Supreme Stock God

C1750 Wine table

C1750 Wine table

Zhou Hao had always been a person that was easy to talk to. Since Ma Lingling was Mao Youjiang's big sister, and the other party had already made such a request, he could only agree to it.    


Seeing Zhou Hao's nod, Ma Lingling knew that today's meal was probably Zhou Hao's treat, and immediately said with a smile: ", you're really considerate, if you still want to treat me next time, you can call me, I'll definitely give you face, and I'll definitely treat you today's meal."    


Zhou Hao laughed involuntarily. This girl was clearly very cute, yet her words were actually very straightforward and straightforward, if he did not interact with her, he really did not know what kind of character she had. However, Zhou Hao felt that only with such a personality could Mao Youjiang be controlled.    


Since there were three new arrivals, their table was no longer suitable for them to continue. They could only transfer to the private box, and after the seven of them took their seats, the menu would naturally fall into Ma Lingling's hands.    


She did not stand on ceremony as she probably felt that the girls had the right to order more. She merely asked a few people if they had anything they wanted to eat and they had already started ordering.    


She was obviously a regular customer and was very familiar with the various dishes here. She quickly ordered a large table and waited for the waiter to finish.    


Then, he smiled and said to the crowd, "You have pretty good eyes. This restaurant is quite a good restaurant nearby, and many students come here to make sacrifices for their teeth."    


"Sister Lingling, although you are older than me, you are younger than my brothers. Don't be so haughty, alright? I feel that I have lost face!" Mao Youjiang could not help but ask when he saw Ma Lingling looking like an experienced person.    


Ma Lingling immediately opened her big eyes wide, looking at Mao Youjiang with dissatisfaction: "Youjiang, could it be that you're acting arrogantly the moment you leave home. Your parents told me that you have to listen to me while I'm here, otherwise I'll report back to you and cut off your allowance."    


After pausing for a moment, he looked at Zhou Hao and the other two: "Even if I'm not as old as you, I'm still your senior. I'll say a few words to all of you, do you have any objections?"    


Zhou Hao and the other two felt that they were just lying on the ground. No one wanted to participate in the conflict between the brother and sister, why was it that they took it out and said it out?    


Ma Lingling nodded in satisfaction, then said to Mao Youjiang: "There's Jiang, look at them, they don't have any objections, I'm a senior in the first place."    


Mao Youjiang secretly gave his three brothers a look of disdain, but in the end, he received three looks of contempt in response. He still wanted to look down on Zhou Hao and the other two for not having the slightest bit of fortitude, but the three of them despised him for not having the courage to use his brothers as a shield.    


Zou Mingli and Dong Biao were initially very amiable towards the four of them. After sitting down and chatting for a while, they were no longer interested in the four of them. After all, they came out to eat with Ma Lingling today.    


His main goal was to get closer to Ma Lingling, not to mention the four of them. Other than Mao Youjiang and Ma Lingling who were slightly related to him, the other three had no value at all.    


In order to get close to Ma Lingling, the other three didn't even need to look at him directly. All they did was try to please Ma Lingling, which made it hard for Zhou Hao and the other two to roll their eyes.    


Even though they knew that they could fall in love in university, and that it was freer to do so, doing so made them feel unnatural. After all, they were celebrating everyone being in the same dorm in school, but now that they were chasing after Ma Lingling, the nature of their relationship changed.    


Zhou Hao was experienced and knowledgeable, so it didn't matter much. After all, he had encountered more obvious things than this.    


As long as they used normal methods, even Zhou Hao would not say anything. and Dong Biao did not seem to have any problems, and he and Ma Lingling were not related either, so it was better to not say too much.    


The other three were different, even though they had no relationship with Ma Lingling, being ignored like this was not comfortable, not to mention that Ma Lingling had already said that she was Mao Youjiang's older sister.    


All the young people had this thought. Even if this girl was not their close friend or girlfriend, if someone was chasing after her, they would all be unhappy, not to mention that Ma Lingling was a beauty, they did not like Zou Mingli and Dong Biao too much.    


As a boy from the Northeast, Wu Zhengxiong was the most straightforward person. As soon as the dishes were served, he said, "Waiter, give us a bit of a bar. It's already university, so you should drink some wine.    


