Supreme Stock God

C1741 Patriotic scientist

C1741 Patriotic scientist

Zhou Hao and Hong Ye were riding on the plane to Hong Kong, they did not expect to meet the people who robbed the plane. Although these people were all normal people in their eyes, they had a lot of weapons in their hands, which was a huge threat to the people on board the plane.    


The most important thing was that their goal was obvious, it wasn't for money at all, but to kidnap a doctor on the plane named Fang Zijing. This doctor's name sounded like he was a Chinese, but as for his nationality, Zhou Hao and Ding Min didn't know.    


This time was not like Zhou Hao's previous life, where all aspects of China's development were good, and many of the Chinese who went abroad would return. In 2000, this era had many talented doctors and scientists abroad.    


Some of these people want to get good treatment in foreign countries, but most of them are because they have better research conditions in foreign countries that make it easier to achieve their results.    


Zhou Hao and Hong Ye did not attack, but they did not know what kind of situation Fang Zijing had lost to, or whether he was worthy enough for them to attack.    


Zhou Hao was not a nationalistic person, but he did not have any good impressions towards those who admired and loved abroad. No matter how capable he was, he had forgotten the most basic of morals, and the morals would be disregarded by others just the same.    


His examination of women was very rude, but he clearly did not take advantage of them. On the other hand, it was different for men. At the very least, if there was any 'beautiful' man, he would definitely take advantage of them.    


Even though men wanted to vomit, no one dared to act rashly before the muzzle of the gun. Being assaulted by someone was at least better than being beaten to death.    


Although this African man was a bit excessive, he would not do something so infuriating as to do it in public. Furthermore, the leader, Peter, would not allow it as well. He had long been dissatisfied with the African man taking advantage of people.    


"Hey, Black Ghost, can you hurry up? This plane is already flying towards the Mi Country, if you still can't find the person before we arrive, then the problem won't be easy to solve." Piet was cruel and bloodthirsty, and the blacks had a unique interest. Neither of them was a good bird.    


He was probably a person who didn't like to talk, and he was even the leader of the group. As long as he looked at the crowd with his gun and did not let them do anything unusual, then it would be fine. After all, the plane was already in their control.    


As for the air police, these kind of people had already been taken care of by them long ago. Other than messing around with the air stewardesses, they could also be useful in dangerous situations.    


On the contrary, there were very few of them. These people had gotten their hands on this job through relationships and were just eating and enjoying themselves. Who would've thought that they would actually encounter a plane hijack? They could only blame their bad luck.    


The direction of the black man's inspection was more suitable, they did not need to pass Zhou Hao to find Doctor Fang Zijing, and Zhou Hao and Hong Ye did not need to rush to do it, if not, Zhou Hao would not be able to do it even if he wanted to.    


Furthermore, as the black man got closer and closer, Zhou Hao could clearly feel that Fang Zijing's breathing was accelerating, and it looked to be about the same as the others' reactions. However, Zhou Hao could clearly feel that he was more nervous than the others, and his heart was very clear that his makeup would definitely be exposed by the black man.    


Zhou Hao and Hong Ye were constantly paying attention to Fang Zijing's situation, and with his strength, he was also paying attention to the situation in the other parts of the plane. Actually, when they checked here, the other parts were also doing so, but there were less people in the other parts of the plane.    


Soon, they were sure that there was no one they were looking for, and they could roughly guess that since Fang Zijing was going to put on makeup and board the plane, he would at least keep a low profile.    


The black man wasn't fast, but he was still in front of Fang Zijing. Fang Zijing was scared silly, he hugged his assistant tightly, looking like a man trying to protect a woman.    


However, no matter how much he behaved, the black guy still had to check him out. He also laughed and said, "Haha, don't think about protecting your woman anymore. Don't worry, I'm not interested in women.    


According to normal circumstances, a man would definitely be taken advantage of by a black man, and then, he would be so embarrassed that he would die. Other than Zhou Hao and Red Leaf, the others probably felt the same way, no one wanted to take another look.    


