Kong's stock market before, but it wasn't as ridiculous as this time. They only wanted to take advantage of you, but your sudden appearance ruined their plans."    


Yu Zhengyu curled his lips and said: "If it's revenge, then back then in Macau, they already took action."    


"No wonder. I was wondering why Dong Family had always regarded me as a thorn in my side. It turns out there's actually such a reason." Zhou Hao suddenly had a sudden realisation. His Dong Family had already become enemies with him two years ago.    


If not for the enmity he had with his previous life, even if he had some conflicts with the Dong Family, at most, it would only be a battle between factions, and it would never become a place of life and death for him. Now that he had heard Yu Zhengyu say this, even if he did not view them as his mortal enemies, they would come to him sooner or later.    


He had only wanted to save the market in Hong Kong, but he didn't expect such an outcome. Of course, if he was given another chance, he would have done the same thing without hesitation.    


Not to mention that as Chinese, not only did they not support Hong Kong's economy, but they also wanted to take advantage of the chaos to rob Hong Kong.    


Yu Zhengyu had only just been confirmed as the successor to the Big Boss not long ago, it was obvious that he only found out about this matter now. Otherwise, he would have told Zhou Hao about it when they were at the Macao stock market.    


They all knew, that although they did not catch hold of the Dong Family's concrete evidence at that time, they also knew that the mysterious three billion was definitely the Dong Family's funds.    


"What kind of experts did they invite this time? It actually gave Dong Family such confidence, and it even said that they're planning to leave China." Zhou Hao asked Yu Zhengyu as he thought.    


Yu Zhengyu shook his head: "You think too easily of these questions, the Dong Family in China can also be considered to be an intertwined power, and there are quite a few families.    


They are different from your Zhou family. They only have two generations of children, father and son. They are from the third or fourth generation, so it is not easy for them to leave this country.    


"According to speculation, they are planning to make a huge profit on the stock market this time and then grasp a few economic lifeline. Even if they are unable to fight against the country, at least they can make other leaders wary of them. As for how they will develop in the future, that is hard to say."    


Zhou Hao's heart trembled. As the person in charge of the First Army, Yu Zhengyu did not dare to say anything rash. However, his intentions were already clear.    


Although Yu Zhengyu's words were simple, according to the power of the current Dong Family, with enough funds, if he wanted to make a big move, no one could say.    


According to normal calculations, in the year 03, Boss Hu would take over the position of number one in charge, but if someone wanted to interfere at this time, it was hard to say. After all, it wasn't a sensitive period yet.    


However, if he wanted to do something, he would have to do it a few years earlier. He knew from the network of his previous life that many things had been decided a few years before the transition.    


If Dong Family really did take some big action at this time, there was a chance that the trajectory of history would change. Since he had experienced so much now, he had long ago doubted that history would follow the direction of his previous life.    


He wasn't a person that could change the entire world, and the butterfly effect wasn't that great. However, the world he was currently in, was it the same as his previous life?    


Zhou Hao didn't dare guarantee it. After all, he hadn't seen the Special Ability User in his previous life and didn't know if there really were creatures like vampires or not.    


If this wasn't the world of his previous life but a parallel world, then anything could have happened. In order to avoid getting out of his known trajectory, more importantly, he couldn't let Dong Family truly succeed.    


That way, he would definitely not have a place to stay in China. This kind of result was not something that Zhou Hao could accept, he calculated in his heart, and it seemed that he would have to go all out this time.    


Yu Zhengyu did not speak, he only looked at Zhou Hao and thought. He knew that a smart person like Zhou Hao would definitely understand what he meant.    


As the successor to the Big Boss, he was definitely being branded by the Zhou Sect, who gave him rewards. If Dong Family were to succeed, then he would either disband the First Army or have someone else take responsibility.    


They couldn't let a single unstable factor exist. This was something that everyone understood.    


"Zhengyu, you don't need to say anymore, I understand what you mean, Dong Family people are doing this against the country, I will definitely try my best, furthermore they will definitely deal with me, since they have chosen the stock market.    