After saying that, he did not care about the opinions of others and directly said: "Isn't it popular Second Rookie here? Just give us six bottles first, one for each of us. "    


After he finished speaking, Wen Zhengming immediately understood what he meant and quickly agreed: "That's right, men are after all, they always need to drink some wine. The six of us men should have more or less one bottle each, it's not enough for later."    


The two spoke very quickly, not even giving the others a chance to react. And the people present, regardless of whether they had ever drunk wine before or not, they all knew that even though this was not a strong alcohol, if an ordinary person were to drink a jin of it, they would still choke on it.    


Ma Lingling, who had previously mentioned Mao Youjiang because of the drinking, now stood up to speak, but Mao Youjiang was already a step ahead. "Big Sis Lingling, today is our first reunion, let's get to know each other then and there.    


It's fine if I drink. In any case, I haven't reported it to the school yet, so there's no need to delay it. You're afraid that I won't have enough alcohol.    


He was the most familiar with Ma Lingling, and the attitude Zou Mingli and Dong Biao had towards him also made him most unhappy. Even though they called each other brother, they were at least childhood friends.    


Even if it couldn't be said that there was love, seeing that the two of them were chasing after Ma Lingling, he decided to make a move.    


Even though Ma Lingling had always thought of herself as Mao Youjiang's older sister, and didn't really care about everything else, since Mao Youjiang had already said this much, Ma Lingling hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, then let's not do it for the next time. Also, this time you can't drink too much, give me half a bottle of your bottle."    


"It can't be, Sister Lingling, I thought your family didn't allow you to drink? You could also be considered to be secretly drinking wine like this, right? " This time, it was Mao Youjiang's turn to be surprised.    


"Nonsense. Other than being an accomplice, how could I not inform you? Anyway, it's decided. If you don't want half of it, then I won't let you drink it. You decide." Ma Lingling was very determined.    


Mao Youjiang had no choice but to listen to Ma Lingling. Wen Zhengming, Wu Zhengxiong and the others didn't have any objections either, they split the bottles like this, but their goal wasn't to target Ma Lingling.    


They were looking at Zou Mingli and Dong Biao. Since no one was clear about their alcohol tolerance, how could the four of them not drink together?    


Zhou Hao was an old man, moreover, he was a silent person, it was obvious that he did not want to speak, but since he did not object, even if he could not drink too much, one bottle of Erguotou should not have much of an impact.    


Everyone was intelligent, but when they heard about the second pot head, Zou Mingli's face had already turned ugly. Even though Dong Biao did not have much of a reaction, a strange light flashed across his eyes.    


They probably wouldn't be very willing, so the crowd guessed that their alcohol capacity should be limited.    


This kind of one catty of white wine was neither too much nor too little. As long as one was not a good drinker, they would definitely feel a little uncomfortable after drinking it. If the alcohol content was poor, they might just get drunk.    


The most important thing was that they could not shrink back in front of the beauties. Ma Lingling had already said that she would drink half a bottle, and the others were all only drinking one bottle, how could they bring themselves to refuse? Even if they knew that they would be lying on the table after drinking it, they could not refuse.    


Zhou Hao naturally understood their little tricks, but he only smiled inside. In his previous life, he had also done this before, in order to get whoever he wanted to drink the most, he would need a lot of wine. As for the outcome of this, it wasn't important.    


Even if he had to drink a thousand cups, he wouldn't be able to get drunk. He could play with Wen Zhengming and Wu Zhengxiong however he liked, and if they couldn't hold on, he would also be responsible for taking care of the two men opposite him. It would be the same for him.    


Zou Mingli's attitude of a senior was very high, and his juniors would not like him too much. Although Dong Biao appeared to be more enthusiastic, he was gloomy, and would not easily be liked.    


Since no one had any objections, the waiter immediately served everyone wine. This tour was not considered big, but there were all kinds of good wine, and the reason why Wu Zhengxiong and Wen Zhengming ordered the Erguotou was because other than being the more commonly seen wine in Beijing, it was also because they were relatively strong.    


The Erguotou wine was spicy and not soft. If it wasn't a person with a certain amount of alcohol, it would be easy to drink, but it was also a person with a lot of alcohol.    


