Supreme Stock God

C1716 Arrangements for su lin

C1716 Arrangements for su lin

Zhou Hao clearly knew that Su Lin wanted to use her own reputation to let some famous people participate in the Asia Television Limited's carnival, so he couldn't blame Su Lin. It was a good thing for Zhou Hao that the development of his Asia Television Limited was even better.    


In fact, he had always felt a little guilty. Although Su Lin's parents had already agreed to have a relationship with him, they still wouldn't be able to see it in public. Actually, after he married Zhao Yuqin, the other women were basically not allowed to see it in public.    


Now that it was a carnival, letting others know the relationship between him and Su Lin was a good idea as long as Zhao Yuqin did not come out to cause trouble. Other people might not know that she was already married, and even if they did, so what?    


Zhou Hao's attitude made Su Lin very satisfied. Although she did not say anything, she believed that Zhou Hao definitely knew that he was still able to support her in such a way. Clearly, he was treating her very well.    


She had never thought that doing so would increase one's Asia Television Limited, and it would just be helping Zhou Hao, so Zhou Hao should listen to everything she said. When the two of them were together, although she was older than Zhou Hao, she had always been arranged from Zhou Hao's side.    


The person who had similar thoughts as her, was Liang Xiaobing. Since Zhou Hao was going to participate in this carnival, then it was definitely because he was with the two of them, and she believed that Zhou Hao couldn't possibly only be accompanying Su Lin. Furthermore, even if he only wanted to be with Su Lin, she didn't agree.    


In any case, in the Hong Kong entertainment circle, even if Zhou Hao could not cover the sky with one hand, at least if he wanted to keep the news from going out, no one would be able to spread it. No matter how evil they were, there were only a few people in Hong Kong who were stronger than Zhou Hao.    


This time, if it wasn't because Asia Television Limited and carnival could only be considered a matter of the entertainment circle, and because there was no need for the media, Su Lin would have invited them as well. As for whether or not to ask the executive officer of Hong Kong to join, he should also have the ability, the number one television station in the viewership ratings could actually affect the entire government.    


Time flew by quickly. In the afternoon, Zhou Hao initially did not want to make things difficult for them, but Su Lin and Liang Xiaobing did not agree. After all, this time they had taken the initiative to push Zhou Hao in front of everyone, and even if they could not shock him into taking four seats, they had to at least make everyone look very handsome. He was not only their boyfriend, but also the boss behind the Asia Television Limited, a shareholder in the Wireless Television Limited Stage.    


Although Zhou Hao was not the kind of person who did not mind the small details and did not pay much attention to appearance, he had been very busy recently and did not spend too much time or effort on cleaning himself up, so he could still be considered to be a handsome guy.    


This was especially so since his strength had risen above the peak. His height had decreased a little, and his skin had become even whiter, causing his temperament to be even more unique, so even if he wasn't tidied up, he would still appear to be extraordinary. Otherwise, when going to Wu Dang Mountain, he wouldn't have been able to attract Yu Kexin's attention without doing anything.    


Right now, Su Lin had brought Zhou Hao to a particular stylist of his own so that he could straighten it out a little, and even though he normally thought that women could give people a sense of experience, Zhou Hao was still able to achieve such an effect.    


Zhou Hao was not a flawless, beautiful man, but he gave people a very unique kind of charm. A few years ago, he was very famous in Hong Kong, and could be considered a top handsome guy.    


Not only was his temperament that surpassed the Supreme Expert attractive, after experiencing many things, the maturity that did not belong to someone of his age made people feel that there was a very contradictory feeling, but this contradictory feeling was also very attractive.    


"I'm a bit regretful now, I shouldn't have dressed you up like this." After Su Lin looked at Zhou Hao, she was stunned for a minute before being able to say that sentence, but Liang Xiaobing who was at the side also nodded her head seriously, it was clear that she thought the same, that Zhou Hao's Charm was too high, and that it was not a good thing.    


Zhou Hao laughed involuntarily, "What kind of mentality is this? Previously, I said that my image was too casual and was not suitable for me to attend official occasions, yet now, you say that your sect regrets because of me, you guys have changed too quickly."    