It must be against me. Did they invite experts from other countries? " Zhou Hao said to Yu Zhengyu after pondering for a long time.    


"Mn, according to my investigation, it is said that he invited an expert from the Mi Country. He will bring along his own people and when the time comes, he will do his best to help the Dong Family.    


It is said that this expert rarely goes down in the stock market, and is even not weaker than the Goldfinger Soros from before. " Yu Zhengyu nodded, and then explained.    


Just by listening to Yu Zhengyu's introduction, Zhou Hao had already guessed who the other party was. Someone with this kind of strength was definitely Buffett, without question, he was not as famous as he was in his previous life, nor was he considered to be a Stock God.    


But even so, his strength was clear to see. It was just that he did not expect Buffett and the Dong Family people to join forces, this was truly a headache.    


Yu Zhengyu understood Zhou Hao very well, upon seeing him frown, he knew that the matter was not easy to settle. He could not help but ask: "Do you know who this man is, and how difficult it is to deal with him?"    


"I really do know who he is. This person is indeed hard to deal with, he is not only weaker than Soros, he is also stronger than him. Even if I were to face him, I do not have the confidence to win."    


Zhou Hao nodded his head, then reminded him: "Back then in the Macao stock market, we met, and we were almost tricked by him."    


"It's actually so dangerous, no wonder the people from the Dong Family dared to take action this time!" Yu Zhengyu frowned, these things were not his forte, even if he wanted to help, he would not be able to.    


Zhou Hao saw that Yu Zhengyu was worried, and laughed: "You don't have to worry, although the other party is not friendly, I am not someone that is easy to deal with. At that time, can we win a match on the stock market?    


It still depends on the situation at that time, but I have to think of a way to lure the flames of war to the Mi Country s side, so that they can't cause trouble here in our country. "    


"That's for the best. Our country is under macro-control, so there won't be any economic crisis. However, if we are to become a battlefield here in our country, there will definitely be some losses." Yu Zhengyu agreed with Zhou Hao's thoughts.    


"Let's not talk about this for now. Go back and find someone to pay attention to the matter of the stock market. I will pay attention to the matter of the stock market. The key is those special experts."    


If they were to enter the country, they must know that their harm is even greater than economic ones. These experts violate the general objective law. " Zhou Hao thought for a while, and still did not forget to remind Yu Zhengyu.    


As the person in charge of the First Army, Yu Zhengyu was naturally able to handle some ordinary experts. Even if the Supreme Expert appeared, he could still take care of them for a while.    


"Don't worry about this, because this is an important matter, the Special Operations Organization has already sent people to help us, and that is the Old Mr Liu that we saw last time.    


He has brought several experts with similar strength as him and is already overseeing the First Army. If anything happens, it will definitely not be a problem. " Yu Zhengyu nodded.    


Zhou Hao had a certain level of understanding towards the Special Operations Organization's team. No matter what, he was still a nominal instructor there, even though they could not all be considered to be Supreme Expert's instructors.    


In fact, the biggest threat this time was not these s of the Extreme Stage, but rather those experts of the Light Pope s and War God of Mi Country s level.    


The fact that the Light Pope could come to China was slightly out of Zhou Hao's expectations, and at the same time, brought along quite a bit of pressure. With Zhou Hao's current strength, he really didn't have the confidence to deal with the situation.    


After Yu Zhengyu finished speaking, he once again reminded Zhou Hao and left. Zhou Hao knew that his university life was probably going to end soon.    


In the end, it would implicate those around him. He did not think that people with Dong Family would not tell them where he was.    


With so many people thinking about him, even if Zhou Hao could guarantee that he would be able to escape safely, he did not want them to meet him, because at that time, there would definitely be a lot of implications.    


After Yu Zhengyu left, Zhou Hao immediately dialed a number from Europe. Since his Church of Light had already moved, then his own reinforcements should also move. If not, this alliance would not have any meaning.    


When he left Europe, he had also memorized the phone number of the emperor of the Isabella Sler, the old vampire emperor who had decided to join hands with him to fight against the Light Pope.    