The Red Star Second Pot was actually a type of wine that many people disliked. Especially in the north, where it was popular, this type of wine was more suitable for getting drunk.    


The waiter dutifully placed a bottle of wine on everyone's table. After questioning everyone, he opened all the bottles. As long as he didn't lose face, all the bottles in front of him would be gone.    


Drinking in the north was different from drinking in the south. In the south, there would be some relatively exquisite wine cups. In the north, most of them were just cups.    


Very quickly, everyone's cup was filled to the brim, even the girl Ma Lingling was no exception.    


According to the rules at the table, naturally someone would bring up a cup of wine. This kind of thing was supposed to be done by the host, but this time, the host was Ma Lingling after all.    


A few people's gazes naturally fell on Zhou Hao. Even if he was a senior, he still wouldn't be considered the master today. They were only guests.    


Zhou Hao also knew that it was definitely his turn now. He had come with a lot of wind and waves, so he naturally wouldn't be afraid at this time.    


He picked up his wine cup and smiled, "We are destined to gather here from all over the world, and we are destined to be brothers with each other. We will definitely help each other in the future."    


After pausing for a moment, he continued, "Furthermore, we still have to thank Senior Ma Lingling and Senior Zou Mingli for welcoming us here. I won't waste any more words either, everything is in the wine, I'll be taking my leave first."    


According to the usual style of drinking wine, different from beer, white spirits should be drunk on small sips, but after Zhou Hao finished saying that sentence, he drained the entire cup of white wine in front of him, and even made a downward motion, meaning that I have finished it.    


Even Wu Zhengxiong and Wen Zhengming who were drinking were stunned for a long time. Although they wanted to drink Zou Mingli and Zou Mingli down, they did not do so without hesitation.    


He did not expect Zhou Hao to be so fierce, to not make a sound when he suggested to drink, all the way until he poured wine, but now, he suddenly revealed a fierce side.    


All of the brothers in the dorm knew that Zhou Hao came from Guangdong, so they thought that even if Zhou Hao could drink wine, he wouldn't be able to do so in such a huge amount.    


Since Zhou Hao was already in the lead, the rest of them had no choice but to follow along with it. Furthermore, the other party had already said everything that they wanted, so no one would be able to reason with him.    


Zhou Hao saw these boys drink up their cups of wine as if they were drinking medicine, and then stick out their tongues and exhale.    


Since he wanted to play, then he might as well play it big. After all, the ones who would be out of luck in the end would definitely be Zou Mingli and Dong Biao.    


The five boys were complaining in their hearts, but they did not flinch at all and drank all the wine in their cups. What surprised Zhou Hao the most was Ma Lingling, this girl had actually gotten rid of the wine in her cup as well.    


Actually, he should have said that girls were casual, but he thought that most girls wouldn't even be able to compare to men. Even if he hadn't said it himself, she wouldn't have drank it.    


Furthermore, when he thought about Mao Youjiang's situation, he unconsciously glanced at Ma Lingling's temple. Previously, he did not pay too much attention to this girl.    


Now it seemed that this girl also had an internal force, and the situation was at least higher than Mao Youjiang. It was even close to the level of when he first met Yang Jiabao.    


At this time, Zhou Hao understood in his heart, the relationship between Mao Youjiang and Ma Lingling might be related to the same martial arts. For a seventeen or eighteen year old to have such cultivation, the two families should not be bad.    


He took the lead and started drinking a cup, and the scene gradually became more lively. After all, Wen Zhengming and Wu Zhengxiong were still around, and they would not be let go.    


Mao Youjiang also jeered at them, but because of his identity, Zou Mingli and Dong Biao could not refuse, and even drank the most with him.    


The first time Zhou Hao drank wine, he drank a cup. It was as if he had subdued everyone, and no one had ever asked him to drink wine. Even if the people from his dorm wanted to drink wine, he would have had to add, "Just casually".    


With regards to the situation, Zhou Hao did not care about it at all. At that time, his goal was to bring the atmosphere of the banquet up and pave the way for Wen Zhengming and Wu Zhengxiong.    


He allowed them to unleash their powers to their heart's content. Who cares about Zou Mingli and Dong Biao's wine, he could see through the intentions of the two, he was not drunk even after drinking a thousand cups.    




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