Even though you said that, but who would have known that after you tidied up, your image had changed so much that it looked completely different from before. Even if you didn't say anything, just standing here is enough to attract bees and butterflies. Liang Xiaobing revealed what Su Lin was thinking.    


Su Lin agreed with Liang Xiaobing. If it was anyone else, she would not be this worried, Zhou Hao was not an ordinary person, but this guy was simply a pervert, and there were probably more than ten women in the open and dark already. And each of them were absolute beauties.    


If the two of them wanted Zhou Hao to show off tonight, and let him get taken away in the end, they would have suffered a great loss. However, there were too many beauties in the entertainment circle.    


Although Liang Xiaobing was a famous Jade Lady Star, with her development in movie and television shows, and her limelight at the moment, everyone knew that the reason why she had such a day was because she was Zhou Hao's woman. Whether it was the wireless or Asia Television Limited, they would all provide her with an opportunity.    


A film company like Jia He and New Oriental would naturally give Liang Xiaobing more face. Even on the continent, with the existence of Polaris Entertainment, Liang Xiaobing would not have to worry about development on the continent.    


Forget about Liang Xiaobing who was a beautiful star with excellent acting skills, even if she was an ordinary actress, with so many opportunities, it could not be said that she would at least have a decent development. This was a principle that everyone understood and no one doubted.    


Zhou Hao's charm was limitless, and as the big boss of Asia Television Limited and the owner of the place who worked wireless, how could those female celebrities avoid his charm? Although there weren't many that were more beautiful than Su Lin and Liang Xiaobing, there were also quite a few that were worried that Zhou Hao might not be able to resist the enticement.    


Although the two girls were worried, Zhou Hao could guess, for all they were thinking, Zhou Hao did not know whether to laugh or cry. If it was a few years ago, when Zhou Hao was faced with the temptation, he would have been slightly weaker, even if something were to happen to him, he would not have rejected them. But now, he was completely different, not to mention having a wife and children, even if he had so many women, he would not be merciful.    


Zhou Hao had experienced that year of amnesia before, and his personality had already changed greatly. He only wanted to cherish the people around him, but of course, if he truly met a woman that could move his heart, he wouldn't be able to resist her. For example, back then Xiao Zhao, he definitely wouldn't have thought of hunting her down.    


He didn't explain any further, but just smiled and said, "If the two of you are worried, then I'll return to my original state. I'm a better talker, so I'll just listen to you."    


"Don't change. Right now, it's pretty good. Although you were rather handsome before, it's not formal enough. Today, so many people have come, so you cannot lose face." Just as Zhou Hao thought, as he had just finished speaking, Su Lin was already dissatisfied.    


Liang Xiaobing also laughed at the side: "You don't need to say anymore, it's settled now, there's not much time left anyway, we can just go directly. If you don't want to be caught by the reporters, you need to go in earlier."    


The venue for the celebration that Asia Television Limited had set up was a theater in the Asia Television Limited. After all, there were more people here this time, and as for the person in charge of the feast, they had specially invited them to do so. Even if they did not lightly interview the reporters this time, with such a huge matter, they would definitely not be able to seal off the news.    


If Zhou Hao did not want to reveal his identity, he could use Asia Television Limited to get into the theater earlier. Even if anyone saw him, he could only be this invitation guest, but as for the reporters, they could not even touch a hair.    


Zhou Hao was indeed a little surprised with the venue this time around. Normally, it would be held at a hotel, for example, the previous wireless New Year gala would be held at some large hotels, so even if there were a lot of people, it could still be placed there. He did not know what Su Lin was thinking this time.    


Su Lin seemed to have read Zhou Hao's thoughts, and laughed: "This logic is actually very simple, let's go to the hotel to celebrate, not to mention whether or not we can guarantee that the reporters will sneak in, the effects of this advertisement, will be extremely huge. Whichever hotel we go to, isn't it supposed to advertise to, and by then, everyone will know their name."    