Zhou Hao had never forgotten that this was a super fighter. As long as he was there, Zhou Hao would have a better chance at dealing with the Pope.    


"Hello, I am Isabella Sler, who is this?" As Zhou Hao was thinking, Isabella Sler's voice had already sounded. He didn't know who had called, and even spoke in English.    


Zhou Hao did not waste any words, and directly spoke in Chinese: "Mr. Isabella Sler, long time no see, I am Zhou Hao!"    


"Mr. Zhou Hao, so it's you. It has indeed been a long time since we last met. Why did you suddenly think of calling me?" Isabella Sler changed his language very quickly and immediately spoke with fluent Chinese.    


Towards this old vampire, Zhou Hao did not have much good feelings towards him, nor did he have any bad feelings. This was probably the result of their cooperation, they were not friends.    


However, because they had the same interests, their relationship became even more harmonious. This was truly hard to say.    


"Mr. Isabella Sler, you are in Europe now, so you must have been paying attention to Light Pope. Have you not noticed anything special about him?" Zhou Hao did not waste any words, and directly mentioned the Light Pope.    


Isabella Sler was silent for a while, then he said to Zhou Hao, "Mr. Zhou Hao, you should know that we all hate light.    


Even if they were concerned about Church of Light, if they didn't take action, we would basically not be able to find out about their plans, so is there a situation? "    


Zhou Hao thought to himself, you are truly trash, to still think of dealing with Light Pope like that, if he were to make a sneak attack, I wonder how big of a loss he would suffer, but he said: "There is indeed a situation, and it is said that Light Pope is thinking deeply.    


"I'm planning on coming to China to have a look, and it seems to be related to me, so I'm thinking about what kind of reception I should give him."    


How could an old fox like Isabella Sler not understand what Zhou Hao was saying? With an agitated voice, he said, "Zhou Hao, is this information accurate?    


Light Pope, that old fellow is really going to China? "    


"The source of the information is definitely reliable, regardless of whether you believe it or not, I believe it. I just want to know, what kind of advice does Mr. Isabella Sler give me, and how should I receive the Light Pope as my host?"    


Zhou Hao first confirmed for a moment, then asked.    


Isabella Sler was silent for a moment, before he said in a deep voice, "Mr. Zhou Hao, I feel that as a landlord, you should be treated well, and treat this well.    


If you do not have enough manpower, I feel that with our good cooperative relationship, I can provide you with some manpower. No matter what, I cannot let Light Pope say that you are not friendly enough! "    


Zhou Hao secretly competed in his heart. Although he said that Light Pope is an old geezer, the real old geezer should be you, right? A vampire that was over a thousand years old, how could ordinary people compare to him?    


He was quite satisfied with Isabella Sler's attitude. Both sides had agreed to work together to deal with Light Pope, since he couldn't help but come to Hua Xia.    


He really thought that the Special Ability was the strongest in this world. Amongst all the known experts, Zhou Hao thought that the Taoist Ling Mu would not be weaker than him.    


"Mr. Isabella Sler, I am very grateful that you asked them to help me, but I feel that you should personally come. After all, if I am the only one and Light Pope feels that the weight is not enough, wouldn't it be disappointing?"    


Zhou Hao laughed and continued to speak: "What's more, it's said that this time the War God of Mi Country is also going to visit China, and all of the world's top four are already in China, don't you want to join in the fun, Mr. Isabella Sler?"    


"What, War God of Mi Country is actually going to China as well? It looks like I really have to make a trip. Since when did War God of Mi Country and Light Pope start walking together?" Isabella Sler was truly moved this time, he did not expect it to be like this.    


He did not know if the War God of Mi Country and the Light Pope were walking side by side, but he knew that Isabella Sler would definitely not be able to sit still.    


If he and Chief Li could not resist the joint attack of Light Pope and himself, then maybe the next person they would be fighting would be Isabella Sler.    


There were only five top-notch experts in the world, and they could be considered to be from two different factions. Isabella Sler could only choose to help Zhou Hao.    




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