Just as the black man's hand touched Fang Zijing's face, preparing to check if he was wearing makeup, Fang Zijing suddenly flipped his wrist, using a type of very small and exquisite one.    


However, he quickly grabbed the gun in his hand. Before the African man could react, he twisted his hand and a "kacha" sound was heard, accompanied by the African man's miserable scream.    


Zhou Hao and Hong Ye looked at each other. This was clearly not the first time had acted so neatly, and the most important thing was that he did not have any internal energy.    


Otherwise, they wouldn't have such an attack speed. This made Zhou Hao and Red Leaf feel like they had misjudged Fang Zijing.    


Fang Zijing broke the black man's hand that was holding the spear, and at the same time, naturally grabbed the gun that he was holding onto. Back then, when Zhou Hao had met with the robbers in Macao, he had also taken care of the other party, so the current Fang Zijing was naturally not as powerful as he was at that time.    


However, once the gun in the black man's hand was in Fang Zijing's hands, his disadvantage immediately changed into his advantage. A normal person would not be able to bring their gun on the plane.    


No one knew how these robbers managed to board the plane with guns in their hands. Previously, Fang Zijing didn't have a weapon in his hands either, but now, the spear was in his hands.    


Before Peter and the other Caucasian man could react, Peter had already pulled the African man in front of him. He said in a cold voice, "Peter, I hope you all stop doing such crazy things. I must go to Hong Kong.    


If you don't agree, I don't mind making a hole in this Black Ghost's abnormal head. You all must believe in me, even God cannot save him. "    


Using the black man's huge body to block himself and his assistant, even if someone wanted to plot against them, it would be impossible. Furthermore, his hands were steady, no one doubted that he could really do it.    


The situation had turned for the worse. Other than Zhou Hao and Hong Ye who were secretly observing, they were all dumbstruck. They did not expect Doctor Fang Zijing to be so harsh.    


When he was about to be discovered, not only did he steal the gun, but he was also threatening him. The black man's face was filled with pain; apparently, he had lost his wrist and could not take it anymore.    


"Doctor Fang Zijing, don't get too excited, we invited you back this time for your own good. Your research results will not be accepted by others in China, and returning to China will not be of any help to your research." Peter asked calmly.    


"You should know that China doesn't give that much importance to biotechnology. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been lacking in biological weapons all these years. After you return, they definitely wouldn't care too much about it.    


And they're a very human rights country, and they won't give you the chance to do that. "    


Although Peter was tall and sturdy, his persuasive abilities were not bad. What he said was not only what Fang Zijing was worried about, but also what all the researchers could not bear. The importance that the country attached to science and technology was far inferior to that of foreign countries.    


More importantly, the country was a place where people ranked above others in terms of resources. Even if he had the results of scientific research, he might not be able to stand out.    


Moreover, what kind of complicated network would there be? As for the reason for a scientist's development, it was already not an easy feat for Fang Zijing to choose to return.    


After Fang Zijing heard his words, he hesitated for a moment. After a few seconds, he opened his mouth and said, "Peter, I know that they asked you to come and bring me back.    


Even if there is any problem with my country, I will not be able to develop a weapon against my country for other countries to use. No matter how long I am here, I will always be a Chinese child. "    


"You damn Chinese, you should know that you haven't developed at all over there. If you really go back there, then your entire life's hard work will be gone." Hearing Fang Zijing's loud and clear words, Peter was obviously a little angry.    


Fang Zijing chuckled and said: "Peter, you are a mercenary, and you don't have your own nationality. You don't even know that sense of belonging to your homeland, but I do, and I'm a Chinese.    


"I will always be the son and daughter of the country. If it was just ordinary scientific research, I definitely wouldn't reject it, but if they wanted to make weapons against the country, I definitely can't go back. Even if I die, I would not hesitate to do so."    


At this time, Zhou Hao and Hong Ye did not need to listen to it to know what was going on with Fang Zijing. He must have some research results that the Mi Country government had set their eyes on.    


To use his research results on the military, and with Mi Country constantly researching weapons to deal with China, Fang Zijing definitely knew their goal.    