"Isn't that good? That hotel should give us a sponsorship fee. I think every hotel would like that. " Zhou Hao nodded.    


"Of course, every hotel in Hong Kong is willing to do this profitable business, but why should we give them the chance? Although our Asia Television Limited is the best in the viewership ratings, we have been suppressed by the wireless the entire time. It's been so many years, and with great difficulty, we managed to turn the tables, but even so, many people do not think well of us." Su Lin also nodded, and then explained.    


"The Asia Television Limited has always been the second largest television station in Hong Kong. Even though it defeated the Wireless Television Limited Stage during the time of hero Huo Yuanba's Heaven Silkworm Transformation, that was nearly twenty years ago, and it was only for a short period of time." Although she was a star, because of the relationship with Zhou Hao, she understood him very well.    


Zhou Hao acknowledged and asked: "Then what do you guys intend to do this time, is it true?" Actually, he already understood a little, he was only pretending to be confused.    


Su Lin did not care whether Zhou Hao had guessed it or not, and directly explained: "Actually it's very simple, this time we are holding a competition in the theater of our Asia Television Limited, turning our theater into a venue for the carnival, and also to let people outside understand our Asia Television Limited's strength, we are no longer the people from the past."    


In fact, Zhou Hao was the clearest about the changes in Asia Television Limited. From the moment he had taken over the Asia Television Limited, he had been constantly changing the situation.    


If not for Zhou Hao's strong financial support, how could they have become the number one television station in the viewership ratings? Even with so many good ideas, if not for Zhou Hao's help, they would not have been able to operate. But now that the viewership ratings had increased, to the spectators and some people in the industry who did not understand the situation, their Asia Television Limited was still not as good as wireless.    


Perhaps many people even thought that even though Asia Television Limited were flourishing this time around, that it would only be for a short period of time. If there were two good entertainment shows or two good television dramas in the coming year, then the Asia Television Limited would surpass them.    


Seizing this chance at the carnival, Su Lin was sure that she wanted to display a portion of their Asia Television Limited to the outside world. Although they had just turned their backs, they were already far ahead of their peers, whether it was the machines or the venues, they were both the best and most professional in the industry.    


If it wasn't for the fact that Zhou Hao was not interested in the movie industry, he reckoned that they would threaten Jia He and some of the other established movie giants. In the mainland, due to the fact that it was the North Star that was the number one film company in the continent, but because of the things that happened during that period of time, he directly separated the mainland and Hong Kong.    


Even so, his influence right now was still huge. Although Zhou Hao did not really interfere in the things of the entertainment circle, no one dared to ignore his existence, especially after he lost his memories and came back to settle the issue of Polaris Entertainment. This allowed the people in the industry to see Zhou Hao's methods.    


Based on Zhou Hao's current thoughts, he did not want to care too much about these things. He had more important things to attend to, and for the entertainment circle, it was only when he was young that he had casually done it because he wanted to pursue Liang Xiaobing.    


Now that he had handed everything to Su Lin, he was more at ease with Su Lin's abilities. In this year's carnival, he could see that Su Lin was a very good host, and anything that was beneficial to the development of Asia Television Limited, she would definitely think of it, even if it was just a carnival venue.    


He was very satisfied with Su Lin's arrangements, but was not very satisfied with some things. After the two girls finished talking, he shook his head and said, "We don't need to sneak in. Although I don't want to be interviewed by the reporters, it doesn't mean that I need to hide myself this way."    


The two girls were startled, Su Lin asked in confusion: "Zhou Hao, your words are a little contradictory, what do you mean?"    


"It's very simple!" "Since I've already agreed to let you join this year's carnival, we have to get off the red carpet. I haven't walked through it yet, but I don't want to be interviewed by those reporters. I just don't want to be too flamboyant and find it troublesome." Zhou Hao shrugged his shoulders and laughed.    


They originally thought that Zhou Hao didn't want to invite the reporters because he didn't want them to know about his existence. But now, they finally understood that Zhou Hao was just afraid of trouble, and the reason he entered with such a high profile was obviously because he wanted to show off his relationship with them.    




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