As a patriotic scientist, his research could be used in many areas, but it would never be used against his own country's military. No matter how one looked at it, Fang Zijing was still a patriot.    


Regardless of whether it was his own emotions or his identity, was sure that he had to save Fang Zijing.    


His father was the head of the national political department, the Big Boss of First Army. If he saw a patriotic scientist saving his life, he would not be able to pass this stage.    


However, he wasn't in a hurry yet, and saving people needed to be done at the right moment. Anyway, they were still in the process of persuading and rejecting him, so he didn't need to worry at all.    


In order to prevent Fang Zijing from being in danger, he had even secretly pointed out his finger. The Caucasian mercenary, who was standing in the back row and staring at them, was stopped by Zhou Hao, unable to move.    


Zhou Hao was proficient in poking points, it was just that he did not have many opportunities to use them, with his current improvement in cultivation, it would not be difficult for him to point points across space.    


There were only three mercenaries in the cabin, one black man was held in Fang Zijing's hands and another white man was secretly held at the back of the cabin by Zhou Hao. Although he could still be used as a deterrent, he was definitely not dangerous.    


The only one left was Peter. He stood opposite Fang Zijing and did not pose any threat to him, so he could only rely on persuasion.    


Just then, Peter said: "Doctor Fang Zijing, although you don't want to go back, the plane is about to reach the Mi Country, you have to go.    


Even if you hold Black Ghost in your hands, you should know that using our own people to threaten us is completely useless. As an international mercenary soldier, you should be prepared to die at any moment. "    


At the same time, the black man also shouted, "Peter, don't worry about me. You have to catch him. If you have the ability, then just let him shoot me. God damn me."    


"Sorry, you can't go to heaven. Someone like you with your hands covered in blood can only go to hell, and you will be tormented. You Black Ghost pervert."    


Fang Zijing was a normal man, he detested Black Ghost's hobbies. When he heard Black Pot's words, he unceremoniously tapped the black man's head a few times with the butt of his gun.    


Peter quickly stopped Fang Zijing and said, "Doctor Fang Zijing, we really don't dare to kill you. But you have to think carefully, the assistant by your side is still in danger, all we want from you is for you to research."    


"Peter, you don't have to threaten Doctor with me. Even if I die, I won't agree to let him go back with you. You can use his research results to harm people."    


Although Fang Zijing's doctor was a woman, speaking to Peter with such confidence and righteousness was truly heroic and unyielding.    


"Very good, Little Li. This time when we return to our country, we will get married and let these Mi Country people that we have seen die." Although Dr. Fang Zijing looked like he was only in his thirties, he was in fact nearing his forties.    


To be so bold now, you could see that he was going all out. Everyone could see that the situation had already reached a point where they either forgot or were you going to die.    


They were all ordinary people, and even though they admired Fang Zijing's patriotism, they could not help. The rest of the people from the other nations even secretly cursed him, for the sake of a doctor, to involve the rest of the people ?    


Zhou Hao and Hong Ye were different from ordinary people. They were well-informed, and since Peter was able to chat with Fang Zijing in front of so many people, he had no qualms about it.    


It was definitely because they were not afraid of people revealing their secrets, and on this plane, how could more than half of the Chinese people not reveal their secrets? Then the answer would be simple.    


Either they were prepared to kill everyone, or they were put under house arrest. No matter how one looked at it, they would definitely lose their freedom or even their lives in the future.    


Even if they weren't acting for the sake of a patriotic scientist, Zhou Hao and Red Leaf could only act. They knew that if they didn't act now, the change would be even greater.    


Just then, Peter suddenly remembered something. Black Ghost, who was standing in front of Fang Zijing, opened his eyes wide. Although he had said that before, he did not expect Peter to really shoot him.    


"Alright, the people who are in our way are gone, aren't you going to surrender now? For the trash that you can catch like this.    


We don't need it at all, and it just so happens that without him, we can also get more money. Dr. Fang Zijing, thank you very much. " Pitt blew the muzzle of his gun and smiled.    


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